What Waits Along the Shore

By unionjack11

10.6K 130 49

When Abby moves to Summer Bay she doesn't expect anything out of the ordinary to occur. But when Cameron Quis... More

Chapter 1- Hawaiian Goddess
Chapter 2- Barbie
Chapter 3- Whimp
Chapter 4- Darlin'
Chapter 5- Cutie pie
Chapter 6- Corny
Chapter 8- Sleepy Head
Chapter 9- Bella
Chapter 10- Mrs. Fancy
Chapter 11- Helloooo Ladies
Chapter 12- Girlfriend
Chapter 13- Fine
Chapter 14- It's Abby
Chapter 15- Hazy
Chapter 16- Fiancee
Chapter 17- Doctor
Chapter 18- Mum
Chapter 19- Bud
Chapter 20- Doctor Who?
Chapter 21- Zach
Chapter 22- Don't think so bro
Chapter 23- Baby Daddy
Not Another Happy Ending

Chapter 7- Ok girls

499 12 5
By unionjack11

Hey guys, i'm wondering, should i keep writing cuz i kinda feel like there's no one out there, lack of comments and votes is concerning.

if you want me to write more and are enjoying please comment or fan or vote, do something to show me you care!

thats all

~G xx

Chapter 7- Ok girls

“Ok girls, be good and we’ll be back around 2-ish” my mum called from the kitchen before she and my dad left to go to their friend’s party. Krista pulled her knees up to her chest and looked at me excitedly, anxious for me to tell her the exciting news.

“So the day that I moved,” she nodded her head, “my mum and I had a fight so I took Walter out for a walk on the beach, and I was really hot so I decided to go skinny dipping” she gasped and squealed, “and this really hot guy came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder while I was standing in my undies” she was now rocking back and forth.

“Just say it!!” she screamed, too excited to contain it.

“It was Cameron Quiseng from Allstar Weekend!” I exclaimed and she jumped up off the couch and pulled me up with her, jumping up and down excitedly.

“There’s more” I said, stopping. She stopped jumping and gripped my arms tightly; “I’m dating him!” at this point she practically collapsed on the floor. I helped her up and she started to jump around again.

“OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD!” she cried, unable to say anything else. I nodded my head and she pulled me into a tight hug. When I had freed myself I sat back down on the couch and she followed suit.

“When did it start?” she demanded. I looked down at my hands and counted my fingers, unsure exactly. The time had gone by so fast and unfortunately the boys would be going off on tour for four months and I wouldn’t get to see Cameron for a while.

“Uh I think it’s been around two months. I know it’s not long but I really love him. We have a connection that I’ve never had with anyone else I’ve ever gone out with. When I introduced him to my parents he was freaking out because he had never met the parents of a girl he was dating before” I gushed, Krista smiled at me, happy for me.

“There’s something else” I say quietly, preparing myself for her reaction, “I’m kinda best friends with the rest of the boys now too” she froze, her mouth wide open in shock. I laughed at her and pulled out my phone, calling Zach.

“Hey Zach its Abby….yeah….yeah….can you come over? Sweet! See you then!” Krista grabbed my hands and squeezed them hard, not able to talk, and when she did it came out in a hoarse whisper.

“I love you so much Abby!” she cried, I smiled at her and got up, ready to answer the door. The doorbell rang and I walked over to it, swinging it wide open and smiling. Zach beamed back at me, with Nathan Michael and Cameron behind him. Zach picked me up around my waist and walked me into the house, dropping me on the couch. I laughed and introduced him to Krista, who was still frozen in shock and not saying anything. Cameron came over to me and gave me a hug and quick peck on the lips, taking my hand after he released me. Nathan looked at us weirdly and turned away, focusing on the muted TV. I shook my head, confused at his behaviour, before turning my attention to Krista and Zach.

“Hi! I’m Zach” Zach stuck out his hand and beamed. Krista looked from his face to his hand, not sure what to do with it. Instead she threw herself at him and held onto him tight. Zach started to laugh and patted her back while Cameron, Michael and I were in fits of giggles. She moved onto Michael next and then Cameron, eyeing him over and then winking at me. When it came to Nathan she hugged him, but not with as much enthusiasm as the others. She turned back to us and beamed.

