The Female Alpha

By jerpalmer99

172K 5.3K 518

Kaylee Anderson is in the Misty shadows pack. She was found one morning as a child, covered in the blood of h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Characters part 2
Chapter six
Author's note
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter 16

Chapter fourteen

5K 128 16
By jerpalmer99

A few months have passed since the incident where Kaylee had to put, her mate, and alpha Spencer in their place, and in present time, it was a cool spring day, and a couple of minutes to dawn. Kaylee was downstairs, and uad just entered the kitchen, the delicious scent of breakfast food teasing her nose. The chefs of the temporarily combined packs were cooking in the kitchen; and a grin formed on her face. As soon as the chefs realized her presence, all eyes immediately clicked to her, and all stopped what they were previously doing, and paid attention.

"Hello alpha!" Nicolette, the head chef of Midnight Dusk, greeted, in her slight French accent. "Good morning, Nicolette. Can you prepare a picnic basket for me? I am going into the mountainside for the day!" Nicolette looked ecstatic, and a grin that reached her eyes, popped up, onto her face.

"Yes ma'am!" She turned around near immediately, and narrowed her eyes at the other cooks. "What are you all standing around for?!" She demanded, "alpha is going out for the day, and you all are still standing doing nothing?! Get back to work!!" She snarled, as she grabbed a baguette, out of the bread bowl, and started calling out orders, threatening to beat the other chefs on the head if they didn't make the food tasty enough. I coughed awkwardly, as I looked at the extremely passionate chef, and walked out of the kitchen, and over to the large living room on the west side of the house; where she spotted Claire.

"Good morning Claire! I am going to go on an exploration of the mountain area around here, and I am placing you as temporary alpha for the day, in my place." I said, in a business like tone, looking at her. She nodded, in response to my statement. "Yes, alpha. I will report anything out of the ordinary to you, if any." She replied.

"Thank you." I said, and walked out, and nearly immediately, Nicolette ran up to me; a large basket full of food, in her hands. I took the basket from her, and grinned, placing a gentle hand on her upper right arm. "Thank you chef, have a good day. Tell me if Spencer, or my mate act up again." I said, jokingly. She laughed at the obvious joke, and nodded.

"Of course! I'll beat them with a baguette if they do as well!" She said, causing me to burst out laughing. "Please do!" I glanced at a clock on the wall, and then shifted my gaze back to the chef. "Well I should get going; I will see you later!" I said, with a grin, beginning to walk out of the house.

Once outside, I put the basket down, and shifted, stretching out my tense muscles. "It has been a while since we have shifted and had a proper run with time to ourselves; hasn't it Kaylee?" Midnight yipped, in excitement. "Indeed it has, my friend." I agreed, as I picked the basket up in my jaws, and took off, in a run.

I sighed, in happiness, as I felt the wind flow through my fur. I gave full control to Midnight, and she pushed all four legs quicker, closing in the distance between us, and the start of the mountain. As we began to climb the mountainside, Midnight began to leap from side to side, in order to avoid the trees as we passed by them quickly. We ran up the rocky slope, and glanced back once, seeing as rocks tumbled down the side of the mountain, as our claws dug them loose from the ground.

In what seemed like moments, we soon came to the top of the mountain, into a grassy meadow, full of white flowers, with willow, and pine trees in mini patches, here and there. A small creek, coursing through the middle of the meadow. I took back control, from a grateful Midnight, and trotted over to the creek, placing the food basket, by my side. I leaned my head down, and began to drink the clear, wonderfully crisp water, closing my eyes slightly, listening to the sound of the creek, and woodland animals move through the meadow. In seconds however, I was on the defensive, as a roar pierced through the skies.

I growled, and looked over the field, until it dawned on me what the creature the roar came from, actually was, and immediately calmed down, peering up into the sky. I saw as a large patch of clouds, broke, and a creature, the color of silver, and blue; standing at a magnificent size of about two, perhaps even three skyscrapers, flew through, and landed onto the ground; the ground underneath its massive feet shaking slightly. I gave a wolf smile, and shifted back to human form. "Hello, Alistair, its been years my friend. How have you been?" I asked, the great winged reptile.

He peered down, at me, at gave a chuckle. "I have been well wolf, and indeed, it has been at least 10 years since I left, yes?" He asked, still in dragon form. I nodded, and smiled sadly, remembering the precise reason as to why he left. "Yes, and I am sorry for the loss of your clan; I am glad you made it out, before the demons had wiped out the entirety of the dragon race." I spoke, venom laced around my words.

