In Love In A Flash

By DeniseGustin

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Hi my name is Madison Foster and I grow up in Central City, but I had to leave for other reasons. Now I'm bac... More

Back Home
Iris & Eddie?
A Hero
Run Barry Run!
Using Powers For Good
Walk It Off
Danton Black
Bad Memories
The Mist
Everything Changes When Secrets Come Out
Little Sis
We All Do...
Captain Cold
She's The Bomb
I Know The Feeling
Bad News
Little Chat
Man Of Steel
Visit From Tony
Don't Kill My Boyfriend
The Flash
Happy B-Day
Farooq Gibran
Getting To Close To The Truth
First Mission
Team Up
A/N:Very Important!
We Meet Again
Spill The Beans
A/N Alphabet Chaallenge
I Have These Thoughts
Time Will Tell
Wake Up!
Don't Stop
Gain To Lose
Grey Hair
A Pity Party?
Grandma's Esther's Famous Eggnog
The Man In Yellow
Gone Wrong
Trust Is A Powerful Thing
Liquid Courage
New Reporter
Father Knows Best
The Girl
Casual Flirt
There's Nothing Wrong With A Little Help

Cold's Back

992 38 9
By DeniseGustin

The door to the West house opens and in enters Barry and Joe. Barry scans the room surprised. 

"What are you guys doing here." motioning towards Cisco, Caitlin, Eddie, Iris, and I.

"I invited them," replies Joe. Dr. Wells was also invited, but mentioned having to catch up on some work and couldn't come by to celebrate Christmas with the rest of us. 

"Eggnog?" Caitlin ask.

"Yeah, thanks," says Barry as she goes to get him a mug. Barry walks over to me a shy smile. "Hey."

"Hey." I smile back. Caitlin comes back with Barry's mug and hands it to him and goes over to talk to Cisco.

"Um... can we talk?" Barry asks as he rubs the back of this neck with one hand, the other still gripping the mug.

"Of course." I smile. Barry and I walk over to the steps and take a seat. We've been avoiding the topic of the man in yellow or as Cisco calls him, The Reverse Flash. It's not something I want to talk about, but I notice Barry's leg shaking signaling that something is bothering him. I placed my hand gently on Barry's knee and he stops, softly smiling at me.

"Sorry." he whispers.

"It's alright." 

"Did he say anything to you?" Barry asks biting down on his lower lip in anticipation.

"Yeah." I sigh. I wasn't going to lie to him. I'm sick of lying at this point. "He said I'll make good leverage and that there's always next time," I mumbled. Barry bit harder on his lower lip now drawing blood.

"That little bit-"

"Don't worry abo-"

"Don't worry about it? Madison, what if he comes after you again and I'm not there to stop it?" Barry asked worry.

"We can't keep living in fear and we can't keep thinking about the 'what if's' either. The now is most important and so let's live in the now." I say taking his left him in mine. "The past sucked ass and the future is probably gonna be just as bad, but the present seems alright at the moment," I say looking around the room at all are friends. "Live in the present with me Barry, and when the time comes to face the man in yellow you'll be ready." Barry leaned over pressing our lips together. His soft lips tasted like grandma Esther's famous eggnog, alcohol and all, but on Barry's lips, it tasted even sweeter. When he pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine all I wanted to do was pull him back in.

"I know it's not healthy to constantly worry about everything, but when the people I love are in grave danger I'm gonna worry. I'm gonna promise you now, I wouldn't let that man take you. He already took my mother, but this time I'll be ready for him and he wouldn't touch you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I warn.

"This is a promise I will keep," Barry states, his eyes showing how to determine he is.

"Guys! Dad's putting on the angle." Iris calls over. Barry grabs hold of my hand and we make our way to the living room and watch as Joe places the angle on the top of the trees. Everyone cheered as once the angle was safely on the tree.

"Merry Christmas Madison." Barry smiles.

"Merry Christmas Barry."


We watched as Barry ran away from the drone as Cisco shoots shocker beams at Barry which only sends an electric shock if touched. I feel like Cisco loves messing with the drone way too much, especially when it came to shooting at Barry.

"That was too close." Caitlin scolds Cisco.

"He told me to make it hard." Cisco defends.

"Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead." Caitlin counters. 

"Remind me again why I'm spending the Saturday evening watching you attack my boyfriend with a robotic drone?" 

"Because you love spending time with us. Wanna try?" Cisco asks handing over the controller.

"A chance to attack my boyfriend. Of course. This would be for all the times he finished my Nutella and didn't even bother to replace it." I take the controller and wickedly smirk as I make the drone chase after Barry.

"Remeber, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed." Dr. Wells inform us.

"Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?" Barry ask.

