Chaos ( ON HOLD )

De Stitch_1205

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' The Prettiest Smiles Hide The Deepest Secrets ' - M.L.Mier ... Mais

Authors Note- IMPORTANT


22 5 1
De Stitch_1205

That night I couldn't sleep. The police drilled me with questions. Aunt Rachel and Uncle were not happy when they found out I have been keeping this big of a secret. Riley tried to ask me and so did Nathan. But I didn't want them to get more involved than they already have.

I didn't want to sleep in my room. Still haunted by that message. They used a knife to jaggedly scratch the message, the knife found in my bathroom.

I haven't moved from my couch in hours. It's Saturday and I don't have the motivation to do anything. Aunt Rachel and Uncle Sean left for work and Riley was over at Nick's too pissed off to talk to me. Which I understand. She doesn't know what's going on when it's like everyone else does. It's making her go insane.

Ashley came through the front door without knocking. Neither did Tyler, Chase, Dylan, Damon or Kyle.

Haven't you guys heard the term ' Knock ' by any chance?

I lift up my head and look up at them. " What? " I groan. " What in hell are you still doing in bed cupcake? " Tyler says sitting on top of me.

" TYLER GET OFF OF ME YOU WAY A TON! " I roar. Pounding on the couch. The others laugh at me struggling. " NOOOOPE! " He hollars.

" Come on bro. She doesn't need to be crushed by someone who eats seven breakfast tacos in one sitting. " Chase snorts. Tyler rolls his eyes before getting off of me.

" No but seriously Lilia, what are you still doing in bed? " Damon asks.

I honestly don't think they know about the incident that happened last night. And they still don't need to know. So what's my excuse?

" I am sick with Ebola. "

Good job Lilia. You officially. Fucked. Up.

" Ok complete bull, but if you don't want to tell us. Fine. Don't. But, we are going to spend time with you. Ok? " Ashley cheers. The others cheer in agreement.

Oh boy.

The rest of the day we watched movies, talked and ate. They all left around 4 when I got a text from Nathan.

Nathan: Need your help. Talia is not feeling well.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, but I change into some jeans and a tee shirt before getting into my car and driving over to Nathan's house in Hoodlum city.

I felt the need to drive a little faster, I mean, Talia is only a couple of months old. A little fever can hurt her. I finally pull up to Nathan's house and I knock on the door. Not even 5 seconds later, Nathan opens up the door and he pulls me into his house.

I look around and his house is a mess. Cups and plates were everywhere the TV was on with SpongeBob. You can see that Nathan has been staying up late. His hair was in a messy look, but messier than usual. He had bags under his eyes that stood out more.

His black tee had a little of vomit, which was probably from Talia and he had his black shorts on. This is probably the most messiest I have ever seen Nathan.

" Holy shit... " I mumble. " Yeah and Talia is sick and she's never sick and I'm still new at this whole baby thing. And you are the only person who knows about Talia...and is not a boy. So if you could just please- "

" Calm down, this is Talia we are talking about. I would love to help you with her. " He breathes and I walk over to Talia's room. Which seemed to be the only somewhat presentable thing in the house.

Talia was in her crib, sleeping. She seemed peaceful and calm as ever. I never knew what she looked like. But she really didn't look like Nathan. She had dark brown hair, she had fare skin. Talia was wearing a little purple onesie with a purple flower headband. I almost ' awed ' at her cuteness.

Until she started crying and coughing like there was no tomorrow.

The mom in me instantly picked her up and began rocking her in my arms and shushing her.

" Shh Talia, it's ok no need to cry. Shh. It's ok. It's ok. " I coo trying to calm the little infant. Her eyes looked at me, she had piercing green eyes. She was absolutely beautiful.

Nathan comes up from behind me and rest his hand on the crib and stares down at Talia. Love and passion filled in his eyes. He really does care for his daughter. I feel jealous for whoever is the mother of the adorable little girl. And who ever thought to leave Nathan all alone to care for her. It makes me upset to even just think about that.

" She's beautiful " I whisper. Looking up at Nathan. He looks back at me with intense eyes but not his usual guarded ones. " Yeah, she is. " He voice sounded distant, like he was thinking.

