30 Day Challenge

By Miss-Atomic-Bomb

2.1K 140 50

So I decided to do a Thirty Day Diarturia OTP Challenge, so yaaayyy!! More

Video Games
On a Date
Wearing Each Other's Clothes
Hanging out with friends
With Animal Ears...
Wearing kigurumis
Ice Cream
Different Clothing Style
Morning Ritual
A Walk

Holding Hands

458 12 8
By Miss-Atomic-Bomb

Jeanne grinned, "Oh, I got a great one!" She clapped her hands together.

They were currently seated at a booth, in a small fast food restaurant. It was Saturday evening and the teenagers had nothing better to do than eat junk food and play truth or dare. Arturia had most obviously chosen dare because she's 'not afraid of anything'.

Cu had suggested stuff to Jeanne but they were much too absurd. It's best left unsaid.

"It better not be stupid," the blue-haired man sighed, "I have a feeling it'll be boring."

Jeanne narrowed her eyes, catching a glimpse of Diarmuid giggling, "Well, I'm sure everyone here will be satisfied!" She straightened up and lifting her chin in triumph, "It's genius!"

"Ingenious," the red-eyed male scoffed.

She proceeded to roll her eyes, "Alright then," she chose to ignore him, "I dare you..."

Arturia blinked, leaning forward onto the table as the curiosity got the best of her. She rested her head on her hands and tilted her head slightly.

"To hold Dia's hand!" Jeanne wiggled her brows suggestively.

"What?" Arturia gasped, "What?"

Jeanne had once overheard a conversation between Diarmuid and his 'brother from another mother'. She had not meant to over hear a single thing, but she hand been on her hands and knees looking for a four-leaf clover because Cu had said they were near impossible to find and she told him that nothing was impossible, which turned into a dare and this meant, she had wasted her entire day looking for the clover whenever she was not in class.

Now, I'm quite certain you want to know about the conversation she over heard, right?

They were seated at a fountain a few feet away while she searched the grass attentively when she recognized their voices.

"Are you ever going o tell her?" Cu groaned.

There was a pensive pause, "No, I'm sure she doesn't like me that way."

"Nah, son, you're Diarmuid, the one and only. Girls are brawling just to get noticed by you. Pretty sure she's just like 'em."

"No!" Diarmuid protested, "Arturia..." his voice softened at her name, "she's different, okay? She's not about the looks and that's always refreshing to see. She isn't throwing herself at me."

"Okay," the rougher of the two pouted his lips, "So you like her because she doesn't like you? I'm not sure I'm getting this straight..."

Diarmuid groaned, "It's not like that. I don't know. I just like her, okay? She's clever, petite, kind in her own way, and mind you, she can definitely beat me in a fight."

"You like her because she can beat you up?"

"Cu!" Jeanne heard some ruffling, most likely punches, "Stop being an Idiot. Gosh. Anyways, yeah, I like her, a lot. But hey, 'she's just another girl', right?" The underlying sorrow in his voice made her sad.

Diarmuid was already beat red, he made no sound as he simply stared at the girl who had made such a radical dare. Okay so, it wasn't that radical, but why was she doing this? Did Jeanne know Diarmuid's heart went wild just to be sitting next to the girl of his dreams? And yet she expected him to die just by holding her hand? Was she out of her mind?

"You heard me," Jeanne's smile stretched. She had been trying too damn hard to just to get these idiots together for the past three months and let me tell you, it is impossibly hard when two people are just so damn oblivious about the other's feelings.

You see, Jeanne also knew about the 'subtle' crush Arturia had on the handsome boy. She would catch her best friend looking the way of the Lacrosse vice-captain more than a handful of times.

"No, I actually didn't hear you," Arturia was shocked, visible too. Her eyebrows were raised and furrowed, the look in her eyes told Jeanne to change her mind and most important, her mouth was clenched to hide her anxiety.

"Oh," Jeanne giggled, "Sorry about that." She stretched a bit, "I dare you to hold Dia's hand. I mean, it's a small dare, but totally worth it."

Arturia was great at hiding her blush, Diarmuid, however, not so much. The male had already extended his hand, looking out the window so that the girl that made his throat dry and hands shake would not dare see his tomato-red cheeks.

"Fine. No problem." She shrugged.

She deserves an Oscar, Jeanne thought, a smile still stretching her lips.

Arturia extended her hand and rested it on Diarmuid's, looking down in the process, a light blush on her cheeks. Her heart possibly skipped a beat as her cool fingertips brushed against Diarmuid's warm palm. She felt a rather comfortable uneasiness in her stomach just as he wrapped his fingers around her hand.

"There, happy?"

"Very." Jeanne and Cu both chuckled.

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