Unexpected Love || Harry Styl...

By clarity-

2M 47.1K 22.6K

Meredith's perfect life turned upside down after her parents death meaning she had to move in with her older... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four (END)
Extra | UN Fragment

Chapter Fifty-Three

22.5K 524 268
By clarity-


Author's Note: Vas' Happenin my darlings? Wow that sounds so out of character for me. Anyways hey people, I'm updating obviously! But before I do I wanted to say that IWATCHEDTHEMUSICVIDEOFORMIDNIGHTMEMORIESANDICRIED! I'm pretty sure you didn't get that so let me talk like an actually person. So I watched the music video for Midnight Memories and words can't even explain it. It was so good that I almost peed my pants (I didn't though thank god). It came out 11:00am where I live and I was at school so I couldn't exactly 'see' it since I can't use my phone in school. Even if I did try to sneak, I didn't have service which sucked but I still watched half of it on my friend's phone which had wifi but it was slow but who cares? My day has been a mess especially during lunch when all of this mess happened. Anyways I'm sure you don't care so here is the chapter!

Meredith's P.O.V

 I stood in front of my floor length mirror and stared at myself. Today was New Year's Eve and Zayn invited me to the party he was throwing for tonight. There was a huge hill behind his house and he said we can watch the fireworks from there. It was a great view so I couldn't say no. I was actually looking forward to it since I needed live for a while. I haven't had a drink since the last party and even though it was illegal, I wanted another one. 

Lindsey and I put together and outfit and she did my hair and makeup. It turned out amazing and I loved how sparkly my dress was. It was perfect for New Year's Eve. I was wearing the same heels from the dance since it matched well with the dress. I didn't curl my hair much but today was an exception. My hair was in tight curls and it made my hair look shorter. 

I didn't have any tights under my dress meaning I will be freezing to death but if I did put something under, it would look tacky. Plus it wasn't that cold outside. The snow has melted and the streets were clear. 

The party started at 9:00pm and now it was 8:37pm meaning I have to leave right now. I never went over to Zayn's house but he texted me the address and it will take some time to reach there in time so I decided to leave a bit early.

I walked over to my dresser and fixed my hair before spraying some perfume on me. I smiled as the sweet smell went through my nose. I grabbed my jacket and that's when my eyes landed on the necklace. 

The key necklace that Harry gave me for Christmas. I knew it was from Harry the minutes I saw the note. It was so thoughtful and I wondered how he knew I fancied this necklace. Then I realized that he was at the mall that day. The diamond on the necklace sparkled from the lights in my room. I can't he would buy something so expensive for me. It costs loads and he decided to buy it for me.

The necklace was just laying on the dresser. It has been like that since I put it there on Christmas Eve. I was just shocked and I still am. I decided not to wear it even though I have been dying to. 

I sighed and walked over to the dresser again. My fingertips felt the key and I shivered from the coldness. I gulped down and grabbed the necklace. I put around my neck and put it on. The cold key fell on my chest completing the outfit. I smiled and put my jacket on. After checking over everything, I walked out the room turning the lights off on my way. 

When I reached the last stairs, I saw Lindsey, Lilyana and Isabelle. Isabelle was pouting as Lilyana was laughing. I fake coughed grabbing their attention. Isabelle's eyes widened as her eyes fell on me making me chuckle. 

"You look beautiful darlin'," Lilyana gushed coming over and tackling me into a hug. I laughed as she tried to squeeze all the life out of me. 

"When are you coming back?" Lindsey questioned. "When the party is over I guess?" I replied making her chuckle. 

"Happy New Year guys," I called before walking out the door. I gave Isabelle a light hug and I swear I heard her whisper, "Good Luck with the boy." 

I quickly got into my car and put some music on. "Heartbreak Girl" By 5 Seconds Of Summer came on and I started jamming while driving. When I finally reached Zayn's house, I saw lights flashing through every window on the bottom floor. I shook my head remembering my last party here. It looked the same but Zayn's house was a bit smaller. People were already drunk from my view of the front garden. 

I jumped out the car and brushed off anything off my dress before locking my car and walking across the empty dark road to the flashing house.

There was a few people on the front garden and some were grinding on each other and dancing along with the loud music that was coming from the house. There was no difference than the last party. 

I heard a whistle as I walked up to the door. My head snapped to the whistle and I saw a blonde guy smirking. I glared at him before walking into the crowded house. My eyes landed on Molly who was twerking in the middle of the crowd. Oops, that came out wrong. She was trying to twerk with her flat ass. I chuckled as I saw her struggle but the crowd seemed to like it. 

