Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

590K 27.7K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

19. Chaotic Afternoon

6.6K 299 70
By NeelamMenghani


To my dearest Ritika, my little bundle of magic.

Massi loves you... Keep smiling always.....


Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life and said, 'I'm here for you.' And proved it.



In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Calling Out the Soul]

Niera's POV

"Who said I suffered a heart attack?" he ignored my suggestion with his question while raising his brow.


"I mean who informed you about my cardiac arrest?" this time he asked slowly, clearing pronouncing each of his word.


"Mr. Valentine." I replied nonchalantly but inside my heart fluttered at his mention.

Stupid heart!!

"Majesty!" he slightly jerked from his chair, his complete attention on me to which I nodded slowly.

"How?—when?" and here it goes.

I told him about his visit on midnight where he informed me about their cancelled trip and the reason behind. I efficiently omitted our discussion on darkness, though it wasn't a necessary detail to be discussed with everyone. I apologized him for the inconvenience they faced due to me, I was really feeling guilty.

The look on his face changed gradually, different emotions passed on his mature face. From curious to shocked, confused to amazed, at last he settled on amusement while shaking his head instinctively.

Leaning forward in his chair, he sat attentive while focusing his intelligent gaze at me, "Child, you don't have to apologize for anything. Some things aren't in our hand, it wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself or feel guilty. In fact I'm relieved, that meeting was just a waste of time." He turned the atmosphere from thick serious to light which his experienced words and aged humor. I couldn't help but chuckle at his words and feeling grateful for his words and wisdom.

"So the meeting was not important?" I couldn't help but ask, after all it was project related to penguins. But soon pursed my lips, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

Sir Gerard gave me his heartily laugh, probably at my killer curiosity but answers anyway.

"I just gave you the power to question and encroach in the limited matters of the company and I must say you're using them very efficiently." He paused for a moment and continued, all the traces of humor left his wise features, once he continued, "The business affair we were going to deal with that day was very important." His face turned grim till he concluded. We sat there in utter silence, he seems to be lost in deep thoughts and I was fidgeting to feed my hungry curiosity.

"Is everything alright, Sir?" I asked breaking the thick layer of icy silence.

"Yes, it will be Child."

"It has to be." I continued with a confident smile, "Whenever we were in problem or crises, Mum used to give us strength through these words. It was like hope tonic for us to work harder until we solve whatever problem we are facing." I explained.

He merely nodded at my explanation.

"Tea?" he said picking the receiver of inbuilt cordless telephone on the wall.

"But the doors are locked." I repeated the earlier stated fact.

"No, they aren't. The automatic locks were deactivated with the metal covers. We are safe to leave this hall anytime." He replied nonchalantly.


I gape at him with open mouth; my jaws hit the table surface in shock.

We weren't locked in this room? That's why he felt so relaxed after the metal shutters raised opening the balcony. So relaxed while my heart was jumping in worry and anxiety.

This isn't fair!

"You didn't reply Niera, Tea? I'm ordering for me you too should have some, you look pale." He stated in amusement. His eyes were dancing in mirth, it was clear he was teasing me.

"Yes, tea will do, thank you." I tried not to pout but failed miserably which gave him another chance to laugh at my expense.

"You're adorable, dear." He commented while laughing and ordering our tea. I just shook my head, flipping my hair away from my shoulder.

His amusement and laughter died down suddenly, once his gleaming eyes met my neck. His laughing expression turned grim with a thin line on his lips gazing at my neck.

What happened?

Idiot, your wound..... My conscience seethed at my dumb query.

"What happened to your neck, Niera?" he asked grimly, the atmosphere turned icy. The authority and seriousness returned in that instance.

I fidgeted at my seat before reply, "Bug bite."

He raised his eyes to meet mine to check the sincerity of my words, "When?" came his other question.

"I don't know exactly when, probably through my jungle venture, I just realized after meeting Serene." I stick up to truth sincerely, his grim expression were making it difficult to make up a simple believable story.

"You met Serene?" he asked taking a sharp intake of breath. I merely nodded.

"Do you remember anything from that incident?" he asked with the same grim face but his eyes held something else, I couldn't keep my finger on.

