What Waits Along the Shore

unionjack11 द्वारा

10.6K 130 49

When Abby moves to Summer Bay she doesn't expect anything out of the ordinary to occur. But when Cameron Quis... अधिक

Chapter 2- Barbie
Chapter 3- Whimp
Chapter 4- Darlin'
Chapter 5- Cutie pie
Chapter 6- Corny
Chapter 7- Ok girls
Chapter 8- Sleepy Head
Chapter 9- Bella
Chapter 10- Mrs. Fancy
Chapter 11- Helloooo Ladies
Chapter 12- Girlfriend
Chapter 13- Fine
Chapter 14- It's Abby
Chapter 15- Hazy
Chapter 16- Fiancee
Chapter 17- Doctor
Chapter 18- Mum
Chapter 19- Bud
Chapter 20- Doctor Who?
Chapter 21- Zach
Chapter 22- Don't think so bro
Chapter 23- Baby Daddy
Not Another Happy Ending

Chapter 1- Hawaiian Goddess

1.3K 18 2
unionjack11 द्वारा

Hey, so this is my first story so please go easy on me! Excuse the mistakes etc. Hope you like it, comments and concerns are appreciated. Thanks!

-G xx

Chapter One- Hawaiian Goddess

I was done, finally. I lay on my bed and looked around my new room, assessing the layout and color. The new house was ok: three floors, five bedrooms, four bathrooms, and standard kitchen. But for me the only thing I cared about was the location. It was on the beach, from my bedroom, which was pretty large and had an ensuite bathroom; I could see the sand stretch out in both directions and the gorgeous water expanding for miles. Another bonus would be the boardwalk, a little slice of fun for the hot summer nights where I could hang out with my friends, when I made them. I got up and walked over to my desk, right in front of the bay window and sat down. I looked at all the pictures scattered on the surface, I still hadn’t decided on a place to put them and knew that I would spend at least the next hour obsessing on finding the perfect spot for them. I picked up the one of my best friend Krista and I sitting in the hot tub with our hair in crazy buns and our oversize sunglasses on and sighed. She was coming out to visit me at the end of the summer but it wasn’t soon enough, I would have to last a whole two months of being stuck in the house with my parents and younger brother. Something moving on the far side of the room caught my attention. There were two bay windows in my room and two doors, one leading to the hallway and one leading out to my balcony. The movement was coming from the house next door, through the bay window. I approached the window from the side and peeked out. All I caught was the bedroom door closing. ‘Hmm,’ I thought to myself, ‘I wonder if I have hot neighbours’ I laughed and walked out of my room and down to the kitchen where my mum was cooking.

“Hey sweetie, did you finish unpacking?” my mum asked, mixing the salad. I nodded my head and leaned against the counter.

“About painting it, can we do it like a green? And have flowered sheets like back home?” I asked, knowing what her answer would be.

“Not now Abs, we just moved in, let your dad and I get everything settled before we changed anything” she said, pulling out bowls and glasses.

“Fine,” I said harshly, “I’m taking the dog out for a walk” I grabbed the leash and the dog and marched out the house.

“But what about dinner….” My mum’s voice called, fading as I slammed the front door shut. I walked down the drive way and turned the corner, heading for the beach. Walter, my dog, made a mad dash as soon as he was let off the leash and I took off my sandals, letting the sand get between my toes. The heat was extreme and I was considering a skinny dip just to cool off. I pulled off my tank top and was in the process of removing my shorts when a really attractive guy tapped me on the shoulder. I turned bright red and tried to hold my shirt up across my chest.

“Sorry, was I interrupting something?” he asked with a smirk on his face, I shook my head and avoided eye contact.

“My names Cameron” he said sticking out his hand. I took it and gave it a firm shake, growing up with two older brothers gave me a firm hand shake and a mean left hook.

“Hey, I’m Abby” I said, still pumping his arm. He laughed and I looked down at our hands. I let go quickly and turned around, in doing so my unbuttoned shorts fell down and I was left standing in my hot pink ‘Hawaiian Goddess’ undies and purple bra.

“I would say so…” I heard Cameron mumble as I dropped my shirt and kicked off my shorts before sprinting into the ocean. I dove in and let the refreshing water wash over me, cooling my skin. As I popped up to the surface I saw Walter wading in the shallow water. I called him and his ears perked up, once he had spotted me he made a beeline to the water’s edge and shook. I laughed and dunked back under, smoothing my hair back from my face. When I emerged Cameron was swimming out to me.