“This is amazing; never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be chilling out with Allstar Weekend. I love you guys so much! I’m the reason Abby even started listening to you” she nudged Zach with her elbow and Cameron raised his eyebrows.

“Guess I have you to thank for Abby then, hey?” Cameron asked her and she smiled and nodded her head.

“Guess so” she stuck out her tongue at me. I stuck my tongue out in reply and sat on the couch. Cameron came and sat next to me, laying his arm across the top of the cushion; I closed my eyes and listened to the conversation. I was tired from the close run in with my parents, Cameron and I’s activities and the excitement of seeing Krista. I heard Krista asking all sorts of questions about being in a band and how people treated them. I was impressed at the fact that she wasn’t fangirling on them and when I heard Zach ask if she was single I smiled, knowing that this was going to turn out good. I started to drift off into a light sleep and felt my head droop onto Cameron’s shoulder. I woke up in Cameron’s arms; he was carrying me up the stairs into my room, laying me down gently on my bed. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him. He looked around the room and chuckled before sitting on the bed next to me.

“I’m never going to be able to think of this room in the same way again” he grinned. I pulled him down so we were lying down facing each other and inched my face closer to his. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him, our lips met and I felt a tingling sensation spread through my veins, even reaching my toes. When I pulled back I nuzzled myself into his chest, inhaling his scent and listening to his heartbeat.

“Abby….Abby” someone whispered my name.

“Hmm?” I stretched out and looked around my room. Krista was standing at the edge of my bed, looking down at me expectedly. I tried to throw off the covers and realized that it was Cameron’s arm hanging over my waist. I gently lifted up his arm and placed it on the bed next to me before scooting out from under the covers and heading into the bathroom, Krista right behind me.

“What happened last night?” she asked after I had shut the door and turned on the tap, looking around for a face cloth. I found my favourite on and threw it under the hot water before turning back to her.

“Nothing, I fell asleep and he brought me up here and I guess he fell asleep too” I yawned in response, I knew that I had to tell her about me and Cameron soon or it was going to kill me.

“Sit down” I pointed at the toilet and quickly closed the lid. She raised her eyebrows in confusion but obeyed and sat down on the lid.

“Yesterday, while my parents were out, Cameron and I did it” I whispered, not wanting it to leave the room. She smiled at me and quietly clapped her hands together excitedly, “my mum and dad came home while we were still up here, not doing anything but still, and that’s when he met my parents. So they think that this is relatively new” I told her, making sure she followed along.

“Awwe! That’s so cute! I’m so happy for you! And don’t worry, my lips are sealed.” She raised her hands up to her lips and pretended to zip them. I smiled and returned to the sink, grabbing the steaming wash cloth and laying it on my face.

“So what happened with you and Zach last night?” my voice came out garbled through the fabric.

“Nothing, let’s go to the mall today!” she said excitedly and I smiled, glad to have my best friend here with me.

That week Krista and I went crazy, spending massive amounts of time at the mall to update our wardrobes with new clothes, shoes and other accessories, went to the spa and had a full spa day with my mum, getting seaweed wraps and facials, and went to the hair salon getting our hair cut into new styles. We modelled our new outfits for the guys at one of their local shows, having fun dancing to the music and I especially enjoyed it when Cameron came of the stage and gave me a passionate kiss, right in the middle of the crowd of girls screaming his name. When he hopped back up on stage and winked at me during ‘James’ I laughed, getting me horrible looks from the girls and earning me names such as ‘Slut’ and ‘Skank’. I brushed them off and continued to dance, knowing that I was the one who was going to be going home with the guys to celebrate at Cameron’s house by playing some Call of Duty 4. The days were long, the sun always high in the sky, not a cloud in sight and the water clearer than ever. When I took Krista out on the stand-up paddle boards we brought out Walter to join in on the fun. He barked at the fish darting around beneath the shimmering surface as Krista and I paddled around on the calm water, enhancing our tans and gossiping about the boys.

“Did you see that girl last night?” Krista whispered, even though we were the only two out in the middle of the water, “The one wearing that crop shirt that he boobs almost burst out of?” I laughed and rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who she was talking about.

“Yep, the one who kept trying to grab Cameron’s crotch whenever he was at her side of the stage” I said, disgusted at the thought. Krista laughed and skimmed her paddle across the surface of the water, causing a refreshing spray shower over me. I laughed and splashed her back, and we eventually ended up in the water, hanging onto our boards so that we didn’t drown because of the cramps we had from laughing so hard.

