Give Me A Chance ||COMPLETED||

By purplemegx

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Nikki had always been dreaming of getting married and having children of her own someday. Now that she found... More

Cast & their Real Names
Ch1 • Double Trouble
Ch2 • Dream Wedding
Ch3 • Chasing Cars
Ch4 • Four Seasons
Ch6 • Konichiwa Japan
Ch7 • Friend indeed
Ch8 • Diva of the Year
Ch9 • Best Gift Ever
Nikki + Seth = NETH BELLINS
Ch11 • Tagged
Ch12 • Uh oh! Trouble
Ch13 • Distressed
Ch14 • Piece of Advice
Ch15 • Evanescence
Ch16 • ハッピー
Ch16.2 • Difference
Ch16.3 • Cloned
Ch17 • Bitter Be Like
Ch18 • Fearless Not Fearless
Ch19 • Turn Tables
Ch20 • The End
Epilogue Part 2
Epilogue Part 3
GMAC Book Covers

Ch10 • Cats and Pink

937 23 24
By purplemegx


Seth left for work and I am here all alone again. Well, Kevin is here, but I'm not in the mood to play with him. Here in the house were Linda and Tasia as well. They are our househelps.

Maybe it's time that I'll buy things in the house and I'll be shopping. I wanted new curtains, bed sheets, pillow covers and I want them pink! Pink is not really my favorite color but I began to like that color because of Hello Kitty. The other day when I was busy browsing on social media, my eyes brought me to the Hello Kitty page. And I really love it! It's soooo cute! I feel like I wanted to go back to Japan to shop kawaii stuffs!

I dressed up and put on my shades, then drove to the city. I took a selfie and posted it on instagram.

After, I googled where can I look for Hello Kitty stuffs and there are quite plenty of Sanrio stores in San Diego. Daiso Japan, Marukai, Tokyo Central, Trendy, Sanrio and many more. I decided to go to Sanrio because it's much nearer at our house.

My eyes were sparkling when I see them. All cats and pink! The store was filled with Hello Kitty, but there are also other variety of character themes. I got a shopping cart and stroll around the store. I got what my eyes wished.

When I'm done, I drove to the nearest cafe. I just ordered a piece of donut and a cup of tea. I didn't order coffee because I previously read in the internet that it's not ideal for pregnant women, so yeah.

My phone went off and I saw the handsome face of my husband. I put on my bluetooth earphone and picked up.


"Hi love.. How are you doin' there? Have you eaten? Don't skip meals okay?" He said through the phone.

"Yes daddy!" I chuckled. "I'm fine. We're good. I just been shopping. I'm on my way home.."

"Who's with you?"

"All by myself..and baby.."

"You should've brought Linda with you.. I don't want you getting exhausted. Rest when you get home a'right?"

"Okay.. Uhm love.. Can I add decorations around the house?" I asked for his permission. Besides, he's the one who bought it.

"Of course! Do whatever you want. That house is my gift for you, so it's yours.."

"When are you coming home?"

"Awe.. My love's missing me. I miss you too and baby.. I'll be home before you even know it."

"Uhh. Love?"

He sighed. "I'll be here till next week."

"What? You won't be home tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry love."

I sighed. "What can I do?"

"I'll just make it up to you.. Gotta go.. Take care, okay? Love you.."

I sighed again. Seth is supposed to get home by tomorrow, but as he said, he got work until next week.

When I got home, I changed the bedsheet, pillow covers and curtains. Linda, our househelper, told me that she can do it herself, but I insist that I'll help her. I busied myself with chores. We added decorations around the house. Even my bathroom is themed. Seth told me to rest, but I just can't. I was excited for the makeover!

I ate when we were done. I told Tasia to take care of Kevin. Then I took a warm shower and I laid on my hello kitty bed. I suddenly felt the tiredness then I passed out.