Sighing, I shook my head negative, my mind automatically started to display the blur visions of that night. It was strange how I remember the other details of that day but that particular incident of forest is missing from my memory or rather buried in some corner of my mind. "No Sir Gerard, the images are blur and unspecific. I don't know exactly what happened." He seems to lock himself in deep thoughts.

"Does Jerry know?" he asked pointed toward my neck through his eyes.

"Yes, in fact he informed Dr. Baron. He has given me medicines, its fine now." I assured him with a smile. He nodded but didn't seem to relax at my words.

I frown inwardly but refrain to ask further.

I knock at the door interrupted our serious discussion; Sir Gerard commanded the person to enter. The person didn't perform any security check on panel, the door opened with the latch which proved his words from earlier.

We got our respective teas with muffins. I stayed baffled to which he closed the matter saying I'm looking pale, sleepless and tired, so I should eat something.

"Well the change of bed and place might be the cause." I shrugged; it would be rather easy to cover with lie than to explain my unrealistic nightmare and its effect on my sleep and peace.

"It was necessary, due to the unavailability of proper light we had to shift you. The room was small and with no proper lighting facility, it was difficult to provide you proper care and help." He filled me with the reason to shift me in another room. I frown at his reason which was quite different from others but refrain to ask further.

Nodding, I savored the delicious muffins with strong ginger tea.

"Niera, I want you to remember, if you encounter any problem here, you can come straight to me anytime. I'm here for you. Okay." I nodded at his words with a smile. His face was grim, worried but he managed a smile.

"Come on let's get you to your cabin, shall we?" he asked like a perfect gentleman, I nodded. Collecting the rough draft of my work in folder, we made our way outside the hall. The area outside was radiating with pale fluorescent lights like inside.

Perhaps, the outside areas faced the same scenario as inside. We made our way outside the sapphire tinted glass to the lift area. The corridor was vacant like it was in the morning.

Through different lift, we reached on floor twenty five; it was the same floor of Jerry's office. Sir Gerard informed me, my cabin is adjacent to Jerry's new cabin which gave me sense of comfort and joy.

"Here, my card, it has my number on it. You can call me whenever you need any help." He said fishing out a card from his blazer and offering it to me. I took the card with a smile.

"Good luck, Niera, I have faith in you." He said with utmost sincerity, somehow his words gave me a new found responsibility which I felt on my shoulders like an invisible burden. I shook my paranoia away before thanking him for his trust and made my way to my new cabin.

So.... Let's begin, Niera.... I announced staring at the large A V which was adorning as the center of dominance in this fully furnished room.



Life..... Is a confusing mess....

I'm struck in between two possible mind conditions one where my conscience should go all crazy over reckless and incoherent ideas hunting my sanity under this situation and other where confusion kicked up with slow processing mind inviting thoughts themselves in my mind.

My eyes are transfixed to the lavishing ceiling of my new cabin, temporary cabin to be precise. The cream ceiling illuminating light through the explicit artificial LED tubes. The design yet again sophisticated and grand.

However, this grant lavishing setting can't give me moments of comfort which my insane mind needs desperately.

I'm still in the dilemma of different emotions swirling inside me creating a catastrophe of chaos.






Really, excitement! Are you serious? My sanity chided at my irrationality.

Squirming in the seat, I averted my eyes from high embellished ceiling to the huge desk in front of me.

My skin is still warm with raised Goosebumps standing in attraction with his uninvited touch on me. The faint tingles are still crawling over me, reminding me of my latest encounter. The mere reminisce sends chill to my spine.

I rested my palms on my upper arm to rub off his touch and its affect on me. Even if my mind isn't allowing me to shake away his thoughts and his crystalline shrewd face hold a permanent place in my mind. I don't find the control over my sanity to free itself from him his alluring beguiling deep eyes.

Huffing in annoyance, I mentally hang myself from the adorning ceiling of this room for again jumping in the cogitation of that puzzle of a man.

This bipolar man is completely out of my understanding level. No, not bipolar, he is Multi-polar if there is a word in English literature.

Is he a descendant of Euros?

I'm seriously considering this fact!

