To Where Destiny Leads Us//SM

By Fangirlobviously

65.5K 2.4K 643

[i have given up on fixing spelling and grammar mistakes so good luck] Emma Smith lives in New York City, but... More

Chapter 1: Missing the Bus
Chapter 2: "HIS HAND IS SO SOFT."
Chapter 3: "It's my favorite song"
Chapter 4: Finally There
Chapter 5: "...and show Mr. Mendes around school?"
Chapter 6: "Let's act"
Chapter 7: "'Shawn Mendes,' he blushes"
Chapter 7.5: "Let's act" Part 2
Chapter 8: "Emma, be honest"
Chapter 9: '"Neat," says Brian"
Chapter 10: '"Brilliant!" Shawn exclaims'
Chapter 11: Carole Janesson
Chapter 12: New Friend Group?
Chapter 14: Drama
Chapter 15: Revealing Things
Chapter 16: It's Getting Complicated
Chapter 17: Kim
Author's Note
Chapter 18: "SHE'S AT MY HOUSE!?"
Chapter 19: Even More Complications
Chapter 20: Valentine's Day
Chapter 21: "I can't believe it."
Chapter 22: Finding Out
Chapter 23: "I love you"
Chapter 24: Fight
Chapter 25: "And I wanna stay like this forever."
Chapter 26: A Reunion
Chapter 27: To Where Destiny Leads Us
Chapter 28: 8 Months Later
The End

Chapter 13: Bryn.

2.2K 73 66
By Fangirlobviously

Bryn is a very pleasant person. We talk about school, books, actresses... She actually loves reading (like me) and is celebrity obsessed (like me). The only difference between us is that a) she's popular, I'm a dork and b) she's drop dead gorgeous while I got about three zits on my cheek. Reason B kinda explains .

Anyway, right now we're in the bathroom, I'm waiting for her.

I feel my phone buzz; I got a text from Chloe.


Why the actual hell weren't you at lunch?


Don't you have French right now?








Would you hate me is I said yes?


No, I would do that:



Yay, ur not mad!

Oh, and sorry I didn't come at lunch.


Well, I have some news, girl.




*Someone* was looking for you because that person had to confess.





Not telling you :P


No! Tell me!

I wanna know!

And confess what?


Maybe it will teach u not to ditch ur best friends


I thought you weren't mad!


I'm not. I just don't wanna tell ya :P




To keep the suspense alive.


Fine :(

But I'm getting it out of your mouth one way or another...



Oops, the teacher almost caught me!


OMG, talk to you later, idiot.



Bye, dumba** <3

I put my phone away and see that Bryn is now applying lip gloss.

"'Sup?" She casually asks.

I laugh, "Nothing much. How about you?"

"Same," she applies some mascara.

After a while of silence, her applying makeup and me fidgeting around with my phone; she breaks the silence, "So what book are you currently reading?"

"'The Sun Is Also a Star' by Nicola Yoon," I answer, fixing my hair.

"Oh, is it like, a science book or something?" She asks adding blush to her pink cheeks.

"Nope, romance novel," I answer trying to decide whether I pull my hair into a cute pony tail or keep it loose.

"About?" She asks, filling up her eyebrows.

"A girl, Natasha, doesn't believe in fate or love. All she believes is in science and facts. She doesn't believe dreams come true, neither. And then, she meets a boy, and she knows nothing will happen with him even though she can't help it but fall in love with him.

And a guy, Daniel, always been the good son, the good student, the good kid. He tries and lives up to his parent's expectations and follows their plan to become a doctor. But his own plan is to be a poet, a dreamer. But when he meets this girl, he forgets all about that. He thinks fate has an extraordinary plan for the both of them," I explain. I turn to her and see she's now staring at me. I fight the urge to blush and stare back.

She finally clears her throat and says, "Text me the name, I need to buy that."

I smile and ask for her number. I text her the name and she sends back 'Thanks :)' even though we are literally standing in front of each other.

"Loosen your hair, it's cuter on you," she says when she sees I have made the decision of braids.

