Unexpected Love || Harry Styl...

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Meredith's perfect life turned upside down after her parents death meaning she had to move in with her older... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four (END)
Extra | UN Fragment

Chapter Forty-Six

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Por clarity-

Author's Note: Doritos are amaZAYN! Just putting it out there.....

Meredith's P.O.V

The next morning, I got up pretty early. Six in the morning to be exact. I had too many naps after Eleanor left yesterday so I guess there is no strange reason why I woke up so early when there is no school.

I shivered as I pushed the covers over my body and grabbed my white fuzzy robes. I quickly put it over my plain black tank top and put my hair in a messy bun. I slipped my slippers on and walked out my room.

The house was quiet as the floor creaked under my foot steps. I heard the sound of rain outside. I quickly jogged downstairs and entered the kitchen which was freezing. Thank god I wasn't wearing shorts. My loose pajama bottoms were thick keeping me nice and warm.

I made myself a mug of hot tea and used the mug as my hand warmers. It worked pretty good if you asked me.

I strolled into the living room which was empty as I expected. My eyes landed on the huge tree that was up next to the fireplace. It was decorated with ornament making the tree look beautiful. The Christmas lights were wrapped around the tree but wasn't on. I frowned and plugged the wire in making the bright lights come into life. I stepped back and stared at the beautiful Christmas tree.

Michael did a great job. Now that I think about it, I should've helped him out without just bailing on him over a boy who I am madly in love with who wants to lip lock with my best friend's sister who happens to be years older than him! Unbelievable!

I walked to the window seat on the other corner of the living room. I sat down and leaned my back to the wall and brought my legs up. I grabbed my mug of tea and sipped it while looking out the window at the rain that was pouring from the sky.

The snow wasn't on the ground anymore since the rain washed it away. The streets were empty and I didn't expect anyone to be out in this cold not unless they are bloody mad or just wants to get a cold.

I looked down at my mug which half the tea in it was gone. I drink tea a lot faster than I thought. I looked back up and out the window just for my eyes to set on something.

Not something.


Two people.

A boy and a girl.

The boy was holding an umbrella and grinned down at the girl in front of him. The girl giggled as the boy's right hand rested on her back pulling her closer. She smiled wide as she wrapped her arms around his neck. There was a moment of them just staring at each other until the boy suddenly let the umbrella go making it fly away. The girl gasped as the water hit her head and body. The boy just laughed and I looked closely.

Did he have dimples?

The girl playfully hit the boy's chest and in a swift the boy wrapped his huge arms around the girl's small body and crashed his lips on hers.

I starred at the couple in awe and admiration. They looked so cute.

The boy picked the girl up and twirled her around with his lips still on hers. The rain fell all over them as they stood snogging in the middle of the street.

Then I noticed how the boy exactly looked like.

Curly hair which was down now from the rain. Huge arms with ink on them all over. His eyebrow ring.

It couldn't be.

Was that Harry and me?

My eyes grew wide as I stared at Harry and I snog in the rain.

How? What? When?

I leaned back on the wall as I still stared at myself and Harry. Was that really even me? I blinked rapidly waiting for the couple to disappear but they didn't. They kissed even more without coming up for air.

How can I be out there when I am sitting in here?

"Meredith, you're awake pretty early!" I heard Lindsey's voice. I snapped my head her way.

"Lindsey look! There is-" I cut myself off when I faced out the window again just to see the couple wasn't there anymore.

It was my imagination.

"What?" Lindsey questioned raising her eyes brows.

"Nothing. I thought I saw something," I quietly replied shaking my head in disappointment. I don't know why I was upset. I shouldn't be daydreaming about Harry like this. I shouldn't be daydreaming about Harry period!

"What did you see?" Lindsey sat down with her own mug of tea in her hand.

"Don't worry about it. It was nothing."

"O-Kay. How is your crush doing?" She questioned winking my way.


"Harry," She answered in a 'duh' tone. "Oh him," I looked away and answered in an annoyed voice.

I wouldn't have been confused if she was more specific. If she said something like "The boy who hurt you so many times but you still love him." But Lindsey didn't know much of Harry and I's 'relationship.' Whatever kind of relationship that was.

"What do you mean 'oh him'? You were falling head over heels for the boy!" She exclaimed. She wasn't wrong on that. The problem was I wasn't falling. I already fell and now I'm feeling the hurt that I knew I would be feeling way before but I never had a problem before.

"Are you dating yet? I hope you guys are. You two make the cutest couple!" She kept gushing making me feel even worse.

"I can invite him for dinner and then he could finally meet Michael! They would-"

"We're not dating Lindsey!" I snapped cutting her off. She was taken aback as I tried to calm down. I took in deep breaths as Lindsey sat there on the chair still in shock. I never snapped at her like that so I didn't blame her to be shocked.

"I'm sorry," I whispered looking down. "Harry and I aren't really on good terms. I'm confused and I just want to go a day without thinking about him. Please Lindsey, I'm am so confused and I just don't want to talk about him," I explained.

From the corner of my eye, I saw she got up and sat next to me and gave me a side hug and kissed my temples. "It's okay. I hope you figure things out." She whispered. I nodded and hugged her.

