Siva (Volume 5) The Eyes of O...

By JE_Reddcliffe

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[#1 in Virtual Reality] Fantasy and Magic meets Science and Technology. In this epic story of brotherly love... More

Chapter 01: A Messed Up Situation
Chapter 02: From The Very Beginning
Chapter 03: Prince Volga
Chapter 04: The Captured Fairy
Chapter 05: Rogue of Malice
Chapter 06: The Box
Chapter 07: Rafaela Appears Again
Chapter 08: Rude (by Scion)
Chapter 09: Iron Volt
Chapter 10: Finding Providence
Chapter 11: Swords and Chairs
Chapter 12: Dissecting the Game
Chapter 13: Change
Chapter 14: Sage Warns the Sinners
Chapter 15: Kladis Makes His Move
Chapter 16: Project Salvation
Chapter 17: Northern Demons
Chapter 18: Demon Commander
Chapter 20: Tempest Storms
Chapter 21: Obsessions
Chapter 22: Is It Only Us?
Chapter 23: Knight's Pledge
Chapter 24: Battle City
Chapter 25: Meeting A Literally Old Friend
Chapter 26: Fates Tied by Destinies
Chapter 27: Red-Eyed White Skull
Chapter 28: I Warned You
Chapter 29: Youth Conclave of Achievers
Chapter 30: Red Metal
Chapter 31: Grand Dramatic Entrance
Chapter 32: Day Turns Into Night
Chapter 33: So We Are Here
Chapter 34: A Mortal Questions a God
Chapter 35: City-Wide Royal Rumble
Chapter 36: The Battle in the City
Chapter 37: Heller
Chapter 38: A Wizard Class
Chapter 39: To Represent My Name
Chapter 40: The Birth of Erebus
Chapter 41: Havoc
Chapter 42: Reaper Summoner
Chapter 43: Doom
Chapter 44: Nine Dragons Sakura Angel
Chapter 45: Longest 3 Minutes of a Lifetime
Chapter 46: Slave Acolytes
Chapter 47: Alexandria's Crisis
Chapter 48: Harem King
Chapter 49: Finding Providence II
Chapter 50: Emergency
Chapter 51: Until I Kill Everyone
Chapter 52: Resplendent Edge
Chapter 53: Claws That Hides in the Dark
Chapter 54: The Wars In The Shadows
Chapter 55: A Daunting Task
Chapter 56: One Name To Scare Them All
Chapter 57: The Youngest Player Avatar
Chapter 58: Neo
Chapter 59: Wolf Shedding The Sheep's Skin
Chapter 60: The Plight of Scion
Chapter 61: Hello Party
Chapter 62: Conversation
Chapter 63: Arrogances in Collision
Chapter 64: Reappearance of the Riddlers
Chapter 65: Heaven Piercing Wrath
Chapter 66: Akhenaton's Deterrence
Chapter 67: Kladis Calls For War
Chapter 68: Strong Arms
Chapter 69: The Words of Donar
Chapter 70: Open Channel Threat Exchange
Chapter 71: Meteor
Chapter 72: Quest Boss
Chapter 73: When the Curtain Falls
Chapter 74: Kladis
Chapter 75: Stakes of the Duel
Chapter 76: Duel and Provocation
Chapter 77: First Minute Heavy Punches
Chapter 78: Discovered
Chapter 80: Somebody Save Me
Chapter 81: Alexander
Chapter 82: Rewards of the Duel
Chapter 83: Property of The Company
Chapter 84: Zaza and Redeye Arrives
Chapter 85: Subjugation and Rescue
Chapter 86: Common Ground Allies
Chapter 87: The Summoning
Chapter 88: A Blend to Remember
Chapter 89: The Last of the Trinity
Chapter 90: History of Janus
Chapter 91: Terra
Chapter 92: Mefisto Barges In
Chapter 93: Cookie Monster Bites the Moon
Chapter 94: Siva's Favor
Chapter 95: Thinking Missiles
Chapter 96: Bigger and Scarier Threat
Chapter 97: Hyper Strong Arm Punch
Chapter 98: Worldwide Gasping
Chapter 99: NanoMechs
Chapter 100: Awakening
Chapter 101: Haymaker
Chapter 102: Siva Seeks Chronos
Chapter 103: Air Combo
Chapter 104: One Winged Angel
Chapter 105: The Revelations
Chapter 106: Legacy
Chapter 107: Resplendent Guardian Sword
Chapter 108: The Immortal Emperor Rises Again
Author's RANTS.... er... rather, NOTES

