Saved By Her Idol... | Demi L...

By sarahhh_lovatic

43.7K 672 122

Alex Green has been bullied, abused, and has many more issues. What happens when she meets her idol at a meet... More

Saved By Her Idol
The Beginning
Heart Attack
Authors Note
Don't Forget
On The Line
Authors Note
This Is Me
In Case
Get Back
Catch Me
Authors Note
Believe In Me
Falling Over Me
For the Love of a Daughter
Give Your Heart A Break
Authors Note
Behind Enemy Lines
Until Your Mine
The Middle
In Real Life
Fix A Heart
Who's That Boy
Heart By Heart
Give Me Love
Small Bump
Kiss Me
Authors Note
Lego House
Authors Note
Finally Back
A New Beginning
Discovering Feelings
The End

I Hate You Dont Leave Me

1.5K 20 11
By sarahhh_lovatic

Demi's POV

When I woke up Alex was still sleeping. I got dressed and went to go get breskfast.

I hope the papparazzi dont see me cause my eyes are really red from crying.

I tried to cover it up as much as I could with make up. I didnt sleep much at all last night.

All I could think about was how to make it up to Alex. I left a note on the desk so she wouldnt think I just left snd wasnt coming back.

Im sure she didnt want me back anyway. I was walking towards the bagel store and needed to listen to warrior.

Even though its my song it gets me through so much. I put my headphones in and continued walking.

The bagel store was right across the street so I just had to wait till the light turned green.

Damn this light is long. It finally turned green for what seemed like forever.

As I was crossing and the last thing I remember was seeing a big white car speeding my way. Then everything went black...

Alex's POV

When I woke up I saw a note on the desk. It was from Demi. "Hey Alex, went to go get breakfast. Be back soon. Love you.."

How could she say she loved me, weve onky known eachother for a week. Watever.

I went to go take a shower when I heard my phone ring. It was from Max. Demi's bodyguard.

Max- Hey I just got a call from the hospital. I have bad news.

Alex- What happened!?

Max- Im not really sure. The nurse just said she was hit by a white car. Thats all I know.

Alex- Holy shit ok umm is she gonna be ok!?

Max- I dont know, Ill be over in 5 to pick you up.

Alex- K bye.

Oh my god how did this freakin happen! I hope shes ok. Ugh this is all my fault.

5 minutes later Max showed up and we headed to the hospital.

Demi's POV

I woke up not knowing were I was until I saw a nurse come in. What the hell why am I in the hospital.

Nurse- Hello Ms. Lovato how are you feeling?

Demi- My whole body hurts! Why am I in the hospital?

Nurse- Ms. Lovato you were in an accident. You were hit by a car, your ok though you just have a broken fibula.

Demi- What! When did this happen?

Nurse- About an hour ago.

Demi- Am I aloud to have visitors?

Nurse- Not unless they are family members.

Just then Alex came running through the door.

Sarah- Oh my god Demi are you ok!?

Demi- Yeah ill be okay. Why do you even care?

Alex- "Because I may be mad but I still love you!

Nurse- Excuse me Ms. Lovato I said only family members and unless this is your daughter then young lady im gona have to ask you to leave.

We both looked at eachother awkwardly.

Demi- Ohh she is my daughter, well im going to adopt her, I just didnt get to sign the papers yet.

Nurse- Ok well would you like me to bring the adoption papers?

Demi- Yeah that would be great thanks.

The nurse left and it was just me and Alex.

Alex's POV

I kind of didnt know what to say.

Alex- why do you still want to adopt me after everything?

Demi- Because I love you Alex, I know ive only known you for a short while but I love you and I want to make it up to you.

Alex- I know im just confused and scared and just mixed with different emotions and I love you to I just dont know how.

Demi- I know its gonna take some time but im willing to do whatever it takes to make this better.

Alex- I know and somehow well make it work but I am willing to try.

Demi's POV

I smiled and told Alex I loved her when the nurse came in.

Nurse- Here are the papers Ms. Lovato.

Demi- Thank you.

I signed everything and handed the papers back to the nurse. It was official. Alex was mine.

Nurse- Congrats! Ms. Lovato you will be able to come home tomorrow after they put the cast on your leg.

Demi- Ok thank you so much.

The nurse left and I couldnt help but let out a screech.

Alex- Thank you so much Demi, I dont know how this is really happening but I don't care I just want to forget everything and move on. If you didnt make it I wouldnt be able to live with myself knowing the last thing I said to you was terrible. I know I said some things I wasnt proud of and I didnt mean them I was just mad.

Demi- Dont blame yourself it was all my fault I was the one who was in the wrong. What I did was messed up and im so sorry, and thank you. I really do love you and im so glad I can finally call you Alex Lovato! So anyway you should probably head back to the hotel and get some rest.

Alex- no way demi, I'm staying with you. Ill just sleep on the chair over there.

Demi- Are you sure, you dont have to stay?

