I Should Have Kissed You (A O...

By shockeychick614

138K 977 106

Brianna's ex, Matt, was abusive. After their breakup she's made high walls around her heart. But when her bes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 11

3.8K 27 6
By shockeychick614

Louis’s POV

               Yes! Brianna is sleeping over tonight! Ah! I’m so excited! Well anyway after she called and talked to her mom, we all went back into the living room.

               “I’m so hungry.” Niall complained clutching his stomach.

               “You always say that.” I reply lounging across the couch. Niall sticks his tongue out at me and sits in the recliner chair.

               “So…” Harry starts to say, but is cut off by the ringing of the doorbell.

               “FOOD!” Niall screams bolting for the door. He returns a minute later with three boxes of pizza and a happy grin on his face. “I think I’m in heaven.” He says putting the pizza boxes on the table and grabbing himself a plate. The rest of us gather around the table, each grabbing two slices.

               “So as I was going to say before…” Harry begins, taking a bite of his pizza, “what are we going to do tonight?” I look expectantly at Liam. He’s the one who usually knows the plans. He looks at us and shrugs.

               “Nothing that I’m aware of.”

               “Well in that case I’m in the mood for a margarita. Anyone else?” Zayn says getting up from the table and heading towards the liquor cabinet.

               “Ooh! ME!” I say excitedly.

               “Yeah me too!” Holly pipes in, along with Harry and Niall.

               “You want one Bri?” Holly asks, turning to Brianna.

               “I suppose. It might help me relax.” She says.

               “I’m gonna stick to Coke.” Liam says taking another swig.

               “Yeah we know, you’re the boring one who doesn’t drink.” I joke.

               “Like I’ve never heard that before.” He quips, getting up from the table and clearing his plate.

               “Well I’m in the mood to dance!” Zayn suggests, bringing over our margaritas.

               “DANCE PARTAY!” Harry screams running towards the iPod dock and hitting shuffle. Glad You Came by The Wanted comes on.

[A/N: I recommend listening to these songs while reading this part (: ]

               “I love this song!” Brianna squeals getting up and moving her hips along with the music. It isn’t until Holly slaps me on the shoulder do I realize that I’m mesmerized by Brianna.

               “Here’s the rest of your jaw, you left it on the floor.” Holly laughs in my ear.

               “Yeah HAHA very funny.” I reply sarcastically, getting up from my place at the table and following Holly into the living room. The couches have all been pushed up against the wall, making an adequate dance floor in the middle of the room. Everyone is jumping up and down, now dancing to I Feel Like Dancing by All Time Low. I take another sip of my margarita, feeling the beginning buzz of the alcohol. As the chorus blares I jump into the middle of my dancing friends. As I jump around crazily, I catch Liam’s eye. He looks at me and nods towards Brianna as if to say, now’s your chance. I grin, taking the hint and jump over towards Brianna. She smiles up at me as I approach, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement, a couple beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

               “Harry really knows how to DJ.” She shouts over the blaring music. I laugh,

               “It’s funny because Zayn usually DJ’s! But Harry has managed to pick some good songs tonight!”

               “Does he take requests maybe?” She asks.

               “You can just go change the song if you want to, the iPod is right over there.” I say, pointing towards the coffee table, now pushed into the corner of the room by the TV. She nods,

               “I want to slow it down a bit, I’m getting tired already!” She giggles,

               “We’ve only listened to like two songs!” I say, “you lazy bum.” She laughs again,

               “Yeah I know I am. I’ll be right back,” She stumbles over to the iPod deck, the effect of the alcohol becoming obvious. Suddenly Ed Sheeran’s song Cold Coffee is flowing through the speakers. Brianna smiles triumphantly as she comes back towards me. She wraps her arms around my neck, catching me a bit off guard. I quickly regain myself and place my hands on her waist.

               “This is one of my favorite songs by him,” she mumbles into my shoulder.

               “It’s one of mine too.” She looks up at me surprised.

               “No way, really?” I nod in response. “What other songs do you like by him?”

