Saturday Night Smut

By Clay91

35.2K 806 32

Trying something new! More

Seth, You, & Roman
Jimmy & Jey
Roman & Dean
Enzo & Cass
Roman, Jimmy, & Jey
Seth & Dean
Apollo Crews
Roman & MoJo
Roman and Randy
Cesaro, Dean, Roman & Randy
Jey,Jimmy & Roman
Seth & Roman
Bonus #2!!!


877 14 0
By Clay91

It was a friday night and you had just got off work to walk in on, your now ex boyfriend, having sex with some other woman.

Wow Apollo... Have a nice life dude!, you said walking out leaving him speechless and her shamed.

Tatiana come back!, he yelled but you decided to lay a little reality down for him.

No Apollo! Shit! I've worked too hard to keep going through this in every relationship... Fuck you and her! I'm going to my home that I was about to give up for you but that's fucking done... Oh yeah I was also getting things ready for your bday... That's fucking done..., you yelled at him and walked to the girl who was shaking as is. He's a shell of a man to be with one and lay with another... He's your problem now sweetcheeks, you said nudging her with your elbow and walked out.

You drove home and sat in your driveway. Out of nowhere a string of rage came over you and all you could do was hit and kick at your steeringwheel for about 20 minutes. You decided to go out and get a drink before you decided to tell your bestfriend Sasha but you needed this time to yourself.  Around 10:30 pm you pulled up to a bar called 619 and went inside to see it was crawling with new faces.

Tati what's up mama?, you heard the bartender Joshua say with a smile.

Hey there! Well today wasn't my day so I came to drown my sorrows for once, you said causing his eyebrow to arch. Got cheated on tonight... Walked in on it... Now here I am, you explained and his facial expressions relaxed as he handed you a shot of Vodka.

This one is on me Tati.. Ok?, he said giving you a wink.

Thanks Josh, you said downing the shot.

You stood at the bar thinking about everything that you saw when you heard a jersey accent next to you order a Long Island Ice Tea.

Ha! That's very ironic, you said over your shoulder.

And how is that sweetheart?, you heard the accent say. As you turned around to speak, you were taken back a bit due to his height.

Well your accent and that drink... Damn you're tall!, you said making him laugh. I'm sorry.. Wow!, you said laughing still a bit shocked.

Well thank you sweetheart I'll take that as a compliment, he said smiling. I'm Colin by the way, he said while holding his hand out.

Hi there I'm Tatiana... Big hands I see, you said making him blush a bit.

Yes big hands... Among other things, he said smirking.

Well Colin... I'm sure your girlfriend is a very tired woman, you said as you sipped some of your drink.

I wish but no I'm currently single... I have terrible luck when it comes to relationships, he confessed.

How terrible we talking here?... Bad sex terrible or being cheated on terrible?, you asked.

More of the cheating... Hell we'd barley have sex at times but it didn't bother me, he said as you looked him up and down.... He looked perfect to you.

Well cheating is the reason for my outing tonight... Walked in on my ex... So now here I am after working two doubles in 2 days with 4 hours of sleep to account for, you said making him put his drink down.

Damn sweetheart you sure you're ok?.... I can beat him up if you want me to, he said making you smile.

Yes... Well no but it'll take some time to be but thanks for the offer, you said.

You 2 talked to about 2 am until you had to leave. He seemed like a nice guy but damn was he tall. Everyday for the next month, you thought about him. You didn't understand why but he made talking to him that much easier. You asked your bestfriend Sasha to lunch one day to tell her what had been going on with you.

I'm sorry I waited so late to tell you about the breakup, you said to her.

Honey it's ok I'm just glad you left before it could get worse, Sasha said hugging you.

I know right.... 2 years down the drain, you said as you sipped some of your water.

Well it's time to move on and be happy, she said giving you a smile.

You two sat there and talked for a hour until Sasha got lost for words.

Mmmmm mmmm now that's a nice looking man Tati, she said with her eyes fixated on someone behind you.

Where?, you asked as you turned to see a short guy with blue eyes and blond hair. You have some weird taste in men you know that, you said making her laugh.

All of a sudden Sasha eye started to invite that someone over. You tried to get her to stop but from the looks of it they were already heading over.

Well excuse me ladies... My name is Eric but I couldn't help but to notice your smile sweetheart, he said and that thick jersey accent caught you by surprise.

Hi name is Sasha and this is my bestfriend Tatiana, she said introducing you to him.

