Give Me A Chance ||COMPLETED||

By purplemegx

33.9K 815 317

Nikki had always been dreaming of getting married and having children of her own someday. Now that she found... More

Cast & their Real Names
Ch1 • Double Trouble
Ch2 • Dream Wedding
Ch3 • Chasing Cars
Ch4 • Four Seasons
Ch6 • Konichiwa Japan
Ch7 • Friend indeed
Ch8 • Diva of the Year
Ch9 • Best Gift Ever
Ch10 • Cats and Pink
Nikki + Seth = NETH BELLINS
Ch11 • Tagged
Ch12 • Uh oh! Trouble
Ch13 • Distressed
Ch14 • Piece of Advice
Ch15 • Evanescence
Ch16 • ハッピー
Ch16.2 • Difference
Ch16.3 • Cloned
Ch17 • Bitter Be Like
Ch18 • Fearless Not Fearless
Ch20 • The End
Epilogue Part 2
Epilogue Part 3
GMAC Book Covers

Ch19 • Turn Tables

749 21 6
By purplemegx


I composed myself. I don't have to be agitated. I have to be brave and face him. I am fearless. But sh*t! You know how much my heart was loudly thumping like it wants to get out my chest? Damn!

"Nicole?" He called again and I turned to the corner and there he was.

Looks like nothing happened to him. He's standing straight by the door and he looks like he's okay. My gosh! My palms were getting sweaty. I heaved a deep breath as I walked towards him.

"Seth," he turned and we locked eyes together. I can't take off my eyes off him as I felt the familiar sting in my chest. Why am I feeling like this?

"By the way, congratulations on your successful comeback.." He said and I just nodded my head. I can't think of anything to say. "Brie said you're finally going to talk me.." He added. So it's true that they're together a while ago.

I took a deep breath again and brought all my courage to speak. "Yeah.. A-about the divorce p-papers." I bit my lip. I just stuttered! The heck?!

"What about it?" He asked looking tough. Seems like he doesn't care anymore if we truly annulled our marriage. Now, something changed in him.

"I need those papers."

"What do you want me to do?"

Did he not know what to do with those papers?! Didn't attorney told him what to do?!

"Seth it's been months! Why haven't you give it back--" I couldn't help but to raise my voice. He's getting annoying with those questions he's asking!

"You're that hasty to slink off me?" He cut my words. I knitted my eyebrows because of those words coming out of his mouth. I know he's furious yet his voice is calm but firm. "Tell me Nicole, are we really over? Are we really done?" I know I saw that hurt in his eyes. But this pain I'm feeling is nothing compared to his. I lost a child in my womb and I don't know if I'll bear one ever in the future.

"We were long done Seth." I bravely said. My tears were urging to fall but I bit my lip to prevent it from coming out. I don't want him to see me cry.

We were just looking straight eye to eye. He's intently looking at me like he'll truly see that I'm sure with what I'm saying right now. It took him a minute to speak again.

"Okay.." He said nodding. His expression changed. "I'll just give those stupid papers to attorney.. Nice to see you again though." He winked as he smirked. Seems like he's okay with it now. Wait, what?!

He turned his back and started walking away. His walk wasn't like before. Is his injury that worse?

I didn't noticed a tear fell off my eye until another came. I bursted in tears when he got out of my sight. I'm silently sobbing here in a room. I closed the door and leaned on it. My chest constricted in pain. Why does it feel wrong? He didn't complain like he used to. He just said 'okay' and that made my feeling even worse. Is that it? So, this is goodbye?


I woke up with a headache the next day. God! I've drank a lot of wine last night. And I regret it. After that talk with Seth, I got my things and went home to the hotel. I don't want anybody to see me like a mess. Good thing, there's no taping today. Gosh! I've been stalking on social media about Seth. I searched what happened to him when I left and it just blew me off. I felt bad because I know I contributed on why he got injured.

Oh sh*t! My head hurts like a b*tch when the knock on the door came repeatedly. Didn't they know the person here is still sleeping?! Ugh! I covered myself with the blanket and pretend to be asleep, but hell! Brianna is screaming my name outside my door. She doesn't really know the word privacy!

"What?!" I blurted out as she winced.

"Gosh Nicole. Having a bad day?"

