Art Project [BoyxBoy]

By FailingAmbition

886K 27.5K 29.6K

Kris Sullivan is openly gay. In a close-minded small town, everything could go wrong, especially when you're... More

Art Project
School kingdom
Magnetic butterflies
Tyler sucks
Swarm of Guilt
Charity Case
Clash of Thunder
Late Night Swim
Venom Sucking
Over Protective
Pushing Memories
Newspaper Coverings
Burying The Past
Sneaking Out
Gay Clubbing
In Love
Crowded Room
Moving On
The Date
I Like You
Meet My Boyfriend
Colored Scars
Happy Halloween
The Truth
Held Hostage

Art Project

25.3K 820 829
By FailingAmbition

"I'm so sorry..."


"I was so stupid to let this happen to you and fall into Tate's plan all along."


"I love you, Kris."


I slowly opened my eyes and only winced when the light hit them. To my right was Tyler who had a shocked look on his face now that I had sat up.


I was cut off with his lips crashing onto mine and making my eyes widen in surprise. His hands cupped my head on both sides as he kissed me again, licking my bottom lip. I closed my eyes sighing blissfully when his tongue entered my mouth.

"I love you." Tyler said, pulling away from my lips but keeping his forehead to mine.

My heart fluttered at that and I almost forgot about what happened before. That maybe I hadn't been attacked by my ex-boyfriend, maybe Tyler hadn't put up a hate page dedicated to me, and maybe I wasn't in a hospital right now.

"Tyler... why would you do that to me?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off my hospital gown that went mid thigh in small blue polka dot designs.

"I-I didn't know-"

"Even if it was true and I went to Tate and he wasn't some insane freak, how could you do that to me? And it's so immature... a page where people can write how much they hate me," I said, trying not to break eye contact with Tyler now, "I thought we were at least friends."

Tyler opened his mouth to say something but Gabriel walked in the room and beat him to it, "Kris, you're awake!"

Gabriel shoved Tyler to the side somehow and wrapped his arms around me, "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have let you go... this is all my fault."

I pulled back hesitantly looking at Gabriel's tear soaked face and his white ruffled hair - he almost looked as bad as Tyler but what he said interested me.

"Gabby, I'm in the hospital." I pouted. "And you're nit the one who out me here."

"Tate- Tate ha-had hit on me before and threatened me an-and I didn't tell you because I thought you would say it's my fault which is stupid... it is my fault anyways, I shouldn't have l-let you go... I shouldn't have but I did!" Gabriel sobbed, wiping away some tear as he tried to breath in some air, "I'm so s-s-sorry. I'm so sorr-sorry."

"He hit on y-you? Gabriel, how could that be your fault?! And if someone threatens you- you're suppose to tell people. We're friends, that's what we're here for." I said, rubbing his back as he sobbed into my shoulder before pulling away again.

Gabriel sobs only increased as his body shook back and forth and I realized the only thing holding him up was his trembling hand on my bed. His head slung down as his mouth opened letting out sad whimpers.

"It's not your fault. I-it's okay, Gabby. I'm okay... and that's all that matters." I reassures but something didn't feel right still and that's when it hit me.

Hit me like a brick to the face. My veins went cold as I stopped everything and froze in place, letting out sharp breaths.

"Wher-where's Sora?" I asked holding onto the railing of my bed and began lifting myself up.

"Stop! You're just hurting yourself." Tyler yelled as he watched me struggle to get up.

"Nothing can be worse than what you do to me." I whispered as I tried to take my IV out.

"Kris, quit it!" Tyler yelled over Gabriel pinned me down to the bed, "Look. I know I'm probably your least favorite person right now but you got to calm down."

"Get off him, stupid!" Gabriel protested trying to wrestle Tyler off me when a county officer walked in the room.

"Sora's with us right now, Mr. Sullivan." A county officer said, closing the door behind him, "And all you boys quit with the fussin' and sit yer butts down."

Gabriel fumed as pink filled his cheeks and Tyler sat down beside my modelling friend with a glare.

"My name's Officer Paul. Now, somehow we missed this a couple years back but yer' not of legal age to be livin' on yer' own and pullin' out the records we've realized an accident." Officer Paul noted and grimaced.

My fear grew and my heartbeat pumped out of rhythm as my breath grew short. Please, don't say it. Please, don't let it be what I think it is.

"Your... your parents aren't dead."


