Golden Gloves (Larry Stylinso...

By _Loving1D_

118K 3.8K 631

When Louis Tomlinson's dad takes him to a boxing match, Louis spots a curly haired boxer named Harry Styles a... More

Golden Gloves (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Part 1)
Chapter 14 (Part 2)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Part 1)
Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

3.1K 110 45
By _Loving1D_

It would mean a lot to Claire and I if you, our readers, could comment more. We would really love to hear your thoughts [negative or positive] about the story. Feedback is what helps us improve our writing. (And maybe we’ll dedicate a chapter to whoever posts the most thoughtful comment or something.)

I glared at the text message that’s ringing had woken me from my sleep. I saw the LCD screen of my phone lit beside me on the nightstand. As it was six am, I was unsure about answering -- or even looking at the message. I asked myself, shouldn’t I just go back to sleep? For some reason though, I couldn’t sleep without knowing what the message had said. I reached for the iPhone. “Felicite has been up all night looking up the meaning of homosexuality. You have scarred my children. You will pay.” The message sent a series of shivers down my spine. I assumed it was from my father, but the number came up as private.

   I wanted so badly to reply, but I knew that would only cause drama that I was trying to erase from my life. I had decided last night when I stepped into Harry’s flat, and smelled the sweet scent of his Hawaiian Breeze air fresheners, that I was creating a new life for myself. I was to leave the past behind, and start new. I plugged my phone back into its charger, and set it on the nightstand.

   Harry rolled over on his side. Half-asleep, he asked me “is everything okay, Lou?” I replied with a yes and kissed him on the forehead. He smiled and pulled the duvet up to his neck. “Good night, Lou.” He said.

   “Good night, Harry.” I rolled onto my side, facing away from him. I closed my eyes just as soon as I recognized the luminescent color of my phone notifying me of another text message. I reached for the phone again, causing the bed to shake. Harry groaned, but fell back asleep soon after. I read the message quietly to myself. “Felicite has just asked your father if she can ask out ‘the pretty girl in her class’ Louis. I’m afraid of what he’ll do to you because of this.” My mother’s mobile number was showing that she was the sender, although I knew that. I sighed. I sent back, “I’m sorry, mum” before repeating my motion of plugging the phone in and placing it on the nightstand again. I rested my head comfortably on the pillow, and prayed to fall asleep faster.

“My mother was wondering if you and I could go to her house for lunch. She told me that my father has decided to leave on a three day trip that he describes as a ‘head-cleansing, self-rehabilitation vacation.’” I told Harry over breakfast. I watched curiously as he ate around the yolk of his over-easy egg, only letting his fork touch the white part. He might of told me before that his trainer doesn’t approve of him eating the yolk, but I wasn’t entirely sure if that was it.

   Harry looked up from his nearly empty plate. Flashing his pearly-white smile, he nodded. “Sure babe. That sounds nice.” He poked his fork around the yellow pad of yolk some more. “From what you’ve told me, she seems like a lovely lady.”

   “You charmer.” I teased. “She is, though. My stepfather doesn’t deserve my mother’s precious love. She should be giving it to someone more deserving and homosexual-approving.

   “We’re referring to him as your stepfather now, ah. I feel sorry for you, Louis. Really, I do.” He frowned. I nodded. “Anyone related to you must be lovely.” He flirted, changing the subject back to it’s original state.

   I raised my eyebrow. “Anyone? I’m not so sure about that. Have you forgotten about the evil stepfather, dear Harry? We were just talking about him.”

   “I was speaking blood related, Louis. Your stepfather is hardly related to you.”


   “I’m getting in the shower, if you’d like to join me.” Suggestively, Harry winked at me. He snaked around the table and pulled my chair out for me. His hands traveled down my chest as I made a move to get up from the painted-black wooden chair. He whispered, “Talk dirty to me.”

   I froze, actually. I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but as said before, dirty talk makes me feel uncomfortable… However, I do recall my saying to Harry that I would ‘do it for him.’ I took in a death breath and turned around in Harry’s embrace, so that I was facing him, our chests pressed against each other. I ran my hands around his shoulders, “I want you on top of me so bad.”

   I understood it was an ametuer excuse for dirty talk, but Harry didn’t seem to mind my inexperienced-ness. He smiled and grabbed my bum. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. “But Lou, we have to get in the shower.”

   I frowned. “Then lay me down in the shower.” I whispered, planting a kiss on Harry’s neck. “I want you to—I just want you, H.”

   Harry teasingly placed a kiss on my lips that didn’t last very long at all. He set me down on the ground. “I don’t think I’ll ever end up actually taking a shower if you get in there with me. I’m locking the door so you can’t get in.” He said.

   “WHAT? What am I supposed to do about the unattended to bulge in my pants?” I supposed that was dirty talk, but really I was just wondering what to do about it.

   “You have a right hand.” Harry answered, closing the bathroom door behind him. I heard the clicking sound of him locking the door, which had me frowning. I sat down on the couch and sadly reached my right hand into my boxers.