“So, come here often?” he asked looking like a male model with his hair slicked back and his amazing eyes the colour of the ocean. I laughed and splashed him.

“Actually this is my first time. I moved into that house,” I pointed at my house, “today and couldn’t deal with my parents so came out here”

“No way!” Cameron exclaimed, “I live in the house on the right! Well, howdy there neighbor” I laughed and splashed him again, which escalated into a full on water fight with Walter barking on the beach at us.

After splashing around in the beautiful ocean with my gorgeous neighbor I made my way back to shore, picking my shorts up and putting them on over my drenched undies. I waddled to where the beach met the street and rinsed my feet under the tap there and grabbed Walter, before making my way back to my house. As I turned down my drive I heard my name being called out.

“Abby! Wait up!” Cameron jogged up to me, “I’m having a small get together tonight with some friends, you should come so I can introduce you. You know where I live” he said with a wink. And with that I had made my first friend; it looked like Summer Bay wasn’t going to be that bad.

I made my way up to my room, had a quick shower to rinse the salt water out of my hair and walked back into my room to choose my outfit. I chose my high-waisted shorts and a cutoff shirt from the Coldplay concert I had gone to with Krista before moving out here. I let my auburn hair dry naturally into waves and kept my makeup natural, Cameron had seen me with my hair slicked back, looking like a boy, it was kind of hard to look any worse than that. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where there was a plate laid out for me and a note taped to the door. ‘Abs, enjoy dinner, juice in the fridge. Gone to the boardwalk for your brother, be back later. On my cell, love mum.’ I nuked the plate and ate fast, anxious to head over to Cameron’s. ‘Who’s going to be there? Girls?’ I asked myself ‘of course girls! He’s an 18? year old guy, who wouldn’t invite girls’ I reminded myself. I waited until I could hear music before I left my house. On the 30 second walk over I gave myself a pep talk: ‘Everyone back home was friends because you were yourself so just be yourself’ and with that I knocked on the door. A good looking guy with dreadlocks opened the door and grinned at me.

“Cameron? Who’s the hot chick?” he called out over his shoulder, making me blush.

“It’s Abby, is she walking over?” he called back.

“I’m here” I replied and heard Cameron swear. He rounded the corner and pushed the guy out of the way. The guy punched him in the arm and Cameron glared at him before turning back and smiling at me.

“Hey!” he exclaimed “this is Nathan the dork, the others are in the living room, follow me” he said, leading me into the depths of his house. I followed and observed, beautiful paintings covered most walls and an exotic rug rested on the floor. In the living room there was a mini stage in the corner with three mic stands, three stools and a drum set. On the opposite side of the room there was a huge TV and sound system which was making the room shake with the sound of explosions. Two guys were occupying the couch operating Xbox controls, staring intently at the huge TV screen as two soldiers completed a raid. Cameron cleared his throat and one of them turned around and looked at us, dropping the controls and jumping off the couch. He brushed the crumbs off his shirt and walked over to us.

“Hey, I’m Michael” he stuck out his hand and I took it, pumping it liked I had done so to Cameron. I let go and he rubbed his shoulder, I couldn’t help but laugh. He picked up a couch pillow and threw it at the other still lying on the couch.

“What the F…” he trailed off when he saw us all standing there staring at him, “Who’s the chick?” he asked, staring right at me. Cameron’s eyes widened and I saw him blush slightly.

“Sorry, Zach over there doesn’t have a filter” he said before throwing another pillow at him, “Zach, this is Abby, my neighbor” Zach kept his eyes on the screen but waved a hand at me. I laughed and looked around the room. There was an empty pizza box in the corner and a recycling box filled with soda cans. Cameron grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto the couch. He flicked the lights down and changed the channel, ignoring the protests from Zach. He put on a movie and settled down, his leg resting against mine. I stared at our touching legs for the first half hour of the movie and eventually got used to the extremely hot guy next to me. At one point I leaned into Cameron and whispered in his ear

“Is this everyone that was coming over? Are there any girls coming?” he shook his head and got up, motioning for me to follow. He took me out the doors of the living room into the kitchen where he raided the fridge. He held out a can of soda and I nodded, he grabbed an empty glass, filled it with ice and poured the drink into it before passing me the glass.

“The dorks in there are my best friends. They come over here all the time and I thought it would be cool for you to meet them since we’re neighbours and you will probably seeing a lot of them. I thought you were cool when I met you at the beach, I mean I haven’t seen many girls go swimming at the beginning of the summer, the water’s usually too cold” he told me and I grinned, glad that he thought I was cool and that he was nice enough to introduce me to his friends.

