Percy Jackson meets the Aveng...

By icanthelpbutsmile

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Percy is excited for this summer to come, except everything spirals down hill and Percy Jackson's life is cha... More

Percy Jackson meets the Avengers.
Chapter 2: Our target.
Chapter 3: The meeting.
Chapter 4: New York City.
Chapter 5: The plan is in action.
Chapter 6: Capture Percy Jackson.
Chapter 7: Percy Jackson: captured.
Chapter 8: He's in.
Chapter 9: Loki's back.
Chapter 10: Loki wins?
Chapter 11: They dont know whats coming.
Chapter 12: We need weapons.
Chapter 13: The Interragation.
Chapter 14: "The Heaven god."
Chapter 15: A talk with Chiron.
Chapter 16: We got weapons.
Chapter 17: Fight me.
Chapter 19: I'm tired.
Chapter 20:

Chapter 18: That escalated quickly.

19K 563 108
By icanthelpbutsmile

Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson nor Avengers characters.

I hope this chapter makes sense, I had to look up a lot of stuff that there isn't that much information on.

Anyways, enjoy(:


Iron Man just managed to dodge Percy's sword in time as it lashed out on him.

"Fine, if you won't stop then I guess I'll play along." Iron Man said through his helmet.

He shot a few blasts at Percy, who easily ran out of their way.

"C'mon you guys! When do you plan to get serious?" Perseus teased.

Percy backed up in time to miss Black Widow's dagger. He planned on slashing back, when the ground started to shake.

"EVERYBODY STOP!" Percy yelled over the noise the helicarrier was making.

One by one they stopped and looked around for the noise.

Percy turned towards Bruce. "What's going on?"

Before Bruce could open his mouth to answer, a helicopter zoomed over them. Dropping heavy looking objects everywhere, making it look like rain.

The heavy objects slowly landed on the ship. But all to late did they notice that these were not objects.

Mutant shaped monsters were landing on the ship. They had a head of a dog and body of a seal.

"Telekhines? What are they doing here?" Percy asked in confusion. "No time to practice guys, you need to kill these guys. Now. They shouldn't be hard to fight, they're metal-workers. They shouldn't-"

Percy couldn't finish as a Telekhine came at him with amazing speed.

"What the-" Percy just barely managed to slash it with his sword.

Just like that Telekhine, all the other ones came dashing at them.

"Perseus, what is going on?" Thor asked as he smashed a Telekhine to ash.

"I have no idea!" Percy replied as he sent another three back to Tartus in one slash. "They are workers! They usually stay underground!"

"Then what are they doing here?" Black Widow yelled through the Chios.

"I don't know!"

The Telekhines wouldn't stop coming. All at once they attacked the Avengers with their teeth and burning skin. It seemed for each one they killed, another two appeared.

Something exploded to the left of Percy, causing him to loose focus and turn.

However that one second cost him, for a dozen Telekhines attacked him at once.

The Telekhines moment didn't last long though, as everyone discovered just what exploded.

The whole ship tilted to the right, along with everyone on it.

Telekhines were flying overboard, The Avengers were all gliding along with them. Except for Iron Man, who managed to get his jets working back in time to fly out of the way.

Much to their benefit though, The Hulk landed and crushed a couple dozen Telekhines as the ship tilted.

"What's going on?" Captain America yelled.

"They've caused the ship to loose a jet again!" Hawkeye answered back.

"If we loose another jet were screwed! Stark!" Black Widow shouted.

"Already on it! Gonna need your help again, though!" Iron Man grabbed Captain America without so much as a warning and sped off towards the broken jet.

"Surprised Perseus Jackson?" A a not-so-deep menacing voice echoed throughout the Helicarrier. It sounded as if it was using a clown voice almost. High pitched and raspy.

Percy looked around for the voice. "Who are you? Show yourself?"

The man did something that sounded like an insane persons laugh. The sound so terrible Percy couldn't help but wince. "Wouldn't you like to know, Perseus.

"Yeah, I kind of do want to know. But it doesn't matter who you are! I'll kill you for doing this!"

"Oh? Growing attached to these people already, Perseus." The man laughed again. "This is perfect!"

Percy kept looking for the voice. This thing was frightening him. He didn't know what to say.

The mans voice suddenly turned low and threatening. "This way you'll suffer even more for what you did for me. I'll kill your friends first and let you watch, slowly and painfully. Yes. Yes. YES." The man laughed again this time Percy covered his ears. The laugh kept getting worse.

"YOU'RE INSANE!" Perseus yelled at the sky.

"Why thank you." The voice was back to the first tone again. "Welp, I've rambled on long enough. Hm. Have fun dying!"

With that the voice disappeared, leaving nothing but the echo of his insane laugh floating through the helicarrier.

Percy was sweating fiercely, and not just from the battle or the heat.

Another explosion happened a second later. This time causing everyone to slide to the right. But everything was going down faster.

In a few minutes, everyone was going to be dead.

"We've lost another one!" Black Widow yelled.

"What do we do?" Hawk eye answered as he shot an arrow towards a Telekhine.

"We haven't heard back from Stark and Captain, yet! They're our only hope!"

Percy thought desperately. He wouldn't let anybody die. He wouldn't. He needed... He needed...


The ocean.

Percy could feel it. They were going to land in the ocean.

Percy smiled hopefully and closed his eyes.

'Hey dad, if you are there, we can really use your help right now. Uhm.... Thanks?'

Percy closed his eyes and focused.

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!

Percy felt a tug at his stomach that with each moment got worse.

They were two minutes from hitting the water when the pain got to intense. Percy screamed in pain.

Then everything went black.


Hey guys! Hehe... Long time no read?

Anyways, I didn't update before I cause I was in lacrosse and had exams.

But now it's summer! So I should update freely(:

Also I've read the comments (which were a lot- thanks guys!) and I know I have bad spelling and sometimes things don't make sense. But I do type on my phone so sometimes my phone autocorrects words and stuff like that. So I do apologize for the inconvenience!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know I did(;

Leave a comment and favorite pro favor :3

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