Chapter 19: Colossal Horrors

2.8K 260 8
By JE_Reddcliffe

Hellow guys.

Just a regular reminder, if you can spare me some few dollars, even just a single one, I would appreciate it really much. I've decided to full-time writing stories. I hope you could support me on this endeavor. My patreon page is: www. and fo as low as $1 per month, you can have access to a full month of one-advanced chapter ever release. Also, all other information that you require so you can support me is already there so please, pay a visit. Thanks a bunch!

Enjoy the chapter!

...and VOTE please!

Chapter 19: Colossal Horrors



Inside the fog, the two Lapis Lazulis were already looming and as soon as they saw Siva, they made a roar and then jump to eat this Terran.

As this is the game world, there are only the Terrans, the monsters, the Dragons, and the Naturals –the Earth's Humans.

The one on the left took the land route while the one on the right spread its wings while its claws were pointed forward as if to choke a neck.

Siva stopped and then lowered his head, looked back, then sent a blind roundhouse slash.

A black arching trace of attack whistled passed his ear as a beheading clawed hand slashed empty air to where his head was. The demon's eyes widened but only for a fraction of a moment as he used his other vacant hand to block the slash of the jet black sword.

The force of impact was just too strong that Siva and the demon were parted by just the sheer force of their clash. A blunt loud CLANG resounded and a tiny space parted between the two.

Sparks flew off as Siva and the demon stared eye to eye, the former twisting his body a t the next moment while the latter pulled his beheading hand and summoned a jet black sword. Sound of wind being sliced apart whistled through the surroundings as tiny blue and red sparks flew off from where their weapons met.


In under one second, they exchange three slashes and for the next two seconds more, they put forth a lot of weight in their attacks as they parted, abandoned their swords, stepped-in, and then punched with all their weight.


A rattling crackling sound of bones hitting flesh rung, the two's fists on each other's faces.

But aside from the flesh-eating properties of the demon commander's fist, Siva's fist that was layered by the Dragunov, with damages amplified by the Killing Zone, also released a hidden surprise.

The booming explosive sound didn't come from their faces but rather, it directly came from the fist that hit the face of the demon commander.

Air Shock!

It was Dragunov's mechanical function ability!

And yet, the demon commander's strength is still way beyond his predictions. He was only able to contend on it equally!

So instead of forcing himself to fight the force that pushed him from the punch, he leaped back to cancel out some of the force and damage that rejected him.

The boom echoed out, the demon's face looked like it was directly subjected on a concentrated jet stream as his cheeks showed ripples and his gums became visible with the lifted black skin.

Siva wasn't looking good either. His left cheek looked like it was burnt as his head turned towards the right as the two parted apart. But of the two of them, he was the one with the much clearer state of mind.

As he was pushed back by the force of the punch, just as he took his first step back, he caught the leg of the demon commander and pulled him.

He wanted to lure the demon towards the deeper side of the fog while cancelling majority of the force that pushed him off his feet.

Everything happened in just a few moments time!

Coming from below and above, the two Lapis Lazulis loomed over him. Siva had no time to stall as he also made a step that tilted his body's angle to narrowly dodge the clawed arms from the Lapis that jumped at him. As he pulled with all his might, the monster was instead pointed at the demon commander.

The demon commander was also so strong that it only spent a little time to recover his wits.

