Teenage Romance (Larry Stylin...

By Can_I_Have_Yo_Number

26.8K 385 56

What happens when Louis and Harry had the perfect relationship, But then a small mistake happens and everythi... More

Part 1
Part 2
part 3
chapter 4
story of my life
Part 5
part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23 (please read A/N :)
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30!!!
Part 31
New Story???
Part 32.
Part 33.
Part 34 (Important Message please read!)

Part 27

512 7 0
By Can_I_Have_Yo_Number

ahhhhhhhhhhhh i haven't updated in so long ;-; i hate me but i hope you like the update c: byeee xxx ((continuing with Harry's pov. ill switch later to Louis'))

Harry's Pov. 

"What did you say?" i asked in disbelief. He looked up for the first time in this conversation. "Oh u-um noth-nothing" he stuttered out.

"Did you just say you Love me?" i said tearing up. "Y-yes" but instead of being Happy i felt anger boiling inside me. "You love me huh?" i said licking my lips and moving closer to him. He looked scared and tried backing away from me but the door closed before he could.

"You Fucking love me" I said raising me voice. He looked down not wanting me meet my glare "If you fucking loved me! You wouldn't be going snogging other people's faces!!! THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!" i screamed. I put my index finger on his chin and made him face me. 

"And what did you do Louis?" i questioned already knowing the answer. He pushed my hand off his face and tried going back inside, i don't know why but I'm getting really mad that he wont even take a glance at me i know i probably look like a fucking monster to him right now, but still. 

I gripped his jaw with my hand his eyes tearing up "Answer me" I growled. I don't know what is happening to me right now.

"I-I kissed N-Nia-Niall" He said trying to hold in his now over flowing tears. I gripped his jaw tighter "Yes, yes you did" i said he got my arm and tried pulling me away but i just tightened my grip he let out a yelp.

"H-Har-Harry!!! please let go i-im sorry, just please let go" he begged i loosened my grip slowly turning more calm "I-Im sorry" i said and i ran off. What the fuck was that? i shook the image of me doing that to Louis out of my head running back home.

Louis' Pov. 

I was crying on the porch step in front of my house. I picked myself together and went inside, When i go in i went straight towards the bathroom. Although i wish i haden't. 

When i looked at the mirror i saw huge hand prints on the side of my face where Harry was holding me. I touched it and winced. You can slowly see it turning blue and purple it looked horrid. I don't know what came into Harry just then.

I just told him i loved him for the last time cause i knew he would never take me back. When he came near me it looked like his eyes turned black and he got out of control. I know the Harry that i loved wouldn't do that. cause when he left he said Sorry and ran off.

I was really scared and in pain from that situation just minutes ago. I walked out of the bathroom and i went up the steps and flopped on my bed. Hitting my jaw 'Fuck that hurt'

I hate Harry for doing this shit to me. I was going to tell him i was drunk but i felt like he was going to brake me fucking jaw if i even said that.  I don't really care right now I'm to tired to care. So i just took a nap, a long one and hopefully not wake up and dream about me and Harry snuggling. 

Next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 i was woken up by the most annoying beeping noise again for the second time for the past two weeks.

I got up and went towards the bathroom, I'm literally half asleep i almost fell getting up from me bed and stepped on a fucking cable cord  ((this fucking happened to me today -.-)).

Great way to start out your day isn't it? i finally decided to open my eyes in the bathroom slowly regretting it. 'God dam brightness' I said to myself. When i opened them i saw the bruise that Harry left me yesterday on my jaw.

I touched and it hurt! i winced in pain and stared at it. It was a purple-ish blue-ish color like yesterday but it got really bad, he is really strong in my opinion I'm not sure if he is going to school today but i hope he doesn't cause i don't want him seeing this fucking shit on my face.

I don't know why but i feel like i deserved it i might hate what he did to me but, I'm the one that did all this shit to him and i don't even know if where going to get back together for a while. As much as i hate the idea of it i know its going to happen.

I shrugged and got my toothbrush i had to go really slow cause if i go as fast as i usually go then it feels like my jaw is going to fucking brake. 

You can see the hand prints on my face from Harry's hand. I don't even know what my mum is going to say, and what about school? i hate when people ask me a bunch of questions and never shut up, it's just annoying, It's not like I'm going to be doing that shit to them so why would they do it to me?

I didn't really feel like making my hair this morning so i just let it be the messy shit it is now. I got into some clothes. 

I was wearing i grey beanie, grey sweat pants and a sweater, i don't feel like dressing all colorful like i like going with my attitude. Cause then people know your in a bad mood and they don't bother the shit out of you.