Molly was wearing a tight gold pemlum top that pushed her 'boobs' up. She had on some white shorts that actually covered her ass. As I guessed she was wearing heels and her makeup seemed to be running from the sweat that was forming on her caked-up face. 

When the song was done, she stood up straight and send a wink to all the guys smirking. I shook my head. Whore

When the next song started, everyone filled up the empty middle of the room that was meant for Molly's embarrassment in my opinion but I shouldn't be talking since most of the crowd was actually enjoying it. 

My path around was taken up with sweaty bodies and I groaned. I need to find someone I know like Zayn or Liam. I knew they were her since they were friends with Zayn. I was nervous to see Louis and Eleanor if they came. I knew it will be awkward with Louis and I'm sure Eleanor wants to have my head if Louis told her about the kiss. 

I walked into the kitchen that had a few less people. When I noticed a head full of dark silky hair, I knew it was Zayn. I walked over and saw him clearly. He was with the whole group and when I spotted Louis and El, my gulped down. They looked uncomfortable. 

"Hey guys!" I shouted over the music that you can still hear from the living room. 

"Hey!" Zayn shouted back giving me a hug. Everyone's face turned up in a smile as I gave Dani, Liam and Niall a hug. I'm not sure if I was mad at Niall. I didn't know his side of the story so I didn't have a right to know. Eleanor gave me a grin and I hesitated thinking if I should hug her. I was surprised when I felt her arms wrap around me. I smiled and breathed out in relief as I took in her perfume. 

I guess she doesn't know or she's not mad about it. Whatever it is, I don't want to bring it up tonight. If she's not mad then I think I can enjoy her company before she starts hating my guts after finding out. 

Louis gave me a small smile while I awkwardly gave him a hug. If I don't, then everyone would think something is up. I don't want that now. 

"Did you see Molly embarrassing herself?" I asked laughing. They nodded before joining me. "You look awesome Mere!" El squealed in my ear. I smiled at her. "You do too El!" I told her. 

"How are you enjoying the party?" I questioned. "It's good but I'm trying not to think of tomorrow morning when I'll be stuck with all the cleaning," Zayn groaned making me giggle. 

"I'll help you if you want," I told him. He grinned before excusing himself. He exited the kitchen with another guy leaving us. 

I turned my head back to the guys who were in their own little conversation except El and Dani. Louis left somewhere since I'm sure he didn't want to talk to Niall. 

"Let's go somewhere quieter," Dani suggested before pulling me and El out the kitchen and up the stairs. 

"Okay, the closed doors means some people are getting dirty so find an empty room," Dani explained. I nodded before heading to an empty dark room. Just as I entered the room, I bumped into a dark chest. I looked up seeing those green eyes. My heart speeded up as our eyes met. 

I saw his right hand come up and I was practically doing jumping jacks mentally thinking he was going to touch me but then I realized he was turning the lights on. When the bright lights came on, I stepped back and looked at him. 

He looked slightly different. I didn't know how but he did. He looked a bit more hotter

He was wearing his usual dark jeans but this time the knees were a bit ripped. He had on a simple black t-shirt and his hair was pushed up making ever part of me just wanted to grab him and putting my lips on his. I actually missed his lips. Who wouldn't honestly? 

His eyes traveled up and down my body making me slightly nervous not that I wasn't already when I stepped foot in this house. I saw him lick his soft pink lips making me even more turned on. Oh what this boy do to me! When his eyes met mine again but that only lasted a few seconds before it landed on the necklace that was around my neck. His lips parted like he was going to say something but that was before I heard Dani's voice. 

"We found a room Meredith. Where are you?" Dani's voice traveled through the hall. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. My voice was lost somewhere inside me and I didn't seem to find it. 

Before I could do anything else, I felt my body turning around. I slowly walked out the room knowing he was still standing there. Before turning to the left and walking to where I heard Dani's voice, I took a glance back at him. He looked the same as I walked away. 

I felt myself breathe normally again as I found El and Dani sitting in bean bags in a bedroom. They both gave me questioning looks but I shook my head as I took a seat in the empty blue bean bag left for me. 

"What happened?" El asked. "Nothing. I saw Harry," I whispered. They both looked at me like I was going to keep going but I didn't want talk about it anymore.