"M-my parents are de-dead though." I finally admitted and the tears began,"How can you sit there and lie to me?"

"Boy, don't call meh a liar. You must've thought they were uh, dead but in fact, your parents were stuck over a tree." He said.

"They c-can't be al-alive," I sobbed holding onto myself instead of Tyler, "I saw them... die."

"Kris, I'm so sorry to hear that but Tate's father who had been targetin' you, was doin' it longer than he let on." Officer Paul explained with a frown, "Nearby their house in the woods... er, was a cabin. In that cabin were six people, includin' your folks."

"What do you mean?" I whispered through my hoarse throat.

"The man had been takin' people in and lockin' em up for his own needs, quite disgustin' actually," He said and shifted one foot to the other, "After doing a DNA test we realized that Sora is your half brother."

My... my mom was...

"Is she okay?" I cried, wiping my eyes uncontrollably.

"Now she is, we have em with us at the moment to clean up. Your mother will need daily therapy sessions and your father will be doin' it twice a week." Officer Paul let me know.

"Can I see them?" I asked hopefully and began to sit up.

"Lay back down! You'll just have to wait a little while until you and they are stable," He answered, "But you will see them, I promise."

I nodded, my body trembling.

Officer Paul said he had to leave for a moment but would be back to check up on me. Tyler and Gabriel stayed at my side and eventually the step brothers showed.

"Thank God, you're okay." Damian gushed before blushing and looking away, "Not like I care or anything."

Skylar smirked at that and his hand came down to pop Damian in the butt making him blush but snap at Skylar. A couple minutes later, Skylar pulled me into a bear hug making me smile.

"Kris, you're like a brother to me. Please, stop getting yourself killed." Skylar chuckled and I laughed.

"I'm sexier now with my amazing near death experience! " I joked and took a sip of the orange juice my nurse had left awhile ago.

"Oh God." Skylar grinned.

"Yeah, he's super sexy. Can anyone tell me where the restroom is?" Damian said making me try to my eyebrow lift face.

Someone's jealous.

Skylar grinned and led him out of the room, teasing him like a lovestruck boy.

Yeah. They totally like each other.


"No! No! Get off!" I cried as Tyler's hands roamed my body and his fingers danced on my skin. Everyone in the room earlier went out to get drive thru for us.

"Say the magic word." He taunted with a smirk.

"Never! Hahaha, let me go!" I panted between laughs before I froze when his face met mine.

"I'm so sorry," He whispered. His eyes were hung low as were his eyebrows, his dark hair oily from not showering to wait for me to wake up and he had the same clothes on when he rescued me from Tate.

Even saying his name was sickening.

"It's okay," I said. Even though what he did still hurt me and how he could say something like that about me with no problem, I loved him. I've loved him from day one and I always will.

"No, it's not. I was so stupid! I'm so sorry, Kris. I'm such an idiot-"

I cut him off with my lips pressed against his. His voice sounded muffled before he closed his eyes and kissed me back. Pushing me against the bed, he straddled my waist lightly and added tongue to the kiss.

I moaned at his lips on my neck before he bit down making me arch my hips in a way I've never done before. I could feel his smirk against my neck before he kisses up my jaw and found my lips again.

"Tyler," I let out a heated moan.

His hands found their way travelling up my hospital gown and stopped on my chest where they danced around my nipples. I let out a few pants as he twisted and ran his thumb over them. Kissing me again, his right hand traveled down my chest and to my -


Tyler looked pissed off as we turned to see Damon in the doorway with pizza and drinks.

I was hot right now and Tyler was too, judging from the hardness on my leg. Hitching myself up, I looked at the bathroom.

"I need to take a shower."

"A shower, yeah, okay." Damian raised an eyebrow. "I'll just call the nurse then."

My face heated up. "I don't need help." I nearly fell over if Tyler hadn't caught me. "Okay, maybe a little."

"I need to shower anyways." Tyler hauled us to the bathroom.

I ignored his problem as he stripped his clothes off and helped me out of my gown. He closed the shower curtain behind us.

"You're beautiful," Tyler said after a moment of silence, hot water pouring over us. My heart swelled.

"I love you." I captured his lips in a kiss.

He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me harder. I had never felt so loved, so needed, so happy. He was mine and I was his.

"I love you too." He pressed his forehead to mine.

A knock came from the door and we both groaned.