I wouldn't be surprised if any of the boys asked I'm not even sure if Niall told Zayn and Liam about the night at Harry's house. They should know too i just didn't want to be the one that told them cause mainly it was Niall's fault, i know i kissed back but this all started with Niall.

I got my backpack from the corner of my room and left, The girls where asleep right now and my mum was in the kitchen i didn't want her to see my face so i just yelled that i was leaving and left.

I saw Zayn and Liam walking with Niall down the sidewalk. I didn't know they took there walk down this street.

I ran over to them and said hi, I'm still mad at Niall, so i didn't say hi to him i could see him frown from the corner of my eye.

"That new student is coming today" Zayn reminded us, i totally forgot about this new student i wasn't really happy with this or excited so i just nodded. They stopped to go to Harry's house but i kept walking cause I don't want him to see my jaw.

The boys questioned it, but i just ignored them not really wanting to answer them. I don't even know why Niall stayed with them, doesn't he know that Harry can just punch him in the face and leave with that?

I hope he does, cause I'm not the violent one i just sass a lot i would never punch or hurt anyone cause a second later i would just say sorry and regret everything i did.

 I made it to the front of the school building and walked in threw the doors. Everyone started looking at me and gave me strange looks i went over to our table and sat down. The room started building up the noise again than god.

Some people passed by me saying weird things that i didn't even get they where saying it for. The boys walked in like maybe 5 minutes later i don't know why they took so long. 

But the weird thing was that they sat on a different table. I raised my eye brows and went towards them making sure i hide the bruise as good as i can. I sat on the seat they all looked at me and fake smiled.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?" i said to them they gave me shocked expressions. I gave them a look saying 'well hurry the fuck up and explain' they just ignored me and started talking again "Well fuck you guys to then" i said getting up and going to the bathroom.

'What's going on?' I said to myself. I washed my face and grabbed some paper towels. I don't know what is going to happen in first period Harry was to upset to even sit next to me yesterday. 

He just got Liam to sit next to me, i was crying the whole fucking day in school looking at the ground whenever i passed threw the hallways. I know i was teared stained so i didn't say anything or even do anything besides go to my calss'es.

No teachers ever notice me in there class besides Ms. Martinez, she was i got to say one of the best teachers i have out off all of them. She was one of those teachers that would let you do anything you want,  me and Harry where always the loudest with our laughter and such.

I miss those days i wish they where back. I heard the bathroom door open and saw Harry i was going to cover the bruise but it was to late he saw it already "D-did i do that?" he asked i looked down.

"No" i said and i walked out this time, the bell rang right after so i just went to class alone for the first time since i've been in this school. I went to my desk and sat down not caring if any one see's my jaw anymore.

Some people looked at me in worry but i just fake smiled at them and they smiled back and turned around. See this is what i hate when people give me there attention, Like turn your ass around i don't need your attention. 

Wow. I'm a really bad mood today. The boys walked in laughing and talking to each other i saw Harry laugh and smile, even though he is not mine no more i still love when he looks happy he deserves to be happy not sad. 

Niall was even talking to Harry. what the actual fuck? why the hell is Harry talking to him and not me? why where the boys all ignoring me when they where perfectly fine walking to school? i was done with this i was done with everything this shit just pisses me off. 

I would rather have no fucking friends if there just going to take one persons side, Everyone cares about Harry and not me yes he was the one that got cheated on, but they act like i was fucking sober and i wasn't.

I didn't mean to do all that shit to him it was the god dam alcohol talking not me! I guess i just don't have anymore friends..i really don't care though i rather be alone my whole fucking life if i had to. 

The late bell rang and everyone in class took there seats Harry actually sat next to me this time but not giving to shits about me though. 

A girl with curly brown Hair walked in and stood in front of the class waiting for the teacher. I guess she was the new girl i don't really care though she was cute and looked nice but i only have my heart set on Harry even if we aren't together.

I rested my head on my arms and looked straight ahead not paying attention to anything. Ms. Martinez walked in and started cursing under her breath and setting her things down.

"Now class!" she said while she clapped her hands together getting everyone's attention "As you can see this lovely girl standing here is Eleanor, Eleanor Calder right?" she looked towards her and she nodded smiling.

"So you will be sitting" she took a long pause i just noticed how many guys where drooling over her. "you will be sitting in front of Louis" she said i looked surprised, why does everyone have to sit back here? "Louis raise your hand"

I raised it up seeing the girl smile when she saw me i gave her a grin not showing my teeth. she walked over and sat down she turned around and smiled. Her smile was actually really pretty. She was not the ugliest girl in the world but she wasn't the prettiest in my opinion she is some where in the middle.

She turned back around when i set my head back down on my arms. I would have gave her a warm welcome if i wasn't in a shitty mood today.

