Infamous Gray (Sequel to NLOA)

By VasilisaDragomir

2.6M 80.2K 21.4K

As if things weren't already complicated, now Avery Collins has lost her ex-boyfriend whom she still loves. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Part One
Chapter 19 - Part two
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part One
Chapter 21 - Part Two
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 6

107K 3K 740
By VasilisaDragomir

Happy Birthday Julia!


With a panicked face, I looked out the window to see people screaming and running. No person was in the way of the gun, it was just Kale's car. Cars in front of us turned off into streets to the side of us and cars behind us stopped. And, no matter how much Kale tried to swerve out of the bullets way, they still managed to collide with the back of the Lamborghini and I flinched with increasing fear.

Kale swore with every flying bullet and pulled out his phone. He threw it in my lap and barked out orders that I wouldn't of followed if we weren't getting shot at. He told me to slide open the phone and search through contacts to find 'Alec'.

This was my opportunity, my opportunity to call for help but I couldn't call anyone, Kale would notice. Alec's name was at the top of the list so I tapped it and tapped 'call'. When it began ringing, I pressed the home button and went to messages. I opened up a new message and typed out Jake's number. The only number's i've bothered to memorize were Jake's and Austins and messaging Austin would be useless. I hurried to type a quick message which was; track this phone but be careful, and sent it.

"Hey" Alec answered on the third ring. Another bullet hit the Lamborghini and I almost dropped the phone. "What was that?"

"I need you to get rid of a few obstacles, track my phone" Kale rushed out the orders and quickly turned off into a street. I deleted the conversation with Jake and went back to the call screen.

"I'm on it" Alec said with finality shortly before he hung up the phone.

Kale snatched up the phone from my grasp and I slumped in my seat. The shooting had stopped and the silence was almost as painful as the sound was. But the silence didn't progress for long, because suddenly the front of the Suburban collided with the back of Kale's car, causing us to lurch forward in our seats. I stopped myself before I could face plant the dashboard but Kale seemed to of regained his posture soon after we were hit.

Buildings and pedestrians were a blur to me as we drove past them. They looked like nothing but a smudged painting on a large canvas. But although they were a blur, I could hear the screams and shouts of fear and distress. Their lives were in as much danger as I was and it filled me with guilt.

To my relief Kale turned off into an empty street and brought the action away from the public. Kale slowed down a little but my relief was short lived when we were faced with another Suburban and this time it was coming from Kale's side. They pulled out a gun and shot at his side. A yelp escaped my lips as the bullet cut through the glass and entered Kale's arm. He yelled and cursed out loud while dropping that arm.

"Take the wheel" He said.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "I could get us both killed, although I don't think I would-"

"Just take the damn wheel!"

I gulped and reached over so I could place both my hands awkwardly on the wheel. Kale dropped his other arm and ripped his dress shirt. He then tightly wrapped it around his bloody arm and stepped on the accelerator a little harder. I struggled to keep the Lamborghini going straight and almost let my hands slip off.

When my arm was nudged I peeled my eyes away from the empty road and looked at what Kale was doing. I froze when I saw he had taken out a gun. He pointed it out the smashed glass and shot two bullets at the oncoming Suburban. It stopped dead in it's tracks.

"Okay" He said softly and took the wheel away from my shaking hands.

What if the car hit something or the tyres at the back were shot and it flipped? What if the guys shooting hit the gas and the car exploded? Scenes flooded my mind of the car engulfed in flames and car parts thrown upon people. I almost cried at the thoughts.

He turned off into another street that just had to have people in it. They all looked over at the car chase and more screams filled my ears. The guys behind us started shooting again but this time, with Kale's swerving, some bullets flew towards the crowds of people and they started running or ducking.

"Kale get away from the people!" I screamed.

"I'm trying to get away from these bastards"

"Find a not so busy street!"

"Miami is busy sugar"

All of a sudden another Suburban blocked our path and my panic increased. The person in the passenger seat pulled out a gun and my heart stopped again. But they didn't shoot us, they gave us time to swerve around the large car and let us stop next to it. I was about to yell at Kale and ask why he would stop the car at this point in time but I quickly looked at the Suburban that was next to us when I heard shots being fired. The person shot two bullets at the other Suburban's tyre's causing it to screech to a stop. Then they shot another two at the people in the front seat.

