It Was One Time (OITNB Fanfic...

By BethanySarah817

26.2K 509 72

Hi, I'm Sarah Clementine. And if you would have told me two weeks ago that'd id be on my way to prison, and t... More

Chapter 1 - 6 Years.
Chapter 2 - Strawberry Yogurt and Debt.
Chapter 3 - Renee King.
Chapter 4 - Princess of Loyalty & Mercy.
Chapter 5 - Skyline.
Chapter 6 - Pornstache.
Chapter 7 - Morello.
Chapter 9 - Expect The Unexpected.
Chapter 10 - I Love You.
Chapter 11 - Addict, Junkie, Lesbian.
Chapter 12 - It'll Be Different Now.
Chapter 13 - Perks Of Prison.
Chapter 14 - You Tickle Me.
Chapter 15 - Rivera. Lilly Rivera.
Chapter 16 - Jenna.
Chapter 17 - It's Not Fucking Okay.
Chapter 18 - Furlough.
Chapter 19 - Bitsy.
Chapter 20 - I'll See You Soon.
Chapter 21 - A Day Of Freedom.
Chapter 22 - Embrace The Gay.
Chapter 23 - Penguins.
Chapter 24 - Bentley Walker.
Chapter 25 - The Fuck Is Wrong With You?
Chapter 26 - There It is.
Chapter 27 - Worth.
Chapter 28 - Secret Santa.
Chapter 29- The Purest Thing I've Ever Participated In.
Chapter 30 - Bronzer and Peas.
Chapter 31 - One Year Later.
Chapter 32 - Early Release, Please?
Chapter 33 - Irresponsible.
Chapter 34 - Who's Your Maid Of Honor?
Chapter 35 - Bachelorette Party.
Chapter 36 - A Solemn Promise.
Chapter 37 - Apples and June.
Chapter 38 - Nicky's out.
Chapter 39 - Clementine's Out.
Chapter 40 - Epilogue.

Chapter 8 - It Was One Time.

862 16 2
By BethanySarah817

Clementine's POV: Last night was amazing. It was different from Nicky and I's first time. More loving. I can't get what Boo said out of my head. Am I in love with Nicky? I don't think I am. It doesn't feel the same as Renee. But maybe that's because there isn't the pain of not being able to have her. Maybe I just need to stop worrying about it. I think all that stuff about "You know you're in love when you are" is true. I don't know if I'm in love so I'm probably not....right?

The prison food was growing more bearable. I've been here for a few weeks and it really is starting to feel like home. I don't know how I feel about that. I can hear Boo and Nicky laughing about some joke that I didn't catch the punch line of. "Hey Clementine, you cool? You seem super out of it." Alex says. "Yea I'm fine. Just lost in my thoughts." I said. Nicky smirked, I think she knew exactly what I was thinking of. I'm almost grateful I ended up in this shithole. I wouldn't have found Nicky without it? Nah! Still, wish I would've never come here, I'm not stupid. But now there's an upside. Thinking back to how I got here I still have no regrets about what I did...

I was sitting in my bedroom with my best friend Renee. "Oh my god! You're so funny!" I cry out, tears streaming down my face. "Thanks, man." She replied. "Hey, when is your family coming home?" I asked. "Not for like another hour." She replied. "Alright, I'm going home. By the time I'm actually there I'll probably be calming down from the high. I love you." I replied. I kissed Renee, who was my girlfriend at the time. "I love you too." She said with a grin. As I walked down the streets of New York City, heading back to my apartment, I felt so free! I started skipping around. I wasn't sure why, but I do know it was fun. That was until I fell down onto the hard sidewalk. "Fuck!" I cried out. I could feel the blood dripping down my knee. But I'd decided it wasn't bad enough to stop, and I could probably make it home. As I was getting up I felt someone grab my arm to help me up. I looked up and FUCK, it was a cop. I immediately looked back down so he wouldn't see my blood-shot eyes. "Ma'am are you okay?" He asked, he sounded very concerned. "Yes sir, I'll be fine. Just a little scratch." I reply. "Look at me, let me look at your eyes to see if your head is okay." He instructed. "No no, my head is fine thank you." I said. I immediately ran down the street. "Hey stop right there!" He replied. I felt like I was running really fast but I must not have been cause he caught me within seconds. I fell onto the sidewalk yet again and he flipped me onto my back to look into my eyes. "Damn you're high as a kite. What do you have?" He asked. "You mean had?" I asked. He pulled me up. "Hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be held against you in a court of law, you have a right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you...." All of it was a blur. Suddenly I was being pushed into a cop car. 

"Hey, Clementine you okay?" Nicky asked me. "What?" I asked. "Breakfast is over. You okay?" She asked. "Umm..Yeah. I'm fine." I said. I bussed my tray and left the cafeteria. I had a few minutes before I had to go to work so I went back to my bunk. I sat down on my bed and Nicky came in straight after me. She sat down next to me and looked in my eyes. "Alright what's up?" She asked. "What?" "What's making you all distracted? You barely touched your food today and you didn't talk at all on the way back to your bunk. I kept asking you questions." She replied. "Oh, sorry." I said. "So?...Out with it." She said. "I was just thinking about how I got in here." I said. "Ah yes, the weed." She replied. "Yeah." I said. "You never told me the story. Am I allowed to ask?" She asked. "Yeah sure. I'll tell you." I said. I began telling her the entire story, from rolling the joints to getting put in the cop car. "Wow, you really didn't do much. Had you ever smoked weed before hand?" She asked. "Nope. It was one time, and boom I was arrested on the way home." I said. "I see. Is that why your mom doesn't visit? Is she all anti-drugs?" She asked hesitantly. "What? No," I chuckled. "No um, she doesn't come here because she lives in Alabama. They don't make much money so they can't afford to drive up here." I replied. "Oh. That's some bullshit. Sorry." She replied. "At least my mom wants to visit. I've heard about your mom." I admitted. "Yeah. She's a real charmer." She said. "Shit. I gotta get to work." I said. 

I ran off to the bathrooms and started cleaning. I soon heard crying from one of the shower stalls. "Hello?" I called out. I followed the noise to the first shower curtain. I opened it slowly. I saw a girl with her face buried in her hands. She had dark brown hair and seemed pretty fair skinned. Her orange jumpsuit told me she was probably crying over her new reality. "Hey..." I said. I sat down in the shower with her. "It's gonna be okay. I've only been here a few weeks. You'll get used to it soon. If you need someone to talk to I'm here. My name's Clementine." I said. "I don't know if you're going to want to talk to me..." She admitted. Her voice sounded awfully familiar, I couldn't put my finger on it. "Look, everyone's done bad stuff. We're all here cause we fucked up. You're not gonna be judged for your mistakes here unless someone is a complete asshole/hypocrite." I said. "No, it's not that. I'm just not sure you'll ever forgive me for what I did." She admitted. She looked up and said "I'm so sorry." except this time I knew exactly who she was. Renee King. 

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