Nice to meet you Tatiana, he said shaking your hand. How about you ladies accompany me and a friend of mine... Well he's like a brother... we're going to the movies tonight and it would be nice to be in the company of 2 beautiful ladies, he said.

Ok great!, Sasha said out of nowhere.

Cool, he said flashing her a smile.

They exchanged numbers as we paid for our food and as he paid for his food. You argued with Sasha the whole day until it was time to head out. You didn't want to be set up on a blind date... Not by her atleast... You loved her but her taste in men was like plain spaghetties. It was 6 pm and you two had to be at the movies by 6:15pm, so you threw your dress on and slipped into your blue heels.

Come on Sash!, you yelled from the front door.

Coming!!, she yelled back.

About 6:20 pm you two made it and linked up with Eric.

Hey Tatiana my brother is running late so you two go ahead and go in and I'll wait for him ok?, he said softly.

Ok that's cool, you replied.

You and Sasha walked in and went to the concession stand to get snacks.

Ok so what we getting Tati?, Sasha asked.

2 drinks and a big popcorn?..... With M n' Ms?, you asked being goofy but she just laughed.

Ok ladies that'll be $18 even, the cashier said.

Whoa sweetheart put that away I got it, a strange voice from behind you said as it shocked you.

You watched as the long arm paid for the food while you and Sasha grabbed it. As you headed to butter the popcorn, a hand touched you and it felt so familiar so you turned around to see that it was him.... It was Colin.

Well hello again beautiful, Colin said pulling you into a hug.

Well hello there, you said as a simle rose up on your lips.

Wait you two know each other?, Sasha asked as Eric wondered the same.

We met about a month ago... After I got cheated on... Had a couple drinks and talked a bit, you said smiling.

Ahhh so she's the one you've been talking about huh?, Eric asked making Colin blush a bit.

He shook his head in embarrassment and just blushed a bit more. After the little moment, we went to see Fast 8. It was awesome. You'd catch him staring at you from time to time but it only made you smile. When the movie was over, they invited you and Sasha back to Eric's place for drinks.

Dude?, Sasha said.

Huh, you replied.

Did you shave?, she asked as she switched lanes.

Dude really?!, you half yelled.

Hey!.... Stop yelling and we need to get lucky tonight.... You and his friend seemed to have hit it off so answer me, she said looking at you.

Ugggh yeah I did but that was a few days ago... No connection to today,  you said reassuring her.

A few minutes later, you two pulled up behind them at Eric's house. It was a gated house with cherry blossoms in the front. Once inside, he gave you two a tour of his house as Colin fixed the drinks.

So Tatiana.. How have you been?, Colin asked as you all sat down by the pool.

Ehh, you replied making him laugh.

I take it you're still getting over that breakup huh?, he asked as Eric and Sasha got quite a bit.

No not really I've just been trying to work and not die from it, you said earing Amens from the 3 of them. I mean shit happens so I'm just picking up the pieces and moving on, you added.

Yes you are and the next guy has to answer to me... I'm still mad I found out late but I'm glad she's ok, Sasha said holding your hand.

Ok... What if there's somebody looking to talk to her now... Would you as her friend encourage her to go for it?, Eric asked Sasha.

Tatiana is a woman with some baggage... So if that guy is ready to help her unload each one and give her the "vacation" that she deserves then hell yeah I'm pushing her for it!, she replied. She's been good to all the wrong ones in her life... Just like her with me, I want to see her be the reason the next guy can't stop talking about her... Like romantic yet assertive... Gentle yet aggressive... I want my sister to be happy, she said making Eric smile.

Well I'll be Colin... That's a true friend, he said as Colin agreed.

Ok well Eric... The same question for you then, Sasha said as Eric took a swig of his drink.

Colin is a hard man to please but I'm forever for his happiness but how do you keep pushing a broken man when you tend to doubt a decision as well?, he said. I will push him but it's always the girl to fuck him over than it would be him doing it, he continued.

How about stop going for the pretty blonds or feisty red heads and stick with a plain Jane... There's nothing wrong with lowering your standards to be happy... I've dated men in all financial brackets... Living arrangements and I still get cheated on for treating them right but I just pick up the pieces and move on to the next..., you said bluntly.

Well why dont you have any standards then? , Colin asked a bit upset at what you said.

I don't have any because the pickier a girl is then the less happier she'll be as a woman but it doesn't work like that unfortunately in my case. I'd help a boy get to where he need to be than cater to a man that isn't heading anywhere, you said making them both look at you oddly.

She's right... I mean showing a man that it's ok to fail at something and have a woman there at the end of the day is life man, Sasha said smiling.

