Sectionals Part 1

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It's been two weeks since everything has gone down. I have applications filled out for homeschooling, I just have to send them out. But I haven't been able to find myself to do it. For the past two weeks, I've been sitting in the office doing nothing. I can't go to class because not even teachers will talk to me. The office people are kind enough to let me use the vending machine to feed myself, but I still get disturbed looks. This was my last week at McKinley, and I was more than ready to leave. Sectionals is tonight, and it's being held in the auditorium.

The rules are whatever team wins, the competition next year is held where they originate. I decided to come out and support them even though no one likes me anymore. I haven't paid my phone bill because there is no point of a phone if no one is going to text you. Finn keeps texting Aunt Julie, but I eventually got her phone and blocked his number for her. I see him in the hallways when I sit in the office, but he doesn't seem concerned or even bothered by the fact that I'm gone. Summer was the only one concerned. She came to the office earlier and hugged me goodbye, even shedding a few tears. It felt nice, even though I have only known her for a month and didn't tell her much about me.

Everyone was piled into the auditorium so the hallways were empty and somewhat dim since it was night time outside. I quietly walked them to get my last goodbyes in.

Camila: I know you don't want me anymore by the look on your face. They say when it rains it pours, you can tell by my face.

I held my elbows and listened to the click of my heels. I wish Finn would hear me singing this pitifully by myself, but he's got Rachel to focus on now. And who's to say he'll believe me.

Camila: Oh and I know, and you know that we've been here before. I think I know how it should end. We got an audience calling us crazy. We ignore those with opinions of hate. We're not like the rest of them, friends with insanity as of lately.

I looked into the dance room with all the mirrors and stepped in. I remember one day, Finn caught me judging myself. He came in and we sat down in front of the mirrors and talked about what we loved about each other while we stared at ourselves in the mirror.

Camila: Everyone comes with scars but you can love them away. I told you that I wasn't perfect, you told me the same. I think that's why we belong together and unashamed. I told you that I wasn't perfect, no way, way, way, no way, no way.

I then looked at myself in real time and felt disgusted. I let someone stomp all over me and ruin my life. Aunt Julie tried to get them to role the tapes, but Figgins kept dropping the subject of it and said no everytime we brought into back up.

Camila: When I look in your eyes I see through to my soul. I know the core of you is good, you're my tarnished hero.

There was no point as to explaining to Finn anything. He was off happy with Rachel again and I had no proof it wasn't me.

Camila: Oh and I know, and you know how our story is told. Only we know what it is. We got an audience calling us crazy. We ignore those with opinions of hate. We ain't like the rest of them, friends with insanity as of lately.

I cried to myself and stared at myself in the mirror. I was falling apart. And to think I had actually gotten myself together after mom died...

Camila: Everyone comes with scars but you can love them away. I told you that I wasn't perfect, you told me the same. I think that's why we belong together and unashamed. I told you that I wasn't perfect, no way, way, way, no way, no way.

I sighed and walked out, only to see a shadow walking down the hallway. I hid and watched as they reached into into something and pulled out a piece of paper, then looking around before sliding it into what looked like Finn's locker. They quickly trotted off back to the dressing room doors and I immediately began walking. I reached his locker and put his combination in I had memorized so I could leave him little gifts. I opened it and out fell the paper. I grabbed it and stood under a light that was on out of the others that weren't and opened the paper.

Since I'm leaving, I should leave you with the truth. I only got close to you to make myself more popular and have someone actually get in my pants for once. Enjoy your pathetic life! -Camileon <3

I could see myself getting heavily red in the reflection of a door window. I started down multiple hallways until I got to one hallway and saw the control room for everything electric throughout the school. In there, was the cameras. This was illegal on so many levels, but I didn't care. This battle is not over.

I quietly hurried to the room and locked myself in knowing the janitor was going around. I had to work quickly before the Glee Club went on stage. I found the password on a sticky note to the laptop that had all the footage and got in. If made sure no one was in the hallway before going to two weeks ago and watching the films.

At exactly noon, when everyone was at lunch or class, someome was in the hall.

I couldnt tell because it was blurry snd in black and white. I watched as they slid notes into every locker for ten minutes straight. I followed their movement to the Junior locker hall and they took their backpack off. They opened Matthew's locker and stuffed the testosterone boxes in and the note, then shutting it so nothing would fall out. They then slid into a classroom like nothing happened. I unplugged the laptop and started running down the hallways toward the auditorium. This was my moment to prove I was innocent. These guys have changed my life, and I'm not ready to let them go so easily. Then, I felt hands push me as hard as they could and I slammed into the locker. I watched the laptop crash onto the floor into a bunch of pieces. It was destroyed. I looked to see who had pushed me.

It was Summer.

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