“That’s your territory hey?” Krista laughed with a sly grin. I gasped and threw some more water at her, making Walter bark. After playing around in the water for another half hour we headed in, avoiding sunburns and desperate to eat.

“What shall we do tomorrow?” Krista asked after taking a bite of her salad, staring off into the sky.

The theme park was empty; there had been a total downpour right before we had arrived, clearing out all the line ups and allowing us to drift through without being interrupted. Krista and I were at the front of the group jumping in the puddles whenever we saw them and running around, screaming like little girls. Zach, and Michael were laughing at us and Cameron was having an argument about which pokemon was the best with Tyler. I smiled when I saw them; my boys, who love me no matter what. I was disappointed when Zach told us that Nathan didn’t want to come, he said he had made up some excuse about his mum and stayed home, making me wonder what I had done to make him want to avoid me so badly. I managed to put it aside and not worry about it too much, I wanted to focus on spending the day with my best friends and little brother, hopefully making a memory that would last a life time.

Krista dragged me by the wrist towards the haunted house where the guy dressed up as the dead butler sat with his feet up, reading a magazine. Krista cleared her throat and he glanced up, fumbling with the magazine and standing before droning on.

“Welcome to the Haunted Manor, enter if you dare” thunder struck, causing me to jump as Krista laughed. Cameron had come up behind me and had his hands on my hips, blocking my escape route while Krista walked in front, dragging me along behind her. The door creaked open and she marched in. the hallway was eerily quiet and dark; a light flickered in the corner revealing a figure in front of it. I yelped and Cameron laughed his hands still on my hips. I walked slowly forward, not wanting to go deeper into the house and screamed when I felt the cobwebs hit me in the face. I swatted them out of the way and brought my hands up to my face, slightly covering my eyes. Krista screamed in front of me and I tried to turn around, walking right into Cameron’s chest. His arms wrapped around me and held me tight and I started to cry.

“Get me out of here” I mumbled into his shirt. He kept walking forwards, protecting me with his body, separating the guy dressed up as a zombie from me and blocking out any interactions with the other scary features of the house. When we emerged from the dark building into the ‘Haunted Gardens’ I took a deep breath, the fresh air helping to clear my head. Cameron grabbed my hand and walked along beside me, pulling me out of the attraction and back onto the littered path of the theme park. I sat on a bench waiting for the others to emerge, hearing Krista’s screams and Zach’s laughs. When they finally came out Krista was laughing and Zach had his arm slung around her shoulder. I raised my eyebrows at them, confused and she blushed, avoiding my eye contact. Michael and Tyler straggled behind them, talking excitedly about the gnome that had come to life in the garden and tried to scare Michael. I smiled at them and jumped up off the bench, feeling a second wind.

“Let’s do a roller coaster!” I exclaimed, grabbing Tyler’s hand and running towards the red roller coaster towering over us. I could hear the others running up behind us, shoving each other out of the way to get there first. Tyler reached the lineup first and pushed through the turnstile beckoning us on the other side. By now Krista and Zach had already pushed through with Michael behind them and Cameron was standing in front of me.

“Are you sure you want to do this Abs?” he asked, his face a mask of concern. I nodded my head and pushed him forward and through the turnstile. We walked through the maze of ropes and chose the carts we wanted to sit in. Michael and Tyler sat in the cart second to the front, pulling down the bar and screaming excitedly. Krista and Zach sat in the middle, discussing what face they were going to make for the picture and Cameron pulled me into the cart third from the back, holding me tightly against him.

“3   2   1   BLAST OFF!” the voice boomed and we zoomed forward. I grabbed hold of the bar and closed my eyes, feeling myself get woozy already. I shifted backwards in my seat as the train started its slow ride to the top of the first drop, the tracks clattering beneath us.

“Abby open your eyes!” Cameron yelled over the noise. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself looking out over the ocean, the water expanding for miles in all directions. ‘It’s so beauti- AHHHHH’ I thought to myself as the cart dropped down the hill and my stomach came up to my mouth.  I screamed and squeezed my eyes shut again, my hair was whipping me in the face and my head was getting jostled around. We did a few more drops and then swirls as Cameron screamed beside me excitedly, his arms rose in the air. When it was finally over and the cart had come to a complete stop I hopped out and held onto the bar running along the side of the photo hut.

