The Trial: Part 2

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"This is the longest hour I've ever lived through."

I tapped my foot heavily and played with the ends of my hair. Every time I looked at the clock, it seemed that none of the hands moved. Aunt Julie, Carol, Finn, and I had went out to get something to eat, but none of us could barely eat. "Look, no matter what happens in there, I don't want you guys to stow away from going out. Don't let them scare you away from reality." Aunt Julie looked at me and Finn. I side smiled and looked back at the clock again. "I guess we need to head back." I set my napkin down on my plate. We all got up and I set a tip on the table before walking out.

We scurried down the street and crossed the road. We had been giving rules about how far we could leave the courthouse, so we ate at a tiny sandwich shop just to make it quick. I squeezed past everyone and headed down the long hallways with Finn. "Camila I can't do this." Finn stopped. I walked in front of him and frowned. "Babe it's gonna be okay." I tried soothing him. "I just don't want them getting out any time soon. I don't want them coming after anyone again, even you." His eyes perfectly showed his fear. "How many people they killed, hurt, and all the charges against them, I don't think they'll be out for a bit. I promise we'll be okay." I rubbed his arm. Finn nodded and we headed back into the courtroom to sit in our spots.

The judge soon enough made his way back to his post with the conviction paperwork, and my head began pounding. The three men walked in and stood at their desks with their lawyers. Everyone was dismissed to sit down except the moderator. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the courtroom. We will now proceed with the last leg of the session." He rummaged through his paperwork. The room stayed silent as the judge organized his papers. "The jury has spent the last three days working on this case, and all have come to a mutual agreement. Mr. Jean, please stand." The man stood and I took a quiet deep breath in. He was the main one who had the trash bag and was getting the money.

"Markus Patrick Jean, the jury today has found you guilty of two counts of murder, three accounts of attempted murder, one count of assault, one count of burglary, and one count of theft."

I felt myself loosen up in my shoulders hearing it. Markus didn't have no expression on his face, no emotion, no nothing. "For these horrendous charges, the Lima City Jury has given you a sentence of ten years, no probation." He slapped his gabble down before an officer put hand cuffs on him and walked him out. One down, two to go. "Mr. Sullivan, please stand." And so, he listened and stood.

"James Carter Sullivan, the jury today has also found you guilty of seven counts of murder, seven counts of attempted murder, one count of assault, and two counts of aiding."

I heard people sniffle quietly around me and tears stream down people's faces. "The Lima City Jury has given you a sentence of twenty three years, no probation." He slapped his gabble again. I felt ill to my stomach hearing all of these, but in a good way. I was so overwhelmed. "Mr. Reeve." He stood and I felt so angry. Jonathan was the one who shot Finn through the door, that son of a bitch.

"Jonathan Wayne Reeve, the jury today has found you guilty of one count of attempted murder, five counts of assault, and two counts of aiding. The Lima City Jury has given you a sentence of eight years to prison with no chance of probation." He slapped his gabble. I sat frozen in my seat and watched him being taken away. "Thank you friends and family for joining us today. All are dismissed until further notjce." He got up from his seat. A grin painted across my face and I rushed out of the court room.

I found Finn and leaped into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around, kissing me all over my face. "Everything is going to be okay like I told you!" I said in between his kisses. "Mrs?" I heard a voice. I turned and a women with a mic and a camera person stood next to her. "Can we please interview you very shortly?" She asked. I agreed and I was pulled off to the side. Other news people joined in and I was crowded with cameras. "After all of this madness today and the conviction, how are you feeling?" The women asked as a bunch of microphones were put in my face. I looked at Finn behind all of the people and he smiled watching me. "Amazing. That day has scarred me because I almost lost my best friend, and the love of my life. You never realize how much you have until you almost lost it." I nodded. "What are your plans for after today?" A man asked.

"To take life for granted, even the tiny things."

I thanked everyone for being polite and walked over to Finn. We interlocked hands and met up with Carol and Aunt Julie. I got into my car and Finn did also while Carol and Julie piled into her car. I started the car and we all began heading home. I turned the radio up as the 'Alive' song I sang when I came back to McKinley started to play. I looked at Finn who was nodding his head to the song and smiling to himself. I guided my attention back to the road and let out a satisfied sigh.

I was so thankful we were alive. I could've lost Finn so easily, and I didnt. He's mine, and forever will be.


Hey guys! So updates will be very slow for a while. There is issues going on with my hand that are unknown to me and the hospital I've gone to earlier this week, causing me to be restricted to using it so much (I typed this chapter with one hand!) . I'm getting blood work done soon and going to the orthopedic doctor to figure out what's up. I'll let you guys know what's going on after Monday! Love you guys, sorry this is happening! :(


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