Rebel Love Song (Andy Biersac...

By annediazrey

167K 5.1K 1.3K

Blade is a 18 year old girl who's being abused at constantly screamed at by her mother. Her dad died last yea... More

Chapter 1: Bad Day
Chapter 2: Getting to know each other
Chapter 3: Gone in the hospital
Chapter 4: Carnival
Chapter 5: Rebel Yell
Chapter 6: Done with you
Chapter 7: The Mortician's Daughter
Chapter 8: Vacation
Chapter 9: Kidnapped
Chapter 10: A Savior Will Be There
Chapter 11: Halloween
Chapter 12: Crow
Chapter 13: BVB moves out/ Pregnant?
Chapter 14: Alexander Mike Biersack
Chapter 15: Proposal
Chapter 16: Lost It All
Chapter 17: I'll Breathe Again
Chapter 19: Wedding Plans
Chapter 20: Wedding Disaster
Chapter 21: Thanks For The Memories
Chapter 22: You'll Be My Number One
Chapter 23: We'll Be A Dream
Chapter 24: Am I Your Savior Again?
Chapter 25: Happy birthday Alex!
Chapter 26: Drunks. Love em' or hate em' ?
Chapter 27: Twins?
Chapter 28: Ayla Shay Biersack & Drew Rhineland Biersack
Chapter 29: Worst visit
Chapter 30: This Pain It Visits almost nightly
Chapter 31: Moving Day
Chapter 32: We Stitch These Wounds
Chapter 32: Lay Lost In All The City Lights
Chapter 33: Warped Tour
Chapter 34: Wedding
Chapter 35
Chapter 36: There's a First Time for Everything
Chapter 37: Anniversary of Memory
Chapter 38: Another Crisis

Chapter 18: Revenge

3.5K 112 11
By annediazrey


"Andy I love you." I said giving Andy another kiss.

"I love you too." He said. I missed Andy so much and I'm so happy he's finally awake.

"So babe do you wanna get out of here?" Andy asked smiling.

"Sure but we have to check with the doctor." I said poking his nose.

"Ugh okayyyy." Andy said annoyed.

"Oh good morning Mr.Biersack you're finally awake." The doctor said as he came in.

"Yea hey doc." Andy said quickly.

"When can he leave?" I asked the doctor.

"Well he can't leave just yet we have to keep him for another day or two to see if he's gonna be okay since he just woke up and his injuries were too severe but he seems to be doing fine." The doctor said as he hung up Andy's x-rays that he took yesterday when I was home.

"Okay thank you." I said as the doctor left.

"Ugh I don't wanna stay here." Andy whined.

"Well you have to okay?" I said with a stern voice.

"Fine." He said acting like a two year old. For a while me and Andy just sat and watched tv in the hospital.

"Blade?" He asked looking over at me.

"Yea?" I said half asleep.

"Will you lay down with me?" He said patting the space next to him.

"Okay." I said as Andy scoot over and picked up the blanket so I can lay with him. How I missed his warm arms.

"I missed cuddling with you." I said turning over to face Andy.

"Yea me too." He said. Wow I thought, his blue eyes are just sparkling so much right now they're so beautiful.

"Wow." I said.

"What?" Andy asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Your eyes." I said starring into his eyes.

"What about them?" Andy asked pecking my forehead.

"They're just so beautiful." I said kissing him. Then Andy gave me a long passionate kiss. Soon Andy fell asleep. After he fell asleep I got up slowly and left, I didn't want to leave Andy but when we in the wreck I saw the cars license plate as it drove off so I'm gonna track it and beat the living shit out of who ever did this to me and Andy. But first I went to go see Alex he was perfectly fine and I also saw Sammi laying next to him. I smiled then left the hospital.

When I got in the car I turned on the radio and 'Savior' played I started to cry. As soon as I got to the house I ran upstairs and went into Andy's closet and grabbed a bat. It was a nice bat, nice and hard. I then stormed out of the house with my bat then I searched the license plate and found where that son of a bitch lived but when I looked closely at the address when I got there I knew who lived there. It was my "friend" Nick. I pounded on the door shouting Nick open this fucking door with my bat in my hands and I was so full of revenge.

"Blade?" He asked when he opened the door. I punched him in the throat and jumped on him and kept on beating him. "BLADE WHAT THE HELL?" He kept on yelling. "YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU RAN INTO MY CAR AND PUT MY FIANCÉ IN A COMA YOU JACKASS!" I yelled as I started choking him and pounding his head on the floor. He pushed me off and jumped on top of me and tried to calm me down. "BLADE STOP THAT WASNT ME! STOP LET ME TELL YOU THE TRUTH!" He screamed still trying to calm me down, then I finally just stopped.

"What the hell." He said rubbing his head as we both sat down on the couch.

"Dude what the hell really happened then!? HUH!?" I yelled starting to get mad again. But before I know it Nick kissed me.

"GET THE FUCK OF ME!" I yelled pushing him off me.

"Sorry but you wouldn't calm down." He said getting off of me.

"So that's your defense mechanism!" I said smacking him upside the head.

"Sorry." He said rubbing his head.

"So what the hell actually happened?"

"Well I used to date this girl and she was driving my car that day then she drove off, she also kicked me out of the car then I never saw her again." He said looking down at his hands.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." I said grabbing his hand.

"Thanks Blade and again sorry bout the kiss I didn't know what to do cause damn you can kick some ass." I smiled.

"So where the hell is this whore?" I said letting go of his hand.

"I know where she lives do you want me to show you?" He said standing up and walking towards the door.

"HELL YEA!" I said running out the door into my car. On the way there it was kinda quiet so I decided to start a conversation.

"So Nick, what you've been up to lately?"

"Oh nothing much, and I heard you're dating the one and only Andy Biersack!" He said excited.

"Oh yea actually we're getting married soon do you wanna come?"

"Oh would I!"

"Yea sure it'll be fun plus I haven't hung out with you in awhile."

"Yea I know right." He said then we were at that sluts house. I kicked down the door and saw her sitting on the couch. Good thing I brought my bat.

"HEY WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" She squealed.

"ME? I'm your worst fucking nightmare." I said as I hit her in the head with my bat. Nick just stood there not knowing what to do or say.

"Hey! Why are you doing this to me I don't even know you." She tried to say but I was beating the living shit out of her.

"You. Put. My. Fiancé. In. A. Coma!" I yelled banging her head against the wall. Soon she was out she had a broken arm and leg and had a huge cut on her head.

"THATS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH ME OR THE ONES I LOVE!" I said storming out of her house.

"Blade wait up!" I heard Nick say as I was walking towards the car.

"What?" I said getting a little aggravated.

"I just wanted to say that you really beat the shit out of that chick didn't know you had those moves." He said putting his hands on my waist and pulling me up to him.

"Um what part do not understand? I'm engaged!" I said trying to back away.

"It's okay he won't find out." He said trying to kiss me. I punched him in the face really hard and he got knocked out then I drove off. When I got back to the hospital Andy wasn't in his bed I started freaking out yelling, "ANDY!" I ran all over the hospital and couldn't find him then when I started walking back to the room I saw Andy exit the bathroom.

"WHAT THE FUCK BIERSACK!?" I said coming up to him and punching him in the shoulder.

"Dude what the fuck?!" He said rubbing his arm.

"I went crazy looking for you." I said helping him lay back down.

"Yea I could say the same. Blade where were you?" He said laying down.

"Revenge." I said with a crazy look in my eyes


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