Give Me A Chance ||COMPLETED||

By purplemegx

34K 815 317

Nikki had always been dreaming of getting married and having children of her own someday. Now that she found... More

Cast & their Real Names
Ch1 • Double Trouble
Ch2 • Dream Wedding
Ch3 • Chasing Cars
Ch4 • Four Seasons
Ch6 • Konichiwa Japan
Ch7 • Friend indeed
Ch8 • Diva of the Year
Ch9 • Best Gift Ever
Ch10 • Cats and Pink
Nikki + Seth = NETH BELLINS
Ch12 • Uh oh! Trouble
Ch13 • Distressed
Ch14 • Piece of Advice
Ch15 • Evanescence
Ch16 • ハッピー
Ch16.2 • Difference
Ch16.3 • Cloned
Ch17 • Bitter Be Like
Ch18 • Fearless Not Fearless
Ch19 • Turn Tables
Ch20 • The End
Epilogue Part 2
Epilogue Part 3
GMAC Book Covers

Ch11 • Tagged

965 27 26
By purplemegx

Dedicated to rachel520 🍓 Bella_twins2 🍓 6Samantha6Ambrose6 🍓

Thanks for the follow and votes!
Hope you'll share your thoughts and comment about every chapter!

ridingmoxley keep it up! 😘

I really really appreciate your votes and comments! I enjoyed reading it! 💕

Arigato! Xie xie! Gracias! Thank you!


I was busy in social media tweeting with the fans. I posted a photo of me with my twelfth week baby bump. It's growing so fast. My clothes aren't fit anymore so I am wearing Seth's shirt. I am currently here in the kitchen counter eating the cake that Tasia made. Good thing she knows how to bake. It is a moist chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and we put choco syrup, caramel, nuts and chocolate bars on top. Yummy! I am sooo into sweets right now. My baby loves it! I posted it on instagram of course.

I seldom call or message Seth since that day the girls visited me. He's the one calling me now, but sometimes he doesn't call and when he does he will say that he forgot. And he will say sorry. Yeah.. Sorry is the word I used to hear from him these past days. Sorry because he's damn tired that he forgot to call. Sorry because he's so busy that he can't make it to come home. Sorry sorry sorry.

But instead of making myself sorry for what's happening, I just focused on taking care of myself. I focused on taking care of the life inside my tummy. Linda is the one who's with me on my check ups and doc says to avoid stress, so I'm doing it. I love my baby so much, I don't want to put myself at risk.

I've began throwing up lately. Linda says it's normal and that is called morning sickness. But, it's occuring at night. Night sickness perhaps? We've been to the doc and she says pregnant women may differ from what they're feeling, but other than that it's normal. And that I have nothing to worry about.

I heard the front door opened and closed. It was pretty clear for my hearing because the house is quiet. I wasn't expecting any visitor. And it's almost ten to eleven in the evening. What the heck? Don't tell me it's a housebreaker? A burglar? Thief? Or hell a murderer? Oh. My. God!

Linda and Tasia were in their room now and I'm the only one here at the kitchen because I crave for the cake. And now, I'm going to die? Sh*t sh*t sh*t! Noo! I'm freaking out inside. My hearts is beating rapidly. What am I going to do? What am I going to do?!!

I saw the knife that I used to cut the cake and wipe it with a towel. Then I slowly get up from my seat making sure not to make any noise and sneakily walked towards the living room. I saw a man standing at the center roaming his eyes around the house.

Oh my gods!

I was standing there eyeing him until his eyes caught mine.

"What in the world happened to the house?" He asked.

Wow! Great! Just great! For almost a month that he hasn't gone home, that's the first thing he's gonna tell me?!

"This is like a kid's playhouse." He added.

I arched a brow on him. The fear I was feeling a while ago turned into anger. He said it's my house and I can do whatever I want to do with it. And now? He's questioning me what the hell happened?

Because of the thought that's running in my head, I didn't noticed that he's now in front of me.

"Hey, why're you holding a knife?" He asked and I looked down to my hand not on my mind that I'm tightly gripping on it.

What the hell?! What is wrong with me? It seems like I wanted to kill my husband!

