Die For Something (Remington...

By royalebones

30.1K 1.2K 395

We all die for something, but in our world we die for love. Spelling errors I'm sorry but not lots! Sequel c... More

New Boy
Midnight trip
Mr. Doctor Man
Died & Reborn
The Leather Book
Big Brother?
Royale Council
I Need A Place To Stay
Game Over
I didnt mean to fuck everything up
Authors Note
Thanksgiving Prep
Date Night Prep
Date Night
Death Is A Party
Hours Passed
Family trip
Mild Complications
Sequel Coming Soon


1K 41 19
By royalebones

When I woke up, I actually took the time to examine the room. It looked pretty much just like the room they had given Remington and I when we came for the bounding ceremony but this one was slightly bigger with two beds. The walls a red and black Victorian style like a typical vampire room would have. Big surprise here, especially since this is an old fashioned vampire academy.  Almost surprised they weren't taught to hate humans but then again all of us were humans at one point in our life. 

The boys had already left for whatever they had came for which was apparently forbidden for me to know but me with my rebellious blood was going to find out, weather it was forbidden or not. A knock on the door pulled my gaze away from the pitch black wooden dressers at the end of each bed, which held our clothes temporarily. 

When I opened the door, headmistress and a young girl, looked to be about 14 years old, stood in the doorway. Headmistress smiled while the girl kept her face hidden with her long black and purple hair. "Good morning, Mrs. Leith." 

As much as I like the ring to it, I didn't want to be referred to that since Remington and I weren't really married, just soul-bound. "Lizzie. Call me Lizzie." 

"I know your name, I'm just used to referring to students by their last names." She smiled. "Speaking of students, this is Mrs. Blackhope, Luna Blackhope. She'll be your escort to wherever you want to go today since I know it must be terrible being locked in a room all day waiting for Remington to return. How's your stomach?" 

"I finally got over being sick a little before we went to sleep yesterday but I'm sure it'll return. Sadly, it's only during the day." The day to them, though, was the night time. 

She nodded. "Well, for me, personally, it took a week to get over." 

"This is only day two." I bit my lip. 

Something on her side made a radio noise and she pulled a walkie talky up to her ear. Some unknown message I couldn't make out whispered into her ear. "I hate to cut this converstation short, Elizabeth, but I need to get going. Another fight broke out in the girls bathroom in their dormitory." 

"Oh great." Luna murmured. 

The mistress nudged her gently and shook her head. "Manners, Luna." She sighed. "If you need anything, get one of the guards to radio me and I'll get to you as soon as I can." 

I nodded and watched as she disappeared down the hall. "Have you had breakfast?" I looked down at the girl. 

"No, ma'am." She messed with her sleeve.

"No need to use manners around me. I'm the least mannered person you'll ever meet." She smiled a little. "You can come in and wait on my bed or my brothers while I get dress then we can go down and get breakfast." I closed the door behind her and walked over to the dresser, picking out one of Remington's sweatshirts and a pair of my ripped jeans that, sooner then I expect, won't fit me for a couple months. 

Luna sat down on mine and Remington's bed and waited. "So I'm guessing Remington is your brother?" She looked over at the other bed. 

As I slipped on Remington's sweatshirt, I laughed. "Actually he's my bound or whatever you guys call him. Sebastian and Emerson are his brothers but I call them my brothers too since I guess they are." 

"Oh and the sickness is-?" 


"How long have you known him?" Her dark brown eyes locked with mine. 

I chewed my lip and thought. "About 4 months." It felt like such a long time but school had just started when I met him and now here it is and school's on Christmas break. Her eyes widened and I quickened to defense but could think of anything to back me up.  I quietly turned to put my makeup on. 

Once we left the room I tried to think up a way to start a conversation. "How long have you been here?" 

"My whole life." She sighed. 

"Really? How if you're a vampire and you look to be in your teens?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"My parents were vampires but they both died when I was born because of the war that went on and werewolves killed them but kept me alive... for some unknown reason. I plan to become one, though." 

My eyes widen and I placed my body in front of her firmly. "Don't you dare." 

"Why? The vampire life is a luxury." She raised her eyebrow at me. 

"At the extent of killing yourself? No way. End of discussion." I almost felt motherly to her, telling her what she could and couldn't do, but I didn't want her dead... Even if death in our case meant everlasting life, unless we're careless.

"You guys have it made for you! With the whole bound thing and the everlasting life at what age you choose so you can see all of the world and how it changes from generation to generation. Us humans.. We dont have a way to know weather a person is our true love or not because our eyes don't flash a dark red at spontaneous moments. We spend our lives trapped in schools or work trying to make money just so we can eat. We don't have time to travel the world. You guys do."