"It's Madison now actually," Cisco replies.

"Even better." I look over at Dr. Wells as if asking him for permission.

"Bring it," he says. I hover my thumb over the red button looking over at Cisco. He nods his head and I hit the button letting loose a missile which tracked Barry. It explodes behind Barry, sending him flying into the air and landing ungracefully. Barry struggles to get up but doesn't continue to run. He just faces the drone as it makes its way towards him.

"Why isn't he running away?" Caitlin asked no one in particular. 

"I don't know, but the drone's gonna release the second missile," I inform them. We watch as the drone fires the second mission and I hold my breath to see the mission crash into the drone. Barry grabbed the mission and launched it back at the drone. "Yes!" I cheer.

Barry made his way back and changed into an S.T.A.R Labs sweatshirt and joggers. Caitlin and I ordered a big meal at Big Belly Burger to fill Barry and the rest of the team up and when the delivery guy rolled up in his car about a few feet away from where we originally were, he gave us an odd look. Probably because we ordered about sixty burgers, twenty french fires, fifteen chicken rings and five large cups of soda.

"Very impressive, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells speaks up as everyone is finishing up eating. "Your reaction to stimuli at super-speed continues to improve.

  "It's still not enough." says Barry crossing his arms over his chest.

"It will be. You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around," says Dr. Wells.

"I think you mean the Reverse Flash," Cisco smirks. I snicker and shake my head. Everyone else gives Cisco and odd look like he's crazy. I guess I was the only one he told about the nickname. "What? He said it, not me. And he's right. Yellow suit, red lightning, and evil the reverse of Barry."

"Meh," Caitlin says, shrugging her shoulder.

"Actually, I kind of like it." smirks Dr. Wells.

"All right," Barry cuts in. "I'm still ready for another round. How many more drones do you have left?"

"Two. And they've got lasers."  Cisco says with excitement.

"No."  Caitlin, Dr. Wells and I state. Caitlin's right. We don't need a dead Barry.


I was waiting in S.T.A.R Labs for the team to show up. I came here for my lunch break since my boss and Gina were really getting on my last nerves. My boss was constantly on my back and I always do my best, but my work is never good enough for him. Then there's Gina who is constantly asking about me and Barry. I hardly know the girl and she wants to know how he takes his coffee! 

I'm currently on the computers trying to go through face recognition. I kid you not when I say I went to the police station and asked a sketch artist to draw a sketch of the lady in gray hair. I tried my best to describe her, but even the artist admitted my details were a bit too vague so I had to get photo references to help her out. So far I got nothing.

"Captain Cold is back?" I hear in the distance. I quickly click off the screen and open up a link to YouTube.

"For a non-metahuman, Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the Nemesis." says Dr.Wells as the team walks into the main room.

"Cold's back?" I asked standing up.

"Yep, and he still has the cold gun that he stole from us. The one I built." Cisco says, his tone of voice going downhill as he says the last part.

"But what does he want this time?" Caitlin asked.

"The Flash." Barry and I say at the same time. Barry raises an eyebrow at me.

"How do you know?" 

"Well, why else would he be here? He either wants to get you out of his way and have one less problem to deal with or he was to settle a score for his ego."  I simply state. Barry nods his head.

"If Snart wants a fight with the Flash, then I'll give him one."

"Well," Dr. Wells trails off.

"What? You don't think I should?" Barry ask.

"I didn't say that. But Barry, as fast as you are, you cannot be everywhere at once. And it becomes then a question of priorities. Now, in the last month, you have made a commitment to increasing your speed, enhancing your reflexes, and it's working. You're finally getting faster. " Dr. Wells explains.

"Okay, but what am I supposed to do, just ignore Snart?" Barry questioned.

 "The last time you had a fight with Snart, a train derailed. You were lucky to get all those people to safety. And if you don't give him that fight."Dr. Wells tries to reasons. 

"He may just back off, and there'll be no casualties." Barry finishes off Dr. Wells thought.

"Look, Barry, Cisco and I will work with Joe and the police and devise a way to catch Cold," Cisco smirks. "Yes, I said it, Cisco. As soon as it came out of my mouth, I heard it." Dr. Well said referring to using the nickname Cisco made.   

"Yeah, we can definitely come up with ways to neutralize Snart." says Cisco.

"Listen, Barry. Whether or not you go after Snart, that's your choice. We here, we will do whatever we can to support you. But after this past Christmas, after the events with the Reverse-Flash I just think he poses a greater threat to all of us." says Dr. Wells.

"Okay," mumbled Barry.


"Here you go," Austin beams as he places the places my cup of coffee on my table. I try to neat as possible at work, but today is the day I wasn't in the mood to organize things. "How is the article coming along?"