He gets the knife in my hand and I quickly shook my head shoving the thoughts away.

"Nicole, why are you holding a knife? Are you going to stab me?" He asked with knitted brows.

"No. I used it to slice the cake." I boredly said and turned back to the kitchen. I am not yet done with my cake. Seth freaking Rollins freaked me out!

"Then why are you gripping on it while looking at me?" He said while trailing behind me.

"Because I thought you're a murderer! It's just for defense okay?" I huffed.

He laughed. He frigging laughed! I miss that laugh though. But no! I am supposed to be mad at him! Mad. Mad. Mad. But hell! Why am I not feeling that way when he's now here in front of me in the flesh?! Ugh!

He came near and hugged me. He nuzzled his head on the crook of my neck. "I miss you love.." he mumbled.

I didn't budge. I am annoyed with myself. I can't be mad at him when he's like this? Oh please. Spare me!

"Relax okay? The house is locked.. You forgot I had a key.." Yeah right! He had a key.

I looked at him.. He's wearing black pants, closed black jacket and a beanie. Damn! Why am I feeling hot just by looking at him? What really is happening to me? I didn't like it. I feel weird.

"You're wearing my shirt,"

"My clothes are tight so I wore yours," I calmly said sitting down on the kitchen stool.

"You're so hot wearing it. How's my baby?" He said touching my belly. His eyes widen when he felt that it's bulged. "Woah! It grew so fast!" He exclaimed kneeling down to my stomach.

I finished eating my chocolate cake as he was caressing and kissing my belly.

"You're eating a cake in this time of the night?" He said and stood up.

He still doesn't know, I used to get up from bed in an uncertain time because I was hungry and I always see to it that I have what I want to eat in the fridge. One night I craved for ice cream but we don't have it that time, I just cried. I don't want to wake up my househelps because it's freaking two am! My husband is not here with me, so I just cried my eyes out until I fell asleep. That was one of the most devastating night ever in my life!

I hummed as I nodded. He walks to the fridge and gets a glass of water. He drank and he also got one for me.

"C'mon love.. Let's go to bed." He said after I drink the water he gave. He also put back the cake in the fridge and held me in my waist as we walk upstairs.

He put down his duffel bag near the closet as I went to the bathroom. I am brushing my teeth and he went in too. He stopped as he saw the bathroom.


I gargled and wiped my face with a towel. I am not in the mood to argue with him. I ignored him as I walked out and laid on the bed. I closed my eyes and let myself drift to sleep.


I am awaken by the warm hand that's caressing my stomach. He's murmuring something but I can't clearly hear it. I opened my eyes and see that Seth is like talking to our baby. I smiled. The sight of it was so cute!

"What are you doing?" I hoarsely asked.

He kissed my tummy and laid straight beside me.

"Secret.." He grinned and wrapped his arms around me. I scoffed and turned back at him. I don't have time for his games.

"Hey.." He get closer and hugged me from behind. "My love is so grumpy.." He chuckled. I stayed silent still facing back at him. "Okay.. We just had a little talk."

"We?" Who?

"I just told baby that I have a vacation and I'd spend it with you.."


Did he just said that he's talking with the unborn inside my stomach? Seth sometimes is weird.

"Yeah.. And I know he's so excited about that!"

"Who's he?"


"How do you know that it's a boy?"

"I don't know," I felt him shrugged.

"What if it's a she?"

"It's okay. Whatever our baby is, as long as he/she is healthy, that's more than enough." He said and after a few seconds, I heard him sigh.

"I'm sorry for not coming home often. I asked Vince and Steph for a vacation and they gave it to me but of course I had to work my ass out before I get it.." He seriously said and I turned to look at him.


"Well, it's supposed to be a surprise."

A smile slowly drawn on my face. I hugged him tight. I gave him kisses all around his face as he keeps on giggling. That night we cuddled to sleep. I was so happy that he's having time with me. Finally!


The next day, Seth said that we have to go to my Ob. He wants to know more about my pregnancy because last night my stomach suddenly turned and I rushed to the toilet to throw up. Seth is very worried that he wants to take me to the hospital right away. I told him that I'm okay and that is normal. I just gone to the doc two days ago and I'm going again. Seth didn't want to listen.