While the other one tried to reach him, it was beaten by the first Lapis. The demon crossed his arms as a black layer of liquid matter formed to protect his body from the lunging attack.

He was crushed to the earthen floor of the forest by the weight of the monster's attack as the second of the two Lapis Lazulis crashed at the first.

Siva was underneath the monster's belly! His mind reeled as he worked for ways to escape being crushed. Then, like a subconscious message, he looked at his right and noticed that the center of gravity of the first Lapis shifted as the weight of the tackle of the second forced it to tumble to its right side. Siva used this chance to jump off the embracing clawed arms of the first Lapis and stabbed its flank to help catapult himself to an upper position.

"Bahgkit Kliiii-naaaa!" the demon commander roared in anger on its alien language and from where he was crushed by the first Lapis, an explosion of black liquid matter erupted like an exploding volcano.

The black skinned image of the demon commander floated with his black wings spread wide, looking around, searching for Siva.

Siva, on the other hand, flipped his balance as he stepped on the enormous body of the Lapis. Following this, the demon dashed in the air and flew-in with claws that traced a black arch towards his target.

With no stable footing, Siva actually felt crisis. The fog of plasma smoke screen around them seethed with the erupting gusts of wind but was still not enough to completely dissipate it since its weight was thousands times heavier than air.

Just as he was about to be pressed by the demon, Siva's left side darkened as an enormous silhouette appeared. A looming buzzing sound of wind rushed forth and sharp teeth lined up in a wide gaping maw paired with fangs parted the fog surrounding Siva.


Siva's and the commander's figures were directly at that mouth's way and since Siva had yet to stabilize his bearing, he was trapped within two sets of forces that wanted him dead.

And yet, he was subconsciously still aware of everything in his surroundings as he became calm despite the sense of crisis looming over his heart.

Using the last bits of his reflexes, even though his right hand still held the sword, one Spark Grenade was used from his QIP (Quick Item Pocket) and its released energy traveled throughout his body faster than the blink of an eye.

It shocked the Lapis on his feet without restraint.

Next, Siva twisted his body, letting go of the hammer and his sword, as he crossed his arms to defend from the demon who made a shocked expression as soon as he felt his clawed hand reached Siva.

A flash of light followed and the alien was stunned!

It felt the surge of electricity travel on his body as if it was hit by lightning.

The effect will only last for a second but it was enough time for Siva to nudge off the painful numbing sensation of his forearm and send a kick on the demon's stomach powered by an Air Shock.

With a resounding BOOM, the demon went straight towards the direction of the incoming large mouth of the hungry Lapis while he himself was blasted off to the air and balanced himself before landing.

For every clash, the hands of time seem to slow down to a crawl for their movements were close to bridging the limits of any mortal body.

In fact, everything just now had happened in just a second's time.

As the second Lapis' left clawed paw pushed the still stumbling first Lapis down, it then closed its mouth as it felt the presence of a victim in it.

The surprised and angry Demon Commander felt the effect of the stun vanish and it spread its arms wide to summon a black colored mass of liquid matter that crawled off from his back to create a spherical formless shield that prevented him from being eaten.

"You!" The demon commander was enraged for being used as a fodder but the monster's bite was strong paired with its size and he was pulled out of that deadlock as if he was a rug in the maws of a puppy.

He was swayed left and right, and up and down by the Lapis while Siva jumped and pulled his distance.

"Siva!" "Siva!"

Two voices rang on his ear device. He glanced at the side to see Thorn and Volt heading at his direction from where he came earlier.

"The monsters are –whoa!" yelled Thorn in surprise as Volt spoke and exclaimed.

"The alien horde is also heading this–whoa!"

As soon as the two saw the first Lapis that's just on its way to recovering from stumbling over, the two stopped and then looked at the other Lapis on their right. When they saw the demon commander struggling on its mouth, they couldn't help but gasp.

In just a short amount of time, he managed to do this all without much help...

