Mated. Rejected. Regretted. (...

By undefined_abuse

976K 39.1K 11.4K

New cover made by @Magenkop Luke Moore, an omega born of beta parents, something that rarely occurs in the... More

Chapter 1 - Surprise!
Chapter 2 - Totally Unexpected
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - What's going on?
Chapter 4 - Planning
Chapter 5 - Love Me
Chapter 7 - The future
Chapter 8 - Betrayal
Chapter 9 - Blinded
Chapter 10 - Reality
Chapter 11 - The Truth
Chapter 12 - Old & New Memories
Chapter 13 - Haunting Start
Chapter 14 - Unveiling the Truth
Chapter 15 - The Unbelievable
Chapter 16 - A Better Day
Chapter 17 - Let's Talk About Love
Chapter 18 - Lies and Lies
Chapter 19 - Does Love Exist?
Chapter 20 - If Loving Was Enough
Chapter 21 - Love By Grace
Chapter 22 - Regretted Action
Chapter 23 - I Believe In You
Chapter 24 - Weird Feelings
Chapter 25 - Love Still Exist
Chapter 26 - My Life is Yours
Chapter 27 - Because You Left
Chapter 28 - Weird Changes
Chapter 29 - Double Trouble
Chapter 30 - Do My Eyes Deceive Me
Chapter 31 - New Additions
Important Message
Chapter 32 - Pay Back Hurts
Chapter 33 - Just Walk Away
Chapter 34 - Returning
Chapter 35 - Where's My Pups?
Chapter 36 - Enough!
Epilogue - Michael
Epilogue - Nelson & Luke
Bonus Chapter - What's going on?!
Characters Update/Sequel Info.
Part 2 - Chapter 1: Finding Truths
Part 2 - Chapter 2: Surprising Visitors
Part 2 - Chapter 3 - Unknown Visitor
Part 2 - Chapter 4 - Brutality
Please Read!
Part 2 - Chapter 5 - Have A Heart
Part 2 - Chapter 6 - What Just Happened?!
Part 2 - Chapter 7 - Recovering
Part 2 - Chapter 8 - Tell No One
Part 2 - Chapter 9 - Lonely
Part 2 - Chapter 10 - Truth Lies
Part 2 - Chapter 11 - Will I See You Again?
Part 2 - Chapter 12 - Fade Away
Part 2 - Chapter 13 - A New Day
Part 2 - Chapter 14 - When I Need You
Part 2 - Chapter 15 - If That's What It Takes
Part 2 - Chapter 16 - It's Hard To Say Goodbye
Part 2 - Chapter 17 - Too Late!
Part 2 - Chapter 18 - No! I'm sorry
Part 2 - Chapter 19 - The Truth Be Told
Part 2 - Chapter 20 - The Beginning of Prince Sterling
Part 2 - Chapter 21 - Death
Part 2 - Chapter 22 - They Don't Change
Part 2 - Chapter 23 - Strong Connections
Part 2 - Chapter 24 - Hot and Spicy
Part 2 - Chapter 25 - In His Touch
Part 2 - Chapter 26 - Out of Luck
Part 2 - Chapter 27 - Finding Nelson
Part 2 - Chapter 28 - Prince vs Stefan
Part 2 - Chapter 29 - The Wedding of Doom
Part 2 - Chapter 30 - The Coming
Part 2 - Chapter 31 - Dead House
Part 2 - Chapter 32 - The Last Shall Be the First
Part 2 - Chapter 33 - Angels of Darkness
Part 2 - Chapter 34 - The Battle That Changed It All
Part 2 - Chapter 35 - Chose What You Love Most
Part 2 - Chapter 36 - The Virus
Part 2: Chapter 37 - Another Him?
Part 2 - Chapter 38 - Infected
Part 2 - Chapter 39 - Many Visitors
Part 2 - Chapter 40 - The Epidemic Begins
Part 2 - Chapter 41 - The Only Decision
Part 2 - Chapter 42 - A Bloodless Battle
Part 2 - Chapter 43 - Life Changes
Part 2 - Chapter 44 - The Lunar Burst Begins

Chapter 6 - Changes

23.1K 945 217
By undefined_abuse

Michael's POV

5 months later

"Are you sure there's nothing of his that I can use?" I asked Justin.

"I don't know, no one's been down there for months"

"Go check, please. He won't stop crying" He went to do what I asked.

You see, Mike is in the stage where h just cries and cries and an elder recommended that something from the 'mother', meaning the stupid Omega who's been gone for almost 5 months now, it'll help Mike calm down. Apparently, the mother's or carrier's scent calms the baby especially an alpha pup. Justin returned with a small blanket that I recognize very well, it's the blanket the omega used. I took the blanket from him. "It's clean right?" I asked him. He nodded and said it was packed in the closet down in the basement. I placed the blanket over Mike and he immediately stopped crying. I was happy that he stopped crying but I was unhappy that he had to use something from that thing I banished, in order to calm.