We are here in doc's clinic and I am just sitting next to my husband. They are talking and Seth got so dang many questions! I didn't listen at all because I already knew it.

I am browsing my instagram account. Day by day my followers just kept on increasing. My notifs was a bomb! DMs were exploding! I barely check on it. I don't have much to do so I think about checking my tags. There were lots of it! Edited pictures, fan arts, nikki bella poses, my merchandise and fan cams. I kept on scrolling down until I find a photo of me. It was a stolen shot and I really like it because I looked beautiful in that photo. Ha! Yas! I clicked on it and it was a repost. That was when we were in Tokyo eating in a sushi restaurant. I don't remember fans were in there too. My brow arched when I saw his caption. I clicked on the account where it was originally posted. I creased my forehead. He seems familiar. When I scrolled to see his pic, my eyes widen when I recalled. It's him!

"Let's go?" I quickly closed my phone when I heard Seth speak.

"Are you through?"

"You're having an ultrasound," he said.

I see in his face that he's excited. I am excited too because we'll gonna see our baby! But I was not expecting that I'll get an ultrasound today. I'm wearing a dress!

We walked into another room and there's the Ob. I laid on the bed there and doc said to pull up my dress. Seth is helping me pull my long dress up and I suddenly felt uncomfortable because there's someone watching. It's alright if it's just my husband though. It felt awkward. I was just on my panties.

Doc put a cold gel directly on my stomach and put the probe against it. We watched the screen in front of us and Seth just couldn't stop from smiling.

After that, we thanked doc. We went back to the car and my husband is just so caring, he's helping me to sit comfortably. He put on my seatbelt and adjusted it not too tight for me not to hurt my stomach. I looked at him while he was driving.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

He's smiling like crazy and it's getting me creeps. Why is he smiling? Is there's something funny?

He shook his head. "Nothing.." He said and grabbed my left hand with his right. He kissed my knuckles repeatedly. "I love you Nicole. Thank you for this.." He said and quickly glanced at me.

I smiled. I know he's just beyond happy that we'll have a baby in less than six months. I am also so happy that I've been taking care of not just myself but my baby too.

"I love you too.."

We pulled over at a botique. He parked the car near and I furrowed my eyebrows. Seth doesn't really come with me when shopping.

"Why are we here?"

"You said that your clothes aren't fit anymore, so we're going to buy you new ones,"

"Why? Don't you want me to wear your shirts?"

"Of course I do.. And believe me I prefer you naked.." I glared at him and he's grinning. "But we have company in the house, so it won't work.."

We got out the car and walked inside the store holding hands. We are welcomed by a lady there and asked what are we looking for.

"I need clothes for my pregnant wife," he said smiling.

I rolled my eyes. He doesn't know what it's called. "Maternity dresses please,"

The lady smiled and accompanied us to the maternity section. I started to look at the dresses as well as Seth.

"You can just sit there and I'll be the one who'll choose," I said but when I turned to him, he has dresses on his arm. "What's that?"

"Clothes?" He stated like obviously. He doesn't even look if it's nice for me to wear! "Whatever you wear, it'll look good on you. No need to choose."

I creased my forehead. Did he just read my mind?

He chuckled after. He get the dress that I'm holding and he gave it to the lady. I sat on a couch there and wait for Seth to come back. He's currently at the counter paying for the clothes.

I sighed. I suddenly felt tired. I should be enrolling for maternity workouts. I had to exercise. My phone rings as Mom is calling.

"Hi mom!" I said as I picked up.

"Hey Nicole.. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Never been better.."

"How about you stay here at the house so I could take care of you and my future grandchild? I heard from Brie that Seth's not coming home yet?"

"No mom.. I'm okay here. And Seth just came yesterday. He said that he has a vacation and we're spending it together.."

"Brie told me that Seth was gone for almost a month? Why?"

"Mom, you know how busy Seth is.."

"Alright, I'll visit whenever.. By the way how's your check ups? How's the baby doing? What's the gender?"