Thorn and Volt thought that this kind of awareness and ability was just beyond them and yet, they couldn't help but align this 'ability' to the fact that he was... a God.

"I'm not going without that ball." Siva declared and he looked at the first Lapis who was now on its feet and then noticing the two additional Terran meals.

Volt and Thorn wanted to complain about this stubborn appeal but they understood where he was coming from and thus had no choice but to grit their teeth and support him on this regard. They chose to come here, after all, so no matter what happens, they will see this through to the end.

Thorn, most especially, was pushing for it. "We'll take care of that one. You take care of the demon and the second Lapis." Thorn said and with that, he pulled out a sword that's with almost the same appearance as his broken one back in Dragona; his own invention that he proclaimed as [Excaliburn].

"Leave the rest to us." Volt followed and he pulled out his bazooka and also his sword, loading the large cannon with a rocket round and then firing off to lure the aggro of the first Lapis as soon as possible.

Siva glanced back at them and gave out a light nod.


With a sword in his right hand and a large golden hammer on his left, he lowered his center of gravity as he drew the sword at his back on a throwing form.

The wind parted as the sword cut the air and flew towards the head of the monster, stabbing at the cheek, making the monster bleed its red blood.

Siva then followed this throw with a 360 degree turn, grabbing the hammer with two hands, and smashing the forest floor.

"You... will... fall–BLAGANG!!!"

Following the sound of something hitting a massive object, the sound of the forest floor shattering to that enormous force immediately followed it.

Outbalancing the Lapis, Siva's thrown sword stabbed the monster on its left cheek and this added to the rage that the monster was feeling.

Of course, with the extra effect of the Killing Zone, in addition to the lowered defenses, its strength was also part of its overall defensive so its durability was reduced by 70% as well. When the sword stabbed it, it felt like it was punched in the face with a haymaker, leaning its head towards its right.

The commander used this chance to pour all his might to create a bow of Black Tech. With him as the arrow, he freed himself from the mouth of the rampaging hungry mob by launching himself with all his might.

As soon as he was out, he turned, glaring at the man responsible for that humiliating experience and so he stepped in the air then launched head first for an attack, not minding the monster.

While the Lapis roared in anger, the commander made a large sword of black substance and slashed it towards Siva who made a twisting turn to meet it with his golden hammer.


This time around, Siva used its [weapon skill], the Air Shot, and the demon was shocked as he felt that he had just been hit by a meteor. The clash between their weapons created a tremor that spread through the surroundings, generating a small dome of air pressure that threatened to blow and disperse the thick fog of plasma smoke screen.

With the Killing Zone in effect, the demon's S-Ranked might was rendered nothing as he was pushed back like kite that lost its strings. He rolled in midair as he tried to balance himself and form the looks of it, his body had been hurt as there were visible scars on his limbs and flanks.

With the weight of the fog screen was heavier than air, while also having a metallic property that had a natural magnetism to each, it made the fog itself seem like a large entity when seen from a distance as it resisted being dispersed the force of their clash.

If it wasn't exhausted, it will stay in the place where it was released and will need a lot of time before it loses its magnetism, leading to it naturally dispersing as well but only overtime.

The demon roared angrily while Siva clicked his tongue and gritted his teeth. It's not that he was trying to contend to the demon in a battle of strength, but it just that with every clash they made, he could feel that the Black Tech Sword of the demon will hack into him if he contended with it with speed.

His Black Ender can match up the speed but he also had to keep in mind that his target was the Demon Commander and not the Lapis, aside from the fact that its damage is not much when compared to a real and genuine S-Ranked sword.

Also, the Black Ender is still stabbed on the Lapis. At the moment, his only available weapons are his guns and the Mjolnir.

Of course, with the current quality of Eibon and Steve, forget about wounding the demon, not even a scratch might occur even with the help of the Killing Zone.

So his only chance at severely injuring this demon is if he used a high quality weapon and used it at the right moment in an opening.

He had to create that opening!

"Again!" Siva roared alongside the demon's.

