The Text

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(3rd Person POV)

Camila walked into the auditorium and her eyes brightened

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Camila walked into the auditorium and her eyes brightened. "What is all of this?" She asked Finn, who was sitting on a picnic blanket on the stage. "I thought I'd take you on a tiny date. Just to get your mind off things, for example, how Mr. Schuester ringed our asses out for taking the caffeine pills yesterday." He grinned.

He got down and went over to her. He kissed her hand, then pulled her in for a kiss. "You're so adorable." She smiled as they went hand and hand to the stage. They both took a seat and Finn reached into a bag he had sat down. He pulled out a sandwich bag that had peanut butter and jelly smeared everywhere. "Oops, guess wasn't careful enough," He frowned at the bag. "It's okay babe. I'll eat it. Just as long as you brought napkins." She smiled and carefully took the bag. He gave her a couple of napkins along with a small to go bag of chips. He popped the top off of two glass Coke bottles and set them down. "Fancy." She grinned. He smiled and raised a tiny toast with her.

"Okay, so. Your birthday is coming up." Finn said after taking a bite of his messy sandwich. Camila nodded as continued to chew her food. "What would you like?" "Nothing. I've got everything I need." She smiled. "No, you dont. I want to get you something." Finn became serious. "Finnster, I promise, I'm okay. If you are that devoted, make me a homemade card. I love those." Finn never liked arguing with Camila, so he just agreed and continued to eat.

"Are you ready for next week?" Camila broke the silence. "What's next week?" Finn turned his head. "Court...." "Oh shit, I forgot." Finn rolled his eyes, "Yeah I guess, I'll just be thankful when it's over." "I know." Camila sighed and opened her bag of chips. They silently ate the rest of their food. Finn glanced up at Camila and found himself smiling. He felt as though her beauty was unrecognized by so many people. "Hey, I know what we haven't done in a while." Camila's eyes lit up. She cleaned up her mess and ran over to the side stage. She rolled the platform that had the drums on it out and grabbed a guitar. "Now, sit your happy ass down and sing with me." She winked, putting the guitar on. Finn chuckled and did as she asked. She started playing a tune and they both did what they do best.

Both: Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey

Camila: I've been trying to do it right. I've been living a lonely life. I've been sleeping here instead. I've been sleeping in my bed, sleeping in my bed.

It seemed like every second they were together, they were both falling more and more for each other.

Camila: So show me family. All the blood that I would bleed. I don't know where I belong. I don't know where I went wrong. But I can write a song

Both: I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart. I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet. Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey!

Camila had a flashback to when him and her sang for the first time together. She smiled to herself and swayed her body.

Finn: I don't think you're right for him. Look at what it might have been if you took a bus to China Town. I'd be standing on Canal and Bowery. And she'd be standing next to me.

Both: I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart. I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart. Love. We need it now. Let's hope for some. 'Cause, oh, we're bleeding out. I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart. I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet. Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey

"That felt so amazing." Finn sighed with satisfaction. The bell rang and the couple quickly cleaned their mess up. Finn helped Camila off the stage and they scrambled to their next class.


"I CAN'T BREATHE." Santana screamed as she broke out in even more laughter. Puck was slamming his hand across the guitar and yelling out random lyrics. Everyone was is the choir room having fun with Mr. Schuester. After getting on the kids about the caffeine pills, he realized how much he was pressuring everyone. So, they all decided to have a few days during the week to have a break from rehearsal. And today was one of those days. Everyone was sitting in a huge circle in their chairs in the middle of the room, chit chatting and having fun.

"Where did you go at lunch?" Amelia turned to Camila and started to hold a conversation of their own. "Finn and me had a picnic in the auditorium. It was the cutest thing ever." I blushed. "Damn, I wish I had someone to do that for me." She sighed. "Do you think anyone is cute here?" Camila leaned in closer so no one could hear, even though everyone was being much louder than they were. Amelia bit her lip and secretly pointed at Mercedes. Camila's jaw dropped. "Really?!" She exclaimed in excitement. Amelia put her hands over Camila's mouth and laughed. "Shut up!" She chuckled. "Okay everyone, Puck wants us all to sing Don't Stop Beliving." Artie quieted everyone down. Everyone all up roared in happiness as Camila saw her phone light up on her binder. "Hold on, I gotta check my phone." She got up and wobbled over. Camila carefully leaned over so her boot wouldn't tip her over and grabbed her phone.

As everyone continued to loudly chat, they all heard something loud drop. They all became silent and looked in Camila's direction. Her face was ice pale, she was frozen in place from where she was holding her phone, and her focus was on the ground, but not on her phone. "Camila? Are you okay?" Mr. Schuester looked up from his papers he was working on. She didn't respond. "Camila?" Finn immediately got up and rushed over to her. He picked her phone up and read the text message that was on the screen and felt his stomach explode with fear.

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