His demeanor changes faster than wind. In a moment, he is a pure definition of shrewd confidence business Mogul who walks with the foundation of power to win the world with his intelligence and knowledge. The next movement, I come face to face with my Gorgeous Saviour whose prime task in this world is to save me from any calamity or hazard without considering the fact whether I created it or not. One who burns my inside with his deep Caribbean blue eyes pierce right through my soul.

And in another flash, his sophisticated demeanor switches into an arrogant rich man who thinks he rule people.

Rule people!!!

I shook my head negative.

Well, I shouldn't judge him on this topic, as I recalled the past experience which I witness in front of me. It's not his fault solely; the people around him are carrying his royal hard head on their bowing back. Its people's fault, they treat and respect him like a royalty.




I mean they can just call him Mr. Valentine or just by his first name.

Or perhaps, he is a royalty...

I found my head instinctively nodding at my own balderdash deduction. He carries a rich aura of power and authority around him. His each word carries nothing but a command which carry the potential to shake up the person standing beside him. His gaze is intense, deep and powerful. I'm unsure about others but whenever I meet his rich gaze, I found myself drowning in deep intensity.

I uncomfortably shifted in my seat, cursing my flying poetic insane mind. My head is still buzzing with the howling sirens I suffered in the conference room.

Rubbing my temple, I closed my eyes in exhaustion. My eyes are heavy with lack of sleep and exhaustion and this morning hassle have left me worn out completely.

Thanks to my working cell of my brain, I made a trip to the attached washroom. The blessed mirror on the wall scared me to heaven as the reflecting person was looking no good than a scare crow with frightening face and mess of hair gracing my face with their appearance.

I'm still unaware of the cause behind those howling sirens and flashers, above that I was kept in dark when we could leave that giant hall while Sir Gerard was enjoying my distraught madwoman condition.

And what was the honorable cause of my madwoman condition, or to be precise Who? This Gorgeous giant specie of Man who call himself 'I rule People'. This man crossed all his limits.

What does he think of himself? Reincarnation of historical warriors to deal with emergencies.

Or maybe distant cousin of Superman or Iron man?

My heart went back to somersault on the reminisce of that moment. I agree it was an utter preposterous move to clinch on his wrist like a stubborn wailing child to stop him from going. But it didn't felt right for me to let him go and deal with whatever wanting there alone. A part of me wrenched at the mere thought of him being hurt.

If it wasn't for his calling my name in his husky deep voice, I wouldn't have let him go at any cost. I was determined to keep him captive with me till those blazing sirens find their peace.

I believe it was something weird which made me take that step, either my mind wanted to keep him safe or my heart needed a reassurance for itself which his warm touch and presence offered. Whether it was a noble cause or a selfish attempt to provide reassure to my panicked self, but I couldn't keep from burying myself in his worry.

It's still a mystery why I did all this without any consent of my sanity. What his presence had made me do so?

Why it felt so warm and blissful when he was standing with me, holding me in his strong arms. Why I couldn't find the strength to push him away? Why I felt heaven when he called out my name, why this felt like forever, like he called out my soul with his voice.

His rich voice spread warmth to my soul, sealing my open wound with his healing.

Wow!! Wonderful, now you sound like a crazy fan who found her new crush on some movie star.

I shook off the comment from my conscience gingerly.

No!! No!! No!! Enough of these obsessed clouds of this man. Lock them up in the dark corner of your tiny brain.

Like it's easy. It's far difficult from rocket science... A part of mind retorted sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes at this internal battle taking place inside my silly brain.

Dragging the comfortable chair to the table, I ran my curious greedy gaze around this new cabin. No more invading thoughts should cross my mind. I have given enough time to them. To him. Now let's concentrate on your prime purpose.

"I see someone is busy glaring at surroundings?" A deep familiar voice pulled me back to reality. Startled, I turned my gaze to the intruder. I found Jerry sauntering over the desk with his bright smile and a covered plate in his hand. His stance was confident as ever like we haven't faced any bizarre some time ago.

My mind seems to give itself a rest from Mr. Valentine's uninvited thoughts and his warning and concentrate on present.

I scrunched my brows at him which turned into frown as his words registered in my brain.

I chose to ignore his welcome comment as my interest was solely captured by the covered plate in his hand. I guess my expressions were clear on my face as Jerry's deep chuckle resonated in the closed cabin.

