Bad Boy Games

By MeMyselfAndI123

77.1K 2.3K 341

I gritted my teeth as his hands ran up the blonde bimbo's thighs and when he leaned forward to suck on her ne... More

Bad Boy Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 20

1.4K 42 5
By MeMyselfAndI123


Pic of Michael one time when they were at the park ------->


                “Winter…” I sighed. She flashed puppy eyes at me and I narrowed my own eyes at her, crossing my arms over my chest. “You’re seriously gonna go there… again?” I asked. She nodded, still gazing at me with her wide hazel eyes and a puckered lip. Sighing again, I dropped my arms and fell back onto the couch. “Fine. I’ll go to the fucking party. But if you get drunk and leave without me…” she squealed happily and I winced.

                “I won’t! You can borrow one of my dresses but we have to hurry. Come on!” She grabbed my arm and yanked me up. Even though she’s only about an inch shorter than me, she’s still really strong. She only let me stop in the kitchen long enough to write Mom a note and then we were moving again. Memories from the last party she drug me to flashed through my mind and I shuddered, biting my lip as I allowed her to pull me out the door and down the driveway to her car.

                I got in the passenger seat while she slid into the driver’s, starting the car and taking off down the street. I stared out the window until we reached her house. I barely had time to blink before my door was yanked open and Winter was lugging me out of my seat. I hardly managed to keep myself balanced and not fall on my face. Glaring at her, I released myself from her grip and kept a safe distance as we went into the house.

                When we reached her room she went straight to the closet. Not even two seconds later I heard her cursing and clothes came flying through the air, landing in a heap on the floor. Not surprised, I sunk down onto her mattress and closed my eyes. It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday night.

                I spent most of today doing errands and I stopped at the library to rent some more books and renew the one that I’m reading. I’m rereading the Percy Jackson series for the fifth time and it seems like they get better every time. I’m on the third book right now. Hey, don’t judge. Those books are hella good.

                So now I’m tired and I could be sleeping but nooo. My lovely best friend is dragging me to yet another party.

                The thoughts came back again and, like I always do, I pushed them away. I don’t want to think about that right now. Winter doesn’t know what happened at the other party and I intend to keep it that way. She doesn’t need to feel guilty about something that she had no control over. Besides, nothing happened. Jacob got there before anything could but that still doesn’t mean that it didn’t scare the shit out of me.

                I started to doze off and finally fell asleep to the sound of hangers clacking together, the soft thud of clothes landing on the carpet, and Winter’s quiet cussing.


                I stood by the living room door nervously, feeling out of place and jumpy. I pulled the hem of the short dress down a little bit more. I managed to convince her to let me wear a longer dress than last time. The one she was trying to get me to wear would have barely covered my ass. This one goes down to my mid-thigh and it’s a light baby blue color.

                So far Winter has kept her promise about not getting drunk but she wandered off a little while ago. Every time she goes to parties or clubs she flirts with a bunch of guys and just lets go. Sometimes I wish I was able to do that. The only time I can relax is when I’m at home in my room with a book or sketchbook and pencil in my hands. Or sometimes when I’m with a certain guy with black hair and blue eyes…

                I shook my head. No, bad Lyla. Don’t think about Jacob right now.

                I looked around at the people on the ‘dance floor’ and frowned when I saw Jacob with some slutty looking girl. Just like last time the girl was rubbing up against him, he looked bored, and I felt a pang in my chest. I tried to push the feeling away but it just got worse as I watched them dance together. Why is he always at the parties when I come to them? Well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. He is Jacob Daniels after all. And the last time he was at the same party he actually helped me.

                Suddenly Winter appeared out of nowhere and handed me a drink. Tearing my eyes away from the grinding couple, I scrunched up my nose at the liquid in the red cup and she smacked my arm.

                “Oh come on Lyla! Loosen up a bit! You’re supposed to have fun at parties, not stand around like a lost puppy.” I frowned at her and she sighed. I guess she’s right. And I mean it’s not like one drink will hurt me right?

                I put the glass to my lips hesitantly and took a small sip, wincing as it burned down my throat. Then, scrunching up my face, I downed the rest of it. Winter grinned at me and then disappeared in the sea of people.

                The drink itself wasn’t actually that bad. I don’t know what it was but it was kind of tangy. Turning, I slipped into the kitchen for a refill. This is my last one and then no more afterwards.


                I swayed my hips to the music, somehow managing to trip over my own foot. I stumbled to the right and some guy caught me. I giggled and smiled up at him.