He catches himself and coughs awkwardly. I look back at the baby who was still whimpering. " So, what do I do? " He asks, his eyes now guarded and emotionless. There is the Nathan I know. " Well we first need to take her to the doctor. Has she been to a infant clinic? "

" I didn't have time when I found her. " I raise an eyebrow. Found? " Not found, When she was brought home from the hospital. " He corrected himself. I slowly nod. Not really sure what he meant.

" Well then, lets go. I know one that's not far from here. " I say grabbing her diaper bag and started packing her stuff. " Here let me grab Talia. " Nathan says taking her off my hands.

I pack all the necessary things, diapers, bottles, formula, wipes, extra change of clothes and a little toy for her. What? She might get bored.

Nathan straps her in her car seat while she continues to cough. He walks out of the room with her in her car seat while I sling the diaper bag on my shoulder and walk out of the house.

I drove while Nathan sat in the back watching over her like a hawk. Afraid she might break into a hundred pieces or something.

Once we pull up to the clinic. Nathan moves the car seat out of the car and I hop out of the drivers seat, closing the door behind me. We both walk into the clinic. The walls were colorful and had different cartoon like characters.

There was a play set in the middle that had little things to keep the kids busy. Moms and dads were tending their children, some children were crying and others laughing and smiling.

Overall, it was pretty loud. But some of the moms held onto their kids when they saw Nathan's tall figure. He had his usual cold and mean demeanor. Some of the kids actually looked frightened of him.

We found a place to sit far away from anyone really and took a seat. Nathan went to go grab the papers to fill out while I waited for him, I looked around and at Talia once in a while to make sure she was still breathing.

A boy around my age sat in front of me. He was no taller than 5'11 and had blond hair and blue eyes. He was good looking, but not as attractive as Nathan.

" Is that yours? " He asks me, he had a warm smile that made me blush. I look at what he was pointing at. Which was Talia. I really didn't know what to say. Should I tell him?

" Well actually- "

" Yes. That's her daughter, and my wife. " I look up to see Nathan with the papers and had a murderous look in his eyes as he glared at the boy. The boys faces pales and he gets up before muttering ' excuse me ' and walking off. Tripping every now and then.

" Are you serious Nathan? " I whisper shout. That poor guy must be scared to death. " He was hitting on you. "

" He was asking me a question. " I retort back. " About my daughter. I don't want anyone asking questions about her. " He spits, tense and eyes dark. " Well I don't mean to toot my own horn but toot toot, the doctor is going to ask hell of a lot of questions. " I say.

Nathan just rolls his eyes and mutters a few colorful words before he began filling out the papers. An elderly lady sat in front of us in silence.

Talia started crying so I unstrapped her from her car seat and began rocking her and trying to shush her back to sleep. She looks over at Nathan and cries more. Nathan would look at Talia every now and then, and fidgeted every now and then.

" Nathan I think she wants you to hold her. " I say moving myself to face him with Talia. " I'm busy. " He says. " I think you want to calm her down too. " I say. " Let me finish. " He says looking at Talia.

" But she's gonna keep on crying. Let me fill out the paper work. " I press on. " You don't know much about her. Let me finish first and then I will- "

" What do you mean she doesn't know much about her? That's her daughter. That is no way to treat someone who just had a baby. I mean that's your wife! Let her fill out the papers and you carry your daughter. " The old lady scowls at Nathan. I wanted to correct her and tell we are definitely not together. But I decided to just play along since she probably would be embarrassed.

" Yes Ma'm " Nathan growls but gives the paperwork to me while I hand him Talia. Talia looks up at Nathan and she calms down and even giggles a little.

" How old are you two? " She asks. " She's 21 and I'm 22. " Nathan plays along. " Is this your first child? " The lady asks.

" Yes. " I barge into the conversation. " No wonder. You two look worried more than ever. " Me and Nathan look at each other quickly before looking back at the women. " Is it obvious? " I ask. Well, I think it was. Sense I was in my crappiest clothes and Nathan still had his black tee shirt that had vomit on it.

" Very. But that DOSENT mean you need to treat your wife like that. I mean where's your rings? " She points out.

" They are getting cleaned. " Nathan says from the top of his head. Wow he's a good actor. Even when he is rocking Talia. " But this is the wife you decided to marry, the love of your life. You love her don't you? " She presses on.