Alex- Ill be fine Demi.

Just then someone walked in, I wasnt paying attention but I heard a familiar voice.

Selena- Oh my god Demi are you ok Max called?!

Demi- He must have thought we were still friends. Selena why are you here!

Selena- Demi please I just came to see if you were ok.

Demi- Why now, why didnt you come see me when I was in rehab, oh wait it was because you were to busy sleeping with my boyfriend!

Alex- Wait thats why you guys stopped being friends!?

Demi- yup...

Selena- Demi how many times do I...

Alex cut her off.

Sarah- You bitch! get out, how could you do that this whole time I just thought you left Demi for Taylor. God how could you do that, why couldnt you cheated one of Taylors billion boyfriends!

Selena- No you dont understand! Thats not what happened!

Demi- She understands perfectly clear, now leave!

Selena- wait who are you anyway?

Alex- Thats not important, whats important is you leaving! So go, go hang out with Taylor!

Demi- Yeah why arent you by Taylors side every second?

Selena- becuase we have been bestfriends since we were 7 years old, and you got hit by a car I wasnt just gonna go hangout with Taylor.

Alex- Selena go you putting stress on Demi and I.

Demi- please just go, what you did was really bad and theres nothing you can say or do to make me change the way I feel about you.

Selena- I know...I really am truely sorry, I know I cant fix this...I made a huge mistake...goodbye demi.

Alex's POV

Demi- Thanks for that.

Alex- wait so basically she slept with Joe?

Demi- no...

Alex- well who?

Demi- I had a seceret relationship with Sterling.

Alex- Wait oh my god Sterling as in Chad!

Demi- Yes Sterling as in Chad.

Alex- So basically Channy was real!!

Demi- Yeah but going into rehab wasnt my only reason for not doing season 3 "Sonny With A Chance", I left because he cheated on me with Selena.

Alex- Seriosly Dem can I kill her?

Demi- Hey if it was up to me I would help you kill her!

Alex- How could she do that, thats crazy, how could Sterling do that, and then there was Joe!

Demi- Hey earth to Alex, are you gonna go through a list of my exes?

Alex- Sorry...I juat hated Joe so much. God I wanted to shove his balls so far up his ass that he dies!

Demi- Yo Alex! Snap out of it! Jesus! I mean I hated Joe for what he did to me but im over it.

Alex- Ugh sorry ive been a lovatic for like 7 years that when I get onto those subjects I kind of explode.

Demi- haha its ok I understand, you lovatics are pretty cray.

About 30 minutes later we both passed out.

When I woke up the nurse came in but Demi was still sleeping.

Nurse- Good morning, so we are going to take Ms. Lovato to surgery to put the cast on her leg.

Alex- Ok I'll wake her up.

I shook Demi a couple times before she woke up. She is the hardest person to wake up in the world, you have to like slap her in the face for her to get up.

Demi- W-what's happening?

Alex- There taking you to put your cast on.

Demi- Ugh!

Like an hour later they brought Demi out in a wheel chair.

Demi- Hey so we can finally go home now.

Alex- Yes! I need some Advil.

30 minutes later we got home and I helped Max get Demi out of the car. We got inside and I say next to Demi on the couch.

Demi- Hey can you get me some Advil my leg is killing me.

Alex- Yeah sure.

After that we both pretty much past out on the couch watching "Pretty Little Liars" We were soo tired.

-The Next Morning

Demi's POV

I woke up with my leg throbbing, it hurts more in the cast then without the cast. I'm so tired.

I have to pee but Alex is laying on me and my crutches were all the way across the room. I shook her a couple times to wake her up.

Alex- Ugh, what time is it?

Demi- I have no clue, can you grab my crutches if I don't pee soon my blatter is going to explode!

Alex- kay kay

I finally got to the bathroom!

Demi- Hey what do you want me to make for breakfast?

Alex- 1) you have a broken leg. 2) I think it's best for the both of us if you don't cook!

Demi- yeah your probably right.

Beep Beep

Alex- Is that your phone or mine?

Demi- Yours, it's from a girl named Allison? Who's that?

Alex- Some girl I met at school back in Pennsylvania.

Demi- Oh ok is she your friend?

Alex- Uh yeah surprisingly, hand me my phone Dem.

Alex's POV

I unlocked my phone and I read the text. It read: "Hey Alex! Long time no see. I'm visiting LA for my cousins party. You should come. It's at 8:00pm tonight. Hope to see you there! Bye!"

I sat there with a confused smile in my face, I have never been invited to anything before.

Demi- What did the text say?

Alex- Uh she invited me to a party tonight. She's visiting for her cousins party.

Demi- You should go, make some friends, put yourself out there.

Alex- Really? I guess I could go.

Demi- On one condition.

Alex- And what is that?

Demi- You have to let me pick out your outfit and do your hair!

Alex- Fine but don't take a billion years please.