He used the leg part of the Dragunov to propel himself forward, and then switched it off with the leg part of the Flight Armor as he held the long handle of the God Hammer at the very tip and raised it over his head into a full-bodied downward smash!

For the umpteenth time, Siva noticed that sensation where he was becoming aware of the smallest of the details around him. Especially when he's focusing his attention to the movements of the demon, he could time his reactions with it and create a very small opening on their clash.

Siva shifted his weight and twisted his step-in leg to slide a bit, turning the two of them into alternating forces of Yin and Yang.

"Aaaaaahh!–BOOM!" with the upward diagonal slash of the demon, their weapons met and made another dome of visible ripples of space.

Right after the last clash, the two contenders both staggered back but it was clearly Siva this time that showed his weakness as he staggered further than the demon. Siva raised his head and clicked his tongue, panting, regaining his breath as he glared back at the demon.

The demon was already recovering and so he too must brace himself and survive.

He kicked the air and made a smashing motion, the demon's body paralleled on the ground with another upper diagonal slash of his black matter sword.


A loud, ear-splitting sound rung, the air vibrated then spread out into a sphere as the Lapis closest to the two used that deadlock opening to stomp the ground with its two paws. When Siva saw this, a rare smile beamed on his lips behind his mask.

"I've been waiting for this." He hissed.

He might have been losing in strength but when it comes to his SPIRIT, he was positive that no one can win against him.

The commander saw this as well but instead of smiling, his face grimaced into an ugly expression of horror and fright.

Yet instead of running, he raised a right palm towards the sky. Answering this movement was a metallic roar of a giant coming from a distance behind him.

The sound was grating to the ears and it could be intensely felt to the skin as if it was a continuous grinding of dry chalk on a blackboard, and yet is still like the sound of a gigantic monster roaring with the beckoning call of his lord.

It was as loud as a thunderclap, especially frightening as it was followed by multiple popping lids of something opening.

Hearing this, Siva and the rest couldn't help but feel their scalps numbing.

"It's coming again!" Thorn yelled.

Back with the first Lapis, Volt and Thorn looked at the direction of the sound of a metallic jacket opening and ignored the roaring Lapis as they equipped their Flight Armors and became vigilant to the coming storm of mortars.

"Watch out!" Volt yelled. He and Thorn jumped away from the area as he also followed it with it a blow of his bazooka on the face.

As soon as they jumped away, a series of loud explosions echoed. It was like a thunder clap in the middle of a stormy weather. One after another came from far away bearing whistling sounds like falling bombs. The mortars blasted in a series of loud explosions. It devastated the areas closest to the Colossus first and then began to spread further and further until it reached the commander's area.

One could even see through the gaps between the trees that the giant metallic Colossus' roar started with a diving motion that ended towards the sky.

From the distance and then the ground where they were in, the place was overwhelmed with countless explosions caused by the plasma mortars from the open holes on the Colossus' body.

If seen from afar, it might look like a fountain with a sideways position that spurted its water then died out of its momentum.

Siva's heart pounded wildly, filled with fear.

The plasma mortars were almost as strong as the cannons themselves and its only difference is that this was used as a suppressing bombardment.

Just one of these plasma bombs will be enough to reduce him to dust so he used every chance he got to get close to the demon commander because he knew that this demon will never let himself be hit by his own bombardment.

Also, one of Siva's worries is that the plasma smoke screen that he painstakingly sacrificed to be planted and brought to this location by the wind will just be used up by this bombardment.

So, as much as possible, he had to stop this attack.

And just as well, the second Lapis on their vicinity who had stomped the ground earlier roared to the sky.

Not even a moment later, the wind began to become chaotic as a tempesting storm was summoned that sucked in not only air but also the plasma screen that was around them.

At first it was only some few strands of visible wind but it quickly formed into groups, combined together, and then eventually blotted out the sight of the large Lapis Lazuli who actually stayed at its center...




See you guys tomorrow!

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