Unexpected Love || Harry Styl...

By clarity-

2M 47.1K 22.6K

Meredith's perfect life turned upside down after her parents death meaning she had to move in with her older... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four (END)
Extra | UN Fragment

Chapter Fifty-Two

19.7K 535 285
By clarity-

Author's Note: Thanks for the seventeen votes for the last chapter. I don't know why but Meredith sounds like a 'whore' since she kissed Harry, Louis, Collen AND Zayn! But She's going through a tough time so yeah.

Here's the chapter! 

Meredith's P.O.V

I was proven wrong when his soft lips met mine. 

And the worst part was I didn't pull away. I actually kissed him back. Everything in my head was blocked away like I couldn't think a single thing right now. I knew how wrong this was. I mean Louis was my damn best friend and my other friend's boyfriend! How crapped up was that? 

Everything fell on me when I felt his wet tongue lick my lips trying to deepen the kiss. No way in hell was I going to do that. Even though the kiss was nice it was wrong, it was so far from wrong! 

I pulled away as quickly as possible and jumped up feeling my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. The silence was so damn awkward that I swear Dora could've entertained me and made this less awkward. 

Louis stared down with his hand on his lap. I knew he was embarrassed and now that it was this awkwardness between us, I don't even know how the hell we were going to keep being friends. 

"Uh," I tried to come up with something to say. But how should I know what to say? I wasn't practicing a line for when your best friend kisses you out of no where! 

"I'm sorry," I heard Louis say under his breath. His head was still down and I couldn't see his face. "Yeah...." I trailed off knowing this awkwardness between us was going to kill me soon. 

"Everything is so awkward now!" I blurted out. I heard Louis scoff as he lifted his head up and finally met my eyes. He gave me an awkward smile as I rocked back and forth on my heels. 

"I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't thinking straight," Louis tried to explain. I nodded as he struggled to come up with words. I looked down as I replayed the last few minutes in my head. Louis cheated on Eleanor with me. Eleanor's best friend. Who the hell does that? Oh yeah Louis and I do.... 

I felt so bad now. The guilt was going to kill me alive. When Eleanor find out that her best friend kissed her boyfriend, she will be furious! Not that I will blame her but still! I already have shit in my life to worry about and now something else is on my list. 

"Why though?" Louis' voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and met his eyes with confusion clear on my face. 

"Why what?" I questioned. 

"Why'd you kiss me back?" I softly answered making my cheeks heat up again. 

"I don't know," I whispered looking at the ground finding the maroon carpet very interesting. Honestly that was the truth. I didn't know why I kissed him back? Was it I felt like the need to not reject his kiss or to try to forget about Harry. It's definitely not the second one because I know for sure that will never happen. I tried so many times and I dragged so many people but I ended up in a pile of shit like always. 

"Are you going to tell her?" I asked. He shrugged and held his head sighing. 

"You should tell her Lou," I told him when I sat back down on the bed but not that close to him. It was a bit uneasy since we kissed not an hour ago. 

"So she can start hating on you? I'm not doing that," He replied. "Well she will find out one way or another. And it is better if you tell her. I don't care if she starts hating me, as long as you be honest with her, I'm fine." I explained. 

"Why should I be honest with her? She cheated on me. With fucking Niall! Who knows how long this has been going on and I actually fell for all the acts so she should be trying to plead my ass not the other way around," Louis said. Of course he was going to be stubborn about this and I don't blame him but he needs to do what's right. He's not Harry and I'm not going to let him act like Harry either. Keeping things from people you love is like not telling a woman that she's pregnant and letting her freaking out when she sees that there's a bump growing on her stomach!

"But you can't keep something like this from her Louis," I finally said making him look up with a pissed face. Did I cross the line or something? I was just trying to help. 

"Why can't I? And why do you want me to tell her so badly? Do you want her to hate you like some bitch. She might as well join Molly and make your life a living hell! How are you not freaking out about this? How are you going to tell Harry?" Louis bombarded me with questions with his angrey tone and I knew this wasn't good. 

He stared at me like he could see right through to me which I'm sure he can. I looked down as I processed his response. Why did I want him to tell Eleanor this so badly? Was it that I wanted someone else to feel my pain? No, I can't be that selfish. 

"How do you think Harry will react to all this?" Louis kept going. "Don't you think-" 

"I'm not," I answered him closing my eyes with my head down. "What?" He questioned. 

"I'm not telling Harry," I retorted looking up. Louis was standing up now and he had the most pissed face ever. I would've made fun of it but then I realized that he had that face on because of my ass. 