"What's going on here? Did someone pass away?" Michael's serious voice rang in my ears. I pulled away from the hug and looked at Michael who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Who is it? Are you guys okay?" He questioned sadness falling over his face. I giggled at how stupid he is.

"Meredith! Someone just passed away and you're laughing? How can you be so disrespectful?" Michael asked in disbelief. This time I bursted out laughing and Lindsey joined in. We were both laughing our asses off as Michael stood there staring at us in confusion.

"No one died Mike," I said in between giggles. I got up and fixed my robes.

"Then what is it?" He questioned.

"Girl stuff," Lindsey simply replied and walked pass me to the kitchen. Michael looked at me still lost.

I shrugged and then giggled. I quickly jogged upstairs to get ready. As I was collecting my clothes for a shower, my phone started vibrating. I groaned and sat my clothes on my bed and walked to my phone which was laying carelessly on the bed. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

Incoming call from Collen.

I had a 5 seconds argument with myself whether I should pick up or not. I decided to pick up and get it over with. I know Collen. If I don't answer the first call. He will call every 10 seconds and I'd rather not go through all that hell.

"Hello?" I answered my voice shaky.

"Hey," I heard his soft voice from the other side. I plopped down on the bed as I kept the phone to my ear listening to his uneven breathing.

"Uh, um, I, uh." He tried to say. "Are you still there?" He finally questioned. I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me.

"Yeah," I breathed into the phone. I heard him sigh.

"I'm sorry about how the week has been going. I've been a complete jerk and I shouldn't have been acting like this. I was thinking if we can hang out today as friends since I'm leaving tomorrow and I didn't exactly get a chance to hang out with you. If you didn't count the awkward silences in the car," He said making me chuckle in the end.

"How do you expect to hang out when the sky is crying it's heart out?" I joked making him laugh on the other end. I smiled knowing this is going well. I wasn't really used to this friends thing but it's going okay so far I guess.

"It will stop raining soon so maybe we could go to a cafe and hang out?" He questioned nervously.

"Sure," I replied. "Great! Be ready in an hour. I'll come pick you up," He said in a excited tone. I chuckled.

"Okay. See you then!" I replied.

"What, no 'I love you?'" I heard his voice. I think he realized what he said because he quickly tried to cover it up.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to say that! It just slipped-"

"Collen calm down. It's alright," I responded laughing. I didn't want another awkward situation. "See you soon then," He stated.

"Okay," I replied and cutting the line. I sighed and walked into the bathroom getting ready to take a long shower.

After a nice refreshing shower, I decided to get ready since Collen will be here in about 30 minutes. I opened my closet and looked through my clothes. I grabbed the nearest pair of jeans and a jumper. But then I stared at the clothes I picked. I tilted my head and then put the clothes back.

I haven't worn a dress or skirt ever since first day of school. I knew it was too cold for a dress or a skirt but you can always wear tights.

I grabbed my black circle skirt and a navy blue and white polka dot cropped top that had a spaghetti strap. Even though the outfit was sort of girly, I decided to wear something different. Wouldn't hurt to try would it?

After putting my tights and the other clothes on, I realized the top showed a bit of my stomach. I examined myself in my mirror and decided to leave the stomach showing since it looked better like that then having the skirt higher up. I put a cardigan on and did my hair.

[Outfit on the side]

After applying mascara and a bit of eyeliner, I grabbed my phone and wallet and put it in my bag. I put my boots on and headed downstairs.

"Where are you going all dolled up?" Lindsey teased when she saw me.

"I'm hanging out with Collen," I simply replied grabbing my jacket. "A date?" She questioned raising her eye brows.

"It's just Starbucks. Calm down!" I joked giggling. I walked out the house and grabbed my phone to text Collen but he beat me to it.

I'm running a but late. Sorry! I'll meet you at Starbucks. xCollies

I quickly texted back with a quick 'okay' and decided to walk to Starbucks since it wasn't that far away. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. There wasn't snow on the ground anymore but the pavement was still wet from the rain. It wasn't raining anymore thank god.

The streets were still deserted since no one wanted to get out the house. They are probably still decorating for Christmas and wrapping presents. Speaking of presents, I needed to wrap some of the ones I'm giving.

There was Christmas lights hanging on every other house making it look very pretty. Well not that pretty since they weren't lit. But I wonder how it would look at night. As I got to the main part of Holmes Chapel, I saw bodies walking around. I noticed a new bakery that opened across the street from Starbucks. I have to go in there sometimes.

I finally reached Starbucks as I walked up the two stairs. I opened the door letting the smell of fresh coffee fill me. I looked around to see there were more people than usual.

I walked up to the counter and ordered for me and Collen since I knew him too well and know exactly what he would've ordered.

I started walking to a table and searched in my bag for my phone but it decided to take a trip all the way to the bottom. I groaned quietly as I tried to find the thing but I was so busy looking for it that I didn't even notice bumping into someone.

"Oh crap! I'm sorry. I should've been-" I stopped just as I got the full view of the person's face.

I gulped down as he licked his lips and then took his lip ring between his teeth as he looked me up and down.


Author's Note: This is probably the shittiest chapter of all times. It was a filler. And I wanted to update and try to make up for the time I didn't update last week. I hope you guys didn't find this chapter as crappy as I did. Next chapter will be up soon and I am thinking of the sequel and it is amaZAYN, well according to my head. Thanks for reading!

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