Since that happened, the pack couldn't be happier. Now we're officially 100% strong. No weak link anymore. As for my love life, I've been seeing a few girls and a guy from the city. You know, random booty call for when I'm in the mood. Currently, I'm in my room with my pup as well as my mother.

"He looks like you" She said watching the baby. I smile and look at his features. I do wonder what's happening with the other pups but it's not my problem anymore. I have what I want and that's all that matters.

I looked at the pup again and see that he's sleeping. I picked him up and placed him in his crib, then left the room. I walked into my mother's room along with her and sat down.

"So how's it going with little Mickey?" She asked.

"It's going well, he's healthy and no signs of anything since he's been born,  there's this thing though that I'm not really happy about" I said honestly to her.

"What's that?"

"Sometimes when he's fussy and cries for no reason, he won't calm down" I stated. "One of the elders told me to lay something from his carrier which is the omega, so I did and he stopped" I added.

"So, what's the problem?" She asked confused.

"I don't want him to have that connection with that pest" I growled.

"I know, but he won't know unless you tell him. He'll always have that connection to the omega because that's his carrier but you're raising him, you'll always be his go to person, son."

"You're right"

"I know I am" She chuckled. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" She asked. I nodded, kissed her cheek and asked her to watch mike, then I left the room.

I went back to my room, got dressed, kisses my pup then exited the house, stepping into my car. I took my phone out and dialed the number I want to call.

"I'm on my way" I told them hanging up. I started the car and exited the driveway.

"Hi, Alpha"

"Hey, Jack" I said walking into the building. "Where's John?"

"His office" he said. I walked down the hall and barged into the office. When John realized it was me, he smiled and   stopped what he was doing.

"Everything set?" I asked him. He nodded, getting up and sat down next to me on the sofa.

"Missed me" he asked. I laughed and looked at him.

"Yes I did baby" I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and he leaned his head on me. John and I have been seeing each other for about 3 months now. We met after a ceremony at his pack. He's the beta if his pack who lost his mate in a raid. He has everything I want. A nice body, strength and good looks. He doesn't know I hook up with others but I'm not changing that.

"Ready to go?" He asked me. I replied with a 'yes' and we got up and walked out and then into my car.

"I'm so tired" I said. He put his hand on my leg and rubbed it softly.

"I'll stay the night, make you something good to eat then we can relax" he smiled.

"Thanks babe" I smiled back at him and continued to drive.

"You know, you never told me about your mate. What happened to him?" He asked looking at me.

"Well after he gave birth, he took 3 of the pups and left. He couldn't face the fact that he cheated on me multiple times." I lied. "But it was worth it, I have you" I smiled.

"He's an asshole for hurting you like that. I won't hurt you like that" he kissed my cheek and then we sat silently as I drove back to the house.


"That feels great" I moaned when he kept massaging my back. We were both in bed, after eating and showering. John is helping me relax by giving me a great massage. After the massage, we laid back on the bed, him cuddling on my side and I holding him closely. He began to place kisses all over my chest and neck.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked.


"I love you" he said. My thoughts going back to the first time the omega told me that. I didn't love him. But I do have a strong feeling towards John.

"I love you too, baby" He closed his eyes and so did I.

I sighed as I got off the bed and headed towards Mickey's room. He started crying at 5:40 in the morning. The rain pouring hard combined with his wails, are not a good thing. Giving me a headache. I picked him up and went down to the kitchen and gave him his bottle. He stopped crying and the rain stopped pouring. "Hmm, weird. What a coincidence" I said to myself.

"Good morning, Alpha" An elder came in. "I need to talk with you, as soon as possible" she said. I walked in the living room, giving Mickey to my sister then went into the building  next to the pack's house.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

"A few of the warriors informed us that they're seeing activity on the south side of our border and I think I know what it is"

"Go on" I told her.

"There's a few rouges there but it's not ordinary rouges. I don't know if you remember, but it's the rouges from before. The ones that attacked the pack and killed one of the pack's pup at that time."

"What can we do to stop them"

"I need the inspector and her team. They'll deal with it. Till then, keep a better eye on the pack"

"Will do." I was about to walk out then I remembered. "Elder, is it possible for a wolf to hold powers of some sort?"

"I'm not sure but I'll find out, why?"

"Mike stopped crying earlier and the storm passed immediately. Maybe it's just a coincidence but I don't know"

"It's not known for a wolf to have that power. Probably a coincidence. Do need to worry" she informed. I left and went into my office.

I shot out of bed with a pain in my chest as I gasped for air. I went outside quickly and striped my clothes and turned into my wolf. I ran towards the lake and sat on the rock. The pain from being away from ones true mate goes after 6 months of rejecting them. The rock I'm on helps. I howled to the moon, laying down on the rock. Just 4 more days and this is over.


So sorry for it being short. Luke's part needs to be explained and you'll understand why things happened in this chapter. Hope you enjoy.

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