“Well I wanted to say thanks; it’s really nice of you. So I saw a mini stage in there?” I asked, nodding my head towards the living room. He nodded his head and grabbed his glass, walked into the living room and turned on the lights. I followed him and plopped down on the couch next to Nathan.

“Not again!” Zach whined “I was just getting into the movie!” Cameron hit him on the arm and handed him the microphone. He stood up and stepped onto the stage and took a seat on the stool. Michael made his way to the drums and started a beat. Cameron grabbed an acoustic guitar from behind the couch, as did Nathan and they took their places next to Zach.

“Ok let’s take it from the middle of ‘James’” Zach said and Michael counted them in.

“James! Doesn't try still attracts the babes!

All the guys say he's got no game!

You can laugh but in the end now

everybody’s on a date with my buddy James.

And everybody knows his name.

He's driving everybody insane!”

 Cameron winked at me and I laughed. I found myself singing along with the song, and couldn’t figure out where I knew the song from. I took me a few minutes after they had finished the song and sat back down on the couch, staring at me intently.

“OH MY GOD!!” I screamed “you guys are Allstar Weekend!!” I jumped up off the couch.

“Yep, that’s us!” Cameron said smiling. I jumped up and down excitedly.

“This is so cool!! Wait so how come it’s so quiet here then? Like why are no girls beating your door down?” I asked.

“Well, we’ve had the band since we were really young so all the adults are used to us, most of the girls who live in Summer Bay are bored of us now. Also we don’t really walk around announcing who we are.” He told me, I nodded my head following along.

“This means you can’t tell anyone where we live. I trust you” he put his hand on my shoulder when he said the last part and I almost died. All I could think was ‘OH MY GOD! CAMERON IS TOUCHING ME!’ Cameron nodded his head towards the couch, “Want to finish the movie?” he asked. I sat down on the couch and got comfy, ecstatic about what I had just found out.

When the movie had finished the boys got up to go, leaving me and Cameron on the couch.“Nice to meet you Abby, see you around” Nathan said before leaving.

“Late” Michael said as he threw me a peace sign. Zach walked towards me and picked me up off the couch. I squealed and hit his back laughing.

“I can tell me and you are going to get along” he said once he had put me back down on the couch and ruffled my hair. I scowled at him and straightened myself out. He hit Cameron on the shoulder and then left.

“So…” I trailed off awkwardly.

“Just say it” Cameron said, turning to face me. A huge smile spread across my face which made him laugh.

“Holy crap my neighbor is part of Allstar Weekend and I just watched a movie with the whole band!! This is so cool. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone” I reassured him after my rant. He nodded his head and got up off the couch and made his way to the door.

“Let’s take a walk on the beach” he said and grabbed a sweatshirt. I grabbed my sandals and followed him out the door.

The sun was long gone and the moon and stars were twinkling, making the sky look like it was full of diamonds. In the city I couldn’t see this many stars, and I was in awe as they lit up the sky. He laughed at my open mouth. I started to shiver, the hot sand cooling off from a long day in the sun, and was surprised when Cameron draped his sweater over my shoulders. I turned and smiled at him.

“Thanks” I whispered “and not just for the sweater, for today, I mean I just moved here and now I feel like this summer may be bearable” he nudged me when I finished the sentence.

“No problem” he said stopping and staring at me, “when I first saw you on the beach taking off your tank top to go skinny dipping,” I started to blush “that’s when I knew you were different, and I’m glad I invited you over because it gave me a chance to get to know an amazing person who will hopefully improve my summer too!” he said and it was my turn to nudge him.

“It’s so cool that you’re a part of Allstar Weekend” I said, changing the subject, “I mean I can’t get over the fact that you’re my neighbor and that I just watched a movie with Allstar Weekend and that Zach Porter, The Zach Porter, told me he knew we were going to get along.” Cameron remained quiet.

“There was also this really cute guy that I met on the beach today, really good looking and funny,” I trailed off and saw a smile light up Cameron’s face. I grinned and inched slightly closer to him, gazing up at the night sky. Cameron stopped abruptly and pointed to a spot in the sky.

“Shooting star!” he exclaimed “Make a wish!” he said before squeezing his eyes shut. ‘I don’t need to make a wish’ I thought to myself ‘it’s already come true.’

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