Infamous Gray (Sequel to NLOA)

By VasilisaDragomir

2.6M 80.2K 21.4K

As if things weren't already complicated, now Avery Collins has lost her ex-boyfriend whom she still loves. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Part One
Chapter 19 - Part two
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part One
Chapter 21 - Part Two
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 8

97.8K 2.9K 685
By VasilisaDragomir

Next update will either be this weekend or next weekend. I won't be updating so much on the weekdays, thanks to school. Sorry :(


I wonder if Jake received my message from Kale's phone. He did get a new phone after he smashed his last one but I didn't know if he decided to throw it again. If he did, I hoped he was careful when he tracked it, if Kale found out, Jake and everyone I love will be in danger and I pleaded guilty. But that was the thing, Kale would find out.

The seat on the plane was super comfortable, Kale, Emily, Alec and I were in first class while the others were in business class. That would mean they have a lot of money stashed somewhere but I wasn't surprised. Isn't that what gangs do? Steal money?

A thought suddenly found a home in my mind. What if I get into Jake's gang? Emily and Alec are in Kale's and I wondered that if there gang was a family business then wouldn't Jake's? I now knew Jake wouldn't be getting a real job, he was busy with legal and illegal stuff, although he didn't get himself stuck in mud like Austin did. Jean p-

Gabby. I was worried about her, even though I didn't think of it much. But I was. She was a strong and independant girl and I believed that she could find Austin but with everything that's happened now, I wanted her to return to Jake. She could get herself hurt, if she hasn't already and possibly killed and I didn't want that to happen.

She's a hero, if she finds Austin and manages to get the word back to Miami or even manages to get him out, she would be my hero. It's hard to believe that after knowing each other for a few months, she would jump in and help me. Her heart may be broken but-

"Hello, would you like the beef, lamb or pasta dish?" A flight attendant asked with a red lipstick smile.

"Lamb, please" I answered in a polite tone.

She nodded and walked away. Turns out she asked everyone else and I hadn't even noticed. I looked around for someone I could ask for help from but Kale -who sat next to me- seemed to figure it out.

"Do anything and I will crash this plane" He whispered in my ear.

"You disgust me" My voice dripped with venom.

"You make me go crazy, you don't see me complaining"

"You're hurting Austin"

"I'm not hurting Austin" Kale made me face him by placing his fingers below my chin and tugging, softly. "Derek and his guys are hurting Austin, I haven't touched him"

He made a valid point there. "That doesn't mean you can play me. You can't kidnap me then start making moves and flirting with me, that's not very professional"

"Avery I genuinely like you" His face was close to mine but it had to be since we were talking about kidnapping and hurting. Otherwise people would look at us weird and kick us off the plane. If it was just me being kicked off, even if it was in the middle of no where, I wouldn't mind.

"Do you genuinely like all the girls you kidnap?" I asked.

"You're the first"

"It's been four days"

"You're addictive"

"You're an asshole"

"You're cute"

"I really want to punch you right now"

"I really want to kiss you right now"

"Argh!" I cried out and stood up in frustration. Everyone in first class, including Emily and Alec looked over at me with annoyance. Oh shut up, you aren't a victim of kidnapping. I walked down the aisle and waited for the bathroom to be free. There was a bit of shuffling behind me and I turned my head to see Kale had gotten up to.

"Can you please leave me alone" I pleaded. I had no feelings for Kale, and I didn't know what he was doing or why he even liked me, despite the fact that he said I was 'strong'. What I was more focused on right now was Austin.

He sighed a heavy one and raked a hand through his hair. "Look, i'm sorry about everything" He apologised and walked back to our seat.

I groaned and hit the back of my head with the wall behind me. This sucked, how could it take four days for someone to like someone, especially when they kidnapped them. Although, I couldn't talk, it didn't take me long to like Austin, not long at all. But still, Kale kidnapped me, how is he nice?