My mouth ran dry when I saw the bullets cut through the glass and into the chests of the two men. Blood spilled out and splashed against the broken glass. I made a sound at the back of my throat and stared incredulously at the Suburban. Moments before they were on the verge of flipping the Lamborghini over, now they were immobile, dead. I put a hand to my mouth in horror.

Kale cursed out loud when he heard the sirens of Police and started the engine of the Lamborghini. He looked out where we could see Alec and a few other guys get out of the car and walk to the motionless guys in the Suburban. Alec looked behind at us and gave us a brief thumbs up before turning back. Kale nodded his head even though Alec wasn't looking and reversed out of the bloody scene.


"Alec didn't have to kill them!" I yelled once Kale and I were back in the basement. Sadistic guy and a few others were there and they were staring at the both of us with amusement. Although, I didn't find two dead guys, funny. Wether they wanted to kill me or not.

"They were a threat to us" Kale said in a cool tone. Emily had gone with Alec so I had to bandage Kale's arm. It was a struggle to pry the bullet out of his arm and it was really gross. Kale had to of swalled half a bottle of vodka during that procession.

"Couldn't he of just shot the tyre's and left?" I allowed my voice to lower.

Kale shook his head. "They would still find a way to come after you-" He winced when I 'accidentally' applied too much pressure while I wrapped the bandage around his arm.

"Oh how damn sweet" Ice coated my voice. Alec had no right to kill them, they were after me, not after them. All Alec had to do was slow them down.

He didn't even respond to what I said. Instead, he looked at the guys and spoke to them with a voice that told me he was more interested in talking to them at the moment. "Those guys were after Avery and Alec managed to only kill two, they are going to want to find her even more now and are wanting to take revenge on us"

"What's the plan then?" A very familiar voice spoke. I turned to see Mr. Cold had walked in.

"I don't know but we need to get out of the state" Kale took his phone out. We needed to get out of the state? Oh hell no.

"We're going to have to move closer to Derek" Sadistic guy said. Closer to Derek meant being closer to Austin. Oh hell yes.

"We'll see" Kale said just before he brought the phone up to his ear. "Actually" He mumbled before putting the phone on the table and pressing the speaker button.

All the seats on the lounges were taken except for one that was wedged between Sadistic guy and a 30 year old that was pretty good looking for his age. But as if Kale had read my mind, he told me to sit down.

"I'm fine" I brushed it off with an uneasy laugh.

"Sit. Down" He emphasised both words.

This was the point in time when you obey Kale's orders just so you don't get shot like those two guys were. This was also the point in time when you just wish you were shot so you wouldn't have to wedge yourself between two guys, sworn to keep you away from society.

"Kale" Derek's deep voice ran out the phone and into my ear like a hot iron touching the palm of my hand.

I had to bite down on my tongue to stop me from screaming at him. His voice agitated me to no end and inside my blood was boiling.

"Derek. We ran into another gang that want Avery" Kale looked at the phone as if it was Derek. "Alec managed to kill two but that just means they're going to want to find us even more"

"Did you recognise them?" Derek asked sounding more cool, calm and collected than I thought.

"No, although now that I think of it, they looked more like a mob"

Derek laughed once. "Austin wouldn't get himself in that much trouble" And just like that, Derek started rambling off some instructions on what he had to do now that we were found. The major part of the instructions were that we had to go to Hawaii. I already knew Austin was in Hawaii, thanks to Maddie and Gabby but that didn't stop me from being surprised. And, it didn't matter about how surprised I was because it was more an order than a request.

Kale and the rest of the guys including Sadistic guy and Mr. Cold didn't seem fazed by it all and actually agreed with Derek. It's not like they had family they had to go home to. Kale had his family with him and it's not like he loved anyone else.

One guy suggested we leave as soon as possible and another suggested we leave tomorrow if we can get a flight. Kale and Derek -the superiors of the place- agreed on both and following that, Derek hung up the call. These guys moved quickly. They were brief and were act on incidents exceptionally fast. They can improvise.

I was excited at the certainty of Austin and I being closer but it wasn't certain that they would stop hurting him. I could ask them to stop but that wouldn't mean they would listen. I was excited that I may be able to see Austin again but I knew he would be beaten and bruised and it would hurt me to see him like that.

I had nothing to pack, most of the stuff I wore was Emily's so she gave me a suitcase full of clothes, a bag full of shoes and a bag of toiletries and accessories. Not that I would be using the accessories during my stay.

