Be Strong

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(Finn's POV)

"Yeah they've gotten her settled down. Her face is still swelled and her nose is starting to bruise, but she's fine as of now." I mumbled quietly into the phone in the corner of the room to Mr. Schuester. "Good, good. I'll talk to all of your teachers and coach about assignment extensions and such. Keep me updated." He sighed. "Will do, sorry for waking you, bye Mr. Schue." I hung up the phone. I rubbed my scruffed cheeks and looked at the time; four thirty three. Julie should be coming by to see her. I step outside silently and crack the door so it doesn't wake Cam.

I waited outside the door, not helping myself but peeking in a couple times to make sure she was still okay even though I mentally knew she was still medically asleep. I saw her Aunt coming and steadied my shaking posture. "Hey, how is she? I can't go in there without someone and everyone is busy." She crossed her arms, peeking through the door slightly, but just enough so other nurses don't get curoius. I kept quiet and stared at the floor, knowing a burst of tears would be coming out any second. "Finn?" Julie held my arm and looked up at me. "She-" I let out a cry and she pulled me closer to her into an embrace. "She almost died...." I disappointingly heard myself cry. "I know she did, they told me. Finn baby she's okay, she's alive." I heard her choke up a little too. She guided me into a vacant room and shut the door. I sat down on the bare bed and cried to myself.

"I tried to get there as fast as I could, I'm sorry." I lowered my head and wiped my dripping nose. "Don't you dare be sorry Finn." She bent down to the floor and looked up at me. "I'm thankful to God you knew something was wrong. Do you know how many people would've stayed with her if they found out something like this happened at her old school?" I looked at her and shook my head. "Zero," She said like there was a sour taste in her mouth. "Finn you're a strong man. You take up for your rights and wrongs with her, and you take care of her for me when I cant." She weld up with tears, but quickly blinked them away. "Camila wouldn't want you crying, and neither do I. You did nothing wrong, it was an honest mistake made by a girl at school who had no clue of anything. No one is to blame." She rose up and stood me up with her. "I have to go eat then get back to the surgery. I want you to take care of my niece like you always have." Julie softly put her hands on the sides of my temples. She pulled my head down gently and kissed my forehead.

I walked out behind her and she did a small wave goodbye before disappearing down the halls. My phone buzzed that my mom was here, and I sent her our room number and a picture of my badge so she had proof we were related and that I knew her. I went back inside the room and sat next to Camila, leaving the door open just a bit so it wasn't too loud when she walked in. When mom came, I could feel her heartbreak radiating throughout the room. "Poor baby." She whispered, putting down some pink roses on the roll-around tray that had a balloon attached to it. "Momma I'm sorry I didn't call until after, I was just so broken up." I stood up and hugged her, pecking her head, too. "Finn, hun, it's okay, I understand. What did they say?" She took a seat on the small couch they had against the wall and crossed her legs like normal. "She had a severe Anaphylaxis shock and broke her nose when she fell. They're gonna keep her over night just to check her values-" "I think you mean vitals?" "Uh, yeah... they're gonna check those over night then bed rest her until Wednesday." I looked over Camila and ran my fingers through her hair.

Her cheeks were still swollen, but beautiful. Her scar was bright white since it was stretching out from the swelling and under her eyes were bruises purple and yellow with a few broken viens. A calm and small whistle came through the oxygen tube lining her face and a faint drip noise came from the IV bag. She was pretty banged up, and I knew I'd never have a thought of leaving her side.

"Did you call Mr. Schuester?" Mom asked, turning her ringer down on her phone. "Yeah, he's gonna talk to Figgins, the teachers, and Bieste about her and my work." "Your work?" She eyed me. "Mom I'm sorry but I'm not leaving her. Football and school can wait. I don't need a pizza party this month for perfect attendance....I already got one last month." I turned to her. Her silence scared me. I hated bickering with my mother, because that's not a way a man should act. But this time, I had to. "I'm proud of you Finn, you're becoming such a good man like your father." Her statement made me release my held breath. "I already talked to Julie. Camila is gonna come home with us tomorrow since she's got that surgery to finish up and can't be home with her. I expect you to get the extra mattress from the garage and put it up there next to her so she can have your bed." "Yes ma'am." I nodded.

A knock came from the door and a women came in with with stack of pillows and blankets. "Nurse McKnight asked me to deliver you guys these." I got up and grabbed everything. "Thank you." I nodded and smiled. I gave mom the three other pillows and took one for myself. Thank god I was still in my pajamas: my favorite green plaid sleeping pants and a black long sleeve. I put the pillow on the side of the chair arm and stacked my feet on a platform that was under the bed for storing things. It wasn't the most comfortable way to be for a tall guy, but it's anything to be next to her.

I drifted off to sleep looking at her promise ring that the doctors had left on, thinking about how she kept it on when she went to bed.

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