Surrounded by Bad Boys

By KellyWeb

7.8M 195K 116K

I was pushed onto the side of the car roughly. I gasped at the impact. "Oh, you hate me?" He asked as we both... More

Surrounded by Bad Boys
You again...
Bring it Around town
The Escape
Idiots & a Trip to the mall
Guess Who!
A/N Story Trailer
New News vs. Old News
Game On.
Unwanted vs. Wanted Moments
Truth of the 'Fox'
Cue the Meltdown
Lana's Words
Jealousy is Not a Good Color
A Night to Remember-HSM had it wrong-
We Can't Forget
Clean Slate
Commotion and Devotion
Speaking Up
I'm Jamie F*%#ing Jamison!
Disapointments and Broken Promises
Learning New Things
"It's Official Now"
Wrong Number
Day of Surprises
No More Secrets
Deal Making
Moving Clock
The Winter Ball
He's Not Here
"I think I'm on my Period"
The Day I Marked (Preview) Not an Update
Road Trip
It's Because I Care
A Quiet Day
Starting Winter Break
Don't Tell Eric
Playing With Your Head
Birthday Part 1
Birthday Part 2
It's Our Secret
New Paths
Why Are You Here
Welcome Back
Open Your Eyes
Long Live the King
The Choice

"Well that was Interesting..."

220K 6.1K 2.2K
By KellyWeb


We had only been at this event for twenty minutes and I was already feeling overwhelmed. There were so many people! I grabbed Rick's hand and dragged him through the wave of people to find my mom. I wanted those chairs so we could set up our spot. I finally spotted her by a table stacked with food. She was talking to a group of adults. I pranced up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Mother, I need the keys to the car. I want to get some chairs." I stuck my hand out ready to take the keys. Once she dropped them in my hands and waved me off, Rick and I ran through the crowd.

"This town is nice." He smiled once we sat down in the least crowded part of the park. I shrugged my shoulders and laid back on the chair relaxing.

"It's alright, I guess." He chuckled at my stubborn behavior and shook his head. I looked over at him and saw that that his smile was faltering. He was looking at the clouds and I knew something was wrong. "Alright! Spill!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's nothing." He laughed. I gave him a straight face and turned to face him.

"Tell me!" I crossed my arms. He knew when I did this, if he didn't tell me that I would be angry and not talk to him.

"Ugh! Fine...but don't overthink this or anything." I nodded and waved my hand telling him to continue. "Last week," He looked anywhere but at me when he spoke. "We...well I...I got a postcard in the mail." Where is this going? It couldn't be what I thought. He said don't over think it! But it could be from him... Before he could finish, everything went black. I was about to scream until I realized there were hands covering my eyes. I tried to pry them of but they wouldn't move.

"Ok! I give up. Who is this?" I sighed dramatically.

"Guess." They said close to my face. I knew that voice- and to say I was shocked to hear it would be an understatement.

"Stephen, what are you doing here?" I jumped out of my seat and turned to hug him. "I thought you didn't come to this kind of stuff." I punched his arm lightly. He laughed and shook his head slightly.

"Well, I thought about it, and I knew you be stuck here. I guess there's a first for everything." He stuffed his hand in his pockets. I nodded and turned to Rick.

"Rick, this is my friend Stephen. Stephen, this is my best friend Rick." I smiled. The two did a nod and smiled politely. "Where's your brother?" I asked.

"That would be me." A voice said a few feet away. I smiled at Matt and waved. He waved back and gave me a stiff smile. I noticed the other guy with him from the last time-he still didn't look so friendly. I gave him a smile too but he just gave me a blank face. I sighed in defeat and turned back to Rick.

"That's Matt and..." I trailed off not knowing his name.

"That's Sanders." Stephen spoke. I nodded and noted to myself to remember that. I looked around the park and realized that a lot of teens were staring over here. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable so I looked away.

"Um, why is everyone staring?" I whispered to Stephen, but anyone in a five foot radius would have heard. He chuckled and placed a grin on his face.

"Well," he copied my hushed tone, leaning forward. "Remember when I told you we usually don't come to these events, well now that we are here...people are...surprised." I nodded and looked away. I was finding it really rude that they were so plainly staring so I put on a fake smile and started waving at them. Some looked away embarrassed, while some girls stuck their noses up and turned. Either way no one was looking.

"Priceless!" I heard laughter coming from Rick and Stephen-even Matt cracked a smile. Stephen put an arm around my shoulder and sighed. "This is why you are so awesome." He sang. I laughed at his attempt and couldn't stop laughing. Next thing I know I feel someone yank me forward. Stephen's arm fell to his side and his face turned hard.

I looked up to see Trevor fuming with anger. I ripped my arm out of his hold and took a few steps back until I ended up standing next to Rick.

