
By erinhunterforever

875 24 23

Dawnpaw is a apprentice of Swampclan when a Springclan kit goes missing. Her clan mates soon found out that i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Final decision
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's note
Chapter 14
Author's note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 21

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By erinhunterforever

Picture- Graypaw
Dawnpaw blinked her eyes blearily as somebody shook her. "Get up sleepyhead we have to go to our mentors" a bossy voice ordered.
"Wha" she said, blinking her eyes open. Foxpaw stood in front of her and was looking at her, a expression of irritation starting to spread across her face.
"Remember we are doing a training session with everybody" She mowed irritably. Dawnpaw nodded remembering last night when the mentors had explinaed that they would be doing an exercise which would consist of them using their nose to find objects they had laid out for them. She dragged herself out of her nest and padded out of the den, seeing that the rest of the cats had already gotten there. She felt her ears burn with embarrassment at being the last one to arrive. She saw Brightpaw sniffle a laugh and scowled. Brightpaw had always been a little full of herslelf and would often laugh at the cats who did something wrong. I guess she hasn't completely changed she thought as she joined the cats. Larkflight stepped forward and took a breath before she began speaking.
"I assume most of you have already been told this but to refresh your memory I will explain again" Larkflight began, "There will be objects placed around the territory and you most use your scenting skills to find them" she continued, "This will be a primarily a individual activity to test your skills" she finished. Larkflight stepped back and the mentors told everyone to start going. Dawnpaw fell into step beside Hazelpaw and Windpaw, Adderpaw and Brightpaw padded together while Foxpaw and Robinpaw did the same. Graypaw stayed in the back looking lonely as he padded after them. She was wondering if she should go give him company but was pulled back to the present by Hazelpaw. Hazelpaw was nudging her and looking spat her with concern.
"Are you okay" she asked.
"Just thinking" she replied, giving her pelt a shake.
"Are you guys excited" Windpaw asked excitedly.
"Yes" she said.
Honestly she had been thinking and worrying about what Greenstar had said but she told herself she was being irrational. Greenstar had been leaving them alone since the gathering and there hadn't been a single attack but as much as she tried to shake the feeling she knew Greenstar wasn't' going to leave them alone.
"Hey spaceyhead we are stopping" Hazelpaw teased. She stopped and felt her ears burn again when she realized she had almost walked into a Birdsong. All the cats had stopped and this time it was Blackstripe who steppped forward. "Rememeber that this is an individual activity and stay away from the Springclan border" Blackstripe warned. Blackstripe stepped back and the apprentices dispersed, each going in separate directions. Dawnpaw looked around and decided to head in the direction where a puddle lay along with ferns and a tree. She sniffed the air but coudn't detect any unusual scents among the scent of prey and herbs. Growling softly with frustration she walked through the forest and suddenly the scent of killed prey struck her nose. She followed the scent to a clump of ferns right next to a tre and uncovered a killed lizard. Feeling triumph course through her she decided to leave the lizard and come back to it later after a brief hesitation. She padded through the swamp again and caught the scent of herbs. Feeling hope light up in her and thinking it was for the game she followed the scent. As she neared it she caught the scent of Springclan, she stopped cold and looked around. She was a pawstep in Springclans border and she knew if a warrior caught her she would be in deep trouble. She was just about to leave when ferns rustled and a cat leaped out pinning her down.
"What are you doing here" the cat spat, and she realized it was Ivypaw. She felt anger boil up in her as she remembered the gathering.
"I was doing something for training and I accidentally wandered in here" she snarled.
"How am I supposed to believe that" Ivypaw pointed out. She felt a plunge of fear when she realized she couldn't make Ivypaw believe anything she said."Maybe I should turn you in, after all your clan did kill my brother and sisters" she speculated.
"Those were your brother and sisters" I couldn't help asking.
"Yeah and your clan killed them" Ivypaw growled. She could feel Ivypaw pressing a little harder on her throats and she struggled, beginning to panic.
"Then why didn't you fight us when you were with Greenstar on the patrol" she challenged. She saw Ivypaw's eyes flash and her grip loosen. She took this as a opportunity to wrigggle pit and fled back to her territory. She heard Ivypaw try to catch her again but she was back to her territory before she could get her. Ivypaw glared at her and snarled looking like she was about to step over.
"You wouldn't really come on my territory to attack me" she meowed scathingly. Ivypaw growled but stepped back and stomped off through her territory. She jumped as she heard Graypaws voice.
"What happened? Why were you over there?" He asked.
"I was trying to follow some herbs scent and I accidentally wandered into Springclan's territory" she explained.
"Oh" he mewed, shuffling his paws.
"What were you doing over here" she questioned, once she realized Graypaw had come over here when they had been specifically asked not to.
"Nothing" Graypaw replied quickly. He said he was going to go back to finding things and padded away, leaving her to ponder over his strange behavior. The rest of the day she found more stuff making sure to steer well clear of Springclan's border. By the end of the trading session she had found some herbs and a decent amount of prey that had been hidden. When she arrived she looked around and saw that she was one of the cats that had gotten the most herbs and prey. Foxpaw, Graypaw, and Robinpaw had yet to return but most of them were here. As she sat there she thought back to her encounter with Uvtpaw and shivered. Ivypaw had seeemed furious about her brother and sisters and if she had to admit it murdous.
"Hey Dawnpaw are you okay" Hazelpaw asked, her sister had genuine concern in her eyes and she felt horrible as she replied yeah. "It's just you have seemed so spacey today" Hazelpaw explained. She could tell Hazelpaw knew she was lying but she couldn't explain now. The last apprentices trickled in one by one and when they arrived and the mentors determined the amount of herbs and prey she came outs to be third with Adderpaw first, Windpaw second, Brightpaw fourth, Hazelpaw fifth, Graypaw sixth and lastly Robinpaw she seventh and Foxpaw last. Foxpaw looked extremely sulky as they walked back and Dawnpaw busied herself with talking to Windpaw and Hazelpaw as she tried not to think about her encounter with Ivypaw. When they got to camp Amberleaf came over and congratulated them.
"I got fifth though that is one of the worst places" Hazelpaw complained.
"You will get better and besides there were a lot of apprentices in that training exercise" Amberleaf comforted Hazelpaw.
Hazelpaw nodded and Amberleaf talked for a little bit more before Amberleaf left. She gestured for Hazelpaw to follow her and they were padding away when Windpaw bounded over.
"Don't leave without me" she complained. She felt a twinge of disappointment but she couldn't see any way of telling Windpaw to leave without hurting her feelings. When they made it over to a corner of the camp they sat down and she took a deep breath before explaining what happened.

Hi I thought this was a good place to leave off and I will explain what happened in the next chapter. Just to clear this up if you are wondering how the kits could be Ivypaws sisters when they were younger they were born after to the same mom and dad.

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