Embarrassed (Joey Fanfic)

By AdoringJoey

75.5K 896 314

Hailey Dallas moves too LA with her older brother Cameron Dallas. What adventures are going too happen while... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Thank You So Much
Chapter 10
Another Book?
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

1.6K 26 6
By AdoringJoey

Joey pov:
I woke up to Hailey in my arms she looked so cute while shes sleeping. I got up making sure not to wake her up. I went to Jojos room and he was sound asleep. I noticed that people were outside our house more than yesterday. They were all around our house. I peeked through Jojos bedroom window and there were cameras and supporters outside. I went down stairs to the living room and turned on the tv. Almost every channel was about what we said yesterday and they were live outside of our house. They were interviewing fans and some didn't support us and some did. And both mine and Hailey's fan base were fighting with each other. About who knows what. This is just a big disaster. I got a call it was Charles I ignored it cause I was trying to figure out how were supposed to get JoJo to school on time. Then Tayler called. Kelianne came out of her room. "Why are there so many people outside the house" she said confused and tired. It was 5 in the morning. She went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I started getting calls from Cameron, Tayler and Charles. I'm guessing they saw the news.
Hailey pov:
I woke up and Joey was gone I went to the restroom when I heard people talking outside. I peeked through the bathroom window and I saw lots of people and cameras outside the house. I quickly got dressed.

Oh no. I went downstairs and Kelianne was making breakfast. I saw Joey in the living room watching t.v.. He looked worried and stressed. I walked in to the living room and sat down next to Joey. "You okay Joey" I said. "Yeah I'm fine" he said. "So how are we getting Jojo to school" i said. "We'll just leave" he said. "Im gonna go get JoJo" I said and went upstairs. I opened the door and he was already awake. He was dressed and everything. He was just brushing his teeth in the bathroom. But the only problem was he put his shoes on the wrong foot. "Jojo you put your shoes on the wrong side" I said going over to him and putting his shoes on right. He was done brushing his teeth. "Come down stairs and eat breakfast really quick cause were gonna be late" I said leaving and going down stairs. Joey was still sitting there in front of the t.v.. I went into the kitchen to get breakfast. We had pancakes with bacon. Jojo was running down the stairs with his backpack with him. He looked so excited to go to school. He came to the kitchen table and was out of breath cause we have a lot of stairs. "Mommy can you get me water please" he said panting. "Okay just because you asked nicely. And make sure to not take your sweet time eating we have to get going" I said while going into the kitchen to get water. I noticed people looking through the kitchen windows. I just ignored them and got water and went back out to the table. I set down the water and sat down. Joey was at the table eating and playing with JoJo. "We need to go so go put your plates in the sink and go to the car please" I said. I got up to put my plate in the sink they both put their plate in the sink headed to the garage. I washed the plates grabbed my purse and headed to the garage. I was gonna get into the drivers seat when Joey said that he would drive. I gave him the keys. He started the car. He had on hand on the wheel and his other hand was holding my hand and he was stroking it with his thumb. We opened the garage door and instantly people surrounded the car and taking pictures. I looked back at Jojo to see if he was okay. He looked a little scared. "Mommy who are these people" he asked confused. "Their just people who like taking pictures" i said and we finally were able to actually get on the road and drive. "So JoJo are you excited for your first day of kindergarten" I asked looking back at him. "Yeah mommy I'm really excited but I'm nervous" he said. "Everyone's gonna love you JoJo and if they don't then their missing out it doesn't mean that you need to fix yourself just for that one person okay" I said lifting his chin up with my finger and smiling. We were in the front of the school. We parked and we all got out of the car. I held Jojo's hand while crossing the street and Joey holding his other hand. We crossed and we looked for room 16. We finally found it after about 15 minutes. We had to hurry before people noticed who we were. We were at his classroom door and we saw his teacher greeting students and parents. We walked up to her. She saw us and she looked surprised. "You guys are Joey Birlem and Hailey Dallas right. My daughter loves you guys" she said quietly while shaking our hands. I keeled down and hugged JoJo "Okay JoJo be good and remember what I said in the car" I said kissing him on the cheek. i stood back up. He nodded. "And make sure you pay attention in class okay buddy" Joey said kneeling down. He gave him a high five and a kiss. We looked back one last time and waved bye while we were leaving. I sorta started crying. "Oh my god babe are you okay" Joey asked. "Yeah its just he's so big now" I said. We got to the car and by the time we started the car the paparazzi and the press found us. We drove off before they can block us from getting out. "So you wanna go out and get some real breakfast or something" he said putting his hand on my thigh. "Yeah sure" I said. "Wait actually I want to see Tayler I haven't seen him since you know what happened I never told him about it neither did Keliane" I said quickly. He nodded and headed towards Hollywood where I grew up for some of my life. "Let me call Tayler on your phone" I said. He gave me his phone and I called. He picked up I missed his voice so much.
Tayler    Hailey

Hey Joey wassup
Hey Tayler its Hailey
What dude stop playing around
Really Tayler its me... He sounded so sad when I said that
Ir sounded like he was crying I started crying too. Yeah its me
He hung up. I wonder what that's about. We were almost there and he got a house in the hills like he said he would when he was 18. I was still crying tears of joy and sadness. We pulled up at this big nice modern house it had a beautiful view of the sun setting and it was so peaceful. The front was average for a house in the hills.

I was so proud of him. We got out of the car and knocked on the front door. I hid a little. Joey was at the door he knocked and Tayler opened the door with a sad face he was crying. It made me cry again. "What happened bro" Joey asked. He didn't answer. "Well I have someone that missed you too" Joey said. I ran out of my hiding place and hugged Tayler. He hugged me back and I cried even harder. He was crying less than me. "I missed you so much Tay" I said getting off of him revealing a wet spot on his shirt from me crying. I laughed a little. "Sorry"I said wiping the tears aways. "I missed you so much Hals" he said. We sat down on the balcony. "Before I say anything me and Joey have to tell you something" I said looking at Joey he nodded. Tayler looked concerned. "We have a kid" Joey said. "What your joking right?" he said. We shook our heads "No he's five and we just dropped him off at school it was his first day" I said. "Okay so am I going to get to meet him" he asked. "Of course you'll be his uncle" I said. "Yess I was waiting for that...wait is it a boy or girl" Tayler said. "Boy his name is Joey Matthew Birlem II" I said. "Awe that's cute you named him after Joey. It like a little Joey" he said. "Wait is that why you left without saying anything" he said. "Yes..." I continued to explain my whole story and it was already time to pick up Jojo when I was finished. "I'm coming with" Tayler said. We nodded and he got into the car. We drove to his school and we got off then we saw someone that I thought I'd never see in a million years...
I will be updating on Friday's and Saturdays now. Thank you guys for all the support. I got sick again because people in my classes don't know how to cover their damn mouths. Anyways sorry for my language. Love you guys and good night💕

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