"What the hell Trevor? What's your problem?" I said trying to keep my voice steady. I don't want to attract attention.

"My problem? He just had his arm around you!" He snapped.

"Well friends can do that. You wouldn't know the privilege! What is wrong with you?"

He completely ignored me and walked up to Stephen. Matt and Sanders immediately reacted and took two steps forward until they were right beside Stephen.

            "What type of game are you playing? Why are you talking to her?" He spat.

            "Why can't he talk to me?" I was growing angry.

            "I'm not playing any games. Jamie and I have been friends for some time now. Is that a problem for you?" I could hear the sarcasm in Stephen's voice.  

            "Did Damon put you up to this?" Trevor laughed darkly.

            "Damon? Who the hell is that?" I hated being left in the dark. It made me feel so lost, and out of place.

            "Damon hasn't even met her yet." Stephen shrugged. "Just relax man!" He laughed. This made Trevor even angrier. He gripped my arm and tugged me.

            "Ouch Trevor! Let me go that hurts!" I tried to pull back but he had a tight grip. I would definitely have a bruise by tomorrow. It was really starting to hurt and he wouldn't let go. Rick saw that I was struggling and instantly got to his feet.

            "Yo! Trevor ease up man. Let her go." Rick grabbed his hand and tried to take it off. He struggled at first but he finally got him to let me go. He stepped in front of me blocking me from his view. "Don't ever put your hands on her again." I rarely saw this side of Rick. His serious side.

            "Just leave me alone." I sighed and rubbed my aching wrists. Trevor's eyes softened once he saw that he hurt me.

            "Jamie I'm sorry." Trevor took a step towards me but I stopped him from coming closer.

            "Please just go with your friends and get laid if you can even do that." I pursed my lips and looked away from him. I guess he was angry from what I said because his glare returned.

            "You know what? Do whatever you want. Don't start crying when you realize you made the mistake. They only want to sleep with you." His words stung but I didn't show it.

            "And what do you want from me Trevor?" He didn't do as well as me when it came to covering my emotions. His face had shocked written all over it. He didn't expect me to ask him that. After the shock went away his face went blank. He studied my face for a minute and then angrily stomped away. I let out a sigh of relief and walked back to my seat. I slumped in my seat and grabbed Rick's hand to pull him back to his seat.

            "Well that was interesting." Rick said hesitantly. And with that comment all the tension was gone. My smile turned into a full on laugh. My laugh was always contagious around Rick so once I started so did he.

I turned back to the other three boys in front of me. "Sorry you had to see that." I laughed. "Would you guys mind telling me who Damon is? I keep hearing his name but I have no face to put to it." They didn't speak and they kept stealing glances at each other. Matt was about to speak but a voice beat him to it.

            "I'm Damon." A husky voice spoke. I turned around and squinted-the sun was blocking any good view of him. When I could finally make out his face I'm pretty sure I died. My eyes widened slightly and I raised both my eyebrows. God this boy was gorgeous! This is Damon!? I sure wish I knew him growing up... "And you...are Jamie." He smirked. I couldn't find words so I just nodded. I mentally slapped myself for acted so stupid. Luckily Stephen spoke before I could make a fool anymore out of myself.

            "What are you doing here?" Stephen tried to whisper. But I heard him. I examined him while he spoke. He had these grey-blue eyes that stood out on his face. His hair just made me want to run my hands through them! And his body! Help me...  

  I could clearly see a faded bruise below his eyes,  but it wasn't my place to question.

            "Well, you talk so much about this famous Jamie, and I knew you guys would be here so I thought maybe I should properly introduce myself." He said never breaking eye contact. My heart pounded in my chest-it felt like I was about to pass out.

            "I thought you didn't want to come." Matt mumbled.

            "I changed my mind." He shrugged. I shot him a small smile and we all fell into an uncomfortable silence. If I thought the staring was bad before-now everyone was looking. They were all whispering and looked scared. It's probably because of Damon. Who are these boys and why do they attract all this attention?

            "I'm going to get something to eat. I'll get you a plate." Rick stood up and awkwardly smiled. I nodded and suddenly felt thirsty. Before he could walk away I grabbed his arm.

            "Oh! And I want-," before I could finish he smiled and spoke.

            "Sprite. I know Jamie. It's barely been a month since you left. You haven't changed much." I smirked at the comment and let go of his arm. He walked away and I turned to the now four guys. Damon was watching me curiously. His eyes scanned my face. I feel very uncomfortable but I wouldn't dare say anything.

            "So, why doesn't Trevor like you guys?" I asked with a real interest.

            "Why don't you like Trevor?" Stephen crossed his arms and smirked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. I will not tell them my pity story so they can sympathize me.

            "We just don't get along. There's history." I shrugged.

