More then just Shane and Joey

By shoeycpv

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Shane Dawson and Joey Graceffa is best friends! They want to spend every single second together! But way? the... More

Part 1 Shane and Joey
Part 2 The Boy date
Part 3 #Shisa no longer
Part 4 More the just Shane and Joey, its Shoey
Part 6 The Night at Dawsons
Part 7 I want to be with you
Part 8 Party at Luke
Part 9 Sawyers girl
Part 10 Saving him self
Im sorry...
Part 11 Unicorn
Part 12 Cheating with the Ex girlfriend
Part 13 Tonnes of tears
Part 14 Broken hearts
Part 15 the trues
Part 16 Storytellers cast
Part 17 Want to go to Boston with me?
Part 18 A night out with the boys
Part 19 mornigs...
Part 20 I want a puppy!
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 22

134 2 0
By shoeycpv

Shane POV

I got to the apartment there Joey were. The weird this was that a police car was outside. I got inside and found a police officer's talking to a woman that I know that live here.

Police: We looking for Sawyer Hartman's apartment.

Why were they looking for sawyer? This can't be good. I got to talk to them.

Shane: excuse me? What are you searching for Sawyer?

Police: Yes, are you a friend to him?

Shane: Yes

Police: Can we talk?

Shane: Yes, we can go upstairs, his roommate is inside.

Police: Okay

We took the elevator to Sawyers floor and knocked on the door. I heard dogs barking. Joey open the door.

Joey: Sha...

He sounded happy at fist then tart to get worried when he saw the officer.

Police: Hallo, you must be Sawyer Hartman's roommate right?

Joey: Yes, I'm Joseph Graceffa

Police: Can we sit down?

Joey: Yeah, sure.

Joey let us in, he took my arm and wiped to me.

Joey: What is happing?

Shane: I don't know

We got to sit down and the police sat down with Alex and me and Joey to.

Police: And you miss? Friend to Sawyer?

Alex: Girlfriend.

Police: Your name?

Alex: Alexandra Svensson

Police: Swedish?

Alex: Yes, can you just tell me what have happen?!

Alex went to cry a bit.

Police: I'm afraid to say that Mr. Hartman been into a car crash, a big truck hit his car, the truck driver was drunk driving but didn't get to much injures.

Alex brats into tears and hugged Joey, also Joey had some tears in his eyes, I chord fell one came ruling down my cheek.

Police: I can tell you that he was transforming to the hospital.

Alex: We most go NOW place Joey!

Joey: Okay, we got to the hospital

We all left and jumped into my car and were soon at the hospital and ran to a woman in a pink scrub.

Shane: Hi, we looking for Sawyer Hartman

Women: Let me cheek the computer, what's your relationship to Sawyer?

Shane: Roommate, best friend and girlfriend.

Women: Room 376 on the fourth floor.

Shane: Thank you!

We got to the elevator and pressed "4"

Alex: What ifs his dead?

Joey: his not, in that case she should have told us

I chord feel that Alex was a bit less worried but still in heavily tears. We found the room and a medium-agreed, pretty big nurse just came out from the room.

Shane: Is this the room to Sawyer Hartman?

Nurse: Yes, your friends?

Shane: Yes and this is his girlfriend and roommate

Nurse: Okay, you can go in, take it easy.

Alex: Wait, is he okay?

Nurse: Pretty much, but don't worry him will make it, maybe some memory lost but not too bad. I'm sure he going to remember his pretty girl.

Wow, this nurse was really understanding.

Alex: thank so much miss

Nurse: Call me Julia sweetheart

Julia walked away. Joey opened the door slowly and we got to the bed there Sawyer was passed out. Alex ran up to him and took his hand, whispering something into his ear with tears falling down her eyes. All Shane and I chord do was to be there for them. We sat down in a couch in the room and were just looking at them; she needed to be with him. Joey was worried and grabbed my hand. I stock his over hand with my thumb, I think it made him to relax a bit.

Alex POV

Joey and Shane were on the couch in the room. It felt good to have them both with me. I looked down at Sawyer, my sweet, sweet Sawyer! Why just him, he doesn't deserve this! I need him. I got to whispering to Sawyers ear.

Alex: Sawyer, I can't see you like this! I love you to dame much I will do anything to see you smile and look deep into your beautiful eyes. I need you babe, you save my life from myself; I need to save you this time! But just do something!

I squeezed his hand a bit harder. It felt down tears down my eyes and my dry lips connected with his. Even that he didn't kissed me back, it felt much better, I know that he was going to survive after that the nurse told me, but why can't I stop thinking of the worst? I pulled my lips off him and pulled away some hair from his forehead. I softly kissed it sometimes then his eyes then it happen...

Shane POV

Me and Joey was half a sleep and soon dosed off when Alex start to scream.

Alex: Sawyer!?

I quickly woke up and Joey put his head of my shoulder. We got up and got to Alex and Sawyer. There he was, smiling to Alex.

Sawyer: Hi cute bunny

Alex: Oh Sawyer.

She hugged him and cried of happiness over his chest.