"It's a bad day because you ruined it." I said. But as usual, she rolled her eyes and pushed the door as she went in. She sat on the couch and I also sat beside her.

"Coffee.." I didn't noticed she had two cups of starbucks on her hand as she give one to me.

I reached for the coffee and sip on it. Good thing she brought me coffee for my hangover, or else she'll deal with the beastmode Bella today.

"Why did you left early? Are you with Seth?" She asked as she raised her brows.

"Nope.." I said popping the p. My eyes were on the coffee because I didn't want to see her reaction. She's very overreacting you know.

"Talk to me Nicole.." She calmly said.

I took a deep breath and told her what happened last night. Seth's reaction was not surprised either. Seems like he's okay with the divorce. He's not begging me not to leave him anymore. And I didn't like it.

"You're so stupid," she commented.

"Excuse me?"

"You're so stupid to push the divorce shit! He loves you very much but you just threw him away like that!" Great! She'll be nagging again. "Well, I can say good for him. He doesn't deserve you anyway.." She added.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I didn't like the words that were coming out of her mouth. And as much as it hurts me, she's my sister! How could she say such things like that?!

"Brianna, you know how much I was hurt --"

"I know.. It's a stupid mistake that we didn't hear his explanation. And it's stupid that you ran away." She interrupted what I was saying. Now I'm the bad guy here?

"How could you say such things?"

She sighed. Probably tired of talking to me. "Whatever! It's your life if you want to be miserable."

I tried so hard to be happy, but why is it that they think I'm miserable?! Gosh! Brianna's making my head ache!

"Come on.. Prep up. Take a bath and get dressed." She said after a few.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"Just do it.. I'll see you in thirty.." She said then left. And what? Thirty minutes? I don't think I could prep in half an hour! She's a swiftie!

After an hour, I just finished. Gosh! I did what I should as fast as I can. Brianna came ten minutes before the thirty minute time she told me. And there she goes, nagging all the time.

"You're such a snail," she said as we were here in the car. She's driving to-- I don't even have any idea where we're going.

"Ew Brie.. Where are we going anyways?"

"Restaurant.." She thriftily said. She didn't even said what resto. So I decided to get my phone to browse while she was driving but then she pulled over the car.

"We're here..." She said.

That fast?!

I put back my phone to my sling purse as we went out the car. We met with the total divas there. Trin, Foxy, Nattie, Cath, Eva and even Renee are here.

"Hey girls!"

"Hi Bellas!"

"Nikki! Great comeback match! You rock girl!" Cath exclaimed and I thanked her.

I also did realize that I was teamed up with the heels last night. Anyways..

"Nicole.. We haven't seen you after the match last night? Where were you?" Nattie asked.  "Brie said you talked to Seth?"

I pursed my lips and nodded. "I just talk to him about the divorce."

"You're getting a divorce?" Renee asked rather shocked. I heard she's part of the total divas now, so that's why she's here. I don't know why but Dean just got in my mind.

"What? Why? Don't you love him anymore?" Eva worriedly asked.

I slowly shook my head. "I don't know.."

"You still love him.." Foxy commented as Trin and Cath agreed. "You say you don't know coz you weren't sure that you don't love him anymore.. If you truly have moved on, you'll say no right away.. Right?"

I didn't answer. I don't know really. My mind is a mess. Maybe.. Maybe not. Ugh!

"She didn't want to admit it herself that she still loves him." Brie commented.

"Give him another chance.. Seth deserves it at least." Trin said. I just looked at them. I don't know what to say. Maybe they're right after all. Maybe I should give him a chance.. Maybe we should give each other a chance.

I was going to speak when a voice interrupted me from behind.

"Hey girls!" He greeted as I rolled my eyes when I heard whose voice it is.

"Stalker," I mumbled.

"Can I sit with you guys?" He said. The girls said yes and unfortunately the vacant seat is right next to me.

"Hi Bella no. 1," he said as he sat down.

"What are you doing here?" I sneered.

"Why? As far as I know this is a public place and I'm here to eat." He shrugged. "If you're thinking that I'm stalking you, well you're wrong."

I just faked a laugh and turned the other way. He's getting annoying again. They talked about Roman's victory last night against Hunter. He's now the wwe champion. Brie is so happy of course.

