Sherlock one shots x readers...

By Fantasielover394

654K 14.4K 6.4K

I created a couple of one shots (some a bit fluffy) in my mindpalace and wanted to share them with you. They'... More

A good doctor - John one shot x reader
Why are you crying? - Sherlock one shot x reader
Anything? - Moriarty one shot x reader
A helpful umbrella - Mycroft one shot x reader
Preference Christmas gifts
Doctor's order - John one shot x reader
Inspiration - Sherlock one shot x reader
Mine - Moriarty one shot x reader
Rain - Mycroft one shot x reader
preference comfort you
A/N please read
John one shot x reader - Shoulder taps and broken noses
Bored... Sherlock one shot x reader
I'm sorry Moriarty one shot x reader
Nightmares Mycroft one shot x reader
Preference How he calms you down
1K! A/N
Imagine Sherlock/John
Imagine Mycroft
Imagine Moriarty
Morse code -John one shot x reader
Leaves/Cold? Sherlock one shot x reader
Pizza delivery - Moriarty one shot x reader
Interruption - Mycroft one shot x reader
Preference - Where to go on vacation
Imagine- Sherlock Holmes
Imagine - John Watson
Imagine - Moriarty
Author's note, please read
Imagine - Mycroft
Back off Sherlock! - John one shot x reader
Just one nice picture MORIARTY
Sherlock season four
Wouldn't it be nice - Moriarty one shot x reader request @SaraCuoghi
Christmas preference - what would you be doing?
New Year Eve - Imagine for all of the characters
Sherlock one shot x reader - therapy
Moriary one shot x reader - no one ever gets to me
Just another funny picture
ANOTHER funny picture (sorry guys!)
OCD - Mycroft one shot x reader
BIRTHDAY! (&10K!!!!) PLEASE read
Thank you
Preference - Studying
Preference- Studying > John
Preference - Studying > Sherlock
Preference - Studying > Mycroft
Preference - Studying > Moriarty
A furry friend - John one shot x- reader
Greg Lestrade, requested by @Magic_and_books - six o'clock
20K!!!!!(and cute otter/hedgehog/polar bear)
Sherlock one shot x reader - Like a fairytale
Please help me
Thank you all so, so much
Bye! Catch you later!
I'm back! (and kinda in love)
Moriarty one shot x reader - How to overcome your fear
Preference - Apologising after an argument
Sherlock one shot x reader - The detective's hands
John one shot x reader - Springtime!
Mycroft one shot x reader - Cows
Moriarty one shot x reader - I didn't steal it!
Preference - The perfect drink
Imagine - John Watson
Imagine - Sherlock Holmes
Imagine - Mycroft Holmes
Imagine - Jim Moriarty
Imagine - All of them
John one shot x reader - In the middle of a warzone
Sherlock one shot x reader - Part two - The detective's eyes
Mycroft one shot x reader - How would you feel?
Moriarty one shot x reader - Happy Birthday Steve
Preference - How you calm him down when he's angry !!update!!
John Watson one shot x reader - It's after three
I have to ask you a question
I have decided
Sherlock one shot x reader - The detective's smile /the wedding
Jim Moriarty one shot x reader - A song
Greg one shot x reader -Requested - vacation
Requested preference - violence - JOHN
Requested preference - violence - SHERLOCK
I just got tagged!
Requested preference - violence- MYCROFT
Requested preference - violence- GREGGY
Preference -violence- JIM
John one shot x reader - the best way to stop a cab
A/N I need your help... again
I need your help... part 2
Sherlock one shot x reader - Sherlock, Sherlock, wherefore art thou, Sherlock?
Mycroft one shot x reader - Gladly
Graham one shot x reader - Granny and the Goose
Jim Moriarty one shot x reader - "Fearless?"
Preference - What to do with the little ones?
100 is a wonderful number, you should know that
John one shot x reader - My turn
Sherlock one shot x reader - Tom Hiddleston
Mycroft one shot x reader - Calmly counting colleagues
Greg one shot x reader - Deducing
Jim one shot x reader - Count Moriarty
Preference - how do you cope with the heat?
John request - Good ones
I am incredibly stupid
Sherlock request part 1
Sherlock request part 2
Sherlock request part 3
Love and stress
Sherlock / Loki one shot x reader - choose your own path
Sherlock request for @Maiya112002 - Be happy
Sherlock request - Such things
John request - A strong need
Jim Moriarty request - genius vs genius
Sherlock request @RavenWinterfell
Sherlock request - @CrystalCan1
I'm alive! (Well, sort of...) *skippable*
Christmas specials introduction
John -Christmas- a night to remember
Sherlock -Christmas- rockin' around the Christmas tree
Mycroft -Christmas- An intimidating Santa
Greg -Christmas- But baby, it's cold outside
Jim -Christmas- Christmas spirit
New Year's specials!
John - New Year's special
Sherlock - New Year's special
Mycroft - New Year's special
Greg - New Year's special
Jim - New Year's special
Just to let you know that I haven't been killed
Sherlock - Carnival special - I solved that case!
John - Valentine special
Sherlock - Valentine special
Greg - Valentine
Mycroft - Valentine
Jim - Valentine special
One more thing... (please read)
New news
Moriarty - On Death's face
Hello there!
Sherlock - eh...beard?
Sherlock - an urgent confession
John - Bentmut's curse
Mycroft - Mother's day special
Greg one shot x reader - Jump!
Author's note: requests
Request @CrystalCan1 Sherlock
Sherlock request - My personal ballerina
A huge thank you and love you
Request Jim Moriarty - @Ninni_dohn
Sherlock Christmas special
Sherlock - The Doppelgänger - Request
teen!Sherlock - Wholock request
Avengers+Sherlock request - A new team
Sherlock - My personal ballerina (Part two)
Sherlock - a pup to adore
An angel looking after you - Mycroft request
Unique - Sherlock request
Emotional - Sherlock request
All - A night to remember

