In the Midst of Two Dragons 〈...

By MeiSanniang

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[Complete] Spurred by your philanthropic childhood dream, you joined Overwatch to put your medical knowledge... More

Chapter One: The Help
Chapter Two: Diving In
Chapter Three: Attraction
Chapter Four: Late Night
Chapter Five: Healing Touch
Chapter Six: Breach
Chapter Seven: Confrontation
Chapter Eight: Try Me
Chapter Nine: Awkward Moments
Chapter Ten: Potent Touch
Chapter Eleven: Rivalry
Chapter Twelve: Promoted
Chapter Thirteen: Ulterior
Chapter Fourteen: Confession
Chapter Fifteen: Heartbreak
Chapter Sixteen: Chemistry
Chapter Seventeen: Ambiguity
Chapter Eighteen: Desire
Chapter Twenty: Resentment
Chapter Twenty-One: Pivotal
Chapter Twenty-Two: Hanamura [Hanzo]
Chapter Twenty-Three: Nepal [Genji]
Finale: Of the South Wind [Hanzo]
Finale: Of the North Wind [Genji]

Chapter Nineteen: Drawback

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By MeiSanniang

Calculating eyes watched you intently beneath the eerie mask, and you caught the flickers of crimson beneath.

Strangely, you weren't fazed or intimidated. The current overwhelming emotion you felt was... frustration. Frustration that your incredible dream met an abrupt end. Frustration that you couldn't be intimate with Genji like you wanted to be.

"[Y/N]," Hanzo's voice reflected his concern for you, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," You replied, your gaze never quite leaving Reaper's bloodied figure.

"Why are you in tears?" Hanzo's fingers traced your cheeks and came away wet with moisture.

"I'm okay," You said softly, surprised to find yourself crying over your interrupted dream. You wiped the remainder of your tears away, your face flushed from embarrassment.

When Hanzo stood and stepped aside, you climbed out of bed and eyed Reaper warily. His gait unsteady, Overwatch's greatest enemy approached you. And as he drew near, you noticed the copious trail of blood he was leaving behind him.

Without hesitation, you peered into the holes of his mask and said, "After all you've done, why should I help you?"

You could never have anticipated his next action, especially not while he was sustaining a grievous injury. The motion was so ghostly fast, neither you or Hanzo could react in time.

He'd brandished his shotgun and pulled its trigger at breakneck speed. The next thing you witnessed after the thunderous sound echoed was Hanzo's body crumpling to the ground.

"You'll help me, or he dies," His rough voice resounded clearly despite the ringing in your ears.

"Hanzo!" You fought back a sob as you started towards the marksman, but your enemy kept the barrel of his gun trained on Hanzo's motionless body.

"Take another step and I'll fire another round." Reaper's threat was not empty. "You'll heal me first, girl."

You weren't given much of a choice.

In a typical situation, you would be tending to the patient who was not conscious first. And... in a typical situation, you would not be forced to deal with anger and fear the way you were now.

But you realized that your life was far from typical now, and that it would never be typical again. Not ever.

Reaper's attire was too dark for you to discern the severity of his wound. To make matters more difficult, Hanzo's room was inadequately lit and hardly the place to care for the direly ill or wounded. And to top it off, time was against you.

"I need to touch your skin," You demanded, your voice quivering with animosity.

Reaper didn't waste time. He removed his mask, and there was a wicked smile occupying his dark features. Considering his depravity, you'd expected a disfigured creature behind the mask. In spite of his red irises, the fact that he appeared human riled you.

Gone was your sensibility. You closed the distance between you and your enemy, then clasped the side of his angular jaw. Your whole body was trembling, and the tremors were involuntary. Despite your desire to see Reaper dead for what he's done to Hanzo and many others, you closed your eyes and pictured him in perfect health.

The puncture wound on Reaper's abdomen diminished, the surrounding damage reversing, and eventually disappeared as you maintained skin contact with him.