"Only if we're careful to keep ourselves hidden. I have to attend the last year of human school so it looks normal and I can get a job or something... But contact with Remington has to be kept to a minimum which is hard, considering we are bound and always want be touching in one way or another." I thought for a moment. "Do you know what this year is? Why Remington and my brothers are here?"

"You don't know?" She raised her eyebrow.

"No. They've been keeping it a secret from me. The only reason I'm here is cause I'm sick and Remington refused to leave me alone or with a friend. What could they possibly be doing that takes 3 days?"

"I dont know if I should tell you..." Her voice trailed off and she looked to the side, covering her porcelain face with her hair again.

I gently moved her chin upwards towards me and moved her hair. "Luna, please. They won't let me go anywhere alone. You're my ticket to finding out. Something just doesn't feel right with this."

She sighed and chewed her lip. "All the boys have to. Well, all the most handsome. All the boys from the age 15-29 have to attend."

"Keep going." The more she spoke, the more unsettling my stomach felt.

"The King and Queens daughters have to attend as well. The boys choose their princess and-" she stopped and choked up.

"Luna, please." My eyes rimmed with tears.

"They do the same thing with the Princes too... They choose the best girls here at the academy and are forced, well to most it isn't forced, to do what they technically call breeding."

My stomach clenched at the thought of Remington with another girl and getting her pregnant. Apparently my face turned bright red with anger because Luna stepped back from me.

"Most the time it doesn't work and only about 2 of the princesses get pregnant." She tried to lighten the mood but I wouldn't listen.

"Luna. Take me to him. Now." I gritted my teeth from the jealously build up inside me. As far I knew, I was carrying his child at this very moment but he goes off and gets another pregnant? Oh it made me sick!

"Lizzie, they're forced to do this."

"He didn't seem to hesitate to coming." My voice dropped to a growl.

"If they refuse they'll be killed. You need to unders-" she started to back away slowly. "Your eyes... They're pitch black."

Oh shit. They'd only ever turned a dark gray and that was when he kissed that other girl... This was serious now. "Luna, take me to him or I'll tear this place apart brick by brick until I do."

"Okay, okay." She put her hands up in surrender. "But you need to change your eyes back to normal before someone sees you like this."

Problem was, I didn't think I could. When my eyes turned that gray, only being around Remington fixed them. "I don't think I can." My voice calmed and I put my hood over my head. "I'll just say I dont feel good, because I don't."

"They're calming down some..." Her dark brown eyes starred up at mine.

That was my disadvantage. Her eyes turning black wouldn't be as noticeable as my baby blue ones. Light eyes can be both a curse or a blessing but I'm sure you could say that about any eye color.

"Can I least offer you some food first while I try to find out what room he's in? The baby needs food no matter how small or young they are." Luna looked genuinely concerned.

"How long do you think finding out his room will take?" I sighed.

"I'd say about 30 minutes but you'll still be eating by the time I'm done."

"Alright." I signed again. "Let's go."

She started down the stairs. "So in guessing you'll be eating regular food? Well that they serve here with blood on it."

"Actually headmistress had it requested for us that we get food with animals blood on it. Us living the human schedule and life, have to keep ourselves under control." I followed her.

"Oh if only the rest of the school would do that. I can't tell you how many times someone's threatened to eat me. I have to have my own dorm room alone because of that risk. The smell is too strong for them, especially when they're hungry."

"I bet."

"I only have one friend here. His name is Dallas and he's kind of the big bad vampire troublemaker of the school. He's like my big brother and protects me from the others. Most girls fall to his feet, though, because he's so handsome."

"Is he part of the whole princess shit?" I clenched my teeth again.

"No. They won't let him because his bad DNA might effect the baby to be bad. Or at least that's what the idiot king and queen say." She rolled her eyes and a hint of anger touched her voice.

"Maybe its a good thing. He can be yours." I shrugged.

"Dallas and I?" She laughed. "He's 18, I fully doubt he would like me for how young I am."

"Well you age and he doesn't. Age shouldn't matter, I know it doesn't in the human world. People marry almost 10 years apart or a little more. If you get technical, Remington and I are over about 100 years apart." Wow now that sounded weird. "He was born in the late 1800's and got turned right before 1900."

"Wow. It took him that long to find his bound?" Her eyes widened.

"Yeah. Lonely, right? 100 years to find what the vampire world calls your true love. That's a sad lonely life. But I'm glad he stayed alive." I smiled at the thought of his skin against mine. How his lips grazed mine ever so gently and his hand gripping my waist with every kiss.