"Er...okay," I loosen my hair and arrange it a bit. Bryn's right, it is cuter down.


We walk in the halls of the school, talking.

The weird thing is: everyone I walk passed says hi to me.

Like, why?

Are people suddenly interested in being my friend just because I am the friend of a celebrity?


Is that what celebrities go through?

That sucks, man.

But, as I earlier told Shawn: people are going to be people, and you can't do anything about it.

We walk next to a janitor's closet and nobody's around that area (thank gosh, one more hi and I'm going to scream). Bryn stops to get something from her locker which is right across the janitor's closet.

Why I'm telling you this is because it is the same closet Shawn and I hid in.

I wait for Bryn right outside the closet while she talks about a movie she recently watched and fidgets around her locker and while I replay the conversation Shawn and I had in the locker.

Suddenly, the door behind me bursts open and Shawn throws his arms around me.

"Emma! Thank goodness!" He hugs me tight. I look at him but don't hug back in shock. He looks like he's been running, a lot.

"Sh-Shawn!" I exclaim, finally hugging him back, "The hell happened to you?"

He pulls back and explains, "I have a free period and a mob of girls were chasing me. That was the only hiding place. I heard a girl's voice and got terrified of getting caught, then I heard your voice and..."

"What a funky adventure, Mr. Mendes," I laugh, "meanwhile — stuff," I mean to tell him about the girls but realize Bryn was watching and listening to us, "has been going on."

His eyes dart to Bryn then mine, and I can tell he understood. He casually laughs and says, "I hope these stuff don't involve a serial killer."

I laugh and Bryn laughs. But right then, I see Eddie Johnson walking in our direction. Oh. My. Gosh.

I have an enormous crush on Eddie. I turn away and blush. I become clearly aware Bryn and Shawn are watching me, so I pretend to fidget around my bag. Gosh, this is awkward. "Ugh," I mutter, "I can't find it." I pretend that I'm searching for whatever 'it' is.

"What are you searching for?" Asks Bryn, joining us.

"My..." I trail off. MY WHAT?! WHAT WILL I SAY?!

Suddenly I spot my chemistry textbook and decided to pretend like I thought I forgot it at home, "Chemistry book. Found it! Thought it was at home, the teacher would've killed." I fake a sigh of relief.

Eddie passed and I took a moment to admire the way he walks., magically, lyrically... *sigh*

I turn back to Shawn and Bryn. They've been watching me. I slightly blush. Bryn looks confused and Shawn looks like he knows exactly what is going on.


"So, Shawn, what do you have after this free period?" I ask, avoiding the subject.

Shawn takes the hint and slightly smiles while Bryn looks like absolutely nothing happened. Phew. "Chemistry, how about you?" he asks.

"Math, again," I roll my eyes. I hate Math, specifically Geometry. I'm totally fine with Algebra because with Algebra you don't have to justify your every freaking move! "How about you Bryn?" I ask, turning to Bryn.

"Chemistry," she smiles at Shawn. "I guess I'll see you there."

Shawn blushes a little, but I'm standing closer to him than Bryn is, so only I notice. "I guess."



You would probably think I'm jealous but I'm sincerely happy for him!

"Emma," Bryn turns to me confusingly, "why are you smiling so much?" I HAVEN'T NOTICED I WAS DOING THAT. UGH.

"Er..." I turn to Shawn and smile a bit at him letting him know what I think, "nothing."

~*~ Bryn's POV ~*~

I'm with Emma Smith and Shawn Mendes in the school corridors on a free period.

Shawn Mendes is standing in front of me. Emma Smith, the dork everyone makes her seem like, isn't such a dork.

Emma Smith is acting weirdly, but I just met her so this behavior might be normal.

I'm trying to process what is happening right now but it is pretty hard.

Emma mentioned earlier that she does not have a crush on Shawn, and vice versa. But how they look at each other...normal friends don't look at each other like that.

I'm actually jealous.