"Great, surprising." I smiled. "Your pictures made the article stand out and I wouldn't be surprised if we get the cover from your picture." Austin was the photographer I asked to partner up with whenever I was doing a big project. He's pictures were amazing and always captured everything needed for my stories. 

"In that case, how does an early lunch break sound." Austin grinned. 

"Tempting, but I should really finish th-" Austin put a finger to my lips to hush me.

"Honey, we are going out for lunch rather you like it or not. One day our boss is gonna realize that you're a freaking amazing writing and stop giving you such a hard time." Austin grabs my wrist and starts to drag me out the building. I managed to grab my coat and cup of coffee on the way out. We both headed to the nearby park and sat down.

"It's nice out," I commented. "For once."

"Tell me about it," Austin mumbled. Austin reached over to his camera that was hanging around his neck and took a picture of me. 

"Hey!" I yelled trying to cover my face.

"Oh stop it. You look great." he smiled causing me to giggle.

"So how's life, Ms. Foster? More importantly, how's Barry?" Austin says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Great. Barry and I are very happy. I even let him take one of my dresser drawers so that he can leave some clothes for when he stays over." 

"Oh, so he's sleeping over," Austin smirks. "I doubt the sleeping part. More like-"

"Don't finish that sentence Franta if you know what's good for you." Austin holds his hands up in defense making me laugh.

"Anyway, I found this cool karaoke bar and I've been dying to go, so are you in?"

"For tonight?" Austin nodes. "I can't. I promise my childhood best friends to help her pack since she's moving in with her boyfriend."

"That's alright. I'll just ask Gina." Austin sighed showing a disgusted expression. Austin doesn't like Gina whatsoever. I honestly don't think anyone does. She's the biggest flirt around. Rather your single or not she doesn't hesitate to make a move. 

"I'm so sorry. You don't have to go with her I'm sure Tyler or are other co-workers will love to go." I try to reason.

"No its' fine. Who knows, maybe I can get Gina so wasted and post a funny video of her intoxicated." Austin shrugs.

"I would pay to see that!"

"Five bucks sunshine."

"I'll make it ten if you can get a video of her throwing up on someone."

"Challenge accepted," Austin says shaking my hand.


In the living room of the West house, I managed to find a scrap book that Iris and I made of the summer we went camping together.

"Rember when Piper got so made because she couldn't start the fire so she threw a tantrum," I said showing Iris the scrapbook.

"Yeah, and then Dustin had tricked her into closing her eyes and use her mind to start the fire."

"Yeah, luckily my dad had a lighter on him." We both erupted into laughter remembering the good old days. "It's nice that Eddie asked you to move in with him."

"I know right, I'm so excited. No, I can't wait till Barry asks you to move in." I give Iris a little shove and continues to pack her stuff into cardboard boxes.

"Aw," we looked up the stairs to see Joe approaching with a box and stuff turtle at hand. "McSnurtle the turtle. How you been?" Joe said in a babies voice to the turtle. "When did you stop sleeping with this? It was your favorite."

"He was," Irish said getting up from the floor. "But if I remember correctly, you took him away from me after I broke your Duke Ellington: Live at the Blue Note vinyl."

"Oh, yeah," Joe replies, remembering. "You can have him back now," he says as he hands the toy over.

"Oh, gee, thanks," Iris replied sarcastically.  We notice Joe's eyes water up and Iris goes in for a hug. "Oh, dad."

"I'm going to miss you, baby."

"Dad, I'm only ten minutes away." Iris giggles.

"I know." Joe sighs as they pull away. "I'll be fine, just like always." The door opening catches our attention and Barry walks in.

"Hey." Joe greets.

"Hey." Barry smiles.

"You came to help unpack?" 

"Oh no. Iris said that she had something for me." Barry trailed off.

  "Oh, um I found this in my closet." Iris walks over to a pile and pulls out a red book bag with a yellow strip across it.

"I haven't seen this in years." Barry laughs.

"Wow, looks like the nerd survival kit is still intact." I smile.

"I thought those might be worth something," Iris says as Barry takes out some of this old comics. Iris looks down at his watch to check the time. "I am so late for work. I promise I will clean this up when I get back, okay? Bye." Iris rushes to head out the door.  

"We all know shes's not gonna clean this mess up anytime soon," I mumble as I start cleaning up the mess.

"Nope." Barry chuckled. I looked over at Barry with hinting to him to help me out.

"Sure." Barry rushes to clean away all the boxes that were left on the floor using his speed.

"You, my friend are a life saver," I say wrapping my arms around Barry's neck.

"Yes, because putting boxes in their place is what I do best." Barry chuckled.

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