The person in the bathroom finally emerged and I quickly ducked in after almost knocking them over. I earned a glare but I was already shutting the door. I did my business, washed my hands, splashed my face then exited the tiny, confined space I used as privacy. While I was walking back to my seat, the flight attendants started walking out with meals in their hands and I hurried myself so I wouldn't be in the way.

Kale glanced over at me but didn't say anything. What was his problem? I swear he was bipolar -I don't mean to be disrespectful, or he just had major mood swings. I also realised that he wasn't like the other guys who were always cold, he was different and there'd obviously have to be a back story to his life.

"Lamb was it?" The red lipstick chick was back, holding a delicious smelling meal.

"Yeah, thank you" I smiled and watched with eagerness as she placed it in front of me. She then reached over and handed Kale his meal, which was the beef meal. She walked away and another flight attendant appeared with a glass of wine -obviously for Kale.


"Passengers, please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts as we have arrived in Hawaii and are getting ready for landing" A man's voice sounded around the plane.

I sucked in a deep breath and fastened my seatbelts. This was it. I was finally going to see Austin, well I hope. But it didn't matter, I would find a way to see him, even if it does get myself killed. I felt the plane drop as well as my stomach at both the velocity of the plane and at the images of seeing Austin bloody, up close. I balled my fists up and gritted my teeth. Oh I hated Derek.

The plane landed and we were all ushered out, most exited with excitement but I exited with a solemn face. Our group had a lot of people. There were 29 of us huddled at the airport waiting for the cars to arrive. I had learnt that 9 of them were in Kale's gang but the rest were from Derek's gang. That was a lot of people, knowing the fact that Derek still had others with him.

Five black Dodge Caravan's turned up and we all piled in, of course I was with Kale, who deliberately sat a little too close to me. There was one person sitting in the fifth Dodge with the carry on luggage Emily and I had. Our other luggage was being transferred to Derek's hell chambers.

"Hello Avery" A familiar, blood-curdling voice echoed from the front seat. I was wedged in between Kale and Sadistic guy and was too busy squirming in my seat to realise who was in the drivers seat. The cars behind us waited for the person to-

"Derek!?" I shouted in rage. I lunged forward in my seat and went to attack him but my seatbelt held me back. I reached to undo my seatbelt but suddenly Kale's arms had locked me back.

"Now now, there's no need to be like that" He chuckled and started driving. My breathing came out heavy and I struggled against Kale's grip.

"You kidnapped Austin" I screamed. "You're torturing him!"

"All this is for a reason" He said smoothly. "A reason I will tell you"

"Tell me now" I bit back at him. I tugged against Kale's hold hard, but he didn't give.

"In good time Avery"

"No" My voice broke. Oh here we go again. "Fine- I want to see Austin as soon as we get there"

He looked back at me in the review mirror and smirked. I didn't want to punch Kale anymore, I wanted to punch Derek but Kale wasn't letting me. I didn't know I would feel so enraged when I saw Derek.

"Of course" Was all he said. I decided then I was going to shut up, but just for the rest of the trip.

-Which turned out to be about 10 minutes. The building was dark and tall. Fitting for the current situation, but I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting bulked up guys to be guarding the entrance wearing black shades.

Kale -since he was still holding me back- pulled back the door then jerked me out of the van. I winced at the strength he used and glared at him. He seriously had his panties in a knot. He joined my hands together behind my back and secured them with one hand. Looks like I was going to go back to cuffs.

Derek gestured for us to go ahead, obviously not caring at all about the other guys and Emily. Kale nudged me forward and I began walking after a small stumble. Derek walked ahead of us and opened the double door that led to the inside of the building. My senses were greeted by smoke and a person sitting behind a desk- a receptionist.

"Hello my dear" Derek said. "There will be others behind us, let them in"

"I will" She nodded.

We left, with my mouth agape. She was a receptionist? What, did she not have a life? She could get a much better job but she chose to be a receptionist to one of the worst guys ever. That was horrible.

