Aligned | Finn Hudson

By lex_hudson

174K 3.1K 1.2K

°•°•°•Book 2 of 'Opposites' series•°•°•° °•°•°•Completed•°•°•° Camila has her life figured out, well, at leas... More

The New Girl
Check Up
The Football Team
It's Brittany Bitch
Why Him?
Seeking Amy
The Text
The Trial: Part 1
The Trial: Part 2
Taking Over....Again
Can't Handle You
Her Shoes
Good Enough
Next Destination
Shiny and New
Glossy Eyes
Be Strong
Sectionals Part 1
Sectionals Part 2
Sectionals Part 3
Racoon And His Trash
Turning Back Time
A Miracle
Merry Christmas
**Author's Note/Announcement**
New Year's Day
Stop, Just Love
Regionals Part 1
Regionals Part 2
One Last Thing
A Year Later
Rebel Games
A Hurt Heart
Bath Bombs and Lovely Candles
Bursting Bubbles
Competition Day Part 1
Competition Day Part 2
Great Fighters

One Year ♡

1.7K 25 16
By lex_hudson

January 15th, 2016. A 15 year old girl created a series titled "Opposites".

I'm going to be honest with you guys, this book was never meant to exist. "What do you mean dear Lex?" A bunch of you may be asking. Well, here is my explanation one year later; you see, downloading an app you barely know how to use is what we do almost everyday, but a social media like website? Oh mistakes are bound to happen. I downloaded Wattpad to practice my writing because I had started when I was 11 and let me just say, even a five year old could outdo my ideas of stories I had (believe me, I work with preschoolers everyday). I thought that I would be able to private the stories I secretly created and as time went on, I'd perfect them until I finally felt confident to publish them.

But, as you can see, my plans weren't well thought out of.

One day, maybe 6 or 7 chapters in, I get a notification out of no where. I check and it's a vote on my story. At this point, I was losing my shit for 2 reasons. One, I got a vote! Holy crap! My first vote! Two, oh fuck.....Everyone can see my mistakes. There was no turning back now, and I had planned to delete the chapters I had created, but the real people behind Angie and Matthew encouraged me to leave them up and learn from my mistakes as I go. And so, I did. I kept writing and all of this love from anonymous people who read my story from thousands of miles away began pouring in. "This story is amazing!" "Please update soon!" "You're an amazing writer". Things I NEVER expected to hear from people about my weird and disastrous idea that turned into a life changer.

"But it's just a fan fiction dumbass, it can't be life changing," Well, humble and kind thinker, I'm here to explain. Think about a time where you had to do something that you automatically assumed was going to be terrible or you knew you were terrible at. Then, think about how shortly after, people around you notice and maybe compliment you, pat you on the back, etc. That feeling right there is how I've felt. The compliments I get, even the tiniest ones I get change my day with a snap of your fingers. It makes me motivated to do things I don't think I can do because you guys who just give me reads, or vote, or even take time to comment motivate me to do anything.

One year later, two books, 110.8k+ views, and 2.946k+ votes later, I'm at the happiest point in my life. I feel as though my purpose, the main purpose I was put on this earth, is to make people happy. When I'm able to create content people enjoy, I feel as though I'm adding more to my purpose. You guys help me do what I love to do, and I can't ever thank you guys enough for how happy you make me guys. And to all the ones who have been here since the start, thank you. And to everyone else who takes the time to do any type of interaction with my story, thank you too. I created this story to also remember Cory in the way he touched my life the most, and I get to do that because of the help of you guys.

Aligned has 2 more chapters until it's complete, then I'll be taking maybe a week or 2 break before I start the third book. Just a reminder: there are 5 books total in this series, don't start worrying! Until then, just know I love you guys and appreciate you all. Thank you for sticking around to read my mistake 😂

Lex ♡

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