"Hey, I don't know but I saw Seth last night. He's with someone.. I thought it was you, but she's shorter than you so," he told me with a shrug.

"He's with me last night.. But then I left when he's about to talk to Nicole.." Brie said.

"It's not you either.."

So, he's with someone now? Is that why he doesn't complain about the divorce? Does he already moved on? And he didn't love me anymore?

"I knew every shape of your body, so it's not you." He said as he nudged me slightly.

"Nick! Stop it!" I exclaimed.

"You're such a flirt," Brie said shaking her head while looking at him. Nick just smirked as he shrugged.

"Maybe she's his new girlfriend," Brie added. I know she just wanted to piss me off. I glared at her. "What? He deserves to be happy too, right?" She said asking the girls to agree with her.

He deserves to be happy? And what about me? Do I deserve to be miserable?


Weeks had passed, I'm having an on-screen feud with Carmella. I wished it was Alexa though, I'll be always so excited to have a match with her because that's the way I could kick her ass.

Tonight's smackdown live and I have a match against Alexa Bliss. Women's division is rising so wwe made two to three women's matches per show. It's good because all of us got to show our talents in the ring.

Carmella first went out because she will be at commentary. Then Alexa's music played.

"Goodluck!" She said as she went out the curtain. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head slightly. What a bitch!

When my music blasted around the arena, I went out the curtain and raised my hands as people were cheering. I did the booty shake and bit my lip as I torn my midriffed stay fearless shirt and threw it over the audience. I smiled at them as I give them flying kisses. I went up the apron and threw my snapback as I flip over the ropes. I raised both hands as I went to the other side of the ring. And then I saw a familiar face. He's raising a banner that reads 'Stay Fearless Nikki Bella ~(^з^)-♡' seriously with that drawing?! He's screaming 'I love you Nikki!' I can't believe he's here! I giggled as I winked at him.

The match then started. We went for an attack when I countered her and I locked her frontwise. She then nudged me with her elbow and she dropped me down. She taunts as I heard people booed her, but she doesn't care. She's sneering at the audience and as I got on my knees, I tripped her leg as she laid down the canvass and I went for a quick cover but she kicked out. We rolled and got up as we looked at each other. We shortly walked around the ring and attacked when I countered her arm, grabbed her head and slammed it on my knee. I tried to put her away but she gets up at two count. I grabbed her hair but she kneed me on the gut. She then pulled me to the ropes and I ran back to her hitting her on the shoulder. She dropped down and quickly stood back up and I dropkicked her. She was down again but she rolled out the ring to the broadcast tables side. I went out to get her and then Carmella starts to talk shit. I grabbed Alexa and round her up then threw her towards Carmella. People cheered louder as I mocked Carmella's moonwalk. I smirked as I grabbed Alexa again and rolled her back to the ring. She stood up as I pushed her to the turnbuckle. I was about to clothesline her when she countered me with her feet and kicked me. I get back to her as she's going to hit me but I kicked her in the gut. I grabbed her head with my arm and did the running bulldog. I saw Carmella went up the ring and is going to attack me when I ran to her and counter her with a spear. She plunked down stomping her feet as she held onto her stomach. I smirked and pushed her out. When I turned around, I didn't noticed Alexa coming. She kicked me at the back of my head. The Enzuigiri! Seth's freaking enzuigiri! Sh*t! I didn't expect that. She goes for a cover and I put my foot on the bottom rope so it wasn't counted. She's complaining with the ref when I stood up as I wait for her to turn. When she faced me, I forearmed her. I think about the submission move that Dean taught me before. I rolled Alexa face-down, locked her leg and grabbed her head pulling back. I applied more pressure until she tapped out.

"Here is your winner by submission... Nikki Bella!"

I widely smiled and raised my hands up. I've been practicing that submission move just last week. I'm so happy I did it right. And I'll call it the 'Fearless Lock'.

I got down the ring as I went to him. He seems very happy to see me. I hugged him as he whispered congratulations. I also told him to meet me backstage.

As I went back to the gorilla, Bryan and the girls are there.

"Congrats Nikki!" They said happily.

"Thanks guys.."

