The Girl Who Believed (A Hobb...

By Mohiggins15

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Neither of us uttered a word for the longest time. I step towards him with my eyes never leaving his "Do you... More

The Book and the Beginning
Blunt the Knives
An Adventure Awaits
The Tale
Triple Trolls and Trouble
The Gift
Stone Cold
Eagle's Wings
End of the Beginning
Part 2: Desolation of Smaug
Barrel Roll
The House
Until Tomorrow
Substitute Sendoff
Dale at Daybreak
Part 3: Battle of the Five Armies
The Red Jewel
Halls of Erebor
Return to Dale
The Betrayer
The Traitor
The Battle
The Fearless
One Last Time
Head Off the Snake
The Wish
The Girl Who Believed

The Final Fight

767 29 24
By Mohiggins15

AN: Contains spoilers, violence, and major death. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. This is also going to be a LONG chapter. 

*Molly's POV*

The world around me has shifted. Through the colorless world around me, I move. My mind feels fuzzy and my eyes heavy but I move with ease throughout the gates. Glancing back ever so often I make sure Bilbo is able to follow my prints in the snow. After making it around the battle I find myself at the base of the mountain. Taking a deep breath I begin the trek up to try and reach Thorin in time.

*Thorin's POV*

I stab the last Goblin trying to flee. As I flick the blood from my blade Dwalin growls "Where is that orc filth?" as his eyes scan the snow-covered mountain top. My eyes wander around until I hear panting and a voice "Thorin..."
I turn and my eyes widen seeing her "Molly!"
I rush over to her and see her joined by Bilbo. As the Hobbit takes something from her quickly I shake my head "You were supposed to stay in Erebor! You shouldn't be here."
She grips my arm tugging me "You have to leave here! Now! Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded. There'll be no way out." 

Dwalin steps closer "We are so close! That orc scum is in there. I say we push on."
I look down to my blade deep in thought and then look up "No! That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in." Suddenly, I have understood "This is a trap!"
Molly looks panicked as she brings me to a terrifying realization "Thorin, where's Fili and Kili?"
My eyes widen at her then to Dwalin "Find Fili and Kili! Call them back!"
He is hesitant "Thorin, are you sure about this?"
I nod "Do it. We live to fight another day."

*Molly's POV*

As Dwalin starts to head towards the fortress we hear grunts and I look up in horror. I see Azog dragging a battered Fili in his grasp. He speaks in his language but stops and looks at me then smiles.
He speaks English "This one dies first. Then the brother. I will take the girl in front of you before anymore bloodshed. Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last." he hisses flashing a sinister grin down to us all.
I attempt to run out onto the ice but Thorin holds me back. Fili sees us and shouts "No! RUN!" 
I shake my head "No, no, no, no , no!" I shout as Azog plunges his armed sword through Fili's back and it goes through his chest.

A choked scream comes from my lips as I cover my mouth in horror. A pained gasp comes from Thorin and Dwalin turns away. My mind flashes back to seeing Fili. Strutting into Bilbo's house, wrapping his arm around me, and his charming smile. Every good memory I have of him now is a reminder of this very moment. Now, my friend is dead. As Azog drops Fili's body to the ground I close my eyes and breathe out. As he hits the ground he lands right in front of Kili who is coming out of the fortress. He sees his brother and anger enrages him. I see it all over his face.
"Kili no!" I shout as he begins running up the fortress. I break away from Thorin and begin running across the ice.
"Molly stop!" Thorin calls chasing after me. As I run on the ice I see an Orc charging me with a mace. I'm terrified knowing I'm not a good fighter, but the Orc didn't know one thing.

Do not bring death to my friends or the same shall fall on you.

I narrow my eyes and hit my knee's sliding on the ice and leaning back ducking the mace. I stand on my feet and turn stabbing it in the back then reach the steps chasing after Kili. As I race up the steps, from a tunnel Azog appears. I gasp as he backhands me and sends me down a level hitting a stone platform.
"Molly!" Thorin shouts. He goes to help me but Azog jumps on him and they tumble down.

Before I can go to help him I hear a growl and see an Orc raising his ax. A dagger hits him and he falls dead next to me. I look up at Tauriel who pulls it out and helps me up.
"Thank you." I say and she nods. We hear a grunt and look seeing Kili fighting Orcs left and right.
"Kili." We both say in unison. I then hear Tauriel yelp and I see a huge Orc with metal in his head and a scar over his eye charging towards us. I suppose this was Bolg whom Legolas was talking about.
"Tauriel!" I call as I grip my sword. 

Bolg reaches to strike her but I swing my sword slicing a good deep cut into his back. He roars in pain but turns with a backhand hitting me and sending me flying against the stone wall. I cough and wince from the pain feeling the sharpness in my ribs again.
"No!" I hear Kili shout. I look up and see Bolg making his way towards me and I try crawling away.
Tauriel jumps on top of Bolg again stabbing a dagger into his shoulder. He growls and grabs her slamming her body on the wall then the ground. 

"Tauriel!" Kili shouts jumping from the rock and onto Bolg. He swipes his sword but the monster catches his arm and squeezes it. Kili grimaces in pain and his sword falls from his hand.

