The Unknown - ON HIATUS UNTIL...

By Chimmy_readz

542 46 23

Brooke Donovan has been living a normal life for all she can remember. She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and is... More

Chapter One: High School
Chapter Three: New Kid
Chapter Four: The Library
Chapter Five: Friendship
Chapter Six: "Girl Talk"
Chapter Seven: The Suspicious Phone Call
Chapter Eight: Spam
Chapter Nine: Indecisive
Chapter Ten: The Talk
Chapter Eleven: The Pressure is On
Chapter Twelve: Luke
Chapter Thirteen: Spying
Chapter Fourteen: The Storm
Chapter Fifteen: Confession Time
Chapter Sixteen: Lunch
Chapter Seventeen: The Bathroom Talk
Chapter Eighteen: Memory Lane
Chapter Nineteen: 20 Questions
Chapter Twenty: Fake
Chapter Twenty-One: Vanilla
Chapter Twenty-Two: Hangin With The Girls

Chapter Two: First Day

41 2 0
By Chimmy_readz

                I walked inside the prison, oh my bad I mean't school (no I didn't) and made my way to the front office for my schedule. As I was walking I could already begin to see the cliche cliques beginning along with the usual friend or two catching up about their summer. I even saw some couples making out, ewwwww. I mean come on it was the first day, give me a break. I turned a corner and saw the door to the front office with a long line of other students waiting. I made my way to the back and patiently waited till it was my turn. 

            As I got to the front I had to tell the bored lady my name as she handed me my paper with a list of classes and my locker number and combination. I eventually found my locker after going in circles for a while and stuffed my backpack into it and took out whatever I needed for the next four periods. I looked back at the schedule and saw that I had English first, great it's going to be hard to stay awake in that class so early in the morning. I shut my locker and looked for my first period class. Today's going to be a long day. 


           "Ding, Ding, Ding," finally lunch! I'm so hungry since I only had that banana this morning, so I practically ran down the halls to my locker. I shoved my binders and such in and grabbed my lunch. Yes, I bring home lunch because I personally think school lunch is gross so I just bring whatever I have at home. I walked down the huge and intimidating hallway towards the school library. I did my research before school began so I didn't have to go through the trouble of figuring out now. The library was always my home and was just an all around comfortable place to be. 

          I said hello to the librarian who seemed nice enough and found a comfy spot to put my stuff down while I found a good book to read. I ended up picking up this romance book that looked good by the cover, and yes I know the whole 'don't judge a book by it's cover,' but I really didn't have time right now so leave me alone, okay. I found my seat and took out my lunch, put in my earbuds, opened my book, and relaxed for the next 45 minutes or so.


          I made it, aren't you proud of me. I somehow made it through my bland first day filled with annoying people, get to know you assignments, and even some homework which I'm not too excited for by the way. The one perk of high school is that you get home a lot earlier which I will take to my advantage. I mean I won't be hanging out with the friends I don't have, but I will have you know that Netflix is just calling my name right now....

     I ended up watching almost  half a season of Grey's Anatomy before my family came home and I still hadn't started my homework. Oops. I'll get to it, I promise. For now just one more episode. Sadly, before I could even click the next episode I heard my name being called from downstairs. I shut my laptop and headed to the kitchen which seemed to be the source of the sound.

      When I made it down I saw my sister Brianna texting on her phone and my parents talking to one another while my dad started dinner. When my mom saw sight of me she turned towards me and began asking away.

"So how was your first day of high school? Oh my goodness my baby's growing up. Did you meet any new friends? How about any boys? Were your classes hard? Did you find them easily? Oh do you have any homework?," she somehow managed to say this all in a whole breath.

I started from the first question, then made my way down the others.

"It was fine. No. Of course I didn't. They were fine. No. Yes," I said successfully answering all of them, though I was slightly panting afterward.

"Oh that's too bad, why would they give you homework on the first day? Anyway I was just seeing how your day went and hey, you never know you might meet some new friends this year," my mom said in a hopeful voice.

'Probably not,'  I thought. I never do. This years just like any other and just because I'm in high school doesn't mean it changes anything. I just need to go through four more years and I'm out of this town. Everybody always makes it it seem that Las Vegas is the place to be, but not really when your a minor. Especially when you have to deal with the hundred degree weather which no one seems to ever think about.

I sat down at the dining table and waited until dinner was ready. We had spaghetti that night and as we ate we just talked about our days and such. It was like any normal day at our house. When I finished, I put my dish in the sink and went up to my room or as I like to call it my sanctuary. I watched a few more episodes of my show then got ready for bed. It was pretty hard to get to bed that night since the thought of having to do this all over again tomorrow kept me tossing and turning. Though the thought of only four more years had me finally relaxing and succumbing to sleep. Only four more years, I can do this.


Author's Note- 

Hey guys I'm back and I'm finished with chapter two. I hope it's not too boring right now, I just really want to get the important stuff done with so you guys can get started with the good stuff. I hope you give me a chance and continue to keep reading, trust me you won't regret it. 

Until next time, Kaylee

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