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Camila: Do you recall, not long ago, we would walk on the sidewalk

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Camila: Do you recall, not long ago, we would walk on the sidewalk. Innocent, remember All we did was care for each other. But the night was warm, we were bold and young. All around the wind blows, we would only hold on to let go.

Final night bash was PACKED. My nerves were running while I was on the stage by myself, but my adrenaline was over powering it. Not only because I was performing solo for like a thousand campers, but also because it's been one year since mine and Finn's spark.

Camila: Blow a kiss, fire a gun, we need someone to lean on. Blow a kiss, fire a gun, all we need is somebody to lean on.

The lights on stage went nuts as I danced around. Everyone's glowsticks shined bright and it was just so much fun. I wish I could have a final night bash everyday because it's just a time where we all party and push our competition days away for a bit. But, thank god the girls team won!

Camila: What will we do when we get old? Will we walk down the same road? Will you be there by my side? Standing strong as the waves roll over. When the nights are long, longing for you to come home. All around the wind blows, we would only hold on to let go.

I looked at Finn and it's like time stopped. A flashback of last year came to my mind. The way he kissed me and held me, how he looked at me so delicately. And now, fast foward, a year later and we're stronger.

Camila: Blow a kiss, fire a gun, we need someone to lean on. Blow a kiss, fire a gun, all we need is somebody to lean on. Blow a kiss, fire a gun, we need someone to lean on. Blow a kiss, fire a gun, all we need is somebody to lean on.

I stomped around like a crazy person, but honestly I was feeling myself. Something about performing for a crowd made me feel comfortable. But so did dance. If I want both, I'd be on broadway, and that's Rachel's thing, not mine. What if dance isn't want in destined for? I enjoy performing and dancing, but I can't have both.

Camila: Blow a kiss, fire a gun, we need someone to lean on. Blow a kiss, fire a gun, all we need is somebody to lean on. Blow a kiss, fire a gun, we need someone to lean on. Blow a kiss, fire a gun, all we need is somebody to lean on.

Everyone cheered and clapped for me as I waved and got off stage to rejoin everybody in the crowd. I squeezed past everyone before getting over to the Glee kids and they all clapped for me again and I blushed madly. "That was amazing! You're actually a star!" Angie yelled over the music. I looked at Finn through our conversation and his eyes gave me a wanting vibe. Finn grabbed my wrist finally and smiled before pulling me quickly through the large crowd while everyone carried on a conversation. My eyes rewinded to when Finn was pulling me away from everyone to confess himself to me. I was so nervous and confused. My poor heart didn't know how to handle it.

We reached the same cabin he was in last year and he pulled me inside. Once I got in, Finn shut the door and just kissed me so tenderly. He let go of my cheeks and when I opened my eyes, it was Finn from last year. His face was a little chubbier and his freckles were faded. But I snapped back to reality and real time Finn was here, with his jaw line carved a little and his freckles appearing generously. "One year huh?" He questioned. "Time flies," I chuckled as he kissed me again. "A lot has happened in one year." He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I've learned so much and learned some new things I can do." I grinned. "Like what?" He raised his head a little. "Instead of explaining, why don't I show you?" I asked before pulling him go the bedroom and shutting the door.

We couldn't do what was usually expected since the little girls cabin was directly behind us, so we just kissed and laid together talking about our year. "Do you think we'll win next year? You know, make a come back?" Finn asked softly as he stroked my hair while the music blared from the stage in the distance. "I'm not sure. Our futures are always unplanned, just like this school year." I let out a small chuckle. We laid there for a second looking at each other before Finn began to smile. "I guess we weren't so Opposite at all." He said before kissing me.


"Did you have a good time?" Amelia asked as we walked to the car pick ups. Finn already left early this morning because he started work back up today. "Yes. I'm sad it's over for now." I sighed. "Well, you know next year is our last year." She sighed. "Yep, we're gonna be seniors." It clicked in my head and made my heart drop. Amelia helped conceal it though as we acted like old ladies using our suit cases as walker sticks. I eventually hugged her goodbye and got in Aunt Julie's car and headed home.

Have a good day at work today <3

Thank you, I will. I will see you in a week for our one year anniversary Camileon :)

Junior year, woah. It's already gone. Well, I wasn't shocked to have realized I've learn even more than I did last year. For starters, don't let a crazy bitch join your competition team or even interact with you if she gives off bad vibes. Also, don't let anyone or anything stop you from being who you are, even if it's a silly competition loss. Finally, cherish family time as much as you can. I miss mom so much, and even though it's been months since she left, I'm still having my days where I can't cope. But, the wisdom she left behind with me helps me continue through life and its obstacles. Knowing Senior year is coming up honestly scares me. I don't know where I stand with my future and it's nerve racking. Thankfully, I have someone to lean on. Finn has been the best first boyfriend ever. He has shown me what love really means when I have never experienced it with someone. He's been my anchor through this crazy school year and I can never obtain enough money to pay him back for what all he's done. In closing, I will always remember two things. Number one, never take expired caffeine pills unless you want to be a delusional pop star for about three minutes. And, finally, Number Two, no matter how suckish and hard life will get, I know I'll always have Finn to keep me Aligned.

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