I chuckled at my mother's continuous questions. She's indeed excited for her grandchild.

"My check ups were fine. The baby is healthy. We just had sono earlier.. Doc said it's a girl, but not sure yet.."

"Really? Oh I'm so happy for you.."

"Thanks.. Well, I have to go mom. Love you!"

"Okay, take care! Love you too!"

I saw my husband walking towards me probably done. I am looking at him, well, perhaps staring. He's wearing shirt and jeans, hair is tied and had his beanie on, also with his black-rimmed eyeglasses and just a pair of black sneakers. He's just on his normal outfit. I don't know what came into my mind because I'm checking him out. Again.

"Come on.. We had a trip later, we should go now." He said as he approached me.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"You'll see.." He said and held me by my waist.

We walked to his car and he put the shopping bags at the backseat. We went back to our house and he said to pack my stuffs. I constantly asks where we're headed, but he just kept his mum. This is another surprise from my love. I'm just so excited!


I woke up by the sunlight that's hitting my face. Seth is still asleep beside me. I slowly get up from bed and walked towards the balcony. I opened the glass door and went out. The wind feels against my skin. The sunrise view over the mountains is spectacular!

Guess where we are?

We are in Gateway Canyons Resort & Spa here in Colorado...

We're on a vacation! Yas!


There's a big BUT!

We are on vacation...

With my family.

That's right..

JJ, Lola, Brie, Mom and even Johnny is with us. I even thought of having an alone time with my husband because of the vacation, but no.. It's not that I don't want to be with them, but I longed for my husband and I wanted to spend time with him all by myself.

I heard someone knocking on our door, and I knew who it is. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Good morning Brie," I boredly said.

"Seems like you didn't want us here?" Brie grinned. She's trying to annoy me.

I gave her a leering look and turned back at her.

"Aww, preggy's grumpy.." She said and trailed behind me towards the balcony.

I sat on a chair and she also sat across me with a smirk.

I heard that Mom called Seth when she knew about him not going home to me often, and Brie said that mom was like scolding my husband through the phone. I don't really know if it's true that mom scolded Seth. Brie sometimes is exaggerating. And she's the one who told mom. She's a magpie.

"Have you asked Seth about him training Alexa Bliss?"

I truly forgot about that. Totally. I didn't get the chance to ask him because he's so caring and it just fades away.

"Not yet.. I don't know how to ask. I don't want us to argue about that.." I sighed.

Sometimes, I can't avoid being harsh to him because of hormones. And I'm controlling myself because I really don't want a fight.

"You can ask him in a good way,"

"How about you ask him.."

She just smirked while shaking her head. Evil twin!

She then stood up and said that we should go down now because we'll have breakfast all together.


"How long is your vacation?" Mom asked Seth.

"Three weeks," he answered.

We're now having breakfast with the family. Well, if you didn't know yet, Johnny is our mother's boyfriend and he is one of WWE producers. Nice, right?

"Good.. There's someone to look out for Nicole.."


"I told her to stay at the house, but she's stubborn."

I noticed Brie keeps on staring at me then Seth. She's silently eating and when I caught her stare, I glared at her. She just shrugged and continued eating. What is wrong with my sister? Her stares were like AJ Lee crazy. Peace AJ! ✌


After breakfast, we went by the pool area. I am with Brie and Lola. JJ and Seth are together and they said they'd check out the Auto Museum in here. Mom and Johnny? I don't know.. Maybe they're strolling around the resort or relaxing in the spa.

"When we're having breakfast, why are you giving me those looks Brie? What is your problem?"

Brie looked at me and smirked. "Nothing.. I just can't believe Seth let us come with you guys here."

"Of course he do wants to bond with the family,"

"He got scared of Mom scolding him,"

"You're exaggerating Brianna," I said and she laughed.

Lola and I talked about pregnancy and motherhood topics as Brie's busy on her phone.

"I didn't mean to stalk, but I saw this..." Brie said and gave me her phone.

That was a post on instagram. Her arms were around his waist and his right arm was on her shoulders. Sweet.

My brows arched when I read the caption.

And I was tagged.

What the heck?!

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