“Awesome!” Tyler exclaimed excitedly, hi-fiving Michael. They looked at the screens trying to locate their pictures, laughing at how they turned out. The picture of Cameron and I was awful; I had my eyes squeezed shut and Cameron had his tongue stuck out and his hands high in the air. I looked at Zach and Krista’s photo laughing when I saw that Krista had Zach’s face in her hand and her lips were pressed against his cheek while Zach was messing up her hair. When they saw their picture they hi-fived and Zach snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. Michael and Tyler’s consisted of them looking at each other with their mouths open in a silent scream. I laughed at how cute they were, loving that my brother was bonding with my best friends. Cameron laughed when he saw ours and pulled me back against his strong stomach, kissing me on the cheek. I smiled and brought my hand up to his face, caressing it gently. Tyler snapped us out of the moment when he demanded we go find some food.

“Thanks guys!” Tyler mumbled, spitting burger everywhere. I laughed and wiped some ketchup from his cheek. He resisted, slurping his milkshake with a grin on his face.

“Gross Ty!” I yelped, wiping my arms with the stack of napkins in the middle of the table. Tyler grabbed the ketchup bottle and put some more on his plate, mixing it with mustard.

“Quit stalling, we have to go soon” I told Tyler, moving the bottles away from him and giving him a stern look. We pushed back our chairs and brought the trays over to the garbage and walked out of the small restaurant towards the car. Zach hopped in the driver’s seat, turning on the car and blasting the radio, bopping his head along to the beat. I got into the back pulling Tyler next to me, Cameron and Krista sat in the row in front of us and Michael jumped into the passenger’s seat. We wound down the windows, turned up the tunes and started off on the hour journey home. Fifteen minutes in Tyler began complaining about a stomach ache and two minutes later the car began to stank.

“Tyler!” Krista yelped, pinching her nose and waving her hand in front of her face. The boys laughed and Tyler grinned, looking proud of himself. I wacked him around the back of the back of the head and he scowled at me, rubbing his head. I laughed and ruffled his hair before focusing my gaze out on the passing beaches, now flooded with people. I started to sing along to the song on the radio, the boys joining in pretending to sing off key and messing up the lyrics. After singing five songs in a row the car became quiet again, every single person tired from the long day. When we pulled down the familiar road I let out a happy sigh, amazed at how my summer had changed.

“Ahhhhhhhhawahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Tyler screamed, jumping out of the car and running into the house. I laughed and jumped down, grabbing my bag and snaking my arm around Cameron’s waist. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm, laughing at Tyler.

“Quite a wild one hey?” I raised my eyebrow at him. He laughed and nodded his head pausing in between our driveways.

“I love that kid,” he whispered, bringing my hand up to his lips, “but not as much as I love you” he kissed my hand and I blushed. Krista and Zach were snickering behind us and I turned and glared at them. They ran off behind the car where I’m pretty sure they were making out.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow” I whispered against his lips, giving him a quick kiss and turning around to find Krista. I found Krista with her back pressed up against the passenger door, her legs wrapped around Zach’s waist and her mouth glued to his face. I laughed as she yelped and tried to get out of Zach’s grip. She got her feet on the ground, gave him one more kiss and then pushed him away from her. I laughed and Zach let out a ‘Hey!’ in protest.

“I’ll see you tomorrow” she promised and we walked into the house, whispering about the boys on the way. When we had climbed up the stairs and made it into my room I flung open the balcony doors and stepped out. I took a deep breath and stretched my arms out spinning around a few times. Krista laughed at me until I gestured for her to join me. We jumped around a bit, excited about what had happened and then settled into the sun loungers, taking a much needed rest. We gossiped about what was happening at my old high school, talking about the latest hookups and breakups. She told me about her plans for next year and what was happening with her family. We talked until the sun went down, painting a pretty picture reflecting in the ocean. When it had finally set we went and found my parents in the backyard barbequing some fish. After a nice dinner of fish and salad in the company of my family and best friend I got ready for bed, exhausted from the long day. My head rest against my soft pillow and I wrapped myself in my blanket, closing my eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.

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