                “Sssorryyy!” I slurred, giggling again and continuing to sway my hips. I raised my arms above my head, moving my body to the beat. I heard a low chuckle and ignored it. Suddenly someone pressed up against me from behind. I didn’t even pause, just kept moving my hips. They gripped my waist and pressed themselves closer. I felt warm breath on my ear and closed my eyes.

                “Well this is a side of you that I didn’t know existed. Can’t say that I don’t like it though,” a deep voice breathed in my ear. Where have I heard that voice? Oh! Jacob! “Are you drunk?” He sounded amused.

                Smiling lopsidedly and giggling as I nodded, I reached back and rested my hands on the back of his neck as I moved my ass against his crotch. My smile only grew bigger when I heard his breath hitch. “Nope. Definitely can’t say that I don’t like it.”

                We kept dancing and grinding on each other, his warm breath caressing my neck and creating goose bumps down my arms. If I weren’t drunk I would have slapped him as soon as he came up behind me. But right now I really don’t give a shit. I’m doing what Winter said. I’m ‘loosening up’.

                After a while I got thirsty and tried to go to the kitchen for another drink. I didn’t get that far though because when I finally managed to get out of Jacob’s hold I stumbled. He caught me and wrapped his hands around my waist to keep me from falling on my face. I leaned into him, giggling uncontrollably. He shook his head and a small smile appeared on his face.

                “I don’t think you need any more to drink tonight,” he told me, steering me in the opposite direction.

                “Nooo! Lemme gooo!” I whined like a little kid who didn’t get the toy that they wanted. I pulled against his hold on my waist but he just chuckled and tugged me back closer to him. My bottom lip poked out and I crossed my arms, attempting to stomp my foot.

                It didn’t exactly work out very well due to my intoxicated state, and I ended up falling sideways. Jacob caught me again and I wrapped my arms around his neck as I fell into another fit of giggles.

                His scent drifted to my nose and I leaned into him more, pressing my nose against the smooth skin of his neck. He stiffened slightly.

                “You smell good,” I murmured. I heard him take a deep breath, the hands that he has resting on my waist pushing me back to create a small distance between us. I smiled goofily up at him and he stared back, that trademark smirk forming on his full lips. I stared at his lip ring. I’ve heard that people with lip rings are good kissers. I wonder if it’s true.

                “Come on, let’s get you home.” I smiled again and nodded, searching for Winter. I finally found her beside the couch and flirting with some guy. He walked away as I approached and Winter raised an eyebrow when she saw me coming toward her with Jacob Daniels in tow.

                “Winterrr!” I slurred. “J-Jacob sssaid that he’s gonna take me home. I’ll s-see you later okay?” She nodded at me and lifted a hand to her mouth, covering it to hide her grin. Turning on my heel, I started stumbling toward the front door but a large warm hand came around my wrist and pulled me to a stop. I looked at my wrist and then up at Jacob, confused.

                “I parked in the back.” My mouth formed an ‘o’ in understanding and I let him drag me through the sweaty bodies of people on the makeshift dance floor. A few guys watched me, their eyes roaming from my face down my body, focusing on my boobs and legs. It made me uncomfortable and I saw Jacob shoot them all warning looks, pulling me closer to him as we walked. They eventually looked away and I almost sighed in relief.

                When we exited the back door I inhaled a big breath of fresh air and grinned giddily for no reason. Jacob kept a hand on me to make sure that I don’t fall, not saying anything as he led me silently through the night. Eventually he spoke but he didn’t really say much.

                “I had to park my bike on the street over. Just stay near me and try not to draw attention to yourself.” I nodded but didn’t say anything. Some of the fog cleared and my mind became a little less hazy as Jacob pulled me behind some kind of old brick building. I don’t know if it was a warehouse or just a really big store. I didn’t even notice it till just now but this isn’t exactly the best side of town. There are gangs and drug dealers of all kinds here.

                Without even realizing it, I pressed myself a little closer to Jacob and glanced around nervously. My head spun and my stomach began to churn. We started down an alley between an old warehouse/store and a laundry mat. Before we could reach the end of it two guys blocked our way, arms crossed and cold expressions unwavering.

                “Shit,” I heard Jacob whisper to himself. I gulped a little and peeped over my shoulder, seeing that some guys are blocking that end as well.

                “Jacob?...” I said, my voice shaking.

                “Shh. I know.” So now we’re trapped in the middle of an alley, with at least four bulky guys trapping us inside.

                “Ah, Jacob! It’s nice to see you again!” I heard a loud voice boom from one end of the alley, making me jump. A tall figure started on its way over to us. As he got closer I recognized him as the guy who was at Jacob’s house. Damen. And this time it looks like I’m going to be meeting him up close and personal.

                Well shit.


:o Dat suspense doe.

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