Emma is a pretty awesome person. She is very similar to me. Why she isn't popular is beyond me, really. We're practically the same person except that she has this thing with Shawn. I mean, how? How did they even meet? When you see them together, you feel like they're lifelong friends!

I feel really jealous.

I'm not the type of girl who becomes friends with a person for their own benefit, like the rest of the girls (Carole, for example. It is really clear that she is only friends with us for our popularity and friends with Emma for Shawn. Just to be clear, I don't like Care that much.), but I think my friendship with Emma will let me be closer to Shawn. I like Emma. I don't want her to think I'm friends with her for Shawn, but maybe I am a teeny-tiny-lil' bit friends with her for Shawn...

"Oh, wait, I need to go to my locker to get my book," Emma says fidgeting around in her bag.

"Sure, let's go," I say.

Emma and Shawn both lead the way to Emma's locker. Shawn seems to know exactly where it is. What the hell? He could pass really well as her boyfriend! They're talking about I-dunno-what and I kinda feel left out.

"I know! That was such a good movie!" Emma smiles widely. Shawn laughs. I feel jealous again.

I've never felt more jealous in my life. And, yes, I am the jealous type. Girlfriend or single. I struggle with that flaw.

"What movie are you guys talking about?" I finally join in.

"Oh, Divergent," answers Shawn. Damn, haven't seen that.

"Tris and Four are so cute together!" Gushes Emma. Wait, there is a guy names Four and another named Tris? Or are they girls?

"I haven't watched the movie," I fess up. They both look at me and I feel kinda ashamed.

"You should totally watch it!" Exclaims Emma.

"Yeah! You should!" Agrees Shawn.

"Well, who ARE Tris and Four? Are they girls or boys or a couple...?" I ask.

"They're a couple," answers Shawn, "Tris is short for Beatrice, Four is because the guy has four fears. I forgot his real name." Er...good to know? Why would you name yourself after how many fears you have? "Because they're dauntless," Shawn looks at me like I've just offended him. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD!

"His real name is Tobias," notes Emma.

"Oh, right," says Shawn avoiding my eyes.


"Dauntless?" I ask.

"Dauntless — fearless," Emma answers. I am never watching this movie it makes no sense.

~*~ Emma's POV ~*~

Bryn is making a fool out of herself!

She is literally criticizing a movie we love. That's kinda offensive you know.

"Er...good to know?" She actually had the guts to say that, but by the expression on her face, I think she just thought out loud, "Why would you name yourself after how many fears you have?" I take it all back. She says it in a mocking way. Like, what-the-hell-is-this-sh*t way.

"Because they're dauntless," Shawn looks offended. I'm too! Who insults a movie another person loves anyway?

No one!

I feel bad for Bryn because Shawn is becoming kinda cold towards her.

He loves his fans! You can just know by the way he acts with them in the meet-and-greets or in his concerts. But, it is school, and Shawn wants to be as normal as possible. He told me himself.

I'm not showing-off.

"What kind of person would I want to name themselves Tris?" Bryn blurts out.

"Can we just drop the subject?" I'm trying to save her here, but I guess that sounded kinda rude.


"Er...guys, I need to, um, go to the bathroom," said Bryn.

Weren't we just in the bathroom? I want to say, but instead I say, "Sure, Shawn and I will wait outside."

She nods and we go.

Shawn and I are outside the bathroom waiting for Bryn. We're far enough from the ladies' room door that she can't hear us.

"Okay, at first I thought she was cute, but now..." Shawn trails off.

"But now you're not so sure," I finish for him.


"Look, I just met her and she seems really nice. You should give her a chance."

"Okay, but if she insults Harry Potter I'm crossing the line."

I chuckle, "Okay."

"Look, Emma, I know it's been only a day, but I think you are an amazing and loyal friend," Oh. My. Gosh. Am I hearing well? "and that's why I wanna give you my number. Why I'm making this so special is because if my number gets leaked, it's the end of me. So, I'm going to trust you with it." He is so sweet! I'll never tell anyone his number! I hand him my phone.