Mycroft one shot x reader - Shakespeare and feminism

4K 139 105
By Fantasielover394


Just one thing: The quotes of Shakespeare are (very surprisingly) of Shakespeare, so not mine.


Mycroft looked up with an annoyed look on his face when I as my book out loud... again.

"Let my disclaiming from a purposed evil

Free me so far in your most generous thoughts

That I have shot mine arrow o'er the house

And hurt my brother!"

From the very moment Mycroft had given me the book I had asked for so desperately, he had regretted his actions. I had always been astonished by the many books Mycroft possessed and felt a great desire to grab one random book out of his shelf and read it, though he mostly didn't allow me to. My greatest desire was for the oldest books, like the original poems of Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson's incredible works, Gaston Leroux addicting stories or, of course, the works of William Shakespeare. And, after many days annoying him by begging for permission to read the old, valuable books, he allowed me.

He allowed me to read only one book so he left me with a difficult choice and I didn't know which masterwork to choose. Since I had already read many stories of my favourite writer, Edgar Allan Poe, I chose for Shakespeare this time. I hugged the papers surrounds by thick leather covers tightly and gave Mycroft a kiss on his cheek as a 'thank you' before I sat down on the couch with my newest companion to inspire me. I had chosen 'Hamlet' to read.

Mycroft thought he had finally silenced me, but that wasn't quite true. Instead of irritating him with my continuous 'please!' I now irritated him with the beautiful quotes when he was working.

'Can you just shut your mouth for ten minutes? I'm trying to work and Hamlet isn't really helping me.' Mycroft said with a calm voice but I knew he wasn't that calm on the inside.

'None can e'er silence mine voice, for these characters are too absolute to ignore, even for thy ign'rant ears!' I said dramatically. Mycroft looked at me with a frown on his forehead.

'Forsooth, I humbly beseech thee to forgive my most grievous transgression.' I said and smirked at him. He still had the frown on his face. 'I'm sorry, Myc. I'm just really happy with this.' His frown disappeared and he let focused on his work again.