He nodded, "Do not be, I am sure there are others still around, whom we will find eventually". The dragon spoke. I nodded to him, and grinned as I remembered something. "Ah, I have been alerted that there are still living members of my former pack! They are scattered throughout the area now, however that is a given, as it has been many years since the accident that took out my family."

I told the dragon, his face changing into one of joy, and awe, as I further explained the newly gained status of my pack. Alistair shifted back into human form, and looked at me sternly, his emerald eyes piercing through me, as he thought about something. Minutes passed, until he finally let out a deep breath, and broke his gaze, looking up towards the sun, his fingers rubbing the slight chestnut colored scruff on his face. "Hmm.. It seems you have got quite an adventure seeking you out, am I wrong?" He said chuckling, as he glanced down at me.

"Mm, indeed I do. You as well, my friend; you should seek out the remaining members left of the dragon race, and recover your numbers; before the dragon race truly does become extinct." I said softly, sensing the anguish that Alistair was feeling coarse throughout his whole being. He sighed, nodding. "Of course, Kaylee. Now, when I return, my clan, as well as your pack will become allies." He said with a smile, which lasted a second, before his face hardened in seriousness.

"My dragon is wanting me to inform you that he senses a great danger rapidly approaching you, and your pack; Kaylee, so I want you to be on high alert; do not let yourself be seen as weak. Be wary of all who is around you, and do not let your guard down. I feel like you should prepare your pack for a war, wolf; I can feel the danger as if it were etched in my own scales." Alistair said quietly, as he glanced around. I nodded, as I felt Midnight stir from within, growling at those who thought we would be a pair to take down so easily.

I sighed, as I looked at the young dragon, and spoke again: "Alistair, you should go before you are seen by rogues, or even demons. The demons do believe your clan was the last; hell when everyone else heard your clan was killed, they believed all dragons were gone! When they went to your clans grounds, my god Alistair.. It looked like a graveyard.. It was a fucking massacre.." I said lowly, my wolf snarling in anger and disgust of the demons sins; my eyes beginning to glow amber in anger. The dragon smiled, placing a friendly hand on my shoulder, and let out a sad sigh. "Do not be angry, my friend. What they have done is in the past, and once I gather enough numbers, we will be the one's to wipe them out. Remember the saying: revenge is a dish best served cold?" He said, with a slight chuckle.

I nodded at him, before looking up towards the sky. I saw the sun had started to set, and my food had gone cold long ago: "Yes, now you should go; I as well. You have dragons to recruit, whereas I have packs to train." I smirked, before I got up, leaving the rest of my meal to him, and ran, shifting while running, sprinting off, as I raced back home to the packs. "Still the same badass I remember from when we were young." He yelled to me, with a laugh.
I heard him shift into dragon form, and the beating of his wings as he took off into the sky.

"Alpha Kaylee! The alpha, beta, and four fighters of the Nightshade Oak pack have just arrived, and want to talk with you immediately. The alpha refuses to leave without seeing you first, he says it is extremely urgent you both talk right now. Shall we allow them on the territory?" Silver, a pack scout, and protector asked, tension flowing through the link as he informed me. That is weird.." I mumbled. "Alpha?" He questioned, awaiting my answer.