"That's so impressive Nikki. Great job!" Bryan told as I couldn't help but to hug him.

"Thanks Bryan.. I haven't said thank you yet. I owe you a lot. Thank you so much!"

The girls awed as I hugged them too. I told them that I'm gonna meet someone so I left. I went to the near exit backstage and then he's already there. He's fast.


"Teph! So glad to see you." We greeted as we hugged. I didn't really imagine that he'll watch WWE.

"Why are you here? Don't tell me you did that research thing? I'm scared stalkers might know wherever I am." I kidded and then we chuckled.

"I contacted WWE if where can I buy ticket and then they said the show will be here, so I went here to see you.. I watched your comeback on youtube, and your other matches. It's so good!" He commended.

"You're alone?"

"Nope. I'm with friends, they're inside." He said as I nodded. "They mostly enjoyed the women's match."

"Yep. Coz they had a great view with the booties." As we laughed.

We talked for a while until Nick walked past us. Uh no, he actually stopped when he saw me.


"Nick... What are you doing here?" I boredly asked.

"You? What are you doing here? Oh! You're with someone?" I rolled my eyes. He just wanted to be noticed. "Hey!"

"Hey man. I'm Tyler. Teph- I mean Nikki's friend.." He introduced himself as he reached for a hand.

I don't want any trouble tonight, so then I took a breath when Nick also reached for a handshake. Oh gosh!

"I know you knew me.." He said but Tyler smilingly shook his head. "No? You don't know me?"

"I'm sorry. In WWE, I just knew Nikki.. and John Cena."

"Awe.. How unfortunate Nick.. You go. You have a match don't you?" I said shooing him away.

"I'm Dolph Ziggler. Nikki's ex-boyfriend who still cared. Keep that in mind." He said as he walked away.

"Ugh! He didn't have to say that!" I groaned. "I'm sorry about that Ty. He's just--"

"I understand... So.. I'll get back inside."


"Bye." He said as he started to walk inside.

"Wait!" As he turned at me again. "Uhmm.. Dinner tonight?"

A smile slowly appeared on his lips. "That would be great! I thought you'd never ask.. Same number?"

I nodded and then he went back inside the arena. I just couldn't ignore him. He went all the way here just to see me, so I invited him for dinner.

I went back to the locker room to change clothes.

"Dang Nikki! Nice submission!" Trin commended when I came in.

"Thanks.. I learned it years ago..and I thought of using it by the brand new Nikki you know."

"Yeah, it's a bomb!" Sasha exclaimed. "And that blind spear? Damn!"

I chuckled. "I adopted it from my coach Roman. I wish Brie's not mad." I said then we laughed. Bayley and Becky are here too. Charlotte and the others are in the other locker room, but we're all good. No personal feuds, just work.

After we changed clothes, well except for Sasha and Bayley-they still have a segment, we went to the catering to grab something to eat and then we decided to watch the main event there. It's gonna be a rematch in the wwe championship. We saw Alicia, Eva and Summer on a table and we walked to them. I am with Trin and Nattie.

"Hey cupcakes!" I greeted.


"Ugh! I miss Paige.. She haven't called me yet." I whined. I miss that pumpkin so much.

"Yeah, I miss her too.." Foxy agreed. "By the way, who got a new finisherrrr??" She teased. Unfortunately, she's on the Raw roster. I'll miss this one too. She's Bella 03 ya know.


"How did it feel to beat Alexa's ass?" Eva intrigued.

"Sooo good." I winked and we laughed.

The girls talked after we got food and as I drank my water, I saw someone familiar. I didn't get to see that person's face because she's now walking out the catering. I'm not sure if that person is the one in my mind. I hope not.

The main event then finished and it's still your wwe champ Roman Reigns. So glad that he retained. I turned my attention to my phone because Tyler might call soon.

"Oh my god!" Summer gasped looking at the tv screen. "It's Seth!" She said as we turned to it and we saw Seth just pedigreed Roman. People in the arena were wildly cheering as well as the people here in the catering. Seth picked up the wwe belt and raised it up as he looked at it.

"Seth is here! He is back?!" The girls were confused and surprised that he's back.

And now I was sure that she's the one I just saw walking out the catering. Is she with him?

I hate what I'm feeling right now.

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