"No." I call out and try to find my feet. Tauriel runs at them but Blog kicks her and she slides nearly going off the edge. As I get up I find my sword and run at Blog. He sees me coming and hits me across the face dazing me and I fall to the ground.
"Molly!" Kili calls.
I roll over only to have Bolg's boot on my throat. I squirm and breathe in what little air I can. Helplessly I look up as the orc reaches grabbing his sword. Kili looks frightened and I watch helplessly.  I scream as Bolg stabs Kili in the center of his chest. 

He gasps in pain and stares wide-eyed at the blade in his chest. He looks over at Tauriel who has a tear going down her cheek. I grip Blogs boot and squeeze my eyes whimpering in frustration and sorrow. This is all turning into a nightmare. Now I wished so badly for all of this to be fake. To be some dream my mind had made up as a cruel sick joke. I look up at Kili holding out an outstretched hand to him. He looks down at me in sadness weakly extending his hand. Before I can touch him Kili blinks as a tear goes down his cheek and his hand falls. Bolg drops him and I watch as my other friend lays there dead. Breathing in I feel a tear go down the corner of my eye.

"You are not weak. You are strong. You are brave. You will avenge your friends."

Gandalf's voice speaking to me awakens something inside of me. Something strong and willful. A form of unknown rage.
I grab Bolg's foot and give a good twist before getting out from under him. I quickly stand as he stumbles a little and I grab my sword swiping his knees. He roars and hits the ground.
"Tauriel, get him!" I call.
She jumps up in anger and I bend down giving her a boost as she steps on my back then jumps atop Bolg's head. Her legs fling him and she gives him a kick sending him over the edge. Before he goes over he then grabs her leg.
"No!" I shout reaching for her but the force of Bolg pulls me as well and we all going falling down the mountainside.

*Thorin's POV*

Azog and I had stumbled fighting one another until we were back on the ice. As my eyes are on the pale Orc I hear loud grunts and a crash. I look to see Bolg, Tauriel, and Molly falling down the mountainside. As Tauriel stops and Bolg disappears falling a little behind Tauriel Molly keeps going down the mountain. While tumbling backward she then lands on a curved up stone in the center of her back. I can almost hear the breaking noise and she makes a painful noise and grips her sides rolling over. Before I can call her name Azog roars "Finish him!"
I see many Orcs surround me and they charge. Swinging left and right I cut down as many as I can and as swiftly. I clash with a few but take them down. One a little larger than I hits me. It sends me across the ice and towards the ledge where I lose my sword. As the Orc is above me he raises his weapon but then a sword strikes him in the chest. My eyes widen seeing the Orcrist in his chest. It falls dead over the edge but I grab the handle of my sword in time.

I look just over the ridge to see Legolas. He nods and I nod to him. Looking up I see Azog growling as he advances.

  "Thorin!" I look seeing Molly now on the far edge of the ice. She sits up from her crawling position but I hold my hand up stopping her. Just as Azog swings his large stone mace at me I block it. I roll ducking it but only followed one after the other. I doge it every time barely, but I dodge it. I jump up and swing-out my sword at the pale Orc backing him up. He throws the large block making a cracking noise against the ice. Looking I see the ice cracking around us and see how the water sloshes up. However, when he swings again I am too slow and it hits my chest and I'm knocked back.  Gasping for air I see Azog rare back ready to charge and kill me, but an arrow hits his left side. As he roars in pain I see Molly loading another arrow. 

"That was for FIli!" she shouts. As she releases the next into his leg going straight through he howls in pain she growls "That is for Kili!" As she is only three feet from him she quickly picks up that block. 

"And this-!" she exclaims tossing it to him. He caches it and I see their weight shift. She then steps off and back towards me. "This is for messing with the company of Thorin Oakenshield." 

I watch as the ice turns up and Azog roars clawing to not slide into the water, but he does and he sinks and the ice then covers his only escape.

For a moment it's silent. The bitter cold air blowing its eery tune on the mountain as the only lonesome sound. I sigh a breath of relief as does Molly realizing the Orc isn't coming back up from where he disappeared. Wincing I stand and look at her. She breathes out a slow shaky breath and turns towards me. Her face is scratched up and her arm is bleeding. However, she is alive and in one piece. She smiles and I smile back at her but I can see the sadness in her eyes. Before I can reach out to her there is a crack and her smile fades as the next second Azog pops up through the ice. As he explodes up from the water he balls up his fist and hits her as hard as he can across her face. Her body goes flying like a rag doll and lands several feet away rolling then stopping.
"No!" I shout.
Just as I turn Azog swings his sword arm at me and I block it barely but slip on ice falling back. He goes to impale me but I lift my sword sideways catching his arm blade right over the center of my chest. My arms shake's under the pressure of Azog's sword holding it back. He glares down at me with hatred and yet a look of victory. I stare up at him and think of the lives being lost below and I think of Fili. My head then turns to the side and I look to see Molly stirring. She lifts her head up and her eyes lock with mine. Seeing her face I see her eyebrow is now bleeding and her cheek is swollen from Azog's punch. She doesn't deserve this. She didn't deserve any of it. I knew if I didn't do something she will try to save me and die doing so.