Demi- Yay!!

We had breakfast, well Demi did I kinda just say there and pretended to eat, then picked out an outfit.

Demi was lucky, even though she broke her leg she has a fricken elevator so she doesn't take the steps.

After we or Demi picked out my outfit we drove to Starbucks.

Alex- Hey Demi can you put on the radio?

Demi- Yeah sure.

Alex- Ew ew ew change the channel eww! Dear god my ears are burning!

Demi- Hahaha God I love you!

We had to change the channel because when the radio turned on a Selena Gomez song was playing.

Demi's POV

We entered Starbucks and I saw recognized someone.

But I wasn't exactly sure who it was cause they were turned around. Oh god! It was Joe!

Demi- Holy shit Alex hide me!

Alex- What why?

Alex- Turn around and you'll see why!

Alex- Oh shit, god why does he have to be here right now!

Joe turned around and I'm guessing my hiding skills aren't very good because he started walking my way.

Joe- Uh hi Demi, how's your leg?

Demi- Ugh go away Joe.

Joe- Sorry I just wanted to see how you were.

I quickly grabbed my coffee.

Demi- Don't waste your time pretending like you care.

I started walking out of Starbucks.

Joe- Demi wait!

Demi- Goodbye Joe!

I got in the car and drove away as fast as I could.

Alex- Well that was interesting!

Demi- Be quiet!

Alex- haha

We got home and I just say there on the couch thinking about Joe.

Alex's POV

I walked upstairs and got in the shower. It was already 6:00 so I needed time to do my hair and make up for the party.

I hated taking showers. Not cause I have a hygiene problem it's just that the soap always burns my cuts.

When I got out of the shower I threw on some random clothes so Demi could do my hair.

Alex- DEMI! I yelled from upstairs

Demi- What?

Alex- You can come do my hair now!

Demi- Yayy!!

She finally got upstairs and plugged in the curling iron. We got done I about 45 minutes.

Demi- You look absolutely beautiful!

Makes- Thanks dem.

We started driving to Allison's house after I got dressed.

Wow her cousin must be rich cause this house is huge!

Alex- Bye Demi.

Demi- Bye Sarah, be careful, don't do anything stupid please!

Alex- I won't I promise!

I walked into the house and spotted Allison in the kitchen.

Allison- Hey! Alex I missed you!

Alex- Hey I missed you to!

Standing next to Allison was the hottest guy I have ever seen. He had blonde and Brown hair with blue eyes!

Allison- Oh this is my cousin Tyler.

Alex- Hey. I said blushing.

Tyler- Hey.

God he was fricken cute!

Tyler's POV

Wow! Allison's friend was really pretty! She was, ugh I can't even explain!

Tyler- Hey do you wanna go grab a drink?

Alex- Yeah sure what do you have?

Tyler- Beer, Vodka, Rum, mostly alcohol.

Alex- Oh I'm not a big drinker...

Tyler- C'mon it's jut a little cup you'll be fine!

Alex- I guess I could just have a little.

Tyler- Awesome!

I handed her a bottle of beer and we went to the basement were we had a game room.

Alex- Wow this room is huge! Is that a bowling alley? And a pool table!

Tyler- Yup, pretty cool huh?

Alex- Yeah!

Tyler- Wanna bowl?

Alex- Sure.

We picked a lane and on her first try she missed all the pins.

Tyler- haha, here let me show you.

Alex's POV

He came up and put his arms around me showing me how to knock the pins over.

It felt so good to be in his arms! I'm usually good at bowling but I think I'm a little drunk!

After we got done playing the game we headed upstairs for another beer. This was my 4th bottle! Allison came walking up to me.

Allison- Hey you having a good time? I see that Tyler likes you.

Alex- Yeah totally, uh he's nice.

Allison- And your wasted!

Alex- Yeah I should probably get going it's almost like 3:00 in the morning.

Allison- Ok, oh Tyler's looking over at you. You's should go say goodbye.

I smiled and walked over to him.

Alex- hey I'm gonna get going. Its getting late.

Tyler- Aww really that sucks! Come here I need to do something.

He took me somewhere were we were alone.

Alex- What?

Tyler- Shh don't talk.

He gently pressed his lips against mine. We slowly let go as I but his bottom lip. I wish I could stay here forever!

Alex- Bye Tyler.

Tyler- Bye, wait what's your number?

Alex- Ask Allison! Bye!

A couple minutes later Demi drove up.

Demi- How was the, wait why in the hell do you reek of alcohol! Explain yourself!

Alex- Ugh just leave me alone!

Demi- What did you say?!

Alex- I said leave me alone, you deaf?!

Demi- Your drunk! I trusted you to not do anything stupid!

Alex- Watever! Just get me home I'm tired.


What do you think Demi will do about Alex getting drunk? And will Tyler and Alex go on a date or will Demi forbid them to see each other?! Vote and Comment for early update!!

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