We passed many doors that I was too afraid to know what opened up to until we reached an open, stale and cold room. Gee, they liked a cool temperature. My eyes scanned the room and I saw the only thing that stood out was a wall on the left side with more doors and- a table with a laptop on it. I closed my eyes and remembered what the background was like when Derek called us.

"He's here" My eyes flew open and I spoke the words, I never thought I would say for a long time.

Derek looked at me once before going over to the table. He sat at it and propped his legs up on the surface. My eyes adverted from him to the wall in front of him. There was a black window and a door. Beside the window was an electronical device. "Of course" Derek said. "I promised that you would see him"

I gulped and my heart hammered in my chest. I wasn't entirely sure if I wanted to see him now. He was going to look helpless, bruised and battered. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from crying, I would probably scream but I would die inside.

Kale let go of my hands and walked over to the device. My stomach churned and my legs grew weak. I started to feel sick and a bad feeling rose in my stomach although I was expecting bad news. My hands shook and my breathing was heavy. Kale's hand reached up to press a few things and the screen rose.

Tears welled up in my eyes and then Kale pressed a few more things-

"Oh my god" I cried. Kale had turned the light off and sitting there on a wooden seat, was Austin. "No" I wimpered. I fell to my knees as tears rushed down my face.

Austin's head was slumped down in a way that told me, he couldn't lift it up, it also wouldn't allow me to see his face. But, I could see his body and it was bad. His shirt was torn and dry blood painted him. Black, purple and blue bruises stained his arms.

"What is it now?" He murmered and slowly lifted his head. His voice was bland, there was no life left in it.

"Austin" I sobbed. He had bruised around both eyes and a torn lip. He had bruised on his cheeks and dry blood smeared on his face. "Austin!"

"He can't hear you" Kale whispered and looked at me. He still stood beside the device.

I stood up and walked over to the window with tears pouring down my cheeks. Austin was looking around the room as if he was searching for someone. His half open, half closed eyes then fell upon a door behind him, that I hadn't noticed because I was too busy regarding him.

I pressed a palm against the cool glass and watched helplessly. Kale was right, I was helpless. I was infuriated by it. My fists balled and I beat the window as hard as I could. Austin's head couldn't whip around as fast as I thought. It turned with a painfully slow speed. He was in a bad shape, I couldn't handle it. It was too much, I just wanted to get him out of here.

My breath caught when Austin looked at me. But I sobbed even more when I realised he wasn't really looking at me. He was looking at his reflection. He flinched and looked away, his flinch felt like something stung me so I flinched too. Kale looked at me, then looked down.

"Let me in" I murmered. I didn't let my eyes fall from Austin.

"Not yet" Derek's voice sounded far away. Too far away.

"Let. Me. In"

"Sorry-" Derek laughed. "Actually i'm not"

I walked over to the door and put my hand on the handle. "No!" Kale exclaimed but I had already twisted it.

And, nothing happened. It was locked. I tried again but it didn't budge. I looked over at Kale with narrowed eyes but he was just staring wide eyed. I leaned over and saw Austin staring at the moving handle on his side. He then looked at the door and I saw it open. My mouth fell open when I saw someone walked out and began walking over to the door.

Derek didn't seem to be doing anything but Kale was frantic. My heart hammered in my chest when I saw the guy disappear behind the door. Then it opened.

A gasp escaped my lips and I stood there for a few seconds. The guy stared at me, obviously confused but stepped aside. I still couldn't see Austin but I was so close, I was so close to seeing him up close and personal. I could help him. And with that in mind I rushed in.

But I was too late. At the same time I had rushed in, Kale had grabbed me. But for that split second I could make eye contact with Austin. His eyes widened and he moved faster than I saw him move before. He struggled against his ties and didn't break eye contact. "Avery!" He yelled.

"Austin!" I had yelled back but Kale dragged me out and the rest of his name was lost outside where I was, not where he was.

His eyes whipped to the window and I saw him again, but he couldn't see me.

"That wasn't such a smart idea Avery" Derek stood up and strode over to me.

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