"Exactly so why do you want me to tell Eleanor? Do you-" I cut him off once again. 

"I'm not telling Harry because this is none of his business when it is different for you. Eleanor is still your girlfriend so you have to tell her. Harry and I aren't in a relationship and I don't think we ever will be so he doesn't have the right to know about how I some how made out with my best friend!" I exclaimed getting up and glaring at him. He was pissed, I get it but he didn't have to be an ass about this. I hoped he actually was going to understand but no one listen to me do they? I don't even listen to my own self! 

"You never broke up with Eleanor so by kissing me, you have cheated on her and she deserves to know that. Even if you do go break up with her now, you still cheated on her. If you were going to kiss me out of the blue then you should've done it after breaking up with her so we wouldn't be in this mess!" I shouted and dramatically stomped out the room. 

Out of all people, Louis was the one being the ass to me all of a sudden? I'm not saying everything was his fault. Well it sort of is actually but I kissed him back. If I pushed him away just when I saw him leaning in then he wouldn't have kissed me and he wouldn't have to break it to Eleanor that he cheated. Things would've been awkward with us one way or another but at least he wouldn't be cheating on her and I wouldn't have to be the bad guy for once but NOTHING goes as I want it to go. 

Nothing is simple and I am tired of everything being complicated. Why can't Michael just sign me into the mental house even though I needed to go there from the start. 

I made it to the dining room to see everyone chilling like I expected. I gave them a fake smile and sat on the arm rest next to Lindsey who was grinning at me. Most of the people weren't glaring at me as I expected which I appreciated. 

"Mere! Sit, we're going to eat breakfast," Lindsey told me. I nodded before sitting next to Michael and Isabelle. Isabelle gave me a small smile before turning to her plate which was filled with yummy food. 

I turned my head to the hallway to see Louis slowly walking out. Our eyes met as he walked down the hallway. He had a frown on his face. I turned my head back to everyone the back of my head facing Louis. 

I heard the front door close and it seemed as I only heard it. Everyone was smiling as we got ready for an amazing breakfast. 


I woke up to the sound of rocks falling on the roof. Well I think it was rocks since it sounded like it. I heard squeals and a couple of 'shhh'. 

What the hell? 

I looked at the digital alarm clock on my bedside table and saw that it was 12:04am. Who is up at midnight? Ugh!

I got out of bed rubbing my eyes and out on my bunny slippers before walking out of my room quietly. The candles Lindsey put up in the hallway was lit making the hallway dim and bright enough to see everything. It looked pretty. 

I walked down the stairs after hearing shuffling downstairs. Trying to keep quiet, I entered the living room to see six elves? 

When all the head's snapped my way I saw that it was all the kids including Isabelle. I groaned as I dropped on the couch trying to keep my eyes open. 

"What are you guys doing up so late?" I asked half groaning. "We're waiting for Santa!" The 4 year old said. It's amazing how I didn't know their names and they have been staying here for a few days now. Oh well it's not like they knew my name. 

I looked at Isabelle to see her shrug. Guess she was supposed to be in charge of these kids. 

"Santa won't come if you are awake," I told them sitting up. "We know but we heard Santa's reindeer's on the roof. He is here!" A 6 year old exclaimed receiving a 'shh' from Isabelle. 

"Sure he is," I muttered under my breath sarcastically but I knew better not to say that out loud or one of them will end up crying. Trust me it happened twice. I told some kids that Santa wasn't real and then I received some crying action.

"Well he is not going to come and give you your presents if you don't go to bed. He will-" I was cut off by sound from the top of the fireplace. What the actual fuck? 

"See! Told you, he is here!" One of the other kids whisper/yelled. I walked closer to the fireplace and stared at it. Well if "Santa" was going to come down the chimney, didn't he see that the fireplace was lit? 

There was another sound and a mutter of "shit". Wait Santa curses? He curses and then tells kids who's naught and who's not?! How fucked up is that? Wait Santa is not real, why the hell am I thinking this? 

I saw parts of small rocks fall into the fire as I saw a set of legs with brown boots. 


No. Of course not. 

I saw the legs wiggle meaning he was stuck. I knew he was too fat to go down a chimney! 

"Oh my god, it's Santa!" I heard one of the kids whisper in excitement behind me. I kept repeating Santa wasn't real but who the hell was this. It could be a burglar. Fucking shit. 