Day came and I got no message from Seth. No calls either. Before, he always send me good morning messages or he even calls me. Hmm.. Maybe he's still asleep. But it's already 10:26 am, he should be awake and working out.

I got up the bed and did my morning hygiene. I already chatted with my friends last night about my house. They got me workers who'll paint the wall. Shane will also come to assist me in designing. I am so excited! I'm gonna have a hello kitty home!

The painting and designing just took three whole days. It's just a simple makeover, so it's that fast. Shane said I'm weird because they knew I am a dog lover, but now I love this cat too. I told her I'm pregnant. She congratulated me and told me maybe because of the hormones that I like the kitty instead of puppies. She said that some pregnant women changed their tastes in different things. Either the food, the color of the surroundings, and even people. She asked me if I'm sure with this cats and pinks, and I told her I am damn sure.

I love this Hello Kitty with leopard print pillow covers, bed sheet and comforter. I feel really light.

My bathroom is hello kitty themed as well. The wall is painted with light pink and I put the hello kitty stuffs I bought from the store.

Look at the toilet covers and mats! I bought different designs.

Warm and cozy vibes of our living room. I bought hello kitty throw pillows. Hello kitty frames hanged on the wall.

The kitchen in a simple modern pink and white combination.

And curtains in different designs too.

Oh my gosh! I can't wait for my husband to see this! It is so lovely! I didn't sent him the photos because I want it to be a surprise! I know my girls will love this too! Especially Nattie and Paige, they love cats.


It's Alanna's birthday today and Sam called last night to invite me and my husband for the celebration. Unfortunately, Seth had interviews, so I don't think he can make it today. But I hope he could. I already called him that I'm going to Sam's house for the birthday party.

I had a Kitty stuffed toy and dress that I bought from Sanrio as my gift. It's so cute!

"Where are you Brie? Are you coming to the party?" I asked through the phone. I am currently here at the airport waiting for my flight.

"Yeah yeah.. I'm on my way.."

"On your way to the bathroom? Brie, make it fast. Don't be late!"

I felt Brie's eyes rolled. I knew she just woke up by the sound of her voice. She's in Dallas so we're not going together. We'll just see each other in Alanna's party.


"Hi Nicole! I'm glad you came.. Where's Brianna?" Sam said when I arrived at their house.

"Oh, you know Brie's kinda had a late clock.." We giggled. "But she's on her way.. Where's Randall?"

"He said he's on his way too.. By the way congratulations on your pregnancy.. Alanna and I have a gift for you, but I'll give it to you later.." She winked.

"Awe.. Thank you.. Where's my goddaughter?"

"She's upstairs preparing.. You go get her. She's so excited to see you."

Sam was busy preparing for the party, so I went upstairs to Alanna's room.

"Hey cupcake!" I greeted when I saw her. She's still on her robe.

"Aunt Coco!" She beamed and ran towards me. I came in her room and hugged her. "I miss you Aunt Coco.."

"Ohh, I miss you too.. Where's your dress?"

"Mom bought me two dresses and I can't choose what will I wear." She pouted.

"What dress do you like most?"

"I like both of them.." She pouted even more. So cute!

"Okay.. Aunt Coco has an idea.. How about wear this one first when we start the party... And this one after we eat, okay?"

She happily nodded and I helped her put on her dress. I also put lipgloss on her to make her not so pale. She got an electric curler and I curled her blonde hair. She put on her flower headband after. And she's perfect!

After almost an hour, we went downstairs in their garden hand in hand.

"Aunt Nanna!" Alanna called when Brie came.

"Hey little girl! Wow, you've grown so fast! Here's my gift.. Happy birthday.."

"Thank you Aunt Nanna!" She pecked her cheek and hugged her.


"Dada!" Randy came just seconds after Brie. Are they together or something?

"Oh! Hey! How's my baby girl doing?" Randy hugged and carried his daughter.

"Good.." Alanna answered.

"Nik, you're here early?" Randy regarded.

"Yeah.. You guys rode together?" I can't help but ask.