Class went by smoothly and what i mean by smoothly was i wasn't getting bothered with. that new girl kept turning around to look at me sometimes i just smiled and she smiled back turning around back to her work.

I could already tell she is going to be one of those popular people and i despise them they think there all that and act like they can do/say whatever in the hell they want, but they end up getting in trouble.

 I started walking to my next period none of the boys have this class, I hate this class the teacher is a bitch and gives us to much work, he's a pig as well flirts with every girl in this fucking class it's disgusting really.

His name was Mr. Jones i hate him so much it's not even funny and to make it worse he hates me cause i always make a lot of noise in his room, I wont disagree with that cause i just like to get his ass mad and see him freak out. 

I sat down in my seat waiting for hell to happen when that girl Eleanor walked in she smiled and came over to me. "Does someone sit next to you?" she asked i shook my head no and she smiled "Can I?" she asked i nodded and she took a seat next to me. 

After class~~~~~~~~~~~~

"That guys is really creepy" Eleanor told me i let out a bark of laughter for the first time in so long. she started laughing with me "It's truth though he likes to flirt with a lot of girls so i would be careful" i said pointing at her she let out a giggle. 

"So when do we have lunch?" she asked  "after 3rd period" she nodded "What class do you have next?" i held out my hand for her schedule and she smiled and pulled it out of her binder. 

i scanned threw it i was actually really shocked she had all the same classes as me. "Ayee we have the same class'es" she smiled and clapped her hands together. "Great! I'm glad i have a friend already i was worried i wouldn't have any" she said i smiled at her.

"Are you kidding? people drool over you" she laughed "well besides all that i mean like friends like you. That don't want to just get inside my pants" i laughed and nodded. 

We walked into out next class witch was science. I went to my seat but Eleanor had to stay up there and wait for the teacher. I looked at the board seeing out assignment and saw that we where going to be dissecting a pig today. 

That's gross i thought we usually did frogs or something? I don't know but i know most of the girls will be freaking out I'm not girl but i think i would be too. But it's funny coming from a girl, i don't have a lab partner well a couple of people don't. 

This time Eleanor has to be partnered with someone else she frowns and mouths me a sorry i smiled and mouthed back and it's alright. She smiled and walked towards another girl. She was a nerd, or smart person are the words i like to say. 

We started the assignment all the girls shouting 'ew's! gross!' and all those words i almost messed up my work laughing at the girl who started freaking out about all the blood from the pig and the organs.

I thought Eleanor would be those types of girls but she was laughing to and trying to cut her pig open. 

'This girl isn't half bad' I said to myself and started working again. The class was finished many yells from the teacher telling all the squealing girls to shut up. 

It was now lunch time and i was waiting by the front door for Eleanor. She came out smiling as she saw me, we where making our way to the lunch room when i saw Harry and the boys looking at me Harry had hurt and jealousy in his eyes. 

But the boys had looks i couldn't really read i turned my head around not really caring what they had to say anymore and made my way to the lunch room and sat down at the boys and our table. They came to the table and sat down.

"Who's this Louis?" Liam asked "Why the hell would you care" i said he frowned "I'm Eleanor" she said to Liam and held out her hand "I'm Liam, this is Zayn my boyfriend, Niall and....Harry" he said pointing to all of us but taking a while to say Harry's name.

"Nice to meet you all" she smiled. She got up and i guessed went to go get lunch. "So..." Niall began talking the table was filled with uncomfortable silence "Are you guys dating?" Harry said in the middle of the silence.

Was he really talking to me right now? "No where not why would i date her we're only friends" he nodded and put head in his arms ' I guess that's all the talking where doing today' I said a little bit too loud cause all the other boys looked at me.

"What was that Louis?" Zayn asked "oh nothing never mind" they nodded and soon Eleanor came back with her trey of food and started eating all the boys where actually talking to her, but everyone besides Harry of course.

Everyone got lunch besides me and Harry. I was starving but i don't want to eat if Harry doesn't. "So Eleanor..how old are you?" Niall asked "Im 18" she stated "Oh really?! So is Louis" he said pointing at me. I nodded and she smiled, she sure did smile a lot.

Soon the bell rang and we all left to our classes me and Eleanor going to History together and The boys going to there classes. I'm glad the boys are talking to me again and Harry going little by little but at least he his. 

I hope it's the same for tomorrow. 


ELEANOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!?!! hehehe i bet you guys hate me c: Hope you enjoyed AND I BEAT MY GOAL 3230 WORDS :DDDDDD IM SO HAPPY!!! Alright Byyeeeee xxx  ((P.S DEDICATION TO LarryIsForever cause she always votes for my story thank you love ^-^))

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