Each guy had a suitcase for themselves and god only knew how long we were going to be in Hawaii. For me that meant, I was going to be apart from my brother, my friends and my family for however long we were there. What would be the result, I don't know, maybe death.

I had no plan of escape for when we arrived. I could sneak out at night and try and break Austin out of his prison cell but there was no doubt in the fact that they would have camera's around the place and I would probably be in the same room as Sadistic guy, again. The thought made my heart wrench. I was so close to getting Austin to safety but I had no idea what to do.

"I managed to book a flight" Someone walked in the room we all sat in. Kale and a few others were discussing how they were going to get weapons through security but had come to the conclusion that Derek would supply them with any weapon that they desired. I shuddered and looked away. "I had to pull some strings though" He said in a cocky voice.

Kale stood up and smiled. "Great, what time?"

The guy looked down at the sheet of paper in his hand. "4 o'clock tomorrow morning"

"Sorry?" I choked on the invisible water that I had in my mouth. I mean like it's not that I get much sleep here in this hell hole but now I wouldn't get any.

"If you find it hard to sleep, you can sleep in my room" Kale said in a suggestive tone that I found creepy. I guess I was wondering aloud.

"You're creepy you know that" I nodded at Kale who dropped the smirk. I quickly got up and walked to the room Sadistic guy and I shared.

Thank god the door was open. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be able to get in. The only way into to the room was with a card that you swiped through the mechanical device located next to the door.

I stepped in and shut the door but hearing the loud metal seal shut made me flinch. Taking a breath was a big mistake because it let out my strong facade and brought back my weakness. As I sat down on my bed, a tear escaped my eyes and others soon followed. I couldn't believe I was in this place. I remember feeling uncomfortable the first time I was kidnapped but this time I felt lifeless, numb and scared.

It's been three days since I was kidnapped and i'm already going to Hawaii hopefully to see Austin. Knowing my luck, the only time i'd get to see Austin was when he got his daily bashing. Just thinking about it brought back the scenes from when I saw Austin through the laptop. His torn clothes and his bloody face made me cry even more. Kale was trying to act nice to me but I won't let it get to me and I never will. He kidnapped me and now he was trying to give me the luxuries in life? I wanted to be home, with my brother, my family, my friends and with Austin-

The door creaked open and my head snapped up to see who would now see me cry.

"Kale" I fumed.

"Why are you crying?" He asked and sat down beside me. I instantaneously moved to the other end.

"Maybe because I just witnessed two deaths, Austin is getting hurt and i'm-" I stopped myself before I could say the word scared.

"Alec killed them so it would be two less guys we'd have to deal with" He said smoothly. He didn't even say anything about Austin and I swear I felt my eye twitch.

I shook my head but didn't say anything else. All I wanted him to do right now was leave so I could be alone and pour out my feelings. I didn't want him sitting here making me feel uncomfortable and angry. My tears had stopped now and I wiped away the remaining wetness on my cheeks so they wouldn't dry and feel weird.

The bed sprang up when he stood up again and for a moment I thought he was going to leave but he didn't he walked and stood in front of me. I bit my tongue when he bent down and placed his hands on either side of my legs and stared up at me.

"How about we go somewhere quieter for dinner?" He asked gingerly.

My eyes narrowed. "No"

His face moved closer to mine but he whispered in my ear. "Are you sure? I can book a private room" He leaned back and tucked my hair behind my ear. "There won't be any distractions"

I was frozen. Was he trying to get a reaction like how Rose reacted? Was he trying to make me blush or smile or even swoon? Because it wasn't working. The only thought that was racing in my mind was that he was so close I could punch his pretty little face.

I moved back on the bed but that could possibly be the worst thing i've done. Me moving further on the bed only gave Kale the opportunity to sit back on it and get closer to me. I sighed in frustration and winced when he cupped my cheek.

"You do something to every guy you meet" Kale whispered again but this time his eyes travelled down my body. It was only now that I remembered I was still wearing the tight black dress and I immediately scolded myself.

His blue eyes gazed back at mine and I swear bile was forming in my throat. He started to slowly lean forward and I wasn't stupid, I knew he was about to kiss me. My fists bunched up beside my body and it was time for me to do some improvising. I lightly put my hand on his injured arm and I saw his lips tilt into a smile but at that exact moment, I squeezed it.

"Shit!" He yelled in pain and jumped back.

I smirked. "Get out, please"


If anyone would like dedications in my future chapters, inbox me!

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