"Sorry Silver; keep them there, I will call others to come and help you, until I get there." I replied, picking up my speed, as I turned quickly, and jumped off the edge of the mountain side, and onto pure rock.I leaped off giant slabs of rock, watching as smaller pebbles, and stones tumbled off with me, down the mountain. I put my head up into the dusk colored night, and howled, alerting the other alpha, I would be there soon. "I need three separate patrols of five each, to meet me at the edge of the territory. Mask your scent, and stay hidden. I need you there, just in case an attack occurs, Nightshade Oak has never came here before, and I do not know if they have brought backup. The rest of you be prepared." I alerted my pack, through the pack link. "Yes alpha!" replied the others. I got to the edge of the territory, and quickly masked my scent, and leaped up into the air, as I got into the shady protection of the forest, shifting back as I landed on a tree branch. I leaped from branch to branch of each tree, as I neared the others. "Do not alert them I am here." I told Silver, and Joseph the other guard. "Where the hell is your alpha?! Is this how she runs her pack?! How dare she call herself an alpha!! Is she afraid to face us?! Let us on your territory already!" A tall, ginger haired male, snarled from below, shaking as he neared a shift. "Sir, we are unable to allow you on. Our alpha gave us her direct orders to keep you off, until she got here. Now calm down, and wait patiently." Joseph said, a non-direct threat laced through his words. The male, who I easily figured was the beta, feeling the threat and disrespect from the lower ranked wolves, shifted into a russet colored wolf, hackles raised, and jumped at my guards; the fighters stepped forward, as they went to grab their companion, but backed down as the alpha put a hand in the air. In a split second, Silver had his large hands around the neck of the wolf, pinning him to the forest floor, and was snarling in his face. "I wouldn't start a fight if I were you kid, that would cause a pack war, wouldn't it?" Silver snarled, eyes beginning to glow, as his wolf quickly surfaced. I took the chance and leaped down from my hiding spot, onto the leaf filled ground, and pat Silver's shoulder gently. "Let the pup go Silver, before you lose your cool." I ordered the guard, and he nodded in respect, letting go, and backing off, going back to his post beside Joseph. The beta, scrambled to his feet, and growled at me, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Do you teach any of your wolves respect Alpha Charles?" I questioned the alpha, as he stood back and watched. The ginger and four fighters growled at me, the fighters shifting as I disrespected their alpha. I narrowed my eyes at the five wolves in front of me, Midnight growling deeply through me, my pack whimpering as they heard her. "Back down, before I make you all return home with severe wounds." I snarled angrily, unmasking my rank from the wolves, making the fighters submit nearly immediately, the beta, a minute later. I looked at their alpha then, and nodded at him pointedly. "What is it you needed Charles? We can talk here." I said, glaring at him steadily in the eyes; sensing his wolf stir uneasily.

He broke eye contact, and growled lowly underneath his breath for the submissive act. He looked back at me, silver eyes piercing through me, causing midnight to become angered as she felt the challenge come, and her green eyes quickly replaced mine. Wolves from both packs shuffled nervously, feeling a potential fight about to erupt between the two alpha's. I stared pointedly at Charles, and began to speak; "I suggest you avert your gaze Charles, unless you would prefer to start a fight that will end in your submission." I said authoritatively, nodding at the angered, yet nervous wolf in front of me. Our subordinates looked between the two of us carefully, waiting just in case a fight had began, and fight to protect their alpha.

I peered at the potential enemy in front of me, and I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms, as I let my eyes wander to the other wolves around us, informing him of the lower ranking wolves presence, and he caught on quick, because he froze, closed his eyes, and cleared his throat, readjusting the tie he was wearing, and opened his eyes again, to show blue eyes. He nodded in apology, before speaking again, "my apologies alpha Kaylee, can we take this talk somewhere else?" The older wolf said respectively. I smiled, and nodded, stepping back and to the side, leaning an arm out in front of myself, allowing him onto the land. Carefully, Charles and his wolves made their way onto Misty Shadows, and through mindlink, I told Claire to let Spencer know immediately of Charles arrival, and that there was no threat.

I guided the group back to the pack house; the five patrols of Misty Shadows, alongside Midnight Dusk wolves walking on the sides, and behind the wolves behind me from a respectable distance, as I tried making small talk. I opened the door to the pack house, and was met by immediate silence, pack members from both packs lining the walls, watching our guests carefully, curiousity evident in their eyes. I smiled at them, as I felt the tension beginning to build, and as soon as they saw me smile, they grinned back, the tension immediately desolving into thin air. I showed the wolves to the meeting room, and Charles intoduced me to his packmates. "Alpha Kaylee, I introduce you to my four fighters, Ian, Shawn, Lacey, and Derek, and my beta Cyrus." I smiled, shaking the hands of each, and as I got to the beta, my hands sparked, and I felt as if my blood had frozen itself solid. "What's wrong alpha Kaylee?" Cyrus asked, an evil, humoured tone, masked by a worried mask, in his voice, sensing my shock. I snapped out of my shock, and looked up slowly, meeting dark grey eyes, a smirk threatening to appear.

I narrowed my eyes at the suspicious, and likely corrupt beta, and snapped my hand back from him, as he began to tighten the hold. "Who is this man, Kaylee?! Why does he shake us to the core? I don't believe we've ever met him!" Midnight growls in nervousness, beginning to pace inside. Charles broke the awkward silence, asking if everything was alright, and I assured him all was well, and cleared my throat.

"Charles, come along with me to my office, you five stay here." I spoke authoritatively, and looked at Claire, and Silver, "keep an eye on the five, especially the beta, he's not a good man, I can't say why, but he gives me a very bad feeling." I commanded through the mindlink, and showed Charles to my office.