They understood I guess because Dani started talking about something else. It seemed as if I haven't talked to them in forever. I really did miss them but now that I could actually talk to them, I didn't want to. Even though they would never judge me, I feel as if the only person I could open my guts to was Harry even though he proved to me that he was an actual dick. 

"So can you tell me why there is this huge awkwardness between you and Louis," Dani stared at El. El shifted in my seat and sighed looking down. I knew she was hurt too. But I wanted to know why she would go and kiss Niall behind Louis' back. 

"I messed up completely and I don't know what to do." El groaned. "Did you cheat on him?" Danielle guessed with shock in her voice. El stayed quiet as she looked at her fiddling hands. 

"Yeah she did. With Niall," I blurted out making both of their heads snap my way. Damn you mouth. 

"How'd you know?" Eleanor questioned. "Louis came over after he saw everything," I answered. 

"You mean he told you everything?" She asked. I nodded making her groan again. "I'm sure you think I'm a bad person and a whore don't you?" 

"I never said that," I defended. "I was just there to listen not judge." I added. 

"Wait wait! You cheated on Louis with Niall of  all people?" Danielle said trying to take in everything. I couldn't blame her though. El nodded and I could see the guilt in her eyes. Wait until she find out what Louis did after all this shit happened. Ugh, I hate my life. 

"Why Niall though?" Dani asked. 

"It was stupid. Niall confessed his love for me from all these years and then he kiss me. I didn't have the guts to pull away or not kiss him back," El explained. 

Niall? Eleanor? Wait let me get this straight. Niall loves Eleanor? What the hell has everything become? 

"Why didn't you tell him that you were with Louis?" Dani questioned. 

"How can I when he already knows and to add something else, I was taken aback and shocked!" El exclaimed getting mad. There was a silence as El tried to calm down. 

"Do you still love Louis?" I softly asked. "Of course I still love Louis. I've always loved Louis and I always will," She responded. 

"Then what about Niall?" Danielle asked. "I don't know what to do. I don't want to break his heart. And I want us to be friends like we were before he confessed. I never expected all this shit," El said. 

I knew what she was going through. 

"This is just like Meredith and Zayn," Dani muttered. I sighed remembering all the shit I went through. I can't tell El to just tell Niall off. Who knows how he will take it. He's so sensitive and I doubt he takes rejection well. 

"I think you should tell Louis and get him off his pissy mood," I finally told her. "How can I when he won't even listen to one word I say?" El reasoned. 

"Do what Meredith did. Lock him in a closet and make him listen to you," Dani said making El giggle. 

"I don't think that's a good idea. My way worked but I doubt Louis will listen anyway. He is very stubborn and sassy," I replied. "Just give him some time and when he finally realizes that he's being a dick about this and not giving you a chance to explain then there's a chance that everything will work out," I added. 

El sighed before sighing. 

"So do you know who you're New Year's kiss will be?" Dani changed the subject and gushed like the romantic freak she is. 

"I don't think I will be getting one," El mumbled. I nodded agreeing. Who the hell was I going to kiss? I'm sure Melanie was here and Harry was going to kiss her and I can't just go and kiss the next guy downstairs. 

"That sucks." Dani stated. I'm sure they didn't know about Harry's marriage even thought El was related to Melanie. I didn't want to be the one who broke it to them about his information. 

Danielle's phone vibrated and she read the text. "Liam is looking for us. We should head downstairs," She informed us. El and I nodded and followed her out the room. 

On the way, El grabbed my arm pulling me back. "Thanks for being a great friend," She whispered before hooking our arms walking down the stairs to the sea of people. She won't be saying that after she finds out how I betrayed her. 

When I reached the kitchen, I lost El and Dani. I groaned knowing I was lonely once again. I went over to where all the drinks were and pored myself a glass of beer and started sipping once in a while. That was until I heard the kitchen door open making me turn around to face who ever was there. 

In came Harry, stumbling and bumping into things. He was drunk obviously. I don't get it. Why are people getting drunk before midnight? That means you will forget everything by tomorrow morning. Wouldn't you like to remember everything on New Year's Eve? Probably not since these are gulping down cups after cups acting like idiotic animals. 

When Harry reached me, he carelessly dropped himself on me. "Oh my god!" I shrieked but that that loud when I left his weight on me. I tried to keep him steady as my back was to the counter. 

"Hey Meredith," He slurred. 

