The Great Hunt.

By Aaiden_skylar

2.4K 159 84

After finding out that they all posses magical abilities, 7 teens must survive being hunted by nightmares who... More

The Great Hunt.
Cluelessly safe
I hope you're right
Lyla's magic
I'm a bullet
Red moon
Sleeping beauty
Good To Be Back.
Of the chase.
Where's Brim?
Falcon's cavern.
What lies in the cards.
Guest Of Honor.


52 4 2
By Aaiden_skylar

Luca walked into the club with cass by his side. " these are the clubs now ... Wow seventeen years does make a difference doesn't it" Luca said walking past numerous dancing bodies. He walked straight to the DJ and stopped the music with his finger. "What are you doing man" Luca jabbed his finger straight into the mans throat and watched him bleed out from his neck as the dancing crowd began to panic. They all tried to make their way to the exit but as they did a group of nightmares walked in eyes glowing a bright yellow as usual. They began to rip apart the civilians as Luca and cass took a seat by the bar.

"Something old" Luca said to the yellow eyed bar tender.

"You'd be impressed with how much we've gotten done while you were gone" cass said circling her finger around a drink that had already been on the counter.

"I'm just impressed you managed to get me out in time, nightmares, the worst creation of all time, you know if I had created you all you'd be more.... How could I say this ..... Important ? Useful? Dependable, whatever. You .... You I like, you're not like the surest of these fools. Now educate me what exactly do we have" the bar tender walked over and placed Luca's drink on the table.

"Well we managed to get embers danger and keep it, we made sure that the dreamers you created never discovered their individual powers until now. We've manger to recruit your army ..."

"An army, where ?"


"School, Elliot, we are going to school" Paige yelled while packing her bag.

"What ! Why"

"You see the world may or may not be in critical danger if it is cool I'm down to fight to the death but if not I want to make sure that I can have a future, get into college maybe even get a job so I'm going to school, me and everyone else .... Except brim and her brother"

"How do you know it's safe there ?" Elliot responded

"Well Good thing we have super powers right?" Paige said in a sarcastic tone

"Why can't bookworm just teach you, he's smart, he knows stuff" Elliot said. Bookworm walked into the living room with his tooth brush in his mouth. He looked at Elliot pulled out his tooth brush and mumbled no trying not to make the mouthful of toothpaste slip out from between his lips.

"We are going, we'll be fine, I mean come on you can't hold us in this building for ever, we have been locked in here for like a week doing nothing, please?" Paige gave Elliot the puppy dog eyes.

"Wendy?" Elliot looked towards Wendy who simple placed her bag on her shoulder.

"Well that does it, see you in the pm sexy" Paige said pulling Elliot's keys off the key rack. He watched as the kids walked out the room. Brim walked up next to him.

"I'll stay with you el" she said looking up at Elliot who just starred at the door.


Paige stopped the truck and jumped out looking out at the past she had nearly forgotten she had. She looked back to see tanner step out of the back seat next to the twins and kale. Wendy got out the passenger seat and walked over to Paige. The kids stood in a circle looking at each other. It was weird for them for the first time in a long time doing something normal felt completely awkward. The all looked at the school and mad their way to the entrance. Once they stepped inside. For a short instant it felt like their old lives. The teens inhaled the moment and then separated into their own paths.


They both laid there naked starring at the ceiling. Cass turned over and rested her hand on the presidents bare chest. Her eyes glowed a bring yellow as she pulled her lips close to his ear and whispered to him

"you do understand what has to be done now right ?" President Daley's eyes remained glued to the ceiling as if he had been in some sort of trans.

"We. Must. Eliminate. The threat" Daley whispered. Cass smiled looking at him amused by his lack of control over his own body.

"Good boy" she responded "eliminate the threat" she continued.

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