Your enemy let out a small chuckle, his eyes trained on your face as he reveled in the feeling a surge of endorphins elicited in him. Like some kind of miracle drug, your healing touch produced a high without the unwanted side effects. In that moment, Reaper saw how indispensable you were.

Certain that you've healed him completely, you removed your hand from his face and knelt beside Hanzo's pellet-ridden body.

He'd grown pale, a pool of blood blooming beneath him. When your tearful eyes swept over his unmoving body, fear of never seeing Hanzo again occupied your mind. As you placed your hands on his abdomen, you noticed that he wasn't as warm as usual. Your chest grew tight and you found yourself calling his name relentlessly.

Seconds felt like eternity. And Hanzo was not coming to. You began to doubt yourself, and the feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. Could your power really work in such an extreme case of blood loss and injury?

"Please, Hanzo," You whispered, fighting to stem your tears. "Wake up..." You pleaded as you pressed the palms of your hands more firmly against his skin. The words you uttered were meant to be self-comforting, "You're okay, now. I've got you."

Though it was gradual, you noticed Hanzo's wounds mending. You noticed the expansion of his chest as he drew breath again, as the color began to return to his skin.

Just as Reaper's had disappeared, so did Hanzo's wounds.

Because he remained unconscious, you weren't certain if he was completely restored, not without Athena's help. Risking self-detriment, you maintained your touch on Hanzo's body.

But the other man in the room suddenly took your wrist in a crushing hold. His strength unnatural, he yanked you up to your feet.

"Show me what else you can do." Reaper had removed his gloves. The sinister grin on his face as he pulled your body close to his made his intention clear.

"Please let me make sure he's okay first," You looked into your enemy's crimson depths, mastering your own fear. "Then I'll do whatever you want."

"No," His eyes narrowed as he maneuvered your smaller body easily. His towering form impeded you from the unconscious marksman. "You do as I say now, or he earns another round of bullets."

Emotions unchecked, power unbridled, you clenched your jaw and took Reaper's free hand in your own. You watched as pleasure contorted your enemy's rakish features, as he fell to his knees within seconds.

The monster you held hands with began shivering, hyperventilating with rapid and shallow breaths. His pupils dilated and beads of sweat appeared on his dark skin. You'd seen these signs in patients with excess levels of serotonin. And you were seeing them now.

Euphoria claimed your enemy. He let out a delighted groan and laughed in his vulnerable state. Doubling over, Reaper let go of your hands and writhed in place.

You stilled as you witnessed what you were capable of. So enthralled in your own handiwork, you didn't see Hanzo's rising form.

Hanzo moved in a silent blur, striking the vulnerable Reaper down with the limb of his bow.

Taking a blow to the back of the head, Talon's leader fell unconscious.

Multiple rapid footsteps broke your trance, and soon, you and Hanzo were surrounded by worried Shimada clansmen.

"Lord Hanzo!" They were all aghast at the sight of blood on their master's body.

"I'm alright," Hanzo assured them. "Quickly, bind him and cast him in the container."

"Yes, my Lord!" The men worked with haste upon Hanzo's command.

You found yourself stepping aside as they tied up Reaper's unconscious form, watching as they vacated the room with the world's deadliest criminal subdued.

Mentally and physically exhausted, you failed to notice Hanzo as he approached you. The marksman touched your face gently and garnered your full attention.

"You saved my life, yet again." He said softly.

When your eyes met his dark ones, an onslaught of emotions invaded--relief, joy, gratitude, You embraced the marksman, arms wrapped tightly around him.

"You're getting blood on you," Hanzo uttered after a fleeting pause.

"I don't care," You replied, unable to see the small smile gracing Hanzo's symmetric features as your arms stiffened around him. Knowing you nearly lost him to death tonight, your embrace intensified and your body delighted in his familiar heat.

You never held onto somebody tighter.


A/N: Hi guys. I had some free time and decided to update! Yaaaay! *cough* Um, I really need to wrap this story up. I do want to disclose that I have not decided on who reader-chan will end up being with... so expect several more chapters. :) Anywho, thanks for reading and voting! Your feedback is appreciated always.

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