Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMP...

By Mnmsam

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Audrey Mitchell is half werewolf half human. She has been moving town to town with her father for the past ei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 13 Kohen's pov.
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 23

146 3 1
By Mnmsam


Four weeks, my life may be safe for now but you never know in these situations, nah I'll be fine. Two very angry wolves, so much so that me running away doesn't even match this. On the plus side two rouges were killed, out of probably almost a hundred something. Whatever at least I'm not gonna die today.


It took me four days for my wounds to heal. Four day of no school. No moving around. And having Kohen and Kinsley over my house almost the entire time. I say almost because Kohen was kicked out by Kinsley because he was annoying the both of us, and Kinsley was kicked out by my father for reasons unknown.

So now I'm back at school eating lunch with everyone, laughing at something stupid that Enzo was talking about, even though it hurt like a bitch.

I could tell that Kohen could tell I was still in pain even though the scratches were completely closed up and almost healed. It was more like a super bruise all over my body.

Enzo was talking about what happened over the past four day and how I missed everything.

Mainly because I couldn't mind-link anyone. Ever. Well except when I was dying slowly.

Okay so I can barely mind-link anyone. Sooooooooo.

Anyhow, I stopped short and tried to ignore the pain in my chest. I was glad it was at least a little cool outside and I could wear long sleeves and pants. Not a jacket or anything but just a thin long sleeved shirt.

"You good?" Kohen asks me. As soon as he says that everyone at the table looks to me.

The death glare I gave him made him look away immediately. I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria in a normal way. That was the only way because I was in some serious pain here.

I could tell that it was Enzo that ran after me instead of Kohen. Why I'll never know, but he did. Why Kohen let him follow me instead kinda confused me.

"What happened Audrey? Like I mean over the weekend yall seemed to have?" Somehow I knew he was going to ask about that, but actually having him ask it, I don't even know, it felt wrong.

"Nothing much. I just walked through the woods thinking about nothing at all, alittlerougeattack, Kinsley and Kohen were over my house, we played some games, they feed me and all. They got kicked outta my house a few time. You know the usual."

I said the rouge attack part way to fast I was hoping he wouldn't understand all of it. My luck didn't play out that way.

"You did what now? Why would you walk through the woods? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He was scolding me. I got it, I got it, I know I was being stupid that morning. "What happened, Audrey? I know something happened other wise you wouldn't have been out those few days. Did you get attacked?"

"Yes." It was all I said because it was all there was.

It looked like he wanted to hug me but knew better. I mean, I was in some massive pain. Not only that but when he opened his arms to take me into a hug I glared at him and crossed my arms. That hurt to.

I really need to stop moving so much.

"Anyways I'm hungry can we go back? I'm still hungry." I fake pout at him.

We walk back to the cafeteria and no one asked what Kohen was talking about. Which was a good thing. I really didn't want to explain it to everyone.

The day finished out like that. Lunch we were all still laughing at stupid things Enzo had said, math was stupid and I almost fell asleep. Doesn't help that I already know what's going on in the segment. Hell this entire class I'll probably get an A++ or something like that.

End of school there was someone being very very stupid.

There was an Enzo Thorne on my car. Yet again.

"Enzo get the fuck off my car before you become a permanent stain, and a flatten body underneath my tires." I threaten.

My eyes must have flashed color and the death glare I was giving him, because as soon as he heard my threat his eyes went wide and was off my car faster than light. He was walking to the other side of the parking lot and around a group of boys. The only ones I knew there were Kohen, Enzo, and Samson.

We, meaning us girls, Kinsley, Michelle, and Myranda, we're deciding what to do when we leave school.

"We should go to eat or see the new movie that's coming out, what's it called," Michelle paused for a second thinking of the movie title.

"The space between us? The new underworld movie? What?" Kinsley added some titles.

"What about a dog's purpose?" The moment I heard those words come out of Myranda's mouth I knew it was a bad idea. Every one would cry. I think at least.

"Let's just go get something to eat and we can have a movie day/night via Netflix at my house." I say.

I think that they all wanted to see my house, Kinsley excluded because she was there for the past few days. I only say that because everyone agreed immediately.

"Okay I say we go eat something now and then we all go home grab pj's or something and then go out and get snacks and drinks for the Netflix binge. Yeah?" I ask everyone.

They all agreed like I thought they would. "So... where shall we eat then?" I questioned.

This conversation was gonna take awhile.

Four weeks, another day down. People coming to my house, ones I don't actually know much about no matter how well Kinsley knows them.

Well this would be the right time to mention to my father that I'm bringing friends over.

This was going to end wonderfully.


Hope yall like this chapter, I actually added some of the other characters that I have. Finally.

What do you think her father is gonna say about people being invited over the house? I don't even know.


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