As we entered, I made sure the sound proofing was in place, and as I finished, I turned to the other alpha, and narrowed my eyes. "What in the hell is up with your beta?" I growled out lowly, intimidating the other alpha. "That's why I'm here; so what I am about to say is confidential and is to stay between us, and in this office, you may tell your high ranked as well. The only reason I've brought him is because I did not want him to become suspicious of me, so I said I needed to discuss gaining your help with our rogue problem. But the real reason is, I had realized he was sneaking out at night when he thought all was asleep, and came back with the scent of rogue. So I had a scout track him, hiding his scent, only to report back that he was meeting up with the leader of the rogues, and having them attack the packs, and is recruiting them to build an army to kill off your pack. Kaylee... He is the one behind the murder of your parents and your former pack. He is the one who had commanded it." He told me, sympathy laced in his voice.

All went white for a second, as I had a flashback of the massacre of my family, and as I did, I thought of the command by this beta to have them all killed, and my blood began to boil, and Midnight growled loudly from within, and began to fight me for control, I shook the room, as my anger was beginning to win, and I stormed out of the room, and back to the meeting room, where the wolves and the despicable traitor was waiting.

"You asshole! How dare you even call yourself a wolf! You murdered my family, and now, I will not let you leave! I will gain the revenge I have been seeking for many years, and avenge my pack and family! After I kill you, the rogues are next, and trust me when I say I will not allow any to survive!" I snarled through a separate mind link to Cyrus, a shocked and horrified expression on his face, and he fell out of his chair. "How did you find out?!" He yelled out, his four packmates looking at him confused, Charles put a hand on two, and told the others his fate, and I picked up the murderer by his neck and carried him through the house, and thankfully Spencer had the door to the pack house open for me, and I threw him out the door, watching in glee as he tumbled, landing against a car. He moaned, grabbing his head, before looking up, to see me closing in on him, walking slowly towards him, claws extending, as I began to shift. He scrambled to his feet, and ran, shifting in the process to a flame colored wolf, and I grinned murderously, and sprinted after the now, former beta.

"Shit! I should've covered my tracks better!! I'd better escape! I still have to get the order to the rogues to launch the attack on Midnight Dusk!" Cyrus thought to himself as he tried to escape the alpha who was gaining distance from him, refusing to believe he was about to meet his end. They got into the forest, when two rogues leaped out of the underbush to attack Kaylee, to save their ally, when suddenly the trees shook, leaves and small branches falling as Silver and Joseph leaped down and onto the rogues, killing one, and knocming out another. "We've got 'em alpha, kill that bastard!" Joseph yelled after me, as I chased Cyrus, and leapt onto his back, latching my jaws into the flesh on his back, taking him down quickly like a lion on an antelope, a yelp sounding loudly from him.

"We. Will. Kill. You." I growled at him, as I stood above him, pinning the wolf down, as he flailed, trying to escape me. "Why did you do it!" I snarled, leaning my head down, lips folded back, exposing my fangs, a deep growl in my throat, and I saw pure terror rise onto his face, as he laughed slowly. "Your pack was the strongest, after I killed them, I would have left my pack to lead the rogues to take out those who could pose a threat to me, I was going to become leader of the wolves but you ruined that! Your fucking parents just had to survive and take you. Damn Misty Shadows just had to save you, I couldn't have survivors who knew everything!!" He growled at me, eyes piercing through me. I laughed humorlessly, and put my face inches from his, "I will never allow you to do that pup." I spoke, before latching onto his throat, a yelp coming from him, as I ripped out his throat with my fangs, and the crimson of the blood sprayed onto my fur. His eyes soon glazed over, showing his demise, and a weight fell from my shoulders, and tears cascaded down my wolf face, as I finally killed the one responsible for the killing of my family, and grief overcame me. I howled broken, for the revenge long awaited for those I've lost many years ago, and Midnight Dusk, and Misty Shadows, howled along with me, in memory of the once grand, Whispering Stars pack. Soon, I would face the wolves who killed everyone I loved, as well as the biggest moment of my life.
Hey everyone, hope all is well! So sorry it's been a while, I know I promised a bit back to update, but I got a bad case of writers block in the beginning of the chapter, and it kept sounding wrong each time I had began to write it😅

Ah! I am wanting to know if anyone here would like to make me a cover for "The Female Alpha"!! Please message me if you're interested, and I'll send you my email! I'll hold it as a sort of contest, and the top three I will show off their cover ideas, and gove a shoutout too! Thank you!!

Here's a much needed, and super long chapter of "The Female Alpha"!! Hope you like it, stay awesome my friends!!


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