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"Mrs. Mcknight, I would've never expected this attitude or behavior out of you." Figgins looked through my paperowork. I sat in a chair next to Aunt Julie in front of his desk, and Sarah sat in one on the opposite side of Julie. I massaged my taped up hand and continued to listen.

"Since this was with someone who doesn't belong to the campus, none of the diciplinaries such as suspension or alternative schooling applies to you, but I will have to remove you from the volleyball team and place you in detention for a week since it did happen on school grounds." I bit my tongue and continued to stare blankly at him. "Now, Mrs. Carter, how would you like to go forth with this situation?" Figgins folded his hands on his desk and looked at Sarah. "I think it'll end here, she is lucky I don't press charges." She sighed. "You're lucky I didn't slam your head into the concrete." I mummbled. "Enough Camila." Aunt Julie looked at me sadly. "Look, I can understand your anger. But I had absolutely nothing to do with her death." Sarah leaned forward and looked at me.

"You got her addicted to things that killed her." I glared at her. "Once she got to the bar, I realized I didn't have the pills like I thought I did. She was so hyped up about it, so she took it upon herself to get them from the pharmacy across the street." "You still introduced them to her." I growled. "I understand you guys have some words to say, but I have a meeting at three and this situation came to end a few minutes ago. Camila, please return to your class." Figgins nodded his head to me. Aunt Julie kissed my head before I grabbed my backpack and walked out.

As I turned the corner, Finn was leaned up against the wall. "Why did you take the conference like it meant nothing?" He questioned me as we walked back to the choir room. "Because, it meant nothing." I shrugged. "What the hell Camila, you just got kicked off the volleyball team and put in detention. Your perfect record is gone, completely lost." He walked and stopped in front of me. "Finn, do you not see my life falling apart right now? I lost my mom, I almost lost you, I got kicked from the volleyball team, and I'm the only one in this school who doesn't know what they're gonna do after school. I'm pretty sure I've lost myself along the way and it's only the beginning of September." I crossed my arms and looked up at him. "Babe." He reached for my hand. I pulled it back and felt tears welt in my eyes. "I just need a moment alone to gather myself before I go back to class." I let the tear stream down my face before turning around and walking away.

(3rd Person)

Finn quietly watched Camila walk away. It felt like slow motion as she was holding her elbows, looking down, and sobbing to herself.

Finn: Life it's hard, I know. All your lights are red, but I'm green to go. Used to see you high, now you're only low. All your lights are red but I'm green to go.

Camila turned the hallway and Finn started to follow her to make sure she didn't go off and do something hurtful to herself again.

Camila: I want you, I'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you.

Both: I want you, I'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you.

Camila walked by the cooking class kitchen and saw familiar faces. Her mother's and herself.

Camila: I can't say no. Though the lights are on there's nobody home. Swore I'd never lose control. Then I fell in love with a heart that beats so slow.

She watched as her mother mixed a batter in a pan while her younger self laid out cupcake wrappers. When her mother wasn't looking, she dipped her finger into the batter. Her mother caught her, grabbed a scoop of the batter and put it on Camila's nose. They both laughed as the imagination slowly faded away.

Both: I want you, I'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you. I want you, I'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you.

It pained Finn to see Camila like this. She was going through so much, and next week she had to face the people who almost killed him and her, and now say goodbye to her mom. Finn was trying to comfort her as much as he could, but he generally didnt know how to help, for he had never experienced it before. He was too young to understand his father's death.

Camila: I know you're seeing black and white, so I'll paint you a clear blue sky. Without you I am color-blind, it's raining every time I open my eyes. I know you're seeing black and white, so I'll paint you a clear blue sky. Without you I am color-blind, it's raining every time I open my eyes.

Camila looked down the hallway and could see herself and her mother chasing each other through a wheat field. Her mom looked so alive and happy. Her skin was glowing and she was care free. She shook her head and it faded away.

Camila: I want you. I'll color me blue. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you. When I'm looking up at you

Both: I want you, I'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you. I want you, I'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you.

Camila turned back around and faced Finn. He was a bit fat from her, and she didn't want to leave and think about things by herself. His face said 'grief' all over it and she knew it. She needed Finn to help her figure things out because he was her anchorage.

Camila: I want you, I'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay. Only seeing myself, when I'm looking up at you.

"Come here." Finn held his arms out. She jogged back to him and went back into his arms once again, her safe and comfort place.

Aligned | Finn Hudson Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