Sawyer: Yes babe, am okay the he giggles a bit.

Joey: Hi man

Sawyer: Joey! How are you man?

Joey: Don't care about me, how are you?

Sawyer: My head is pupping, but I feel okay

I smiled, I'm so happy that he's alright

Sawyer: Hi Shane!

Hi waved to him, still smiling.

Joey: I should get Julia

Joey got out from the room and leaved me and Alex with Sawyer.

Sawyer: God, what happen?

Shane: what's the last thing you remember?

Sawyer: I was driving to Alex house and was singing along with the radio, and then it all got black.

Shane: You went to a car crash, a trunk hit the car, and the driver was drunk.

Sawyer: Idiots that can't handle alcohol... it was fucking 12am!

Alex: I'm so happy that you're alive!

Sawyer: But, I'm sorry for destroying your car Alex...

Alex: It just a stupid car, the best thing in the world could be traveling to haven now!

Sawyer: I'm... the best thing... in your life?

Alex: Of course you are! Sawyer, I whole never forgive myself if you died! I love you!

Sawyer: I love you to.

They kissed, I walked away to find Joey so I don't interrupt them, but something came to my mind. What if this happen to me... I saw Alex in tears the whole time, whole that be Joey if something happen to me? Are I'm the best thing in his life? Because I know for sure that Joey is mine best, but am his? Then I saw him with Julia and she got inside, I stopped Joey by taking his arm.

Shane: Can we talk?

He nobbled.

We sat down on the floor with our backs ageist the wall.

Joey: What is it babe?

Shane: Do you love me?

Joey: what's that for question? Of course I do Shaney

He hugged me.

Shane: But Joey, that's the most impotent thing for you?

Joey: Why are you asking Shaney? You know my answers.

I looked into his eyes with some tears.

Joey: Shane, you're the sweetest, cutest, sexiest, most perfect boy in the world! I can't live without you! I hope we got married a day, having kids and spend every day together. I want to grow old with you and still be kissing you till the day we die.

I hugged him tighter and cried over his chest, I didn't really know why I did it. Joey loves me, I know that, why are I'm so twisted in my head.

Shane: I... Love... you... Joey

I said behind my tears.

Joey: Oh babe, don't cry. I love you to.

I fell him kissing my forehead a few times it felt good to have him by my side. Then Julia came out from the room.

Julia: You can go back inside now if you like to.

Joey and I got inside and saw Sawyer and Alex were latching.

Joey: What's so funny?

Sawyer: Just a funny story Julia told us, how are you Shane? Have you been crying?

Shane: um... yeah, but I'm okay now.

Sawyer: Sure? Because we can talk about it

Shane: No, I'm fine

Joey took my hand to comfort me.

Alex: But guys? Aren't you going to Boston tomorrow?

Joey: SHIT! I forgot it! Don't to be rude and unrespektful, we have to go and grab my stuff back home.

Sawyer: yeah I'm fine, I have Alex.

They smiled to each other and kissed. It's so cute.

Joey: We have to go, call us if something happen.

Sawyer: Alex I really love you with all my heart, don't forget that! Before you go.

He joked. Of course we know how I love hoe they can joke together. We gave Alex and Sawyer a hug and took the car back to Joey.

Joey: Wait in the car babe.

He kissed me and when up to pick up his suitcase. I picked up my phone to do my fist vlog on a while.

Shane: Hey what's up you guys, yes I'm back from my, emotional brake. I can tell you I feel a lot bather, it's still personal so I'm not going to tell, I really want to forger this whole thing so but yes. This is me, same lesbian hair and ugly face. But yeah, if you have seen Joeys vlog, me and him are going to Boston to hang out with his parents, because I'm still sad after this with Lisa and Joey told me that I had to leave LA for a while so he offered me to come and see Boston. I'm really excited. I'm right now waiting for Joey for pick up his stuff to the trip, so we are going to spend the night together! Going to share bed to *wink* NO! Just kidding.

I now saw Joey come back with a bag and he was vloging to. He opens the door.

Joey: And hear is Shane-anya! Wow his vloging to!

Shane: Hears Joey!

Joey: I have to end my vlog now

Shane: We do it together!

Joey: Okay.

Joey and Shane: Hope you had fun hanging with us because we had fun hanging with you and we see you tomorrow and may the odds is ever in your favor we love you good bye!

We turned our cameras off and I went to kiss he's cheek when he turned around to my lips were on his. But I didn't stop, he were kissing back. I cupped his jaw with my hands, kissing him closer. He liked my lips, asking for an entry. I open my mouth and our thongs were stroking each other. He really is a  good kisser. He played in my hair and i started to moan a bit but then I pulled away.

Shane: Jo... Joey... we should get home

Joey: good idea...

Joey POV

I sat down back in the seat and Shane started the car.

Joey: hey Shane?

Shane: Yes Joey?

I grabbed his free hand.

Joey: I love you

He smiled but still had his eyes on the rood.

Shane: I love you too Joey, you can't believe how much.

He drag our hands to his lips and kissed my hand a couple times. I giggles and he let our hands down. 

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