I snapped out of it once I thought back to him and another girl. "Can we hurry this up please?" My voice hardened again.

"You stay here and eat while I go look around for the information. Maybe Dallas can help me. He's good with this stuff."

Luna soon returned with a boy way taller then her with jet black hair that framed around his face. His eyes a beautiful sapphire and his lip pierced on the right side. "Lizzie, this is Dallas. Dallas, this is Lizzie, the girl we need to help find her bound."

"I'm still trying to believe that's a real thing." His deep voice raspy as he put a cigarette to his mouth but refrained from lighting it.

The cigarette reminded me of the one Remington placed perfectly behind his adorable ear, but he would never light it. Man did I need a smoke right now. "Are we aloud to smoke in here?"

"Actually yes." He offered a cigarette and I held it to my lips, waiting for him to light it.

"But you're pregnant." Luna spoke up.

"One shouldn't hurt." The cigarette moved in my mouth as I spoke. After taking a couple long drags, I put out the butt and looked at Luna as the last bit of smoke flowed out of my mouth. "Did you find out what room he was in?" My nerves had calmed from the relief.

"Room 206." Dallas butted in.

"Care to take me there?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We'll lead you there then keep guard close by so you don't get caught." Dallas smiled. "One more principal visit won't hurt my record more then it is."

"I'd hate for you to get in trouble but if you're that calm about it I need to take it at its advantage, I can't have him fuck another girl."

"I understand that. People think I'm a player but I'm genuine and actually a virgin. Still waiting for my bound. Plus I'm too busy keeping this one away from trouble." He wrapped an arm around Luna. Her face went pale and I smiled at her. No doubt she liked him.

My heart raced as we started walking in the direction or Remington's assigned room. The lump in my throat held my heart beat and my stomach clenched so tight I swore it was touching my back bone. Maybe it was even wrapped around it a couple times.

"This is as far as we can do, Lizzie. I'm sure you can find his room from here. We're in the two hundreds." Dallas stopped and leaned against the hall wall.

"Good luck." Luna smiled a little, apparently aware of the pain I was about to experience walking into his room.

"Thank you guys. I'll be back soon." I hugged Luna and gave Dallas a nod. "You may need to hide me from him when I get back."

"We can use my dorm. No one ever comes in there." Dallas nodded. "This year makes me sick anyway."

"Thank you, again." I sighed and looked down the hall, anxious to start the walk. It needed to he done. I needed to stop him if I had the chance...

Slowly walking down the hall, I pulled the hood off my head and sleeve up covering my hands. I stopped in front of his door and held my breath as I reached for the doorknob. The lump climbed higher in my throat as I slowly creaked the door open. Everything was hidden behind another wall and I slowly stepped inside.

Something that sounded to be kissing made my stomach churn more. I was ready to throw up even remotely picturing what I was about to see.

As I turned the corner, a girl with burgundy hair and laced clothing was slowly creeping between his still clothed legs. He had on complete leather but his jacket was unzipped to show off his naked torso. She kissed along his v-line, making his part his lips in pleasure.

I could feel my face turn green and I smacked my hand over my mouth, making both of them turn and look at me. Remington gasped and sat straight up, pushing her off of him. "Lizzie!"

I shook my head and turned to run. I knew this was what I was going to see, or worse but my heart and mind still couldn't take it. Bolting out the door, I ran into Dallas's arms as they tightly wrapped around me. "Come on." He whispered and started to pull me away.

"Lizzie, please!" I heard Remington call from behind him but I was too sick to even open my eyes for fear I might still be standing there watching. He was enjoying it!

"She doesn't want to hear it, asshole!" Luna called back to him.

"Princess, please! Let me explain!" His voice got louder as his foot steps boomed on the floor.

"Save it!" Dallas held on tighter to me.

"Please, Dallas. I need to leave. Get my stuff from my room and let me leave." I could feel my body weakening and trembling in his grasp.

"I'll go get it." Luna ran away.

I needed to get out of here. Spend a couple days away from Remington. I couldn't go home, he'd find me. Ravens, he'd find me too. The only place I could think of was Denis's. As much as I didn't want to, I had to.

So I hope you guys liked this ridiculously long chapter and I'll be sure to write more soon, this is actually the part in the story I wanted to reach the most and what I've had planned since day one. Don't hate me for it 😬
Oh and thank you guys for 1.2k reads and over 80 stars or favorites? Votes? Whatever they are, they truly mean a lot to me :)

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