Behind the camera // Colby br...

By autumnct

51.5K 1.1K 546

Melissa, originally from Kansas, moved to L.A, alone. She is alone until she bumps into some old friends.. *d... More

a/n: thanks + on hold


2.8K 63 62
By autumnct


I roll over and open my eyes, I reach for my phone, 8:58 am. I do my usual morning stretch and head for the shower. I grab an outfit from my bag along with my shampoo and other bathroom stuff.

I turn on the hot water and undress myself, I walk into the shower and start to sing to myself. A couple of minutes goes by before I start to really get into it.

"The death of a bachelor!!! Oh oh oh! Letting the water fall!" I sang as I rinsed the conditioner from my hair. I continued to sing the same song as I shaved my legs.

{9:26 am}

I turn the water off, which now had gotten cold, and step out of the shower. I wrap the white towel around my figure and tucked it in, like I normally did. I throw on the outfit that I had chosen, which was a pair of ripped jeans with a black sweater. I wrap my hair in the towel and leave the bathroom.

Surprisingly, Colby was still asleep. I walk to his side of the bed and start to shake him awake.

"Colbyyy." I start to whine "please wake up" he groan and sits up. I start to celebrate as he stands up. Then I realized, he was still shirtless, with his grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips and his hair a mess. We walk to the living room and I see Sam setting up a camera and some studio lights.

"Uh-what's going on?"

"Oh, i forgot to explain, we work in social media." Sam says focusing the camera.

"So you're YouTubers?"

"Yah, Colby! Go get dressed, we are filming in 10!" Sam yells to Colby in the other room.

I chuckle to myself and plop down on the couch out of the cameras view, scrolling through Instagram.

"Mel, we are doing a challenge and we kinda need your help." I turn my phone off and push myself off the grey cushions

"Sure what is it?" I state walking two words him.

"We are doing a mousetrap spelling bee."

"Go on.."

"So you give us a word and if we spell it wrong, we get a mousetrap to a body part."

"Oh! Okay! I can do that." I laugh, Colby walks out of his room now changed into a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. But his hair still a mess. I walk towards him.

"You might want to fix, this" (YOU WANNA FIX THAT, HUH YOU WANNA FIX THAT?) I say, standing on my tiptoes and ruffling his brown hair. He chuckles and grabs a black beanie, pulling it over his head. I smile.

"While you finish setting up im gonna finish getting ready." I walk into the bathroom and take the towel down from my dark blonde hair. I grab Colby's hair dryer and I blow dry and straighten my hair.

I unzip my makeup bag and start to put on my face. Primer, foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows, and a liquid lipstick. I look at myself and pop my lips, happy with my look. I make my way over to the living room and plop down in the chair that was slightly out of view. I get out my phone and look up some words.

"Ok, we are starting." I hear a click of a button and the video has started.

"What's up guys, It's Sam and Colby! And today we are doing something really stupid."

So basically, you guys wanted more stuff with the mousetraps so we are doing a mousetrap spelling bee." Sam explains

"So we have our good friend Melissa here that will be telling us the words." I peek my head into frame and wave to the camera with a big cheesy grin.

They both chuckle. "So lets get started! Sam yells.

{several wrong answers & mousetraps later}

"And we will see you all next week adios!" Sam states as we all kiss to the camera, they made me stand in the middle and do it with them.

"Was that ok?" I ask as they turn the camera off.

"Yeah! That was perfect!"

"Oh ok." I laugh.

{1 week later 11:37am}

Colby was reading the comments of the video I was in while I was making some lunch.

"Hey, Mel?"


"They want you to make a YouTube channel."


"The viewers, that's all they are saying the the comments"

"I mean, that would be pretty cool but what would I do?"

"Beauty, comedy, vlogging. There are endless possibilities."

"I think, I want to do daily vlogs." I say as I hand him a plate of spaghetti.

"Oh thanks, well you will need a camera, do you want to go get one after we eat?"

"I don't know if I can afford one." I state bringing Sam a plate, He was focused of editing his video.

"I will get you one."

"Uh, no you wont."

"Yes, now hurry and eat, you can vlog tomorrow because we are going on our date!"

"Ok!" I huff, as I eat my spaghetti.

{12:56 pm}

Colby grabs the keys and we leave the apartment. We walk down the long hall and to the elevator, we enter the parking garage and find his car. I get in and we are off to Best Buy.

{1:18 pm}

We enter the large store, he intertwines our fingers as he leads me to the camera section. We stand there and he reaches for a small black cannon camera, not the kind for photographers but ones youtubers would use, there's a difference. He also grabs a small fluffy microphone. We make your way to the register. I could feel someone's eyes on me, but I pushed away this feeling.

"Did you find everything okay?" The lady asks.

"Yep." Colby huffs, I squeeze his hand, he looks down at me, he seemed pissed at something. She checked us out and I grab the white bag, we walk out to the car and I hop into the front seat.

"What's wrong." I state.

"This guy was checking you out, and I was upset because I didn't do anything."

"It's ok."

"No it's not, I don't want any other guys look at you, the way that I do." His hand moves over to my thigh and it just rests there while we drove.

We soon arrive back at the apartment. He opens the boxes and puts the microphone on the camera, he sets it down and rushes to his room. He comes back out with a small SD card and slides it in the camera.

"Here ya go." He smiles and hands me the camera. I hold it up and turn it on, like I was vlogging. I smile at the camera and wave.

"Introduce yourself." He laughs

"Hi, I'm Melissa and this is my vlog channel." I giggle and turn of the camera. I walk to Colby and give him a warm hug.


"No problem."

"Not just for the camera but being so welcoming, you and Sam both. I was worried i was gonna end up broke because of all the money I was paying for my hotel. I haven't seen you guys in years and you are still your goofy selves, and I missed that. I missed having you guys by my side, after my older brother died, I really didn't have a guy that I could go to when I was sad." I feel tears start to roll down my cheeks.

I feel Colby's hand lift my chin and he wipes my tears off of my cheeks.

"It's ok, don't cry. I missed you to." He kisses my cheek and I become super flushed. He chuckles and pulls me into a loving hug. My hands resting on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around my waist.

I couldn't be more happy

HELLOO! I am hoping this makes sense bc I'm sick and can't really think straight lol. I hope you liked it, of so remember to comment, vote and share!

Much love
Haley 🐋

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