   Close to my climax, I moaned quietly and adjusted my position on the couch, making it squeak. Niall then lazily walked out of his bedroom—the guest room—and running a hand through his dirty, yellow hair, noticed me pleasuring myself in the middle of the living room. “Oh fuck Louis!” He quickly covered his eyes with his hands. “In the living room! The goddamn fucking living room!”

   I felt my cheeks heat up to a pink color. I removed my hand from my boxers and wiped it along my sweatpants, drying myself from the leaky pre-come. “Please, don’t tell Harry.” I begged.

   “Don’t tell Harry what?” None other than the naked, lanky body with a head full of sexy, dark hair appeared behind me, wet curls dripping water onto my shoulders.

   I looked at Niall like ‘no, please. You can’t.’ and he didn’t. I responded, “nothing.” And stood up to kiss him on the lips. “Go get dressed, the drive to my mum’s is like, thirty minutes and we have to be there soon.”

   “Where’re you guys going?” Niall asked, peeking into the fridge.

   “My mum is big on meeting Harry.”


   “We kind of forgot about what you’ll do… Sorry.” I apologized.

   “You don’t have to plan your lives around me.” Niall said. “Besides, I have a date with Liam later.”

   “A date,” I smirked suggestively. “What do you two have planned for the evening?” I asked in a posh accent. “Will there be a sexual encounter after this date?”

   Niall blushed. “I don’t think so. He asked me to dinner—no movie.”


   “You two can come, if you, uh want to.” He said.

   Back in all seriousness, I asked, “are you nervous?” He nodded. “We’ll come. A double-date is something to cross off of my bucket list anyways.”

   “Oh, thank you so much.” He hugged me.


“Louis!” My mother smiled at the door. She hugged me tightly as if she hadn’t seen me just yesterday. “And you must be Harry,” she shook Harry’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Harry.”

   “Same to you.” I watched his signature crooked smile play on his lips.

   The three of us sat at the long rectangular table, soon accompanied by my four step-sisters. We ate the particularly dry sandwiches that my mother prepared for us over conversations about where and how Harry grew up. He has an older sister, I learned. He said she’s his best friend.

   My mother smiled throughout the whole lunch-time period. When finally Harry and I had to leave and get ready for our double date with Liam and Niall, my mother showed us to the door. “Keep in touch, Louis. You can come over whenever you want—unless your father’s here. Remember that, please.” I nodded. “Love you—and it was nice meeting you, Harry.”

   “I can say the same to you,” He charmed her with his crooked smile again. “Have a nice night.”

   “I think she likes you.” I said.

   “Good. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He responded. “What? I find that it’s nice to be liked.”

   “Yeah.” I said. Harry played with the PRNDL stick until it was set in Drive. He started the engine and backed out of the driveway. “It’s easier to not care if people like you though.”

   “Then I don’t do easy. I like to please everyone.” I had never seen this slightly vulnerable side of Harry before. He kept his hands on the steering wheel; eyes on the road. When a stop sign made him jump on the brakes, I jerked forward a little, but still kept silent. I think that’s what he wanted right then.

   “To each their own.” I finally said as he pulled into the parking lot. I jumped out of his big car. It was an eight inch jump from the floor of the car to the pavement, but I managed it without an injury.

   “Niall, it’s just us!” Harry’s voice echoed through the flat. He threw his keys into a glass bowl beside the door. The clinking sound of the keys echoed too. “Niall?”

   “I’m in the bathroom! Just tidying up, that’s all.” He called from behind the closed bathroom door.

   Harry and I met in his bedroom. He sat on the bed as I started to dig through my boxes and suitcase and miscellaneous bags for a decent date outfit. He said, “maybe we should sort your stuff into drawers, babe.” Like it was obvious that it should’ve been done. “That bureau’s empty—I’ve kept it in case anything like this ever did happen. If someone ever stuck around long enough to want to move in with me…” His voice was faint, but I still heard him. I sat on the bed and held him. “Sorry, sorry.” He wiped his tears from his eyes.

   “No, it’s okay.” I reassured him. “Would you help me with my stuff?”

   He smiled. “Of course.”

   Two boxes in, Harry pulled out a necklace with a pair of golden gloves as a charm on the bottom. He smiled at me. “Didn’t I give you this?” He examined the necklace until he found his smudged-but-still-readable signature across the back on one of the gloves. Keychain unlocked, he slithered behind me and rested the necklace on my collar bones, clicking it locked afterwards. He kissed my collar bone.

   I played with the charm in my fingers for a minute before returning to my state of cleaning and organizing.

   “Do you think he’ll know I — we — were there?” I asked nervously.

   “I dunno.” Harry shrugged. “Stop thinking about him. Think about me.”

   “I always am, H.”

   “This new nickname is sticking with me. I like it.”

   “Good,” I threw some close into the top drawer messily. “Let’s organize later, I have better plans for right now.” I smirked.

   “And what would those be?” He asked, referring to the plans. I dropped the box from hands and wrapped my arms around Harry’s neck. We so quickly started to make out. Backwards, he walked me to the bed brushing everything out of his way. He backed against the headboard, and I straddled his lap. “I see.” He whispered. I shook my head.