Nathan tenses and looks over at me and looks me up and down. A emotion that soon goes away was filling his eyes. He looks back at the women with confidence. " Yes, yes I do. "

My heart melts. But I knew this was all an act. So I had to keep my emotions in check.

" Then show your wife some affection rather than showing her this ugly side of and handsome young lad. " She says. I blush and look down at the paper work.

Date of birth? Weight? Symptoms? Shit, I didn't even bother to ask Nathan. I look at where it said legal parents. Nathan and Lila Parker. I decided to ignore that and kept on reading the forms.

" Yes Ma'm. " Nathan respectfully says. The lady slowly nods in approval. She looks over to the exit where a pregnant lady was waiting. " Well, that's my daughter ready to leave. You two have a beautiful life. And you. " She points at Nathan.

" Treat her with respect. She's a beautiful young lady and you should be glad she decided to marry an asshole like you. Let alone have a child. And you. " She then point at me with her long and bony finger. " I hope you have a wonderful life with the one you love. " She smiles. Before walking off to her daughter.

I whistled. " Wow, I didn't know you were a good actor. " I say. Nathan smirks. " You don't know a lot about me kitten. "

" Well you start off by telling me Talia's information. " I say. Nathan chuckles before telling me everything. DOB: 7/08/16. Weight: 11 lbs. Height: 22 inches. And all that other stuff. Once I turned in the papers to the front desk. We wait for about 10 minutes before a nurse called us back. I carry Talia while Nathan carries the car seat.

The nurse did the usual, weight, height, and other stuff like that. Which Nathan asked why she was doing it again sense we already knew what her stuff was. Fast forward to me having to calm Nathan down so he doesn't cause a scene in a children's clinic.

We were told to wait for the doctor and were alone in the room that had green walls and a stuffed little lion in the corner. " You couldn't keep your mouth shut could you? " I ask.

" She was questioning my daughters height and  weight. " He retorts. " That's because she is a nurse and has to check! " I say back.

He rolls his eyes and mutters a couple of cuss words but before he can start yelling. The door opens and the doctor steps in.

She was about 36 or so. Her dark and flawless skin went amazing with her long braids.

" Hi, my name is Dr. Matthews. And who is this? " She coos the last part looking over at Talia. Who was biting her foot.

" That's Talia. " Nathan says standing up from his seat. I do the same.

" So I heard she has a fever? " Dr. Matthews ask. " Yes. " I simply say. " Oh well we are just going to have to check that out. " Dr. Matthews says as she begins to unbuckle Talia. Nathan tenses up but I put my hand over his upper arm and look at him. Silently telling him it's going to be ok.

" I see dad is a little scared to let someone hold his pride and joy? " Dr. Matthews asks. " It's our first time in the clinic. " He mutters uncomfortably. To hard headed to admit he's scared.

" I can see. And you  are the mother right? " She asks. I mentally tell myself to say what's in the script.

" Yes. I am. "

" You guys seem quite young. How old are you guys? How long have you been married? "

" Oh she's 21 and I'm 22. We got married last year. " Nathan explains, sticking to script.

" Oh so high school sweethearts I assume? " She asks.

Now that's where we get uncomfortable. How were we supposed to react? I don't know. I just stood their quietly and let Nathan do the talking.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. " Yeah, ever sense I laid my eyes on her in freshman year. I just knew she was the one. "

I tried so hard not to gag.

" Aww how cute! " She finished doing the usual like asking questions and such. Turns out Talia just has a small fever. But since she's still little she will need a week worth of prescription medicine.

We left the clinic to go and pick up Talia's medicine.

On the ride back to Nathan's house. Nathan asked me a question that made my brain spin.

" Hey, is it fine if you stay with me for the next week? Just too take care of Talia. I'm only one person. And I could use the extra help. "

I widen my eyes and look at him through the rear view mirror. He looked like he was desperate for help. And I really couldn't turn it down. I mean, Talia can be a handful. So I thought what the hell?

" Sure. I mean... how hard can taking care of a baby be? "

Hey guys! It's been a while😅 Again, I'm a procrastinator. But here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed my book so far. Trust me there will be a whole lot more drama.

What do you think so far? Is it good like you think it was? Or do you need more action? I love to hear you suggestions in the comments box below. Make sure to comment and rate! I really want to hear from you guys!

See ya later😍😍😍

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