Super Nova

By EmeliaLakewood

2.5K 86 57

My real name is Cassy, but they don't call me that anymore. Now I am known by a more adnormal name. Like I'm... More

Super Nova (Chapter 1)
My normal Day (Chapter 2)
You Can't Cry Now Theres Nothing to Fear (Chapter 4)
You've Seen Too Much (Chapter 5)
I'll Never Let you Go (Chapter 6)
They Just Promise to Go on and on and on (Chapter 8)
Trapped in God's Programe, I can't Escape (Chapter 9)
Trust Me, You can be Sure. (Chapter 10)
I'm no Fucking Saint! (Chapter 11)
I'm About to Break! (Chapter 12)
Tour of the New Apartment (Chapter 13)
Zippidy Do Da (Chapter 14)
Piano Thing (Chapter 15)
Any Way the Wind Blows (Chapter 16)
Hi my name is Ronnie I'm an Addict! (Chapter 17)
A Link to the Past (Chapter 18)
I'm Simply One Hell of a Butler ;) (Chapter 19)
Come on and Rescue me (Chapter 20)

Change in the Air (Chapter 3)

128 6 4
By EmeliaLakewood

My day started normal as ussual. Only the MUSE song of the day was Ruled by Secrecy and not Sunburn. Everything was the same. Same lesson, same comments, even the same purple dress shirt as yesterday. It took until the end of history class for things to change.

"Ok, Your homework is pages one nity four and one nity five one through eight teen. See you all tomorrow, Cassy I need to speak with you."


"Our school is going to do a new compitition.  Its like a history contest and there's suppost to be five members on a team. Each school can only submit one team. Can you be the teams captian?" the teacher hands me a piece of paper. I take it and skim over it.

"Depends who all's on?'' I ask without glancing up.

"No one yet. It would be just you. Im leaving it up to you to choose the team."

"Alright. I'm i-" I stop dead in midsentence. "November 5th."

"Yeah, sorry about the short notice." The teacher says in his usual cocky way.

I did'nt say anything, but thats because my jaw was to the floor. That was next weekend and its thursday!

"And your telling me this now?" I said agitatedly. My anger was rising.

"I know, Im sorry, but I have a lot to do right now."

"Like what?!" I said really loudly.

"Like prepareing lessons. What have you been doing?"

I took a deep breath. "Studying the next three chapters of the book. You know, Civil War defineately peeks my interest. One in particuar, Belle Boyd. This is something that she would most defineately do." I say. Then, once I have his attention, I turned the paper sideways and I tore it in half. Then I kept tearing it until it was a small pile in my hand. "I hope this tells you what I think of your attitude towards me."

"Do you want detention?" I was asked only moments later.

"How many hours?"


"Two" I challenged. Like I had anything to do at home anyway.

"Make it three."

"So this is how its going to be." Im done with this asshole.

"Do you want me to make it the whole year?."

I threw the scraps in his face and said, "Yes PIease." I then turned my back and walked away.

Later that day during our free period, Rachel and I headed over to Mr. T's room. I knew that I could talk to him about anything I had probelms with. Also, just the atmoshere was more positive then the rest of the schools.

"So are you going to serve it?" He askes me.

I exhale slowly then say, "I dont know."

"You got yourself abit tied up." Mr. T said.

"I know, but I-"

Next thing I heard was the window shattering. Rachel screamed and Mr. T told us to get down. I droped from the piano bench and Rachel off a chair. Nothing happened. We were just laying there waiting for afew minutes. Then some one came throught the window. They had on differnt colored buissness suits. All though, they all were wearing black ties and white shirts. They all had on sun glasses, which was wierd saying that this was the time that the sun was starteing to hide behind the clouds.

I tried to hide under the piano, but I wasn't fast enough. I felt a hand wrap around my ankle and I felt a hard tug. I heard Rachel scream, but when I looked at her, she, and Mr.T were being held back. Acctualy, Mr. T was already knocked out and we being cuffed to the table leg. Rachel wasn't out yet, but she too was being cuffed. While this was happening, they pinned me to the floor and cuffed my hands behind my back. Then they put  black cloth around my eyes and pulled me up to my feet. All I could hear was Rachel screaming bloody murder. Something like, 'where are you taking her,' and 'leave her alone.' I personally, had no clue what was going on. I tried to listen, but all I heard was screaming. I kicked next to me in attempt to hurt  one of the guys who was dragging me.

Of course it did nothing, but I did hit something. I struggled and fought untill all of Rachels screams were fading. Then I was shoved outside. I instantly felt the harsh Nevada air hit my face, then I heard a car open. I opened my mouth to scream, but I felt a hand cup over my lips.Naturally, I licked the hand and they moved away quickly. Then I screamed, only to have a cloth shoved in my mouth and tied around my head. Then they tried to shove me in the car. I put my legs up and tried to put them on either side of the door.