            "I hardly believe that." He chuckled.

Now it's almost eight and the fireworks are about to start. I've spent the whole barbecue with the guys and they are really cool. Even Sanders eased up a little. By little I mean he actually talked...if you count one comment. I was even shocked they brought their own beers and stuff. I kindly declined not wanting to get drunk in front of all these people. I didn't expect these guys to be so nice, especially the way everyone is telling me to stay away.

            "What's the craziest thing you guys have ever done?" I asked. So far we have all been telling stories about each other.

            "Well, we have done a lot of crazy things. Can't really choose." Stephen laughed. I shrugged my shoulders at the reasonable answer. "What about you?" I looked at Rick and we both started cracking up with laughter.

            "Which one!?" I yelled, trying to figure out what story he wanted me to tell.

            "Horse?" He suggested.

            "Nah." We shook our head in unison. Sanders, the twins, and Damon looked confused and scared with our secret messages.

            "What about that time at the mall?" I suggested. We both shook our heads again. And then it came to me! I snapped my fingers and turned to face him. We both looked at each other and yelled. "Mr. Rozell!"

            "Who's that?" Damon tilted his head to the side.

            "That was our history teacher last year. Let's just say he didn't get on our good side so we basically slashed his tires and set his whole front yard on fire." I shrugged as if it were nothing. They looked surprised for a second until smiles broke out onto their faces.

            "Badass." Damon laughed. Even Sanders smirked at me.

We were laughing to loud I didn't even realize the first firework went off until it lit up the sky and the colors filled the sky. I stood up in amazement and couldn't hold back the smile on my face.

I suddenly felt a presence standing behind me. I could feel their breath on my neck. I craned my neck and looked to see the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I could hear the background music playing in my head as I gazed at him. Can you feel the love tonight? 

            Damon. My mind sighed in delight.

            "You know when I decided to come here tonight, I didn't know I would see the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life." He whispered in my ear. I laughed softly and looked at the sky.

            "I know right. The colors are amazing."

            "I'm not talking about the fireworks." he spoke softly into my ear.And then the record scratched.  I looked back at him stunned and slightly embarrassed; I had just met the guy and his flirtation levels were on a thousand. No guy has had this type of effect on me since him. What is going on? His eyes showed a nice glint and I swear I saw them smile at me. Oh God I'm going crazy.

And then the warmth was gone.

I didn't want them to see how disappointed I was though. I can't show them I care. I can't, I repeated in my head. Out the corner of my eye I could see Damon and Sanders whispering fiercely at each other. I could tell they were talking about me by the way Sanders kept stealing glances in my direction.

            I saw a guy pass me with some cotton candy and I was suddenly craving some. Badly! I quickly ran up to him and asked him where he got it from. I thanked him and ran back to tell Rick where I was going. He stood up and told me he would come with me.

            We pushed through the crowd of all the people pointing up at the sky and laughing. When I finally saw the cart in my view I was cut off by...Liam...and Miles...and Danny...and Eric. I sighed and threw my head back. At least Trevor's not with them. Spoke to soon...except he wasn't alone. He had this blonde wrapped around him. She was pretty-but she would be prettier if she took off all the makeup. Shaking my head. Girls nowadays.

            "Excuse me. I want some cotton candy." I said politely and turned to go around them. Except they had other plans in mind.

            "Look. We gave you your time to associate with them. But that's it." Eric crossed his arms.

            "Whatever. You don't tell me who I can hang out with! They're not even that bad! If you would actually get to know them-,"

            "We do know them. You just got back to town, so don't speak for them." Trevor snapped. I narrowed my eyes at him and was about to retaliate but Danny beat me to it.

            "Look Jamie, what he's trying to say is that you can't trust them. We are just looking out for you." Danny spoke kindly. I gave him a soft smile and nodded.

            "I know but you don't have to. I'm old enough to take care of myself."

            "You heard her, now come on Trevor. I don't want to be here anymore." The blonde girl whined. I mentally gagged and rolled my eyes.

            "Just wait." He told her. She huffed with annoyance and pouted out her lip. She should really stop that...

            "Look you guys go have your fun. If my safety is that serious Rick is with me. And I doubt the twins, Damon, or Saun-,"

            "Damon?" Danny cut me off. All the guys stiffened and straightened their bodies out.

            "Yeah...Damon?" I was confused. Why are they acting so weird?

            "Damon is here?" Trevor hissed. I shrugged and nodded.

            "You're with Damon?" The girl squeaked. I winced and nodded my head. She glared at me and flipped her hair.

            "Why are you with him?" Erik asked. I shrugged and took a deep breath. And that was my first mistake. Because now all they guys are headed over to where we were sitting.

            In the words of Rick, this is interesting....

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