I was glad he had forgiven me, but this was way too funny to stop. Some minutes stroke by. I decided to let Mycroft hear my next quote, making him sigh and to look at me again. 'What must I do to let you remain silence?' He asked.

'I'm glad you asked.' I said and rose. I placed the book on the couch with care and looked at Mycroft. Since we both knew that the fencing scene between Hamlet and Laertes would soon come, Mycroft already started to protest. 'I am not, I cannot, I will not fight you!' He said but I ripped one of the rapier hat were placed on the wall off it, and I held it with the point aiming at Mycroft. 'Come on, Myc, stop working!' I commanded and smirked at him. 'Will you be silence after our fight?' Mycroft asked and rose when I nodded. He started clearly irritated and not impressed;

 "I am satisfied in nature,

Whose motive in this case should stir me most

To my revenge. But in my terms of honour

I stand aloof, and will no reconcilement

Till by some elder masters, of known honour,

I have a voice and precedent of peace

To keep my name ungored. But till that time

I do receive your offered love like love

And will not wrong it."

I smiled proudly and watch Mycroft transforming his umbrella into a sword. 'Wow, I didn't know you had a weapon hidden in that thing!' I called out. 'That's not the lyrics, (y/n).' He smiled. I nodded and moved on:

 "I embrace it freely,

And will this brother's wager frankly play.—

Give us the foils. Come on."

He then continued;

"Come one, one for me."

My turn again;

" I'll be your foil, Laertes. In mine ignorance

Your skill shall, like a star i' th' darkest night,

Stick fiery off indeed."

He smiled:

"You mock me, sir."

I looked at him with a stern face. He changed the 'sir' into 'my lady'. And I told him the next line: "No, by this hand."

'I will be easy on you.' Mycroft said to me with a smirk now instead of a frown. 'Why would you do that?' I asked him and he replied with a; 'because you're a woman.' We started to fight, taking positions through the living room, clenching the metal against each other and cursing when our victim escaped the rapier by an inch. I laughed like a maniac as I drove Mycroft into the corner and kept on fighting like a madman. He looked at me, obviously surprised, and tried to defend himself but we both knew I would win. Since Mycroft isn't one to just give up, he kept on trying until I had my rapier underneath his chin and his sword/previous umbrella was four meters away from him.

'You would take it easy on me, huh? Because I'm a woman, right?' I said and moved the rapier close to his neck. 'Let me go!' He tried but I didn't let go. 'Thee wilt apologizeth to me!' I said with a villainous voice. 'I apologize!' He cried out and with that I let him go. He straightened his clothes and corrected his tie. 'What was that?!' He asked indignantly. 'Shakespeare and feminism.' I answered with a smirk on my face and returned to my book.


Hey there!

I'm very happy, just to let you know. You all made me smile and now I'm so anxious for my trip to France with school, which will be the reason that I won't write or answer you for a brief period. Oh, I can't wait to meet cute Frenchmen! ;-) Just kidding (not kidding!). 

Anyway, I really hope you liked this little one shot! I really love English (and French) literature, especially my dear Edgar Allan Poe. I also really like William Shakespeare and was reading 'Hamlet'  lately which is the reason for this Hamlet-based one shot. 

Oh, how badly I wanted to go to the Hamlet the play with the hot Benedict Cumberbatch as the main character! I'd quote along with him dramatically! ;-) 

And then we'll meet and talk together about Hamlet and talking will lead to dating and dating will lead to loving and then we'll get married and have three kids and a dog named Redbeard, a luminous rabit named Bluebell and a little hedgehog named John and we'll be one, happy family... 

...oh, wait, no... because I haven't been to Hamlet! ;-/

But we'll stil marry. ;-)


Some Benedict/Hamlet pictures because I love them/him:

Thank you so much for reading, please comment, vote and request if you want to!

Have you got any old/new good writers to recomment me? Let me know but please note that, due to my trip, I won't answer you immediatelly!

Did anyone of you go to Benedict's Hamlet? If so, how was it? Can you watch it on the internet too? Please let me know!

Catch you later!


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