   As I felt the bulge in Harry’s pants grow larger against my bum, I so badly wanted to do something to help him. He deserved nothing less than revenge, though. I backed out of the kiss and off of his lap. “That was all I needed.”

   “But!” He protested. “What am I supposed to do about ol’ Harold Jr. here?”

   In a tone to mock his earlier words, I said “you have a right hand.”

   “Louis please! This time is different. We were just kissing last time. This time you were grinding on me! That’s not fair!” He whined childishly.

   “Sorry, H.” I smirked.

   I got my Double Date With Liam And Niall outfit from the top drawer (the only drawer with anything in it) and brought my clothes with me into the bathroom.

   “Wait—!” Harry pushed the bathroom door open at the last second. “At least get changed in front of me? I’ll do the same for you.” He smiled genuinely. His stupid smile. That’s the reason I gave in. I sighed. He smiled. “I love you!”

   “You want me to strip tease?” I asked once we were back in the bedroom.

   “No. Pretend I’m not even here, Lou. I just need to get off, okay? It would be a pleasure to get off because of you.”

   “Is that your idea of a pick up line?”

   Harry nodded.

   “You’re not getting laid.” I said.

   “Darn,” he flashed his crooked smirk. (Crooked smirk) (!!!) (It’s even better than the crooked smile.)

   I rid of my clothing articles one by one. As I pulled my jeans down, I noticed that I, too had a bulge in my underwear, and it was far more noticeable than Harry’s was. I heard Harry moan somewhat softly on the bed. I turned to see his eyes focused around my boner, while he used his right hand to handle his. “You aren’t making it easy to pretend you aren’t here when you’re moaning like that.” I told him. “What will you do once I take these boxers off?”

   “Pounce.” He stated honestly.


   “Yes, pounce. I will pounce on you — like a tiger, or something. You know?”

   “Pounce.” I finally nodded. “You can’t do that. I believe we agreed the only touching will be us touching ourselves.”

   Harry pouted. I had just noticed that his hand was no longer inside of his tight jeans. (How he managed to even shimmy his hand down those pants was unknown to me.) “Fine. Carry on, Harold Jr. feels neglected because of the interruption.”

   “Well damn,” I laughed. I removed my boxers and received the reaction I had expected: Harry groaned and the sound of his hand slapping his skin got louder and faster. He let out a final a pant and flung his body back so that he was lying on the bed. “Well, I guess I can do something.” So I sucked on his fingers, swallowing all of his come that was evident on them. I gave my try at dirty talk once more, “You made quite the mess, Harry.” I ran my hand along the front side of his jeans, where a large wet stain started to appear.

   It was so obvious that I had never talked dirty before.

After an exchange of much-needed blowjobs, Harry and I finally changed into appropriate dinner date outfits. He told me I looked ‘darling’ which, it sort of made me feel like a girl. I didn’t really appreciate it, but I knew he was only attempting to compliment me, so I thanked him anyways.

   “This place is too fancy,” Niall whined once the waitress sat us at our table. “Which means it’ll be too expensive. You didn’t have to, Li.” Niall did not like to spend other people’s money.

   “Harry already insisted on paying his and Louis’ half. I have more than enough spare change to feed the two of us, love.” Liam replied, kissing Niall on the cheek.

   I smiled. They were a cute couple, Liam and Niall. I liked the way Niall leaned into Liam, head on his shoulder, and Liam slung his arm around Niall, his fingers drumming on Niall’s bicep. Occasionally, they would just look at each other. They wouldn’t say anything. They would just look at each other and subtly smile. They seemed at peace with one another’s company. It reminded me of the way I felt about Harry, who was too busy talking to the waitress about his career to pay any attention to me.

   But I was not jealous. I knew he loved me.

   “Sorry.” He frowned once the waitress left. “She recognized me, I guess.”

   “Mr. Famous,” I laughed. “Could I ever get an autograph?”

   “I’ll write it in my come across your stomach, how’s that?” He laughed too.

   “Shit, Harry! We’re in a restaurant…” I blushed. “Plus, that’s so explicit. I can’t handle that level of dirty talk yet.”

   Harry smirked. “Okay.”

Liam called the waitress over for the check, and she gladly gave it to us, saying “take your time!” and “no rush!” before walking away to another table she was making minimum wage at. Harry yawned. “Well, this was fun. Lou and I will leave you two be now, though. We’ll be at home, Niall — if you even come home tonight.” He winked suggestively.

   “We’ll see ya later.” I waved before Harry grabbed my hand from the air and intertwined our fingers through it. Realizing we were driven by Liam, Harry and I were left to walk home. It was okay though, because his presence kept me warm.


A/N:I don’t know how you guys will react to this chapter? Was it boring, or not? Was it well written? I tried out a new writing style, but I don’t know if it’s working for me. That’d be nice to know though, so drop your opinion in the comments?

REMINDER: We will dedicate a chapter to you if you leave a really good comment below! nd don’t forget to vote, too!

-- Kaity (aka; bradfords)


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