Sign me up hell!, Eric said laughing trying to lighten up the mood but you wasn't feeling it.

Well I'm gonna head home before it gets too late..., you said.

You told Sasha you would catch a cab but Colin intervened.

Wait Tatiana did I say something wrong or offended you?, he asked clearly not understanding who you are so you let him see.

Yes Colin you asked as question that offended me.....but I gave you an honest answer and I made a statment that may have offended you but what I said was true and you knew it... Water under the bridge now.... Nice seeing you again and thank you for a lovely night, you said as you looked him eye to eye as you spoke your mind. You heard your taxi pull up and you left out.

Around 1:30 am you had made it home and took a shower when you heard your phone ring. It was Sasha.

You: Hello?

Sasha: Hey sweetie... Ummm come to the door

You: umm.... Ugh ok.

You hung up and walked to the door in your robe when you opened the door and was meet by this tall man once again.

Tatiana... Wait... Don't close the door.. Just hear me out for a second, he said sounding as if he was pleading.

I'm getting ready bed... You have 5 minutes, you said letting him in.

Yes what you said was true but a month ago I had broken away from it.... Well I thought I did but I still ended up getting hurt.... That's why I never got your number nor tried to make any passes at you during the date.... It just felt too good to be true to me.. Ya know?, he asked as you saw the hurt in his eyes.

Yes I do but I still give everyone a chance when I know I'll get done wrong... Playing with fire is an understatement to me but all I want to do is find love and my paradise, you said as he looked at you.

Suddenly he walked over to you and kissed you. No words were exchanged, just a simple kiss. He held you close to him as he rubbed every inch of you under your rob making you moan at his touch. You guided him to your bedroom and decided to give him something that he needed... Some real love. He took your rob off and started licking around your nipples as your hands ran through his hair. You moaned out as he rubbed at your naked core. You pushed his hand away and pinned him down on your bed. You could tell he was use to begin submissive so you took advantage.

Tell me what do you want Colin?, you seductively said as his eyes lite up in pure desire.

Whatever you give me sweetheart, he said as his accent danced in your ears.

No nono nooo baby.... Tell me exactly what do you want?, you said inbetween kisses as you heard him moan.

Fuck!, he moaned out as you sucked on his neck. I want all of you baby, he grunted out as he flipped you over and positioned himself between your legs.

Having all of me comes with a price Colin-... He cut you off with the softest kiss that took your breath away.

As of tonight... I'm ready to play the game of love just one more time.. And I want it to be with you Tati, he said as he removed all of his clothes.

He pushed into you slowly as you held on to him tightly. He was big true enough but you knew he needed just one woman to fully please him... And you wanted to be that woman. You could tell that he was trying to be that man for you and it was something explosive. Once you two were done... He wanted more... He was amazed that you let him have his way with your body that it turned him on even more. You were so enticing that you invited his hungry manner.

Tati baby?... Just tell me no... I will  stop, he said inbetween each thrust but you were a moaning mess underneath him. Come on baby... I don't want to hurt you, he moaned out as your moans got louder and your nails dug deeper.

No! Don't s-s-stop... Cum for me Colin please!!!, you shouted as it sent him in a sexual rage of some sort.

He was turned on even more with the fact that you were worried about him getting his nut before you and he sped up. Each thrust sloppier than the last.

Cum with me Tati... Fuuuuuckk!!, he yelled as you two climaxed just seconds apart.

A heated makeout session broke out and you to tried to calm down but a third session erupted as he changed out his condom and pushed back in as you two made love until the sun started to rise.

You heard your phone ring as you pulled away from a kiss.

Hello?, you answered.

Dude! Where are you?.... It's brunch daaaay, your bestfriend Sasha say through the phone.

Before you could say anything Colin grabbed the phone.

I apologize Sasha it's all my fault.... How about Eric and I make it up to you two ladies tonight at dinner?, he asked as Sasha said something and  handed the phone back to you.

What did you say!, you whispered as Colin went to the rest room.

I want all the details once he falls back asleep, she said laughing.

Bye Sasha!, you half yelled laughing.

Hey Colin?, you yelled from your bed.

Yes sweetheart, he answered.

Were you for real about what you said during sex?, you asked curiously.

Yes... I was just as long as you make it worth my time then I'm sure as hell going to make you forget every loser that did you wrong, he answered as he crawled back in the bed to you.

Ok then... It's a deal, you said kissing him.

A deal it is pretty lady, he said kissing you back.

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