"Here, this is for you as you skipped breakfast with your Bambi safari." He sat in front of me with his casual charm and placing the plate in front of me.

"Sorry to disappoint you but this isn't your favorite Grammy special." He continued removing the cover, revealing a sandwich in the plate.

"It wasn't necessary Jerry." I allowed myself to lean back in the comfortable chair and let my tired back to rest in moments of peace.

By now, I know the importance of sleep in human life....

Never sacrifice your sleep, if you do then be prepared to imitate a dead panda at work.

My back is literally killing me with the attention pose in which I sat all night and the nervous fear of meeting in morning only added stars to my tired back. And the star of the afternoon was Mr. Valentine's tenacious grip on my waist when I was trying to break free.

"You had to take medicines. It was necessary." He replied, his eyes reflecting genuine concern in them.

To this time, I noted one thing about Jerry, arguing with him is tough and it becomes a fruitless task when he holds a solid reason behind his words.

It was a futile attempt to argue with Jerry and after his solid agreement points. Sighing, I decided to save my energy and go in with my empty stomach.

Without giving second thoughts, I nodded and started munching on the sandwich in front of me.

"Thank you." I succinct between eating to which he just returned his smile.

"You're looking pale and tired?" he commented while I was trying to devour the large sandwich with my not so existing mannerism.

"You're the third person to say the exact words to me since morning."

"Who are the other two?" he asked leaning forward a little.

"One was Sir Gerard."

"And the other one?" he asked again, arching his brow. Curiosity was evident in his chocolate brown eyes.

"The person starting at me from the mirror." I laughed at my words; soon he too joined me whilst shaking his head.

"You're adorable."

"You're the second person to say the exact words to me since morning."

He just raised his perfect brow in query, "Sir Gerard." I provided while drinking water.

"You're crazy you know." He said while shaking his head, the loose locks of his brown tendrils dancing with the flow.

"This I hear every day..... From myself." I said with a serious tight voice whist nodding my head.

We both rolled in fits of laughter at my sassy reaction.

Despite the unexpected events taking uninvited entry in my life, I can always find a way to enjoy my nuisance every day. And Jerry is my new partner in crime? No, laughing session.

"But Niera, why you're looking so tired and exhausted. Is this wound is the cause?" The early traces of laughter died down again replacing his grim face. His eyes were transfixed on my partly hidden neck. I grimaced at his words.

No way in heaven, I can disclose my stupefied reason to stay awake last night. It's completely absurd to even think about this. A nightmare was the reason behind, I stayed awake unblinking the whole night.

But somewhere in a part of my mind still believes that it wasn't just an unrealistic nightmare but something else. It felt so... so real... so true. Like this all was happening in front of my eyes. My mind went in its way back to that terrifying nightmare.

The blazing wind...

The rising temperature.

The freezing wound.

The eerie silence cutting through the incessant sound of water drops...

That strange element in my own room.

That person in the black, the words.

Those words...

And most importantly, the absence of ever- present A V...

My inside shuddered with reminisce of those visions. Getting rid of that shaking nightmare, I shrugged off the matter with the same reply; I gave to Sir Gerard, change of place.....

"What was the reason of those sirens?" I asked with hopeful eyes making an effort to divert his attention toward other topic. Jerry was out, he must have known about it.

His smiling face turned grim, "Absolutely no idea." He replied leaning back at his chair which gave me another reason to frown at him. My curiosity was glaring at him for not satisfying our demand.

"How so?" I could only come up with.

He merely nodded at my query. But once he saw my unwavering creepy stare at him, he got the hint. Sighing, he provided, "We don't know anything till now. Only Alpha and Sir Gerard know the exact matter for now." Not to forget bowing to the Air.

I nodded in reply. This isn't a plausible statement.

"No, it isn't. But trust me, no one knows about this apart from the two." He vindicate further.

"Where were you? You left me with that bipolar of a man alone, how could you Jerry?" I deluge him with a slight fake glare grazing at my face.

My question changed his demeanor but not in the way I expected but his eyes sparkled with mirth and hidden amusement in them.

My fake glare turned in scowl witnessing his amused reaction.

Wasn't it supposed to scare him, at least frightened him. This is an insult of my non existing acting skills...

"How was it?" he probed. His eyes held the amusement cherishing it with his grinning face.