I stare at her and fear what her fate will be if Azog does not die. The thought of how much pain and torture Azog will put her through for my sake. I stare at her and she gives me a petrified look and shakes her head. In her eyes, I can see that she knows. Deep down she knows what must be done. I smile and pull back my sword. Azog's blade pierces my chest sending a sharp and heavy pain throughout my body.

I feel my flesh tear and my bones crack. I groan from the pain and tilt my head back slightly gasping for what air I can take in.

"THORIN!" I hear Molly shriek. 

Looking back at her I see her grief-stricken face. Her arm outstretched as if to reach me as the now silent shriek comes from her lips.

I grit my teeth and take my sword and stick Azog in the heart. I roll over shoving his back against the ice. With all my strength I push on the blade and it goes straight through the Pale Orc. His eyes glare at me in anger and shock that he has been defeated. With one croak the evil in his eyes goes dim and he's dead. There is no vile life left in his eyes and no more breath in his lungs. It's truly over. He's vanquished. Now they are safe.

I sigh and slowly stand. As I stand I stumble forward and hear a caw. I look up and see the Eagles sweeping down on the enemy dropping them. I see Baron dropping down and shifting into his large bear form killing many Orcs all at once. All of these people and creatures coming to fight for us. For the Dwarves. For me.

I'm relieved knowing that the ones I love that are left have a chance. A chance to live in their homeland, live to go back to the Shire and live to travel to other worlds. I breathe in and feel the blood spreading inside me.  I breathe out only to collapse onto the snowy ground and stare up at the sky.

*Molly's POV*

I watch with tears falling down my cheek as he collapses. "No,Thorin!.....THORIN!" I call jumping up. I ignore the pain in my body and run as fast as I can until I'm kneeling at his side. He looks up at me "Mo-Molly." he coughs.
I shake my head "Shh... it's okay, just-just stay still." I say trying to see his wound. "" he says trying to push my hands away "It doesn't matter."
I overpower him "Yes, it matters. Your life matters Thorin. I've lost people that I love and I'm not losing you!"
I peel back his shirt revealing his bare chest covered in blood and a deep gash right under his sternum bone and reaching a little above that. I cover my mouth and bite my lip taking in a deep breath to calm myself. I tare some pieces of my shirt and try to cover it as best I can.

"I'm-I'm glad your here." he says "I wish to part from this world with you by my side."

I shake my head trying not to look him in the eyes. Not to cave in front of him. Not now.

"No, Thorin, your not leaving me. You're not going to die. Not now."

He grabs my right hand and holds it just before placing it on his chest above the wound and wrapping his own hands around mine. I slowly look him in the eyes and see his face going pale. His eyes water up as he seems as if he is almost about to cry.

"I would take back my words and my deeds at the gate. I ask for your well as Master Baggins. He has done only what a true friend would do. And you, Molly, you have always sought out the good and righteousness in me. In the world. Forgive me...I was too blind to see. I'm so sorry that I have led you into such peril." he chokes and coughs trying to keep breathing. I shake my head and feel tears in my eyes and I run my hand through his hair and grip his hand in mine.
I put on a sad smile "No... no, I'm glad to have shared in all your perils, Thorin - each and every one of them. And it's far more than anyone like me deserves." 

As I smile at him he smiles up at me "You deserve....everything good in deserve all the good anyone could give you."
I sniffle and smile at him warmly while stroking his head. He reaches up with a shaking hand and rubs a tear away from my cheek. Bringing it back down he wraps it around my right hand again holding it tightly to his chest once more.
He smiles "Farewell, my dear, Molly. Go back to your world. Go back to your family, friends, and your mother's arms. Fall in love and grow old."
I tear up more and try to smile but can not.
He chokes a little "If more people were more like you and valued home above gold this world would be a merrier place."
I cry a little and rub his cheek "You are my happy place Thorin."

 Thorin smiles up at me "And you are too me."
I laugh a little and smile with my lip trembling and nod "Yes, you are. I believe in you. I know how strong you are so you have to live because...You're people needs you, your friends need you, I need you. Because you Thorin Oakenshield are the one I-..."
Before I can say anything else Thorin brushes his thumb over my lips. He looks at them then back up to me "I know."
Crying I lean down and lightly kiss his lips. He breathes in a little and grips my hand tightly. Gently I kiss him and he kisses me. His hands then slowly loosen from around mine and his chest falls. My eyes widen and I shake my head. Slowly I watch as the light from his eyes fades and he stares off into nothing.

 His eyes are pale, distant now. He is gone. Dead. My Thorin is dead.

 I sob not being able to make much noise. I'm too shocked to hardly breathe, blink, or cry. I gasp and let the tears flow down my cheeks.

"Oh, God, please no!" I cry out "Don't take him!"

I run my hand through his hair and hold his face in my hands. I shake my head and bend over placing my forehead on his. Trembling I lay down next to Thorin's body clinging to him. I sob and close my eyes softly whispering to him.

"I love you."

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