               “Oh gosh I love all his music really, I mean there’s Lego House, The A Team, Drunk…”

               “Those are so mainstream though,” she comments, cutting me off.

               “Well yeah but I also like the stuff from his earlier albums, like The City and Firefly.”

               “Mmm. Holly and I like to say we discovered him. He was playing at an open mic night at this coffee shop we used to go to… I can’t remember the name of it now… ugh that’s gonna bother me all night now.” She sighed. We kept dancing a bit longer in comfortable silence. Our moment though was broken by a new song pounding in my ears, Move Shake Drop by DJ Laz. Brianna sighed,

               “I think we should do something that requires less physical activity.” She walks over to the table and grabs her margarita. “Ugh it’s all gone!” she whines. I stifle a laugh, she looks so desperate.

               “I’ll have Zayn go make you another one ok?” I ask. Her face lights up and she pulls me into a tight hug.

               “Thanks Lou! You’re the best.” My heart flutters a bit from her “compliment”. I walk over to where Zayn is dancing with Harry and Niall.

               “Hey can you make Brianna another margarita?” I ask. Zayn gives me the are you serious? look.

               “You can’t make one? I’m obviously owning this dance party!” Now it was my turn to give him the same look.

               “You know I’ll just screw it up. Pretty please with carrots on top?” I give Zayn my best puppy dog face until he finally gives in. A few minutes later he brings the margarita to me, which I then pass on to Brianna. She’s talking with Holly and Liam when I sit down next to her on the couch. “Here ya go! One new margarita.” She takes it and eagerly takes a huge gulp.

               “We should play a game.” She slurs.

               “Oh like what?”

               “Truth or dare!” she claps her hands together, “GUYS COME HERE WE’RE GONNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!” Niall, Zayn and Harry come over and sit on the floor in front of us.

               “Well Brianna, since this was your idea you can go first.” I offer.

               “Hmm ok. I pick… You Lou! Truth or dare?”


               “Ha you’re boring.” She teases, poking me. Everyone laughs along with her as I swat her hand away.

               “No I’m not!” I protest. “I just wanted to you know… do a truth.” She rolls her eyes at me.

               “One second, I need to confer with my panel here.” She leans in and starts whispering to the rest of the group before turning and facing me, a goofy grin plastered on her face.

               “Who is your secret crush?” she asks. Shit. SHIT. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY? IT’S OBVIOULSY HER BUT I CAN’T SAY THAT! Damn it I’m going to kill the boys, I swear.

               “What if I don’t have a secret crush? Do I get another question?” I try getting around the question.

               “Oi! We got a chicken over here!” Niall laughs.

               “I’m not chicken I just don’t have a ‘secret crush’.” I say, making air quotes around secret crush.

               “Haha Louis you’re forever alone.” Brianna jokes, thankfully she’s a bit too drunk to realize that the boys are trying to get me to admit that I like her. “Alright then I guess Louis it’s your turn.” Our game of truth or dare continues a bit uneventfully until Zayn knocks his beer bottle over.

               “Damn it!” he shouts, his beer forming a brown fizzy puddle on the rug.

               “I’ll go get some paper towels,” Liam says, hopping off the couch and heading for the kitchen.

               “QUICKLY LIAM!” I shout. We all laugh at my reference to our time on the X Factor. Liam promptly wipes up the beer before going to the trash.

               “Well looks like that was the end of it…” Zayn remarks sadly.

               “Ooh Zayn leave you’re bottle there!” Brianna giggles, “let’s play spin the bottle!!” Uh-oh. I have a bad feeling about this, but since everyone else agreed to play I’m basically forced into it.

               “Zayn since it’s your bottle you can start.” Harry urges. Zayn spins the bottle, we all wait and watch it spin and spin and spin until it lands on Niall.

               “HAHA OMG YOU GUYS HAVE TO KISS NOW!” Brianna shouts, laughing at her own immature humor. Zayn waggles his eyebrows at Niall before they both are jokingly kissing. We go around the circle until it’s Brianna’s turn. She spins the bottle and as it starts to slow I get butterflies.

               It landed on me.

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