"Yeah.." He didn't deny it. They were together! O-kay..

I nodded pursing my lips. Brie gave me a wth look and I just raised a brow to her.

"Hey! There you are! Brianna, Randy.." Sam came and greeted them. "C'mon! The party's about to start.." Sam said and we went towards the garden where their guests are.

Alanna's seventh birthday party started with an entertainment. Sam got mascots and clowns for the kids. I am with Brie, Randy and Sam's parents on a round table.

I texted Seth if he would come and still I didn't receive a reply. I sighed. Maybe I'll just stop hoping because he couldn't and wouldn't come anyways. I put my phone back inside my handbag and focus my attention to my goddaughter's birthday.

They got some games for the kids and they enjoyed the magic show. It is indeed so happy being a kid. Carefree and no bigger problems to solve. And I am grateful because I spent my childhood with Brie. We get along so very well. Our mom gave us enough and we're not asking for too much.

After eating, Brie and I are in Alanna's room because she changed her dress.

"Here's my gift sweetheart.." I said and gave my gift to Alanna.

"Oh, thank you Aunt Coco.. I love you and Aunt Nanna.." She said and pecked my cheek.

"Awe.. Love you too.."

"Where is uncle Seth?" She asked.

"He had work baby.. I'm sorry he can't make it.. But he said he'll just send you his gift."

Alanna pouted. "But Dada told me uncle Seth will come.. And he promised me he'll not miss my birthday."

Brie and I looked at each other. I feel bad for her. Seth said that he'll be in New York for a week, but another week passed but he's not yet gone home. He promised me, but he broke it. And now even Alanna, he had broke his word. What's happening to him? He isn't like this before..

Alanna played with her friends in the garden while the old ones are chatting with each other. Brie and Sam were talking. I saw Randy sitting on a bench watching her daughter play, so I walked and sat beside him.

"Hey Rands.."

"Nik, look at her.. She's now seven years old. She's no longer a baby." He said without looking away from Alanna.

"Yeah.. Time flies so fast.. But she's still your baby girl no matter what.." He nodded and smiled.

"I heard your pregnant.." He said and looked at me. "Congrats,"

I forcefully smiled. "Thanks.."

"Seems like you're faking that smile.." He said. I remained silent. I don't know what to say. He saw it. "Aren't you happy that you're gonna have a kid?"

I quickly shook my head. "No no.. It's not that.."

"Then what's wrong?"

Maybe I could open up to him. He's a long time friend after all. I know he's trustworthy. I heaved a deep breath before I speak.

"Seth.. Is he that busy that he couldn't go home to his wife?"

"He hasn't gone home?" He asked, rather surprised.

"Not yet.. It's been two weeks.. I frequently called, but he said he had interviews and conventions to attend to.."

"Oh," he nodded. "He's a real busy man, isn't he? He's the top grossing superstar in WWE, what can I say?" He shrugged his shoulders.

Seth is indeed on the top of his career right now. And I can't make a fuss about that. He's making a living, especially now that we're gonna have a baby.. But I know something isn't right. And I didn't like it.

"I don't know... I didn't want this feeling.. It's eating me up inside everytime I think about it.."

"What feeling?"

"Feeling that maybe...." I trailed.

"That maybe he's cheating on you?" We looked eye to eye. I know Randy will not lie to me if he knew something about Seth.

"Is he?" I asked instead.

"I don't think so.." He shook his head. "But don't worry Nik. I'll keep an eye on him for you.. And if he does, I'll beat the hell out of him!"

"Hope that it won't happen.. But thanks Rands.."


Two days later, I invited my friends to come to San Diego. I wanted to be with them and also I wanted them to see my house.

I called Brie through facetime. They're in Chicago today for the live shows. It's six pm so I think their show is over.

"Hi Brie!" I beamed.

Brie told the girls behind her that I called, so they waved and greeted me.