"Your.... Interaction with him." He coughed through his sentence while his eyes dancing around the room.

His words registered on my top floor rewarding me with a crimson shade grazing over my cheeks and providing Jerry a golden opportunity to fly over the boundless sky of possibilities.

For a moment, I tempted over the thought to either turn deaf ears to Jerry's imbecile query or give tell him details which will provide him another reason to give his goofy grin increasing my irritation level. But then, I shoot both the ideas with my imaginary vintage pistol and went with a brief response.

"It w—went well, thank you." I steal my expressive wavering gaze from him before he could caught anything but bless to my stuttering tongue he caught it. Wriggling his perfectly arched brows he smothered his laugh.

"Just well?" he probed again. Those wriggling brows are so annoying.

"What do you want to hear?"

This man seriously testing my patience level...

Or your blushing level. A nasty part of my brain squeal with delighted smirk.

"The truth." He shrugged; the corners of his mouth went up a little further.

I swear, if anyone else was sitting here and asked me the same question, I would have broken his shrugging shoulder.

He is a friend; calm down lady dumb... My sanity was dragging back my anger back to the basement of my mind while I mentally took a cold lemonade shower to answer him.

"He was warning me to keep a check on my impulsive tongue and remind me to follow the stringent rules enforced by him throughout this whole—" I could find words to explain this arrangement so I let my hands dance around drawing different patterns in the air. A part of me twisted remembering his harsh words regarding this deal but I paid no heed toward it.

"—Then the howling siren disrupted between our crucial decision and then—then— he left." I vomited in one go, my eyes seems to be getting attracted to the lavish couch on the right corner in my cabin.

I efficiently briefed him the unexpected meeting between Mr. I rule people and me, without revealing the minute flushing details of our 'uhm uhm' interaction and without stuttering.

Well done, Niera... back pats....

"So you were alone when this all happened?" He shrieked a little loudly, his eyes went wide at realization while the chair shook under his violent jerk. I mentally praised the poor chair which had to suffer Jerry's jerking panic attack.

Tube light...

"Nope, he was with me for some time than I was accompanied by Sir Gerard till this all solved." I explained before Jerry drops his precious eyes on floor in utter shock.

Now, I'm feeling very proud of my decision of filtering my encounter with Mr. Valentine, leaving the profound details of me finding intense sense of joy in his comforting arms while this whole building was shaking under an unknown dangerous emergency. Not to forget my stunning stunt of grasping his solid wrist in my impulsive actions.

I'm afraid these crucial exempted details will definitely send Jerry in deep shock.

No, no... he is a nice guy. He deserves to live. He has a little daughter to take care of. Don't ruin his life, Niera... keep your duffer mouth shut with your mind filtered. A sane part in somewhere of my petite brain wailed in Jerry's concern.

Shaking off this insane idea, I dragged my sole focus on the lavishing couch which was looking very tempting at the moments, what will it feel to keep my heavy aching head on its soft surface. How it would feel to ruffle my tired arms on its purple fluffy cover. How sweet will be the sleep which will take me to the land of peace?

How beautiful this creation is which we call couch. The person should get an Oscar who gave the idea to incorporate this lovely couch in this room. My room for now.....

I mentally made a note to thank whosoever gave me this room or rather this precious couch.

My dreams of sleeping on the blessed couch were broke by an intentional cough which was none other than from Jerry. I mentally sigh while dragging my tired eyes from the bliss to my dear friend.

Work now, rest later.....

"So, what Sir Gerard and you were discussing in the conference room?" he asked after a pause, his demeanor changed from relaxed to tense with slight frown lines marring his creased forehead. I frown at his query but without giving second thoughts, I answered this time without filter.

"So, he asked about the wound on the neck?" he asked again while widening his eyes.

I nodded, returning back to my paper work, formulating a rough plan for my investigation. My back is feeling relaxed now on the comfortable chair and tummy satisfied, I should try to work before Mr. Gorgeous Saviour's thought come to invade my sanity again.

"What did you said to him?" he asked again with tensed voice, which this time gained my attention and reclaiming my focus back on him.

"The truth, Jerry." I replied nonchalantly but my eyes fixed on his tensed face which switched to a serious version after I altered the words.