"Are you drunk?" I asked trying to keep him on his feet. "Maybe," He pouted making him look so adorable but I pushed that thought away knowing I shouldn't be thinking this right now. 

"How much did you drink?" I questioned when he was finally on his feet and didn't need me to hold him. Didn't I see him just a while ago normal and actually steady, how did he become like this that fast? 

"A little," He replied. I snorted making him stare at me. Wow that was so attractive. "It's too loud in here, let's go somewhere else," He stated before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the kitchen and towards the back of the house. He didn't even give me a chance to protest. 

When we reached a door to what seemed like the back garden. He pushed it open making the cold air hit me. Even though I knew I would be cold, it was better than being in that heat in the house. Harry pulled me out on the back garden and towards what looked like a huge tree. Even though it was dark, I could see the two seats swing. 

I started fangirling in the inside because I loved swings especially ones like this. Harry let go of my hand and sat down on the swing. I stood where I was thinking if I should sit too.

"Are you going to just stand there or sit down?" His voice said. I hesitantly sat down and scooted over away from him. I think he noticed since he stopped me from getting anymore farther and pulled me back. Closer than I was before. My heart flipped when our thighs touched. How did we even get in this situation? Last time I remember I was pissed at him. 

"You look nice," I heard him say making me snap my head to look at him. He was already looking at me making me blush from how close we were. Thank god it was dark. But seriously was he really dunk because I knew if he was really drunk then he would've said something like "you look hot." 

"Thanks?" I replied. He nodded before looking up at the stars up in the sky. 

"I see that you wore the necklace. Do you like it?" He asked still looking up at the sky. I tried to keep my voice steady since I was nervous than ever right now. Why you ask. I have not damn idea! 

"Mhm. I actually wanted this necklace when I saw it in the mall," I said softly. 

"I know." He responded making me look at him again but still he was looking at the sky. "I saw you staring at it so I decided to get it for you," He added making my insides melt. 

"You didn't have to, you know?" I answered. He finally faced me meeting my eyes. His green eyes sparkled every time the flashing lights came from the house. 

"I know but I wanted to," He whispered making my lips part. I knew I wanted to kiss him right then and there but he was married and he told me he didn't love me so what's the point of me to waste my time on him and do the cycle again? 

I looked up to the sky this time feeling his eyes on the side of my face. "Where's Melanie?" I questioned. There was no way he was drunk. He was slurring anymore and he isn't acting like he was a few minutes ago when we were inside. 

"She went back to London," He answered. There was a silence as I tried to get my thoughts together. The back door opened again and people started coming out and headed up the hill. I guess the fireworks are going to go off. 

I saw Zayn coming out and when our eyes met, he mouthed "It's almost time." I nodded his way. He started walking up the hill. 

"Everyone is going up the hill," I told Harry and got off the swing. He stayed seated as I took my heels off and put them to the side knowing that no where in hell I was going to walk up this steep hill with heels on. I felt the cold soft grass under my feet. 

I started walking to the hill but that was before I heard his voice once again making me stop in my tracks. 

"We got a divorce." 

I turned around and saw him still sitting on swing. He had a straight face and no where could I see the hint of lying. They got a divorce? I didn't want to ask why though. That would be being nosy and I didn't want to push him on this. 

I nodded. "The fireworks are going to start. I'm going to go up," I told him and started walking up the hill. It was a bit difficult but when I got to the top, I sighed in relief. 

The view was amazing and I saw most of the town. Even my house! I took my phone out and looked at the time. 


1 more minute before it will be a new year. I saw the 11:59 turn into 12:00 and I heard someone yell "Happy New Year!" before the fireworks started. There was color of blue and pink and then came green and yellow. I sighed as I saw everyone around touch lips with someone else. 

I wasn't going to have a new year's kiss this year. 

That was until I felt someone grab my arm and turn me around so fast that I didn't even get a chance to see who it was. I felt a pair of warm soft lips attach with mine as I heard the sound of fireworks going off behind me. 

Author's Note: I love this chapter! It was really good in my opinion. Comment what you thought. It was long and there is a reason for that. Actually two reasons. 

1. I didn't know where to stop. 

2. It has been a while since a long chapter. 

And yeah! So thank you guys for reading. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HARRY STYLES! He is 20 now and I am literally dying. One Direction isn't teenagers anymore and that makes me really sad. Tear Tear... 

Anyways that's another reason why I wrote today. It is 1/5 of 1D's birthday so what other time to update then today? 

Ps. I love the song on the side! 

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