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Mr. Schuester popped the cap off his marker and wrote it on the board. "At your guys age, you tend to lean on rebellion to solve such things, an example being Camila fighting Summer. Which, by the way, welcome back from your suspension." Mr. Schuester grinned at me. I nodded back and continued to listen. "In here, I like you guys to express yourself through music. So, for this week's assignment, I want you to perform for me a rebellious song." "I like the idea, but what kind of songs inspire rebllionious behavior?" Rachel softly raised her hand. I cocked my eyebrow and gave a devilish smile while I got up. "I'll give you one." I said evilly. "Finn, can you give me a hand?" "I'm already a step ahead of you." He said as the guitar string screamed. He then began to play the drums hard.

Camila: There's an infestation in my mind's imagination, I hope that they choke on smoke 'cause I'm smoking them out the basement. This is not rap, this is not hip-hop. Just another attempt to make the voices stop, rapping to prove nothing, just writing to say something, 'Cause I wasn't the only one who wasn't rushing to sayin' nothing. This doesn't mean I lost my dream, It's just right now I got a really crazy mind to clean.

Everyone was blown away I could sing that fast, but I can do anything when it comes to a rebellious song.

All: Gangsters don't cry, therefore, therefore I'm. Mrs. Misty-eyed, therefore I'm.

Camila: Can you save, can you save my. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?. Can you save, can you save my. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

All: For me, for me, uh. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?. For me, for me, uh. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

I started to walk around and stomped my boots loud. Not to hard though, I'm having a good hair day and I don't want it falling out.

Camila: Nah, I didn't understand a thing you said, if I didn't know better I'd guess you're all already dead mindless zombies walking around with a limp and a hunch, saying stuff like, "You only live once." You've got one time to figure it out, one time to twist and one time to shout, one time to think and I say we start now, sing it with me if you know what I'm talking about.

All: Gangsters don't cry, therefore, therefore I'm. Mrs. Misty-eyed, therefore I'm.

Camila: Can you save, can you save my. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?. Can you save, can you save my. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

All: For me, for me, uh. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?. For me, for me, uh. Can you save my heavydirtysoul?

I had us stop because I was so out of breathe, but everyone got the idea of it. "Thank you Camila, and thank you for not taking it out via punching." Mr. Schuester joked, making us all laugh. "Aw, come one, a few punches and kicks can't hurt anyone Mr. Schue." Santana teased. "Summer has a bruise in the outline of a book across her chest. I think it hurts." Puck chuckled. The bell rang two hours after and I had to quickly leave to Aunt Julie's car because today I'm starting my first day at my first job ever at Sephora. I had been trained every other day that I didn't have dance practice and now I have to go in to actually work. Finn said he'd come by and visit once he picked up his new car from the car lot. Since he had a job at the tire shop, he was easily able to save up in a short amount of time. I thought it was time to get a job to support myself.

Once in got there, I set my stuff in the tiny back room and got to work. I then had an old women approach me and ask me to do a makeup order for her right there and then for a co-worker night out. It took me a long time to find her shades in the specific brands she wanted, but I was able to get them and started to work on her. "I'm actually meeting a date at the dinner." She told me as I brushed on some blush. "That sounds lovely! I hope all goes well." I smile and nodded. I then saw Finn walk in through the front door and I grinned. "Do you have a boyfriend? I expect you to for how beautiful you are." I blushed and smiled. "Do you see that man over there wondering around?" I asked, using the end of the makeup brush to point him out.

"The one swatching mascara on his wrist?" She questioned. I wanted to smack my forehead, but powder would fly eveywhere off the brush. "Yes. That is my boyfriend." I chuckled softly. "A very tall man. I bet he's protecting." She said before I started to apply her lipstick choice. "Oh yeah. You have no idea." I shook my head again. "Alright, there you go! How do you like it?" "Perfect. Thank you so much." She smiled admiring her face. I started to clean the makeup brushes off after waving her goodbye and picked up a nice small tip she had left.

"Excuse me ma'am." Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned and it was Finn, sporting a horrible German accent. "Yes sir, how may I help you." I covered my mouth stopping my laugh. "I see you have men's cologne over here. Can you help me pick one?" He asked. "Sure! Follow me." I waved him over as we walked to the tiny corner that contained men's products. "I personally like this one. It's the Versace Eros line." I took a paper strip out of my pouch I had tied to my waist and sprayed some on it, then handing it to him. "The smell soaks to clothing so your girlfriend won't be coughing or choking on it," "Who said I didn't want her choking on something?" He grinned. I hit him on the elbow and he started laughing. "I think I'll actually take this one. What do you think?" "I think it'll smell good. I'll check you out over here." I pointed to the register.

He opened his arms and spun around, waiting for me to check him out using my eyes. Instead, I rolled mine and walked away to the cash register.

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