No way! This man isn't going back there... why he has to go there and bury himself under all accidents and calamities. God! Not again. This man.....

I inwardly huffed in annoyance, why can't this man understand that not all the problems are his responsibility and he isn't responsible for every wrong incident happens around him.

Why can't he just let it go....


"Jerry, let it go... Let ittt goooo...." I tried to sing in light pitch but being an inartistic person, I'm a dumb in this field too. Which soon proved again with Jerry's baffled scrunched face. My ears heated with embarrassment on my futile attempt. Lowering my gaze, I tried hard to control my embarrassment giggle which tried to escape.

"I said the truth, it was a bug bite and I said the same, that's it." I concluded sheepishly, praying silently he pays attention to my words and not my previous attempt of stupidity.

"What was that?" he asked, much to my dismay. His face is defining a perfect example Shaggy from Scooby doo.

Gulping down the bile of insane humor, I tried to switch to a sensible demeanor.

"Jerry, it was my dumb attempt to make to remember that you shouldn't think much about past. It was an accident which happened to me on that night which was the result if my delinquency and that bug bite; come on! It was just a bug. It could happen to anyone. I agree the outcome seem drastic but Jerry, no one could control this. Don't take too much stress on yourself cause it won't change anything but will only increase this unwanted guilt on your conscience for a totally rubbish reasons." I rushed through the words, my attempt was just to make him realize, things aren't in our hand always, and sometime we should let them go with the burden of guilt from our past.

His expressions remain in tacked with an increment of slight furrow line between his brows.

"You're a nice person Jerry, one of most pure hearted person, I ever met in my life and I respect and adore you for your kind nature and this precious friendship but my dear stop blaming yourself for every wrong happening to me. Please, cause it'll only hurt you. Please don't burden me with your unnecessary overwhelming guilt. Your and Tiara's unconditional care and love are more than enough for me. Please." I said my heart out with utmost sincerity which I'm sure is clear in my voice and face.

He sat there starting back at me with a smile spread on his face but apart from that, his face revealed impassiveness.

I frowned in confusion before patting his hand with mine which soon made him to shake his hands away from me like I have some contagious cold.

"Thank you Niera." He said patting my palm softly, revealing a deep emotion in his genuine big brown glassy eyes. I took a sigh of relief while grinning, hoping my words could make an effect on him.

"Oh god! Not again, remember what I said a few days ago about friendship?" I asked with fake shock to while he scowl.

"There is no sorry and no thank you in friendship." I stated in a deep manly voice dramatically which instantly uplifted his mood making him chuckle at my etiquette.

It is necessary to freed ourselves away from the burden of past to live in present. Jerry is knowingly or unknowingly blaming himself for past. Maybe something in the past has to do with his behavior.

I'm glad, I could make him smile and I really wish this pure and kindhearted soul always stay happy and cherished in his life. Taking this thought in my mind, I went back to my work.

"Oh yes, you wanted to meet Grammy right." Jerry spoke breaking the thick layer of silence in the room; I stumbled over the chair with sudden jerk.

"Yes. Of course." I replied with the utmost amount of excitement, my exhausting body and perplexed mind could carry with a huge grin.

Jerry returned my grin with his smile, "You can meet her this weekend, if you're free." He announced, providing an increment in my excitement level.

"I would love to, if I'll be here." I mumbled. He mere nodded at my words while his face turned grim. I wonder why but shrugged that thought away while focusing my mind back to the work in front of me.

Once in a while my eyes drifted back toward the lavishing couch which was mutely inviting me but I cruelly denied its generous offer while my protesting back and heavy head were cursing me inwardly.

Jerry sat in front me, completely engrossed in his files. Or to be precise with the rough plan I prepared last night regarding this whole arrangement. I need to find that culprit and find him or her soon. This will be my freedom. Freedom from this:

Dreadful burden of my delinquency.

This rubbish of a deal.

This majestic mysterious place.

The omnipresent identity called A V.

And most importantly, my Gorgeous Saviour, Mr. Valentine.......


January 27, 2017


I Hope you enjoyed Niera's chaotic afternoon with Jerry....

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Iris Gomez, 30, thought she had it all: a great career, friends, family, and a fiance that she would marry in two months. However, everything crashes...