After about ten minutes of struggleing, I was thrown in the back of a car with leather seats. Then the door was slammed shut and I thrashed about. Someone took the blindfold off and saw that one had a gun up to my head. I stopped struggling, then one of them grabbed my gag and pulled me closer to his face. My eyes widened with fear, but he pulled it off. I was too busy coughing and crying to notice that he had gotten a smaller cloth. He grabbed my hair and shived it in my face. I accedentilly inhaled it and I finally blacked out...


"Hello? Come on, wake up!"


"Good, atleast were getting vital signs from her." I heard a males voice. Sounds about my age.

"Ow. My head hurts like hell." I said starting to sit up.

"Ok, not so fast, you've been out for a while," another voice said. It sounded like a female this time. Again, around my age.

I opened my eyes and found out that I was in a room with two people standing around me. I was on a small bed against a wall. Against another wall there was a bed and in the center was another twin. They were each color coded. One was black and white, the other green, and the other purple.

"Where am I then?" I asked sounding agitated, "Where's Rachel!?"


"She's my friend and she saw me while I was being taken!! Where is she?!" I sat bolt upright.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but if it makes you feel any better, we don;t know where we are either," the girl said.

"Oh, well thats good to know!" I said sarcasticly.

"Look, calm down and I'll explain everything I've been told."

I took slow deep breaths and closed my eyes. I look at the girl. She has long brown hair and soft brown eyes. She's abit pale, but she's abit darker than me. She looks about my hieght and looks athletic. She's wearing her hair in a braid and is in sweats and a white tank top. I then look to the boy. He's pretty small, but he is tall. He's skinny, but looks toned too. His hair is black and his eyes are blue. He's about as pale as I am.

"What are your names?" I asked.


"I'm Velerie, but you can just call me Vel. Most of my friends do." she said looking down.

"Whats yours?" Matt asked.

"Cassady. But everyone calls me Cassy," I said. "What's going on?"

"Well..." Matt started to say, "We really dont have a clue."

"All I know is that we were abducted and I know that we werent raped at all." Vel said, "But we were druged."

"Lovely..." I said in a cynical tone. "Why do you think they chose us?"

"I think that were somehow connected. Like, there has got to be some type of chemestry with all of us." Matt said.

"I think we should have a little chat. What do we like and how our personalities can relate." I suggested, "Plus, I mean, it can't hurt to talk about random things, you know get our minds off of the present situation."


"So, how do we start?"

"You know I'm not sure."

"........... Hi." Matt said at last, "I like the color red and I'm afraid of the dark."

"Ok... Hi." Vel said next, "I like the color green and I hate hights."

"Hi," I said, "I like the color purple and I have a deathly fear of spiders."

"My favorite animal is a dog." Matt said after a moments pause.

"Lizard." Vel said shortly after.

"Hermit crab." I said after her. Then they looked at me like I had issues. "What?"

"I hate brusstle sprouts."


"Lipton Ice tea..." Again I got stares as if I had issues.

"I play guitar." Matt said next.

"I don't play any form of music."

"I love playing piano." I said smileing. I'm glad no one's judeged me on that one. Its the only thing I know I cant be ashamed of.

"My favorite movie is the Matrix." Matt said after giving me a smile.

"I really enjoyed Lord of the Rings."

"I am basicly obsessed with V for Vendetta."

"Never seen it."


"Yeah, I havent either."


"Yep. Never seen it."

"This is comeing from the people who love Lord of the Rings and the Matirx? Seriously?" I asked appalled, "You do know that the main character is the guy who played Elrond and that it's directed and or produced by the guys who made the Matrix?"


"YEAH!" I said "Its reeaaallly good!"

"Huh. Well when we get out of here you'll have to show us." Matt said.

"I'd love to, if we do get out of here. Oh and you know that new movie 'The Raven?"

"Yeah." Vel said.

"Well, its also produced by the guy who did V for Vendetta." I said.

"Yeah it was in the ads." Matt said in a sudden realisation.

"What about TV shows?" I said. "I love anime."

"Oh yeah! I've heard of Srg. Frog!" Vel said. "Isnt it like a Japanese kid's show?"

"Yeah, but it's more like tv 14." I said.

"I like Family Guy!" Matt said with a smile.

"Yes you do Matt," Vel said patting his back.


BTW THAT WHOLE RIPING PAPER AT THE TEACHER THING, YEAH I DID THAT!!! I was so proud because he was an arse.... ahhh that was awesome... Yeah, anyway, I'm just going through Super Nova and I'm fixing little buggies.

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