"Hey, it's Officer Paul. Your parents are here." He said through the door making my eyes widen and my voice catch in my throat.

"Tyler, help me!" I hissed panicked at what could happen and Tyler hoisted me up and began dressing me in another pair of underwear and a hospital gown once again.

Opening the door slightly, I peeked through to see my parents at each side of Officer Paul. I choked a little as my eyes began to water.

They're... alive.

"Kris!" Mom hugged me tightly to her body. It was kind of awkward with my butt hanging out but at this point I didn't care and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you so much," She cried making me cry also as my dad came around to my other side and wrap his arms around both of us. "We left you for three years all alone- oh my baby, I'm so s-sorry."

My heart clenched as tears fell from eyes and I shook. My body still hurt from the battle I went through yesterday but hugging my parents again made all those thoughts fade away. They're here, living.

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed as my body shook into their hugs, "I should've tried to stop the car and li-listen to you."

"Son, it's not your vault. The road's were slick, you tried to stop." My dad hugged me tighter making some of my stress go away.

"Now, I'm sorry to break you guys up. So very sorry but we have to discuss what happens to Sora." Officer Paul said.

"Orphanage." My mother sneered making my eyes widen and my dad nod in agreement.

"That isn't our baby. That's the man's." Dad said and glared at the wall.

"We have to keep him!" I yelled and everyone turned look at me. "I know th-that he isn't my full brother or anything but I helped him. I can't leave him now."

"There's already a family that wants him," Officer Paul informed.

"If I let him go - I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life." I sighed.

"We can't take care of him! I can't even look at him," Mom sobbed.


And with my confirmation, the officer told me about how great his new family was and how Sora would absolutely love them. It hurt to know he wouldn't be living with me but I couldn't hurt my mom anymore like that.

"Can I just talk to Sora one last time?" I asked.

"Uh, sure. We'll be right back, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan." Officer Paul said and took me down the hall to room 386 where Sora was lying with a bunch of wires in his arm.

"I'll be out in the hall if you need me," He announced and I closed the door.

"Sora?" I asked and his eyes opened until they fell on me.

"Kris!" He yelled and propped himself up looking at me with an excitement that hurt.

"I'm going to miss you." I said and sat next to him where his eyes drooped.

"Kris?" He mumbled making my heart tighten.

"Y-you can't, my parents won't let you." I stuttered and my eyes began to prickle with tears.

"Do I have to go back to bubby's?" He cried and cringed before I pulled him into a giant hug.

"No, no." I whispered and ran my hand down his back in a soothing way, "You don't ever have to go back to him. You're going to be living with a new family and they're really nice."

"You sure?" Sora mumbled.

"Y-yeah. You'll love them and they'll absolutely love you too, you know that? I heard they even have a dog." I soothed before pulling away from our hug and wiped his tears away.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded as tears hid under my eyes.

"Kris, we got to leave." Paul said and I nodded.

Grabbing a sheet from the end table, I wrote down my a dress and phone number.

"In case you ever want tot talk to me again, okay?" I whispered and leaned over to kiss his forehead.

"I love you." Sora cried and I hugged him again.

"I love you too." I whispered before Paul pulled me out of the room.

Closing the door, I wiped my tears on my wrist and ignored the thundering of my heart. He would be fine... he would love his new family. Officer Paul took me back to my room where I dressed and was being checked out early to go home. With my family.

Paul asked me how I managed so long at being parent-less without the cops knowing. I said I faked signatures and I guess people didn't find out because it,s such a small town.

"I love you," Tyler said after I got dressed.

"I love you too!" I yelled enthusiastically, trying to cheer myself up as I then leaned forward and took him by the mouth.

"Ahem." I blushed to see my father at the door. I pecked Tyler quickly as he smirked and walked my way over to my parents. They had a few bags with them as they waited on me.

"So, who's your boyfriend?" My dad asked, surprising me with his acceptance.


"I'm going to kick his butt if he hurts you." Dad grinned and I pushed him a little.

"Oh, shut up." I grinned.

"He's a little cutie," Mom cooed and opened the door for me, "How did you two start talking?"

"Oh. Well, we got paired up for an art project."


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So, this is like. The ending.

I've had so much fun writing this story and I hope you had a good time reading it. :)

I love you all so much! Thank you for reading!

-Skylar & Damian's book is "The Play." Please check it out!!

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