My thoughts was interrupted when I heard a loud yelp. My eyes snapped to the person who fell on the fire and now is pacing in front of me while holding his butt. 

"Michael?!" I exclaimed. Michael faced me with a tomato face. I saw that he was biting his cheeks from screaming. 

Yup, he burned his ass. I tried so hard not to laugh. His Santa suit popped and now it hugged him tight. His clothing on his butt was a blackish color. 

I shook my head as I saw tears coming out of his eyes. Okay I think I should help. 

I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the kitchen leaving the kids in the living room. "What the hell is your problem?" I hissed as I grabbed a big bowl and put it under the faucet letting cold water get into the bowl. I jogged to the fridge and opened the top compartment and grabbed the packet of ice. 

"I was trying to act like Santa," He replied groaning at the end holding his butt. I dumped all the ice in the bowl and put it on the floor. 

"I think I got that genius! A great way to ruin a child's dream. Now those kids think that you're the real Santa," I responded before pushing his shoulders. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" He exclaimed trying to keep his balance. "Saving your ass. Literally," I answered before pushing me to sit down in the bowl. When he finally did, I swear I saw smoke coming out. 

Michael sighed in relief as he relaxed himself in the ice cold water. Then I started laughing out of no where. 

"What?" He questioned looking at me like I am crazy. "You are such an idiot," I said in between laughs. He groaned and rolled his eyes. 

"What is going on here?" Lindsey came in rubbing her eyes and yawning. Both Michael and I's head snapped her way. Michael went red as her eyes landing on his "little position" in a big bowl. It's funny how his bum actually fit in it. 

"Let's just say you guys won't be able to have Christmas sex in a while now," I grinned and tried to stifle my laughs as I walked out leaving Lindsey looking so lost and Michael blushing like mad. 

I walked into the living room to see all the kids around the Christmas tree. "What are you guys doing?" I asked. They all looked my way then gave me puppy eyes. 

"Can we open our presents?" One of them asked. I raised my eyes brows as they were all surrounding the tree. 

"Presents? At 1 in the morning?" I scoffed. 

"Please!" They all exclaimed practically begging. Even Isabelle was giving a cute puppy face and pouting. 

"Okay alright! Just please be quiet. We don't want to wake upe everyone," I told him. They nodded. "And only one present," I added. They silently cheering which was weird but whatever. 

They all ran under the tree and tried to pick which present to open. I smiled as Isabelle finally found a present she wanted to open. It was smaller than than her other ones making me look at her confused. 

"Why would you want to open the smallest one?" I asked sitting on the floor beside the tree. 

"I always save the bigger ones for the morning. It's more special that way." She responded opening her present. It was a Justin Bieber signed CD. Her eyes widened and her lips parted getting ready to scream. My eyes grew as well and I tried the quickest I can to cover her mouth before she woke up the whole neighborhood. 

"Oh my god!" She whisper yelled. "I should've opened this in the morning so I could've actually screamed and fangirled!" She said playfully glaring at me. I chuckled as she silently fangirled. 

"Why don't you open one of your small presents?" She questioned. I shrugged. 

"C'mon! Just one and plus it will be small," She pushed. I mouthed an 'okay' and tried to find my smallest present. 

It was a small box wrapped with a cute ribbon. I smiled and slowly opened it savoring the feeling. I always did this. Whenever I opened a present, I remember to savour the feeling before actually looking at what the present was. 

When the ribbon was off, I felt Isabelle's beaming eyes on me. "Hurry up already!" She exclaimed. 

"Okay okay," I replied before opening the box. 

My eyes widened as it fell on the beautiful necklace. 

The exact same necklace from the mall that I fell in love with so quickly. "It's beautiful," Isabelle whispered next to me. I simply nodded since I couldn't find my words. Who gave me this? It didn't have a name from who it's from.

I took the key necklace out of the box and held it in my hand. Then I noticed a small note on the side. I opened the note and my heart skipped a beat when I read the words. 

You only have the key to my heart. Merry Christmas! -H

Author's Note: This chapter was sort of all over the place. I liked the Michael burning his bum part. It was funny in my head. If you didn't laugh then just know that I'm not a joker person. I'm more of the "stupid-comment-out-of-nowhere" person. By the way I love the song on the side. I am in love with the band "5 Seconds Of Summer" "The Vamps" and "Union J". My favorite from UJ is George. He is so cute and he reminds me a lot of Harry and so does Brad from The Vamps. It's surprising since the only boy band I listen to is One Direction and now I listen to these bands which I didn't know existed. Seriously. 

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