The Rogue Dragon

By anythingeeky

70.3K 4.4K 635

The sequel to The Last Dragon Rider Scarlet, now comfortable in her own skin, has finally settled into her ne... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Tag thing
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

1.9K 132 63
By anythingeeky

I haven't updated in a very long time, and I am very sorry to all of my readers. I've been extremely busy with school and other activities unfortunately, as much as I hate to admit this, my writing became a second priority. I've got my life sorted out and can continue writing again😊. Thank you to everyone who takes time out of there day to read my book. Again I'm so sorry. Anywho now to the QOTC and the chapter.

QOTC- If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

For me flying. Why? Because flying and I hate running. Much better form of transportation if you ask me.i
"We're almost there!" I shout over the whistling wind. I can see the tips of Mountains where rogues base is. Soon enough we would be able to land. I look over to Aaron who's face is turning a pale green color.

"Once we get there-" I begin but am cut off by a blunt force that hits Embers side. My eyes only catch a blur of black before I lose sight of it again. Aaron and I are jerked to the side then whiplashed back. Aaron loses his grip and comes cashing into me. We collide, my hand slips and we go tumbling off Embers back. I manage to hook onto the end of Embers wing and grab Aarons foot. Ember tires to make an attempt to regain control but her head spins and her eyes shut. My finger tips ache and my arms feels like it's about to rip off. Aaron dangles facing nothing but the space in between him and the hard ground. He screams. We start to fall. I can't tell if Ember is awake or not. We spin out of control and I don't see much besides Embers red scales. I don't have to see the ground to know how close we're getting.

"EMBER!" I scream but my voice is lost in the wind. We're falling and falling. Then we stop and hit the ground with a hard painful thud.

The wind is knocked out of me and I'm still gasping for air. My back and sides ache from the impact. I see Embers red scales beneath us and her wings wrapped around her body sheildimg us. Aarons lays by my feet and looks dazed. Ember took most of the impact but my my still head spins. Embers wings fall to her sides and she exhales a shaky breath.

"Son of-" I hear Aaron groan. The floor seems to sway beneath me and shakily I sit up. He's silenced when something else lands near us. My body resists but I stand to look around. I can the rogues mountain, but I can't see the rest of the fleet. We've crashed in a clear field. I turn around and see a rogue dragon barreling toward us eyeing ember as easy prey. I panic trying to find my bow which was lost during the fall. The rogue slows a bit hesitant in case Ember wakes but she isn't. Ember lays still, eyes closed. I spot my bow lying far away from our crash sight there is no way for me to get to it in time. Aaron's lost his bow as well and is only left with a few arrows.

"God dammit..." I mumble and resort to the hunting dagger strapped to my side. The blade is no longer then 9 inches and by no means can withstand a dragon attack. I might as well have been using a tooth pick. I stand between the rogue dragon and Ember. I know I can't protect her. I scream out and throw the blade as hard as I can aiming for the dragons eye. The rogue jerks it head, I've only managed to nick the corner of its eye. The rogues eye is blurred with blood that comes from the corner I managed to nick. It's distracted now. 

"Ember get up!!!" I shout not taking my eyes off the rogue who's now recovers and glaring at me. It stared at me with its red beady eyes and then it's gaze shifts to Ember who lays unconscious. Aaron is up and is running to get my bow off the ground. The earth suddenly shakes and I fall losing my balance. I can tell it's another dragon that's landed. It lands on the opposite side of Ember. I only see blur of black leap for Ember. I turn my head away and shut my eyes expecting the worse.

A strong gust of wind blows me right off my feet. I hit the ground hard. Terrified I look up expecting to see black scales. Instead I can see a familiar green.

"Bane!" I exclaim. Bane snaps his jaws at the rogue and lashes at it with his talons. He drives the rogue farther away from Ember. Always keeping himself between Ember the rogue. Aaron has an arrow notched and is aiming for the other eye of the first rogue. The rogues movements slowed as it could no longer see out of the eyes I hit. Aaron take a breath and then releases the arrow. The rogue jerks it's head to the side and the arrow misses. Aaron searches the ground for another arrow. It roars at us and is now sprinting at us. The rogue stops and opens its jaws. Aaron is father away from me now looking for the last arrow. At the back of its throat I can see an orange glow. Then it hits me fire. This dragon can conjure fire and it's glaring right at Aaron. It reals it head back I know what's coming, I don't even have time to warn him. Aaron finds the arrow and is reaching to pick it up. Goddammit.

I sprint towards Aaron and with all my might I shove him forward. He's sent flying forward and I don't have I chance to run before I'm engulfed in flames.

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