He types in the number and hands me the phone to name him. I say, "Look, I'm going to not name you Shawn because if people see that in my contacts they'll freak out. So I should call you—"

"Harry," he interrupts me and smile. He means Harry as in Harry Potter!

"Okay, Harry," I giggle. He is adorable when he talks about Harry Potter.

I look at my watch and see we have ten more minutes till the least hour. I sigh.

"Wanna do something after school?" He asks out of nowhere. I look at his face to see any signs if he is joking of not. He doesn't look like he is! Gosh, I'm about to melt.

"Sure," I answer as if I am not freaking the freak out.

~*~ Bryn's POV ~*~

OhMyGosh, OhMyGosh, OhMyGosh, OhMyGosh.

I am totally dying out there.

Shawn thinks I'm crazy. He totally does! What have I done?

What have I done?

Worst of all, I just got a text from Care, and I want to punch her for it:


Darn, that girl Emma is such an idiot.

I want to reply back saying no. I want to say that Emma is pretty darn awesome and Carole didn't even take the time to know her.


Why would you say that?


Um...have you seen her?!

She thinks she is so great when she ain't shit.


Why? She was just shy.

I'm trying to take Emma's defense.


I already hate her.


I'm with her right now. She is really nice, give her a chance.



Ugh, all she cares about is stupid Shawn!




Why didn't you tell me?!?!?!?!?!?

I should've said no.


Gotta go Care bye.

I quickly turn off my phone because I already know that Carole is going to bombard me with calls, texts, Snapchats AND DMs if I don't answer.

Yep, she is that desperate.

I look into the mirror. Breathe, Bryn, I tell myself. The day is not over. I can impress Shawn, right? Yeah, I can TOTALLY do that! Plus, I have the whole year! I can do this.

I can do this.

I breathe in, out and walk out of the ladies' room.

I spot Emma and Shawn laughing a feet away. I join them.

"Hey Bryn," smiles Emma.

I smile back, "Hey."

"We were just talking about you," Emma says, elbowing Shawn.

They were?! I see Shawn blush. Oh. My. Gosh. They were!

Kill me.

I laugh lightly. Ok, cool start.

The bell rings and I smile, "Let's go Shawn." We both have Chemistry right now.

Bryn: 1 | Carole: 0

"Yeah, let's go," Shawn smiles as we both turn to leave.

"Goodbye, lovebirds!" Calls Emma behind us. She turns and walks the opposite direction.

Wait a sec...LOVEBIRDS?!

I look at Shawn and see that he is blushing.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I am not this type of girl but...

I THINK HE LIKES ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bryn: 2 | Carole: 0

"So, what do you think of our school so far?" I ask, trying to open up a conversation.

"Well..." He trails off.

I shake my head, "Sorry, stupid question."

"Nah... but this school does have cute girls," he looks at me.


I blush and laugh lightly.

"SHAWNY!" We both hear Carole's voice call from behind.

Oh, shoot!

"Here are your welcome cookies I promised earlier!" She exclaims giving him cookies.


"Thank you, Carole, no one has done that for me, it's very sweet," he answers with a wide grin.

Bryn: 2 | Carole: 1

She hugs him and surprisingly, he hugs back.

Bryn: 2 | Carole: 2

"Sorry Carole, we would love to stay and chat but we have Chemistry to go to," I grab Shawn's arm and turn but she stops me.

"Wait...I can walk you there!" She exclaims.

You can? "Great!" Smiles Shawn.

Bryn: 2 | Carole: 3

They walk in front of me and I feel like punching Carole. That snake!

"Oh, Bryn, why haven't you been answering my texts?" She asks innocently. Ugh, what a fake!

"Sorry, my battery died," I answer.

She eyes me suspiciously because, I assume, she knows my phone battery never dies at school, so saving myself I say, "It didn't charge over night."

"Oh, well too bad!" She laughs. Why is she laughing?

Shawn looks like he would rather be in someone else's presence. That makes me kinda sad.

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