"Hey girlies! I want to invite you to come at our house tomorrow. Are you free guys?"

"Why? What's the occasion?" Brie asked.

"Hmmm... Nothing.. Just a simple gathering and you could sleep over. I missed you girls.."

"Awe, we missed you too," Renee.

"Is it girls' only gathering?" Lana.

"Yeah! We're in on that! Finally we'll go to the beach!" Paige.

I chuckled. "See you in your bikinis girlies!"


Day came and I told Linda and Tasia to prepare food and drinks for my guests. They also tidy up the guest rooms for the sleep over later. I'm so excited to see my girls!

"Hello there!" "Hi!!!" The girls beamed when I opened the door.

Brie, Paige, Renee, Eva and Foxy came. I hugged them one by one as they're coming in the house.

"Oh my gosh! What did you do to your house?" Brie gasped.

"Isn't it cute?"

"I love it!" Paige beamed.

"Your house is so girly!" Eva.

"Oh my gosh! You have a dog!" Renee said when Kevin ran to them.

"It's Seth's.. His name is Kevin."

"Hi Kevin!"

Foxy carried Kevin and they check out the house. Brie and Renee are with me in the kitchen preparing snacks.

"Even your kitchen is pink.. You're weird." Brie said.

"I know! I'm obsessed with pink and that kitty! Sooo cute!"

"Because of pregnancy hormones?"

"I think so.."

"So, Seth haven't gone home yet?" Renee asked.

"Ahh no.. Not yet."

"You missed him?" Renee intrigued.

"So much.." It's been two weeks that I haven't seen him. I missed my husband so damn much.

We went to the pool and there were the rest of the girls already in their bikinis. They're so excited to the water. These girls.. It seems like they haven't bathe for quite a while. Haha! I'm just kidding!

Brie, Renee and I changed to our bikinis when Lana and Nattie came. They also changed and we went to the beach just beyond our house.

"Oh my gosh! Look at your stomach.. It's bulging!" Nattie said.

"Yeah.. It's ten weeks.." I proudly said and caressed my stomach.

My baby is growing. I suddenly had a baby bump! Even when my husband is not around, my baby is here with me. So, there's no reason to frown.

We take pictures, eat, talk and laugh. I am so happy that these girls are here with me today.

We got back to the poolside and they drink champagne. Eva and I settled for an orange juice.

"Does Seth call you everytime?" Nattie asked.

"I'm the one who's calling him.. But sometimes he's not picking up. I'm always in wrong timing, he's so busy lately." I said and they nodded.

"Seth is one determined guy. He will get what he wants. He's a superstar. He's on top." I added.

"And therefore I conclude, his life revolves around his career.. Not his wife." Brie told raising her eyebrow.

"Ouch! That hurts!" I grimaced. Brie's words sometimes struck. "You know Brie, you're just jealous. I have a man, and you don't.." I kidded.

The girls laughed and as usual, she rolled her eyes and sneered at me.

"Seth is sure a busy man. He even trains rookies.. What a lucky wench." Paige said.

My brows knitted. He trains rookies? I didn't know about that.. He didn't tell me either. Why am I feeling that he's hiding something from me?

"He's training who?" Nattie curiously asked.


Why was Alexis involved everytime? Tell me what I don't know.

"Oh yah.. I've seen them together in NXT training center, once or maybe twice? I forgot.." Lana said.

I'm just listening to them talk. I am confused. I don't know what to think anymore!

"And girl, I always see them together backstage. I am like, 'what's going on? Are they close or something? Since when?'" Eva told.

"Do you know about this Nicole?" Nattie asked me.

I looked at them, eyes were on me. I slowly shook my head.

"No.." I croaked.

Their faces turned confused. My face is heating up. Tears are starting to form in my eyes. I can't help it. My emotions conquered me.

I've been avoiding the thought that maybe he's cheating. But I haven't heard from him lately.. And I can't help but to think that he's hiding something from me..

Then tears started to flow.

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